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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb
English translation of holy Quran - full Quran from surah 1 to 114
This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.
The Opening
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 7 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Praise be to God, the Lord of the World, (1)
- the Merciful, the All-merciful, (2)
- the Master of the Day of Recompense. (3)
- Thee we serve, and to Thee we pray for help. (4)
- Guide us to the Straight Path, (5)
- the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,(6)
- not of those who incurred wrath, nor of the astray. (7)
The Cow
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 286 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.); (1)
- this is the Book, no doubt in it, a guidance to the godfearing, (2)
- who believe without seeing, establish the Prayer and expend of that We have provided them; (3)
- who believe in what has been sent down to thee and what has been sent down before thee, and they are sure about the Hereafter. (4)
- Those are upon guidance from their Lord, and those are the ones who shall prosper.(5)
- Those who disbelieve, it is equal for them whether thou warn them or warn them not, they will not believe. (6)
- God has set a seal on their hearts and on their ears; and there is a covering on their eyes; and for them shall be a big punishment.(7)
- And some men there are who say, `we believe in God and the Last Day', but they are no believers. (8)
- They would deceive God and the Believers, but they do not deceive any except themselves, though they do not perceive. (9)
- In their hearts is a sickness, then God increased their sickness, and for them shall be a painful punishment, for that they were speaking lies. (10)
- And when it is said to them, `do not cause disorder in the land', they say, `we are only putting things right.' (11)
- Behold, they are the ones that cause disorder, though they do not perceive. (12)
- And when it is said to them, `believe as the people believe', they say, `shall we believe as the fools believe?' Behold, they are the fools, but they do not know. (13)
- And when they meet the Believers, they say, `we believe'; but when they are alone with their devils, they say, `we are with you, we only mock.' (14)
- God mocks them and leaves them in their insolence, blindly wandering. (15)
- Those are the ones that have bought error in place of guidance, and their commerce has not profited them, and they are not guided.(16)
- Their likeness is as the likeness of him who kindled a fire, and when it lit about him, God took away their light, and left them in darkness, unseeing. (17)
- Deaf, dumb and blind, they do not return. (18)
- Or it is as a cloud-burst from the heaven, in which is darkness, thunder and lightning; they put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps, for fear of death; but God has encompassed the unbelievers. (19)
- The lightning almost snatches away their eyes; whenever it gives them light, they walk in it, and when it darkens over them, they halt; had God willed, He would have taken away their ears and their eyes; God is powerful over everything.(20)
- O mankind, serve your Lord who created you and those that were before you, that you may become godfearing;(21)
- who made the earth a couch for you and heaven an edifice, and sent down from heaven water, wherewith He brought forth fruits for your provision; so do not set up compeers to God while you know. (22)
- And if you are in doubt concerning that We have sent down on Our Servant, then produce a Sura (chapter) like it, and call your witnesses, apart from God, if you are truthful.(23)
- But if you do not, and you will not, then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones; it is prepared for the unbelievers.(24)
- And give thou good news to those who believe and do righteous deeds, that for them shall be gardens underneath which rivers flow; whenever they are provided with any fruit therefrom, they shall say, `this is what we were provided before', and they will be given in semblance; and there, for them shall be pure spouses, and therein they shall dwell forever.(25)
- God is not ashamed to give a similitude even of a gnat or anything above it. Then, as for the Believers, they know that it is the truth from their Lord; but as for the unbelievers, they say, `what does God desire by this similitude?' Thereby He sends astray many and thereby He guides many; but thereby He sends none astray except the transgressors, (26)
- those who break the covenant of God after its binding, and cut what God has commanded should be joined, and cause disorder in the land; those are the losers.(27)
- How do you disbelieve in God, seeing that you were dead and He gave you life, then He shall make you to die, then He shall give you life, then unto Him you shall be returned?(28)
- It is He who created for you all that is in the earth, then turned to the heaven and levelled them seven heavens; and He has knowledge of everything.(29)
- And when thy Lord said to the angels, `I am appointing a viceroy in the earth', they said, `wilt Thou appoint therein one who will cause disorder there and shed blood, while we celebrate Thy praise and sanctify Thee?' He said, `I know what you know not?'(30)
- And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels and said, `tell Me the names of these, if you are truthful.'(31)
- They said, `glory be to Thee, we have no knowledge except what Thou hast taught us; Thou art the Knowing, the Wise.'(32)
- He said, `O Adam, tell them their names.' Then, when he had told them their names, He said, `did I not say to you, I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you were hiding.'(33)
- And when We said to the angels, `prostrate yourselves to Adam', they prostrated themselves, except Iblis; he refused and showed arrogance and was among the unbelievers.(34)
- And We said, `O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the garden, and eat thereof easefully where you will, but do not go near this tree, for then you will be among the wrong-doers.'(35)
- Then the Devil caused them to slip therefrom and brought them out of the state they were in; and We said , `get you down as enemy to one another; and for you in the earth shall be an abode and goods for a time.'(36)
- Then Adam received certain Words from his Lord, so He turned towards him; surely He is the All-returning, the Merciful. (37)
- We said, `get you down from here all together; yet there shall come to you guidance from Me, then whosoever follows My guidance, no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(38)
- But those who disbelieve and give lies to Our signs, those shall be the people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(39)
- O Children of Israel, remember My blessing with which I blessed you, and fulfil My covenant and I shall fulfil your covenant, and have awe of Me.(40)
- And believe in that I have sent down confirming that which is with you, and be not the first unbeliever of it, nor sell My signs for a little price, and fear you Me.(41)
- And do not confound the truth with falsehood, and do not conceal the truth knowingly.(42)
- And establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms and bow with those who bow.(43)
- Do you bid people to virtue and forget yourselves, while you recite the Book? Do you not understand?(44)
- And seek help through patience and the Prayer; and it is indeed hard except to the humble,(45)
- who reckon that they shall meet their Lord, and that to Him they are returning.(46)
- O Children of Israel, remember My blessing with which I blessed you, and that I exalted you above all people.(47)
- And fear a Day when a soul shall not avail another soul in the least, nor shall any intercession be accepted from it, nor any compensation be taken from it, nor shall they be helped.(48)
- And (remember) when We delivered you from Pharaoh's folk who afflicted you with evil punishment, slaughtering your sons and letting your women live; and in that was a big trial from your Lord.(49)
- And (remember) when We divided the sea for you, then saved you and drowned Pharaoh's folk, while you beheld.(50)
- And (remember) when We appointed with Moses forty nights, then you took the Calf (for a god) after him, and you were wrong-doers.(51)
- Yet We pardoned you after that, that you may be thankful.(52)
- And (remember) when We gave Moses the Book and the Criterion that you may be guided.(53)
- And (remember) when Moses said to his people, `O my people, you have done wrong against yourselves by your taking the Calf (for a god); now turn to your Creator, and kill your people; that is better for you in the sight of your Creator; then He turned to you; surely He is the All-returning, the Merciful.(54)
- And (remember) when you said, `O Moses, we will not believe thee until we see God openly;' then the thunderbolt struck you while you beheld.(55)
- Then We raised you up after your death that you may give thanks.(56)
- And We caused the clouds to overshadow you, and sent down upon you manna and quails: `eat of the good things that We have provided you.' And they did no wrong upon Us, but upon themselves they wronged.(57)
- And (remember) when We said, `enter this town and eat therefrom wherever you will easefully, and enter the gate prostrating, and say, `forgive us', We will forgive you your mistakes, and increase for the good-doers.'(58)
- But the wrong-doers substituted a saying other than that which was said to them, so We sent down upon the wrong-doers a scourge from the heaven for their transgression.(59)
- And (remember) when Moses sought water for his people, We said, `strike the rock with thy staff; and there gushed forth from it twelve springs; each tribe learnt its drinking place: `eat and drink of God's provision, and do not go about in the land causing disorder.'(60)
- And (remember) when you said, `O Moses, we will not endure only one food; pray to thy Lord for us that He may bring forth for us, of that which the earth produces ___ of its herbs, its cucumbers, its corn, its lentils and its onions.' He said, `do you ask in exchange that which is inferior for that which is better? Get you down to a city and you shall have what you demand.' And they were struck with abasement and misery, and they were laden with God's wrath; that because they disbelieved in the signs of God and killed the Prophets without right; that because they disobeyed and were exceeding limits.(61)
- Surely the Believers, the Jews, the Christians and the Sabaeans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day and does righteous deeds, shall have their wage with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(62)
- And (remember) when We made a covenant with you and raised the Mount above you: `hold firmly what We have given you, and remember what is in it, that you may be godfearing.'(63)
- Yet you turned away after that; and had it not been for the bounty of God and His mercy on you, you would have been among the losers.(64)
- And you surely know those of you who violated the Sabbath, and We said to them `be you apes, driven away.'(65)
- And We made it a punishment exemplary for those present and those succeeding it, and an admonition to the godfearing.(66)
- And (remember) when Moses said to his people, `God commands you to sacrifice a cow,; they said, `dost thou take us in mockery?' He said, `I take refuge with God, lest I should be among the ignorant.'(67)
- They said, `pray to thy Lord for us that He may make clear to us what she may be.' He said, `He says, she is a cow neither old nor virgin, middling between that; now do what you are commanded.'(68)
- They said, `pray to thy Lord for us that He may make clear to us what her colour may be.' He said, `He says, she shall be a yellow cow of bright colour, gladdening the beholders.'(69)
- They said, `pray to thy Lord for us that He may make clear to us what she may be; the cows seem much alike to us; but, if God will, we shall surely be guided.'(70)
- He said, `He says, she is a cow not broken to plough the earth, nor to water the tillage; sound, with no blemish on her.' They said, `now thou hast brought the truth.' Then they sacrificed her, though they hardly wanted to do it.(71)
- And (remember) when you killed a soul and then fell into dispute on it; and God was to bring forth what you were hiding.(72)
- So We said, `strike him with a part of it;' like that God brings to life the dead and shows you His Signs that you may have understanding.(73)
- But, in spite of that, your hearts became hardened, and they were like stones or even harder; for there are stones from which rivers gush out, and there are those that split and water comes out of them, and there are those that fall down in the fear of God; and God is not heedless of the things you do.(74)
- Are you then eager that they should believe you, seeing that there is a party of them that hears God's Word then tampers with it after they have understood it, and that knowingly?(75)
- And when they meet those who believe, they say, `we believe'; but when they are alone with one another, they say, `will you tell them what God has disclosed to you, that they may thereby dispute with you before your Lord; do you not understand?'(76)
- But do they not know that God knows what they keep secret and what they make public?(77)
- And among them are the common folk who do not know the Book but only fancies, and they only make conjecture.(78)
- So woe to those who write the Book with their hands, then say, `this is from God,' that they may sell it for a little price; woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn.(79)
- And they say, `the Fire shall not touch us but for days numbered.' Say, `have you taken with God a covenant? If so, God will not fail in His covenant; or you say about God things that you do not know?'(80)
- No, whoso earns evil, and his wrong deeds encompass him, those are the people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(81)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, they are the people of Paradise; they shall dwell therein forever.(82)
- And (remember) when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: `you shall not serve any except God; and be good to parents, the near kinsman, orphans and the needy; and speak good to men; and establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-alms.' Then you turned away, swerving aside, excepting a few of you.(83)
- And (remember) when We made a covenant with you: `you shall not shed your own blood, nor expel your people from your habitations.' Then you consented and you are witness to it.(84)
- Yet you are those who kill your people and expel a party of yours from their habitations, backing each other against them in sin and enmity; and if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, whereas their very expulsion was forbidden to you. Do you believe in part of the Book and disbelieve in part? The recompense of those who do that is not but disgrace in the present life; and, on the Day of Resurrection, they shall be turned to the most severe punishment; and God is not heedless of the things you do.(85)
- Those are the ones who have purchased the present life for the Hereafter; so punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be helped.(86)
- And We gave to Moses the Book and sent Messengers after him in succession; and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, Clear Signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Yet whenever there came to you a Messeng with that your souls did not desire, you became arrogant; then some you gave lies to and some you killed?(87)
- And they say, `our hearts are wrapped.' No, God has cursed them for their unbelief; so little do they believe. And when there came to them a Book from God, confirming what was with them __ and aforetime they prayed for victory over the unbelievers __ (88)
- but when there came to them that which they recognized, they disbelieved in it; so God's curse is on the unbelievers.(89)
- Evil is the thing for which they have bartered themselves, that they should disbelieve in what God has sent down, grudging that God should send down of His bounty on whomsoever of His servants He will; so they are laden with anger upon anger; and for the unbelievers there shall be a humiliating punishment.(90)
- And when it is said to them, `believe in what God has sent down', they say, `we believe in what was sent down on us;' and they disbelieve in what is beyond that, though it is the truth confirming what is with them. Say, `why were you then killing the Prophets of God aforetime, if you were believers?'(91)
- And Moses came to you with Clear Signs, yet you took the Calf (for a god) after him and you were wrong-doers.(92)
- And when We made a covenant with you, and raised the Mount over you: `hold what We have given you firmly, and listen;' they said, `we listen and we disobey;' and their hearts were made to imbibe with (the love of) Calf because of their unbelief. Say, `evil is the thing your belief bids you to, if you are believers.'(93)
- Say `if the Last House with God is exclusively yours, apart from other people, then long for death, if you are truthful.'(94)
- But they will never long for it because of what their hands have forwarded; and God knows well the wrong-doers.(95)
- And thou shalt find them the eagerest of men for life, even more than the idolaters; each one of them wishes if he might be given a life of a thousand years; but it will not remove him from the punishment, even if he were given (long) life; and God sees the things they do.(96)
- Say, `whosoever is an enemy to Gabriel' ___ and he it is that has brought it down on thy heart, by the leave of God, confirming what was before it, and for a guidance and a good news to the Believers __ (97)
- `whoso is an enemy to God, His angels, His Messengers, Gabriel and Michael, surely God is an enemy to the unbelievers.'(98)
- And We have sent down to thee Clear Signs, and none disbelieves in them except the transgressors.(99)
- What! whenever they make a covenant, a party of them casts it aside! No, but most of them have no faith.(100)
- And when there came to them a Messenger from God, confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Book cast off the Book of God behind their backs, as if they had no knowledge.(101)
- And they followed what the devils recited over Solomon's kingdom; and Solomon did not disbelieve (the Book) but the devils disbelieved, teaching the people sorcery and that which was sent down on the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut; and they (two) did not teach anyone, until they said, `we are only a trial, so do not disbelieve.' And they learnt from them that by which they might cause division between man and his wife; yet they could not hurt anyone except by the leave of God; and they learnt what hurt them and did not profit them; and they knew that whoso bought it shall have no share in the Hereafter; and evil indeed was that for which they sold themselves, if they had but known.(102)
- Yet had they believed and been godfearing, a reward from God would have been better, if they had but known.(103)
- O Believers, do not say, `have regard for us', but say, `look at us', and listen; and (remember) the unbelievers will have a painful punishment.(104)
- The unbelievers among the People of the Book do not wish, nor the idolaters, that any good should be sent down on you from your Lord; but God singles out for His mercy whom He will; and God is extremely Bounteous.(105)
- Whatever verse We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than it, or the like of it; dost thou not know that God is powerful over everything?(106)
- Dost thou not know that to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and you have no protector or helper apart from God?(107)
- Or do you desire to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before? But whoso exchanges belief for unbelief has indeed strayed from the even way.(108)
- Many of the people of the Book wish that they might turn you back as unbelievers due to jealousy of their souls, after the truth has become clear to them; yet forgive and overlook, till God brings His command; God is powerful over everything.(109)
- And establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms; and whatever good you will forward for yourselves, you shall find it with God; God sees the things you do. (110)
- And they say, `none shall enter Paradise except that he be a Jew or a Christian.' These are their fancies. Say, `produce your proof, if you are truthful.'(111)
- No, whoso submits himself to God, and he is a good-doer, he shall have his wage with his Lord, and no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(112)
- And the Jews say, `the Christians do not stand on anything;' and the Christians say, `the Jews do not stand on anything;' and they recite the Book (of God). Even so, like their saying, say those who have no knowledge. Now God shall decide between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed.(113)
- And who does greater wrong than he who bars God's places of worship, so that His Name may not be rehearsed in them, and strives to ruin them? It was not proper for them to enter them but in fear; for them shall be disgrace in the present world, and a big punishment in the Hereafter.(114)
- And to God belong the East and the West; so whithersoever you turn, there is the Face of God; God is All-embracing, Knowing.(115)
- And they say, `God has taken to Him a son' ___ glory be to Him. No, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth; all have submitted to Him.(116)
- The Creator of the heavens and earth, when He decrees a thing, He only says to it, `be', and it is.(117)
- And those who have no knowledge say, `why does God not speak to us or a sign not come to us?' Even so, like their saying, said those before them; their hearts are all alike; We have made the Signs clear for a people who have firm belief.(118)
- We have sent thee with the truth, as a bearer of good news and as a warner, and thou shalt not be questioned about the people of Hell.(119)
- Yet never will the Jews be pleased with thee, nor the Christians, until thou followest their creed. Say, `guidance of God is the guidance'; and if thou followest their caprices, after the knowledge that has come to thee, thou shalt have no protector or helper against God.(120)
- Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its due recitation; those indeed believe in it; and those who disbelieve in it, they shall be the losers.(121)
- O Children of Israel, remember My blessing with which I blessed you, and that I exalted you above all people.(122)
- And fear a Day when a soul shall not avail another soul in the least, nor shall compensation be accepted from it, nor shall any intercession profit it, nor shall they be helped.(123)
- And (remember) when his Lord tested Abraham with certain Words, he fulfilled them; He said, `I make thee a leader of men.' He said, `and of my offspring?' He said, `My covenant does not apply to the wrong-doers.'(124)
- And (remember) when We made the House (Ka'ba) a resort and a security for men, and (said), `take Abraham's station for a place of the Prayer.' And We made covenant with Abraham and Ishmael: `cleanse my House for those who shall go about it, and those who cleave to it, and those who bow and prostrate themselves.'(125)
- And (remember) when Abraham said, `my Lord, make this a land of security, and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in God and the Last Day,' He said, `but if any disbelieves, I shall provide him a little, then I shall compel him to the punishment of the Fire; and how evil is the destination!'(126)
- And (remember) when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House (Ka'ba): `our Lord, accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.(127)
- And our Lord, make us submissive to Thee, and of our offspring a community submissive to Thee; and show us our rites, and turn to us; surely Thou art the All- returning, the Merciful.(128)
- And our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among them, who shall recite to them Thy Signs, teach them the Book and the Wisdom, and purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.'(129)
- And who would forsake the creed of Abraham except him who has befooled himself; We chose him in the present world, and he shall be among the righteous in the Hereafter.(130)
- When his Lord said to him, `surrender,' he said, `I surrender to the Lord of the world.'(131)
- And with that Abraham charged his sons, and did Jacob: `my sons, God has chosen for you the Religion (of Surrender), so die not but that you have surrendered.'(132)
- Or were you witnesses, when death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons, `what will you serve after me?' They said, `we shall serve thy God, and the God of thy fathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One God, and to Him we have surrendered.'(133)
- That was a community that has passed away; for them was what they earned, and for you shall be what you earned, and you shall not be questioned concerning the things they were doing.(134)
- And they say, `be Jews or Christians, and you shall be guided.' Say, `no, but the creed of Abraham, the devout; and he was not of the idolaters.'(135)
- Say, `we believe in God, and that which has been sent down to us, and that which was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and that which was given to the Prophets from their Lord; we make no division between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered.__ (136)
- Then if they believe in the like of that you believe, they are guided; but if they turn away, they are only insisting to remain separate; and God shall suffice thee against them; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.' __(137)
- `That is the baptism of God, and who could be better in baptizing than God, and Him we serve.'(138)
- Say, `do you dispute with us concerning God, and He is our Lord and your Lord, and for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds, and we are sincerely His?'(139)
- Or do you say, `Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians?' Say. `do you know better or God? And who does greater wrong than he who conceals a testimony that he has from God; and God is not heedless of the things you do.'(140)
- That was a community that has passed away; for them was what they earned, and for you shall be what you earned, and you shall not be questioned concerning the things they were doing.(141)
- he fools among the people will say, `what has turned them from their Qibla (focus of direction in Prayer) which they were facing?' Say, `to God belong the East and the West; He guides whom He will to a straight path.'(142)
- And thus We have appointed you a central community that you be witnesses over mankind, and the Messenger be a witness over you. And We did not appoint the Qibla thou wast facing except that We might know who follows the Messenger from him who turns about on his heels; and it was indeed hard, except for those whom God guided; and God was not such as would let your faith waste; God is Kind and Merciful to mankind.(143)
- We have seen thee turning about thy face to the heaven, so We will surely turn thee to the Qibla that shall please thee: `now turn thy face towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you people may be, turn your faces towards it.' And those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Lord; and God is not heedless of the things they do.(144)
- Yet even if thou shouldst bring every sign to those who were given the Book, they will not follow thy Qibla, and thou wilt not follow their Qibla, nor will they follow one another's Qibla. And if thou followest their fancies, after the knowledge that has come to thee, then thou shalt be among the wrong-doers.(145)
- Those whom We had given the Book recognize it, as they recognize their sons, yet a party of them conceals the truth knowingly.(146)
- The truth comes from thy Lord, so be thou not among the doubters.(147)
- And (remember) everyone has a direction to which he turns, so be you forward in good works; wherever you may be, God will bring you all together; God is powerful over everything.(148)
- And whencesoever thou comest forth, turn thy face towards the Sacred Mosque; and it is the truth from thy Lord; and God is not heedless of the things you do.(149)
- And whencesoever thou comest forth, turn thy face towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it, that the people may not have any argument against you __ except the worng-doers among them; but do not fear them and fear Me ___ and that I may complete My blessing on you, and that you may be guided;(150)
- as also We have sent among you a Messenger out of you, who recites Our signs to you, and purifies you, and teaches you the Book and the Wisdom, and teaches you what you did not know.(151)
- So remember Me, and I will remember you; and be thankful to Me and do not disbelieve Me.(152)
- O Believers, seek help through patience and the Prayer; surely God is with the patient.(153)
- And do not say of those who are killed in the way of God, `they are dead'; no, they are living, but you do not perceive.(154)
- And We will certainly try you with something of fear and hunger, and losses in wealth, lives and fruits; yet give thou good news to the patient,(155)
- who, when an affliction befalls them, say `we belong to God and to Him we are returning.'(156)
- Those are the ones on whom rest greetings and mercy of their Lord, and those are the guided ones.(157)
- (The hillocks of) Safa and Marwa are among the waymarks of God; so whoso makes the Pilgrimage or the Visitation to the House, it is no fault in him to go about them; and whoso volunteers any good, God is Thankful, Knowing.(158)
- Those who conceal the clear signs, and the guidance that We have sent down, after We have made it clear in the Book for men, those __ God curses them and the cursers curse them,(159)
- except those who repent and amend and make clear; their repentance I will accept, and I am the All-returning, the Merciful.(160)
- Those who disbelieve and die as unbelievers, upon them shall rest the curse of God, the angels and men, altogether,(161)
- dwelling therein forever; the punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be given respite.(162)
- And your God is One God; there is no god but He, the Merciful, the All- merciful.(163)
- In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, and the ship that sails in the sea with that which profits men, and the water that God sends down from the heaven wherewith He revives the earth after it is dead, and scatters therein all types of animals, and the turning about of winds, and the clouds controlled between heaven and earth, there are signs for a people who understand.(164)
- Yet some men there are who take to themselves compeers besides God, loving them as God should be loved; and the Believers love God most ardently. O if the wrong-doers might see, when they see the punishment that the power belongs to God altogether, and that God is terrible in punishment.(165)
- When those who were followed disown the followers, and they see the punishment, and their cords are cut.(166)
- And the followers say, `if we could only return, we would disown them as they have disowned us.' Thus shall God show them their works as regrets to them; and they shall never come out of the Fire.(167)
- O mankind, eat of what is lawful and clean in the earth, and do not follow the steps of the Devil; he is an open enemy to you.(168)
- He bids you only to evil and indecency, and that you say about God what you do not know.(169)
- And when it is said to them, `follow what God has sent down', they say, `no, we will follow what we found our fathers on.' What! even if their fathers did not understand anything, nor were they guided. (170)
- And the likeness of the unbelievers is as the likeness of one who shouts to that which does not hear except a call and a cry; deaf, dumb and blind, they do not understand.(171)
- O Believers, eat of the clean things that We have provided for you, and be thankful to God, if Him only you serve.(172)
- He has forbidden you only carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and that over which name of other than God is invoked; yet whoso is constrained, not revolting nor exceeding limits, no sin is upon him; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(173)
- Those who conceal what God has sent down of the Book, and get a small price for it, they eat in their bellies nothing but the Fire, and God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; and for them shall be a painful punishment.(174)
- Those are the ones who have bought error in place of guidance, and punishment in place of forgiveness; so how patient are they regarding the Fire!(175)
- That is because God has sent down the Book with the truth; and those who differ regarding the Book are in far opposition.(176)
- It is no virtue that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but the virtue is that any believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets; and he gives his wealth, for the love of Him, to kinsmen, orphans, the needy, the traveller, the beggars, and for (ransoming) the enslaved; and he establishes the Prayer and pays the Due-alms; and they fulfil their covenant when they make it; and they are patient in adversity, hardship and in time of peril; those are the ones who have spoken the truth, and those are the godfearing.(177)
- O Believers, prescribed for you is retaliation concerning the slain; freeman for freeman, slave for slave, and female for female. Then if any is pardoned something by his brother, let it be pursued desirably, and payment made to him with gratitude. That is a lightening and a mercy granted by your Lord; and if any exceeds limits thereafter, for him shall be a painful punishment.(178)
- And (remember), in retaliation there is life for you, O men of understanding, that you may become godfearing.(179)
- Prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves behind some goods, is to make testament for the parents and kinsmen in a desirable way; it is an obligation on the godfearing.(180)
- Then, if anyone changes it, after he has heard it, its sin shall rest only upon those who change it; God is Hearing, Knowing.(181)
- But if any fears partiality or sin from the testator, and he puts things right between them, then no sin shall rest upon him; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(182)
- O Believers, prescribed for you is Fasting, as it was prescribed for those that were before you, that you may be godfearing __ (183)
- for days numbered. And if any of you is sick or on a journey, then that number on other days; and for those who can afford it, a redemption by feeding a needy; and whoso volunteers good, it is good for him; that you fast is good for you, if you know.(184)
- The month of Ramadhan is that in which the Quran was sent down, to be a guidance for mankind, and Clear Signs of Guidance and Criterion. So whoso among you witnesses the month, let him fast it; and if any is sick or is on journey, then that number in other days; God desires ease for you, and does not desire hardship for you, and that you complete the number, and that you glorify God as He has guided you, and you may be thankful.(185)
- And when My servants question thee about Me, I am near; I answer the call of the caller when he calls to Me, so let them respond to Me, and let them have faith in Me, that they may go aright.(186)
- Lawful to you, on the night of fasting, is to go in to your wives; they are a garment for you and you are a garment for them; God knows that you have been betraying yourselves; so He has turned to you and pardoned you; now you may go in to them and seek what God has prescribed for you; and eat and drink until the white thread of the dawn shows clearly to you from the black thread; then complete the fast upto the night; but do not go in to them while you are cleaving in the mosques; those are God's bounds, so do not go near them; thus God makes clear His signs to men that they may become godfearing. (187)
- And do not eat up your properties between you by false means and do not offer it to the judges that you may eat up a part of the properties of (other) men, committing sin and that knowingly.(188)
- They ask thee regarding the new moons. Say, `they are time-marks for the people and the Pilgrimage. And it is no virtue that you come to the houses from their backs, but the virtue is that any fears God; so come to the houses by their doors and fear God that you may prosper.(189)
- And fight in the way of God with those who fight with you, but do not aggress; God does not love the aggressors.(190)
- And kill them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you, for turmoil is more grievous than killing; but do not fight them by the Sacred Mosque until they fight you there; and if they fight you, kill them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.(191)
- And if they give over, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(192)
- And fight them until there is no turmoil left and Submission to God prevails; then if they give over, there shall be no hostility except against the wrong-doers.(193)
- The sacred month for the sacred month, and all sacred things demand retaliation. If any aggresses against you, you aggress against him, as he aggressess against you; but fear God and know that God is with the godfearing.(194)
- And expend in the way of God, and do not cast yourselves to destruction by your own hands, and do good; surely God loves the good-doers.(195)
- And perform the Pilgrimage (Hajj) and Visitation (Umra) for God; but if you are prevented, then whatever offering is easy; and do not shave your heads till the offering reaches its place of sacrifice; and if any of you is sick or has a hurt in his head, then there will be redemption by fasting or alms-giving or ritual sacrifice. And when you are secure, then he who combines Visitation until the Pilgrimage, let him whatever offering is easy for him; and if he does not find any, then a fast for three days during Pilgrimage, and seven when you return; that is ten complete; that is for him whose family is not present at the Sacred Mosque; and fear God and know that God is terrible in retribution.(196)
- The Pilgrimage is in months known; so if any undertakes the Pilgrimage in them, there will be no going in to his women, nor transgression, nor quarrelling during the Pilgrimage; and whatever good you do, God knows it. And take provision, and the best provision is godfearing; and fear Me, O men of understanding!(197)
- It is no fault in you that you seek bounty from your Lord. And when you press on from Arafat, remember God at the Sacred Monument (Mash'ar-al-Haram), and remember Him as He has guided you; and, before that, you were among the astray.(198)
- Then press on from where the people press on, and pray for God's forgiveness; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(199)
- And when you have completed your rites, remember God as you remember your fathers or yet more vehemently. Now, among men is he who says, `our Lord, give us in this world', and he will have no share in the Hereafter.(200)
- And among them is he who says, `Our Lord, give us in this world good, and in the Hereafter good, and save us from the punishment of the Fire.'(201)
- They will have a share of what they have earned; and God is swift at the reckoning.(202)
- And remember God during the days numbered; then he who hastens in two days bears no sin, and he who delays bears no sin __ it is for him who is godfearing; and fear God and know that unto Him you shall be mustered. (203)
- And among men is he whose talk on the present world makes thee wonder, and he calls on God to witness for that which is in his heart, yet he is most stubborn in altercation.(204)
- And when he turns away, he labours in the earth to create disorder and destroy the tillage and the stock; but God does not love disorder.(205)
- And when it is said to him, `fear God', pride holds him in sin; Hell shall suffice him; and it is the evil cradle!(206)
- And among men is he who sells himself to seek God's pleasure; and God is Kind to His servants.(207)
- O Believers, enter Submission totally, and do not follow the steps of the Devil; he is an open enemy to you.(208)
- But if you slip after the clear signs have come to you, then know that God is Mighty, Wise.(209)
- What are they looking for except that God and the angels should come to them in the cloud-shadows, and the matter be decided? But unto God are all matters returned.(210)
- Ask the Children of Israel how many a clear sign We gave them! But if any changes God's blessing after it has come to him, then God is terrible in retribution.(211)
- The present life is adorned for the unbelievers, and they scoff at the Believers; but the godfearing shall be above them on the Day of Resurrection; and God provides whomso He will without reckoning.(212)
- Mankind are one community; so God raised up the Prophets as bearers of good news and as warners, and sent down with them the Book with truth, that it might judge between men wherein they differed; and none differed in it but those to whom it was given, after the clear signs had come to them, due to envy between them; then God guided the Believers, by His leave, to the truth in which they differed; and God guides whom He will to a straight path.(213)
- Or do you think that you shall enter Paradise, when the like of those who passed away before you has not yet come upon you? Adversity and hardship afflicted them and they were so shaken that the Messenger and the Believers with him, said, `when comes God's help?' ___ `Behold, God's help is nearby!' (214)
- They ask thee as to what they should expend. Say, `whatever good you expend that is for parents, kinsmen, orphans, the needy, and the traveller; and whatever good you may do, God knows it.'(215)
- Prescribed for you is fighting, and it is hateful to you; yet it is possible that you hate a thing and it is good for you; and it is possible that you love a thing and it is bad for you; and God knows but you do not know.(216)
- They ask thee concerning fighting in the Sacred Month. Say, `fighting in it is a grievous thing, but barring from God's way and from the Sacred Mosque, and disbelieving in Him, and expelling its people from it, is more grievous in the sight of God; and state of turmoil is more grievous than killing. And they will not cease fighting with you, until they turn you from your religion, if they can; but any of you who turns from his religion and dies as unbeliever, their works have failed in this world and the Hereafter; and those are the people of the Fire; they will dwell therein forever.(217)
- Those who believed and those who emigrated and struggled in the way of God, those have hope for God's mercy; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(218)
- They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say, `in them is a great sin, and also uses for men, but their sin is greater than their usefulness!' And they ask thee as to what they should expend. Say, `the surplus'; thus God makes clear His signs to you that you may ponder,(219)
- over this world and Hereafter. And they ask thee concerning the orphans. Say, `to set their affairs right is good; and if you intermix with them, they are your brothers.' And God knows him who causes disorder from him who sets things right; and had God willed, He would have put you to hardship; God is Mighty, Wise.'( 220)
- And do not marry idolatresses, until they accept the faith; for a Believing slave-girl is better than an idolatress, how marvellous she may appear to you. And do not give in marriage to idolaters until they accept the faith, for a Believing slave is better than an idolater, how marvellous he may appear to you. Those call to the Fire, and God calls to Paradise and forgiveness, by His leave; and He makes clear His signs to the people that they may pay heed(221)
- And they ask thee concerning the monthly course; say, `it is a hurt; so go apart from women during the monthly course, and do not approach them until they are clean; and when they have cleansed themselves, go to them as God has bid you; God loves those who turn to Him, and He loves those who cleanse themselves.(222)
- Your women are a tillage for you; so go to your tillage as you will, and forward for yourselves; and fear God and know that you shall be meeting Him; and give thou good news to the Believers. (223)
- And do not make God a hindrance, through your oaths, to being virtuous and godfearing and putting things right between men; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(224)
- God will not take you to task for nonsense in your oaths, but He will take you to task for what your hearts have earned; and God is Forgiving, Clement.(225)
- For those who forswear their women is a wait of four months; then if they revert, God is Forgiving, Merciful.(226)
- And if they resolve on divorce, God is Hearing, Knowing.(227)
- And divorced women shall wait by themselves for three periods; and it is not lawful for them to hide what God has created in their wombs, if they believe in God and the Last Day; and during that time their mates have better right to take them back, if they desire to put things right; and women have (rights) similar to what (obligations) are upon them, in the desirable way, but men have a rank above them; and God is Mighty, Wise.(228)
- Divorce is twice, then retention in a desirable way or letting off with kindness; and it is not lawful for you to take anything you have given them, except that the two fear that they may not maintain God's bounds; then if you fear that the two may not maintain God's bounds, it is no fault in the two how she redeems herself; those are God's bounds, so do not exceed them, and whoso exceeds God's bounds, those are the wrong-doers.(229)
- Then if he divorces her (finally), she shall not be lawful to him afterwards till she marries a mate other than he; then if he also divorces her, it is no fault in the two that they return to each other, if they think that they will maintain God's bounds; and these are God's bounds which He makes clear to people who have knowledge.(230)
- And when you divorce women and they reach their term, then retain them in a desirable way, or let them off in a desirable way; but do not retain them to harm (them) that you exceed limits; and whoso does that, he has wronged himself; and do not take God's signs in mockery; and remember God's blessing on you and what He has sent down upon you of the Book and the Wisdom, by which He admonishes you; and fear God and know that God has knowledge of everything.(231)
- And when you divorce women and they have reached their term, do not debar them from marrying their mates, when they have agreed together in the desirable way; with that is admonished whoso out of you believes in God and the Last Day; that is purer and cleaner for you; and God knows and you do not know.(232)
- And the mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years, for him who desires to complete the suckling; and upon his father rests their provisioning and clothing in the desirable way. No soul is charged but to its capacity; a mother shall not be troubled for her child, nor a father for his child, and for the heir is (a duty) similar to that. And if they desire to wean by mutual consent and consultation, there is no blame on them. And if you desire to seek a suckling nurse for your children, there is no blame on you, when you hand over what you give in the desirable way; and fear God and know that God sees the things you do.(233)
- And those of you who die leaving wives, they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten (days); then when they have reached their term, there is no blame on you for what they may do with themselves in the desirable way; and God is aware of the things you do.(234)
- And there is no blame on you in that you indirectly propose to women, or keep it in your hearts; God knows that you will remember them, but do not make a pledge with them secretly except that you speak desirable words; and do not resolve on marriage-knot until the prescribed term reaches its end; and know that God knows what is in your hearts, so beware of Him; and also know that God is Forgiving, Clement.(235)
- There is no blame on you if you divorce women you have as yet not touched them, nor appointed for them a marriage-portion, but make some provision for them, the affluent according to his means and the hard-pressed according to his means, a provision in the desirable way; it is an obligation on the good-doers.(236)
- And if you divorce them before you have touched them, but you have appointed a marriage- portion for them, then one half of what you have appointed, unless they forgo, or he in whose hand is the marriage-knot forgoes it; and that you forgo is nearer to godfearing; and do not forget to be bountiful to one another; surely God sees the things you do.(237)
- Guard the prayers and the Mid-prayer, and stand obedient to God.(238)
- And if you have fear, then (pray) afoot or mounted; and when you are secure, remember God as He has taught you what you knew not.(239)
- And those of you who die leaving wives should make a testament for their wives ___ provision for a year without expulsion; then if they go forth, there is no blame on you in what they do with themselves in some desirable way; and God is Mighty, Wise.(240)
- And for the divorced women also, there shall be provision in the desirable way; it is an obligation on the godfearing.(241)
- Thus God makes clear His signs to you that you may understand.(242)
- Hast thou not considered those who went forth from their homes fearful of death, though they were in thousands? Then God said to them, `die', then He gave them life; God is surely bounteous to men, but most men do not give thanks.(243)
- And (He said) `fight in the way of God and know that God is Hearing, Knowing.(244)
- Who is it that will lend God a good loan and He will multiply it for him manifold; and it is God who grasps and out-spreads; and to Him you shall be returned.'(245)
- Hast thou not considered the chiefs of the Children of Israel, after Moses? When they said to a Prophet of theirs, `raise up for us a king, and we will fight in the way of God;' he said, `may it be that, if fighting is prescribed for you, you will not fight?' They said, `why should we not fight in the way of God, when we have been expelled from our homes and our children?' Yet when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned their backs except a few of them; and God knows the wrong-doers.(246)
- And their Prophet said to them, `God has raised up Saul as a king for you'; they said, `how should he have kingship over us, when we have a greater right than he to kingship, for he has not been given abundance of wealth?' He said, `God has chosen him over you, for He has increased him broadly in knowledge and body; and God gives His kingship to whom He will; and God is All-embracing, Knowing.'(247)
- And their Prophet said to them, `the sign of his kingship is that the Ark will come to you, in which will be tranquility from your Lord and a remnant of what the House of Moses and the House of Aaron left behind, the angels bearing it; in that will surely be a sign for you, if you are believers.'(248)
- So when Saul went forth with the hosts, he said, `God will try you at a river; then whoso drinks out of it is not of me, and whoso does not take it is of me, except that any takes a handful with his hand'; but they drank out of it, except a few of them; and when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, `we have no power today against Goliath and his hosts'; those, who reckoned that they would be meeting God, said, `how often a small company has overcome a large company by the leave of God, and God is with the steadfast.'(249)
- And when they went out against Goliath and his hosts, they said, `our Lord, pour out upon us patience, and make firm our feet, and help us against the unbelieving people.'(250)
- And they routed them by the leave of God, and David killed Goliath; and God gave him the Kingship and Wisdom, and taught him such as He willed. And if God had not repelled people, some of them by others, the earth would have been in disorder; but God is bounteous to the people. (251)
- These are the signs of God that We recite to thee with truth; and thou art surely of the Envoys. (252)
- Those Messengers, We have exalted some of them above others; among them was he to whom God spoke, and some of them He raised in rank; and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, the Clear Signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. And had God willed, those who came after them would not have fought against one another, after the Clear Signs had come to them; but they fell into variance, so that some of them believed and some disbelieved; and had God willed, they would not have fought against one another; but God does what He desires. (253)
- O Believers, expend of that We have provided you, before there comes a Day wherein shall be no trading, nor friendship, nor intercession; and the unbelievers, they are the wrong-doers.(254)
- God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting; slumber does not seize him nor does sleep; to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him, except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is after them, but they do not comprehend anything of His knowledge, except what He will. His Throne extends over the heavens and earth, and their guarding does not strain Him; and He is the High, the Great.(255)
- There is no compulsion in the religion; rectitude has become clear from perversion; so whoso disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, which cannot break; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(256)
- God is the friend of those who believe; He brings them forth from darkness to light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are idols who bring them forth from light to darkness; those are the people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(257)
- Hast thou not considered him who disputed with Abraham concerning his Lord, because God had given him the kingship? When Abraham said, `my Lord is He who gives life and makes to die', he said `I also give life and make to die.' Abraham said, `God brings the sun from the East, bring it thou from the West', and the unbeliever was dumb-founded; but God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(258)
- Or like him who passed by a town that was fallen down on its roofs; he said, `how shall God give life to it now that it is dead?' So God made him to die a hundred years, then raised him up, and said, `how long hast thou remained so?' He said, `I have remained so a day or part of a day.' He said, `no, thou hast remained so a hundred years; now look at thy food and thy drink; it is not spoiled. And that We may make thee a sign for men, look at thy ass and look at the bones how We set them up and clothe them with flesh'. So when it became clear to him, he said, `I know now that God is powerful over everything.'(259)
- And when Abraham said, `my Lord, show me how Thou wilt give life to the dead?' He said, `dost thou not believe?' He said, `but that my heart may be at rest.' He said, `take four birds and tame them to thee, then put on every hill a part of them, then call them; they will come to thee running; and know that God is Mighty, Wise.'(260)
- The likeness of those who expend their wealth in the way of God is as the likeness of a grain that grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains; and God multiplies for whom He will; and God is All-embracing, Knowing.(261)
- Those who expend their wealth in the way of God, then do not follow up what they have expended with reproach or injury, their wage is with their Lord, and there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve.(262)
- A desirable word and forgiveness are better than alms followed by injury; and God is All- sufficient, Clement.(263)
- O Believers, do not void your alms with reproach or injury, like him who expends his wealth to show off to men but does not believe in God and the Last Day; his likeness is as the likeness of a smooth rock with earth on it, then a heavy rain strikes it and leaves it barren; they have no power over anything that they have earned; but God does not guide the disbelieving people.(264)
- And the likeness of those who expend their wealth to seek God's pleasure and to strengthen their souls, is as the likeness of a garden upon a hill on which a heavy rain falls, and it brings its produce twofold; and if a heavy rain does not fall, then dew is there; and God sees the things you do.(265)
- Would any of you wish to have a garden of palms and vines underneath which rivers flow, and wherein are all manner of fruit for him, and old age hits him, and he has weak off-spring, then a whirlwind with fire in it strikes it, and it is burnt; thus God makes clear to you the signs that you may ponder.(266)
- O Believers, expend of the clean things that you earn and of that We have produced for you from the earth, but do not intend to expend the unclean out of it, for you would not take it except that you close an eye on it; and know that God is All-sufficient, Praise-worthy.(267)
- The Devil promises you poverty and bids you to indecency, while God promises you His forgiveness and bounty; and God is All-embracing, Knowing;(268)
- He gives the Wisdom to whom He will; and whoso is given the Wisdom is given abundant good; yet none takes heed except men of understanding.(269)
- And whatever expenditure you make and whatever vow you vow, God knows it; and the wrong-doers have no helpers.(270)
- If you make the alms public, it is all right; and if you hide them and give them to the poor, it is better for you; and He will acquit you of your evils; and God is aware of the things you do.(271)
- Their guidance is not thy responsibility, but God guides whom He will; and whatever good you expend is for yourselves; and you expend not but to seek God's attention; and whatever good you expend shall be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.(272)
- (Alms are) for the poor who are restrained in the way of God, being unable to journey in the land; the ignorant man thinks them rich because of abstinence; thou shalt recognize them by their mark; they do not beg of people importunately; and whatever good you expend God surely knows it.(273)
- Those who expend their wealth, night and day , secretly and openly, shall have their wage with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(274)
- Those who devour usury stand not but as stands one whom Devil has confounded with touch; that is because they say, `trading is only like usury'; but God has permitted trading and forbidden usury. Now to whom an admonition from his Lord reaches and he gives over, he may have what is past, and his affair is committed to God. But those who revert, they are the people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(275)
- God blots out usury but adds to alms; and God does not love any thankless sinner.(276)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms, they shall have their wage with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(277)
- O Believers, fear God and give up what remains of usury, if you are Believers.(278)
- But if you do not, then take notice of war from God and His Messenger; and if you repent, then the principal of your wealth is yours; you wrong not, nor be wronged.(279)
- And if he be in hardship, let him have respite till ease; and that you should give it away as alms shall be better for you, if you only knew.(280)
- And fear a Day wherein you shall be returned to God, then every soul shall be paid in full what it earned, and they will not be wronged.(281)
- O Believers, when you contract a debt for a stated term, write it down; and let a writer write down between you justly; and let not a writer refuse to write down as God has taught him, so let him write. And let him on whom is the obligation dictate, and he should fear God, his Lord, and not diminish anything of it. And if he, on whom is the obligation, be a fool or weak or unable to dictate himself, let his guardian dictate justly. And call to witness two witnesses out of your men; and if two men are not there, then one man and two women, such witnesses as you are pleased to have, so that if one of the two (women) errs, one of them reminds the other. And the witnesses shall not refuse when they are called upon. And be not loth to write it down, be it small or big, with its term. This is most equitable in the sight of God and most upright for testimony and more likely that you will not be in doubt, except that it be a ready merchandise that you give and take between you, then it is no fault in you if you do not write it down. And take witnesses when you trade with each other; and let not a writer or a witness be harmed; if you do that, it will be a wickedness of yours. And fear God; and God teaches you; and God knows everything.(282)
- And if you are on a journey, and you do not find a writer, then a pledge in hand. And if one of you trusts the other, let him who is trusted deliver his trust, and let him fear God, his Lord. And do not conceal the testimony, for whoso conceals it, his heart is sinful; and God knows the things you do.(283)
- To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and whether you make public what is in your hearts or hide it, God will make you to account for it; then He will forgive whom He will and punish whom He will; and God is powerful over everything. (284)
- The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and so do the Believers; everyone believes in God, His angels, His Books and His Messengers: `we do not make division between any of His Messengers'; and they say, `we hear and we obey; forgive us, our Lord, and to Thee is the destination.'(285)
- God does not charge a soul but to its capacity; it shall have what it earns, and upon it shall be what it merits. `Our Lord, take us not to task if we forget or make mistake; and Our Lord, do not lay on us a load as Thou laidest on those before us; and our Lord, do not burden us with that we have no strength to bear; and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy upon us; Thou art our Protector; help us against the unbelieving people.'(286)
The House of Imran
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 200 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.);(1)
- God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting; (2)
- He has sent down upon thee the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel,(3)
- afore-time, as a guidance to mankind, and He sent down the Criterion. As for those who disbelieve in the signs of God, they shall have a terrible punishment; and God is Mighty, Vengeful.(4)
- From God nothing is hidden in the earth, nor in the heaven.(5)
- It is He who shapes you in the wombs as He will; there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise. (6)
- It is He who has sent down on thee the Book, in which are signs firmly established that are the basis of the Book, and others ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts is swerving, they follow such thereof as is ambiguous, seeking dissention and seeking its interpretation; but none knows its interpretation except God. And those firmly rooted in knowledge say, `We believe in it; all is from our Lord'; yet only the men of understanding take heed. (7)
- `Our Lord, make not our hearts to swerve after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Thee; surely Thou art the All-bestower.(8)
- Our Lord, Thou shalt gather mankind on a Day whereon is no doubt; surely God does not fail the assignment.'(9)
- As for the unbelievers, their wealth shall not avail them, nor their children, against God, at all; and those shall be the fuel of the Fire,(10)
- like Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they gave lies to Our signs, so God seized them for their sins; and God is terrible in retribution.(11)
- Say to the unbelievers, `you shall be overcome and mustered to Hell; and it is the evil cradle.(12)
- Surely there was a sign for you in the two companies that encountered; a company fought in the way of God, and the other unbelieving, who saw them twice their number, as the eye sees; and God strengthens with His help whom He will; in that is surely a lesson for men possessing eyes.(13)
- Adorned for men is the love of lusts ___ women, sons, heaped-up heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, cattle and tillage; those are the goods of the present life; and with God is the handsome resort.(14)
- Say, `shall I tell you better than that? For the godfearing shall be, with their Lord, gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever, and pure spouses and God's pleasure; and God sees His servants __ (15)
- who say, `our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire;' __ (16)
- who are patient, truthful, obedient, expenders, and seekers of forgiveness in the early morning hours.(17)
- God bears witness, and also the angels and the men of knowledge, that there is no god but He, who upholds justice; there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.(18)
- The Religion with God is Submission to Him (Islam), and those who were given the Book differed not but after the knowledge had come to them, revolting against one another. But if any disbelieves in the signs of God, then God is swift at the reckoning.(19)
- Now, if they dispute with thee, say, `I have submitted myself to God, and so have those who follow me .' And say to those who were given the Book and to unlettered folk, `have you submited?' If they have submited, they are guided; but if they turn back, then thine is only to deliver the Message; and God sees His servants.(20)
- Those who disbelieve in the signs of God and kill the Prophets without right, and kill those among men who bid to justice, give them good news of a painful punishment.(21)
- Those are the ones whose works have failed in this world and the Hereafter, and they have no helpers.(22)
- Hast thou not seen those who were given a portion of the Book, being called to the Book of God, that it might judge between them, and then a party of them turns away, swerving aside?(23)
- That is because they say, `the Fire shall not touch us but for days numbered'; and what they have forged has deluded them in their religion.(24)
- But how will it be when We gather them on a Day, whereon is no doubt, and every soul is paid in full what it earned, and they are not wronged?(25)
- Say, `O God, the Master of the kingdom, Thou givest the kingdom to whom Thou wilt, and Thou takest away the kingdom from whom Thou wilt; and Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt; in Thy hand is the good; Thou art powerful over everything.(26)
- Thou makest the night to enter into the day, and Thou makest the day to enter into the night, and Thou bringest forth the living from the dead, and Thou bringest forth the dead from the living, and Thou providest whom Thou wilt without reckoning.'(27)
- Let not the Believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather than the Believers; and whoso does that has no concern with God in anything, unless you have a fear of them; and God cautions you to beware of Him; and to God is the destination.(28)
- Say, `whether you hide what is in your breasts or disclose it, God knows it; and He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and God is powerful over everything.'(29)
- The Day every soul shall find before it whatever good it did, and whatever evil it did; it will wish if there were a far distance between it and that (evil); and God cautions you to beware of Him; and God is Kind with His servants.(30)
- Say, `if you love God, follow me, God will love you, and forgive you your sins; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.'(31)
- Say, `obey God and the Messenger; but if they turn away, God does not love the unbelievers.(32)
- God chose Adam and Noah and the House of Abraham and the House of Imran above the people;(33)
- they were offspring of one another; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(34)
- When Imran's wife said, `my Lord, I vow to Thee in dedication what is in my womb, so accept from me; Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.'(35)
- And when she gave birth to her, she said, `my Lord, I have given birth to a female'; ___ and God knew better what she had given birth to ___ `and the male is not as the female, and I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the accursed Devil.'(36)
- So her Lord accepted her with a handsome acceptance and made her to grow handsomely, and made Zachariah her guardian. Whenever Zachariah went to her in the Chamber, he found some provision with her; he said, `O Mary, how comes this to thee?' `From God', she said, `God provides whom He will without reckoning.'(37)
- There Zachariah prayed to his Lord; he said, `my Lord, grant me from Thyself a goodly offspring; surely Thou hearest the prayer.'(38)
- And the angels called to him, while he stood praying in the Chamber, `God gives thee good news of John, who will confirm a Word from God, and be a chief and chaste and a Prophet among the good-doers.'(39)
- He said, `my Lord, how shall I have a son when old age has come upon me, and my wife is barren?' He said, `even so God does what He will.'(40)
- He said,' my Lord, appoint for me a sign.' He said, `thy sign is that thou shalt not speak to men for three days except by tokens; and mention thy Lord much, and glorify Him at evening and dawn.'(41)
- And when the angels said, `O Mary, God has chosen thee and made thee pure, and chosen thee above the women of the world.(42)
- O Mary, be obedient to thy Lord, prostrate thyself, and bow with those who bow.'(43)
- This is of the news of the unseen that We reveal to thee; and thou wast not with them when they were casting their pens, as to which of them should have charge of Mary, and thou wast not with them when they were contending.(44)
- When the angels said, `O Mary, God gives thee good news of a Word from Him, whose name shall be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, and who shall be high-honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and of those near-stationed (to God);(45)
- and he shall speak to men in the cradle and of age, and shall be among the righteous.'(46)
- She said, `my Lord, how shall I have a son when no mortal has touched me?' He said,' even so God creates what He will; when He decrees a thing, He only says to it, `be', and it is.(47)
- And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel;(48)
- and he shall be a Messenger to the Children of Israel' (to say) `I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord; I will make for you, out of clay, as the likeness of a bird, then breathe into it, and it will be a bird, by the leave of God; and I will heal the blind and the leper, and I will bring to life the dead, by the leave of God; and I will tell you what you eat and what you store up in your houses; in this is surely a sign for you, if you are believers;(49)
- and I confirm what is before me out of the Torah, and I will make lawful to you some of the things that were forbidden to you; and I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord; so fear God and obey me.(50)
- Surely God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him; this is a straight path.'(51)
- Then, when Jesus perceived unbelief in them, he said, `who will be my helpers unto God?' The disciples said, `we are the helpers of God; we have believed in God, and be thou a witness that we have submitted.'___ (52)
- 'Our Lord, we have believed in that Thou hast sent down, and we have followed the Messenger; so write us down with the witnesses.'(53)
- And they (people) devised and God devised; and God is the best of devisers.(54)
- When God said, `Jesus, I am ending thy term and raising thee to Me and purifying thee of the unbelievers, and making those who follow thee above the unbelievers till the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me shall you return, and I will decide between you wherein you differed.(55)
- And, as for the unbelievers, I will punish them with a terrible punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they shall have no helpers.(56)
- And as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, God will pay them their wages in full; and God does not love the wrong-doers.'(57)
- This We recite to thee of the Signs and the Wise Remembrance. (58)
- The likeness of Jesus in God's sight is as the likeness of Adam; He created him of dust, then said, `be `, and he was.(59)
- The truth is from thy Lord, so be not among the doubters.(60)
- Yet if any disputes with thee about it, after the knowledge that has come to thee, say, `come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our people and your people, then humbly pray and lay God's curse on the liars.'(61)
- This is the true story, and there is no god but God; and surely God __ He is the Mighty, the Wise.(62)
- Yet if they turn away, God knows the workers of disorder.(63)
- Say, `O People of the Book! come to a word common between us and you, that we serve not any but God, nor do we associate anything with Him, nor do some of us take others as lords, besides God.' Then if they turn away, say, `bear witness that we have submitted to God.'(64)
- O People of the Book! why do you dispute about Abraham, seeing that the Torah and the Gospel were not sent down but after him? Do you not understand?(65)
- Ha, you are the ones who disputed on that you had some knowledge of, but why do you dispute on that you have no knowledge of? God knows but you do not know.(66)
- Abraham was not a Jew, nor a Christian, but one devout and obedient; and he was not of the idolaters.(67)
- The people closest to Abraham are those who follow him, and this Prophet, and the Believers; and God is the Protector of the Believers.(68)
- A group of the People of the Book wish if they could send you astray; but they send none astray except themselves and do not perceive.(69)
- O People of the Book! why do you disbelieve in the Signs of God when you witness (them).(70)
- O People of the Book! why do you confound the truth with falsehood, and conceal the truth knowingly? (71)
- And a group of the People of the Book says, `believe in what has been sent down upon the Believers at the beginning of the day, and disbelieve at the end of it; may be they return.(72)
- And believe not any but him who follows your religion.' Say, `the Guidance is God's Guidance, that anyone may be given the like of what you have been given, or they dispute with you before your Lord.' Say, `the bounty is in God's hand and He gives it to whom He will; and God is All-embracing, Knowing.(73)
- He singles out for His mercy whomso He will; and God is Highly Bounteous.'(74)
- And among the People of the Book is he whom, if thou trust him with a Qintar (heap of gold), he will restore it to thee; and among them is he whom, if thou trust him with a Dinar (piece of gold), he will not restore it to thee, unless thou keepest standing over him; that is because they say, `there is no way over us regarding the unlettered folk'; and they speak a lie against God knowingly.(75)
- No, if any fulfill his covenant and fears God, then God loves the godfearing.(76)
- As for those who take a small price for the covenant of God and their oaths, they shall have no share in the Hereafter, nor will God speak to them, nor will He look upon them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; and for them shall be a painful punishment.(77)
- And among them is a party that twists their tongues with the Book, that you may think it to be from the Book, yet it is not from the Book; and they say, `it is from God', yet it is not from God; and they speak a lie against God, knowingly.(78)
- It belongs not to a mortal that God should give him the Book, the Judgement and the Prophethood, and he should say to men, `be you my servants, apart from God'; but (he will say) `be you men of the Lord, because you teach the Book and because you study it.'(79)
- And he will not bid you to take the angels and the Prophets as lords. Will he bid you to unbelief, after you have submitted.(80)
- And when God took covenant with the Prophets: `as I have given you of the Book and the Wisdom, then there comes to you a Messenger confirming what is with you, you shall believe in him, and you shall help him;' He said, `do you agree and take My load on this?' They said, `we agree;' He said, `bear you witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.'(81)
- Now, if any turns back after that, those shall be the transgressors.(82)
- What! do they seek other than God's religion, while to Him has submitted whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they shall be returned.(83)
- Say, `we believe in God and that which has been sent down upon us, and that which was sent down on Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets from their Lord; We do not make division between any of them, and to Him we have submitted.'(84)
- And if any seeks a religion other than Submission to God (Islam), it shall not be accepted of him and, in the Hereafter, he shall be among the losers.(85)
- How shall God guide a people who disbelieved after they believed, and bore witness that the Messenger is true, and clear sign came to them? And God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(86)
- Those __ their recompense is that there shall rest on them the curse of God, the angels and men, altogether;(87)
- they shall dwell therein forever; the punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be respited.(88)
- But those who repent after that and reform, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(89)
- Surely those who disbelieved after they had believed, then increased in unbelief, their repentance shall not be accepted; and those are the ones astray.(90)
- Those who disbelieved and died as unbelievers, there shall not be accepted from any of them earthful of gold, though he should offer it as ransom; for them shall be a painful punishment, and they shall have no helpers.( 91)
- You will not attain virtue until you expend of what you love; and whatever thing you expend God knows it. (92)
- All food was lawful to the Children of Israel, except what Israel forbade for himself, before the Torah was sent down; say, `bring the Torah and recite it, if you are truthful.'(93)
- And whoso forges falsehood against God after this, those are the wrong-doers.(94)
- Say, `God has spoken the truth, so follow the creed of Abraham, the devout; and he was not of the idolaters.'(95)
- The first House founded for men is that at Bekka, blessed and a guidance for all people.(96)
- In it are Clear Signs __ the Station of Abraham; and whoso enters it is secured. And, for the sake of God, pilgrimage to the House is an obligation on men, whoso can make his way to it; and if any refuses, then God is All-sufficient, in no need of the people.(97)
- Say, `O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the Signs of God, when God is witness of the things you do?'(98)
- Say, `O People of the Book, why do you bar the Believers from God's way, seeking to make it crooked, yourselves being witnesses? And God is not heedless of the things you do.'(99)
- O Believers, if you obey a section of those who were given the Book, they will turn you back, after you have believed, into unbelievers.(100)
- But how can you disbelieve, when God's signs are being recited to you, and His Messenger is amidst you? And whoso holds fast to God, he is guided to a straight path.(101)
- O Believers, fear God as He should be feared, and die not but in Submission.(102)
- And hold fast to God's bond altogether, and be not divided; and remember God's blessing upon you when you were enemies, and He brought your hearts together, so that you became brothers by His blessing; and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He delivered you from it; thus God makes clear to you His signs that you may be guided.(103)
- And let there be among you an organization that calls to the good, bids to the desirable, and forbids the disgusting; and those are the ones who shall prosper.(104)
- And be not like those who were divided and differed after the clear signs had come to them; and those, for them shall be a big punishment __ (105)
- on the day when some faces are bright and some faces dark; then as for those whose faces are dark: `did you disbelieve after you believed? Now taste the punishment for that you disbelieved.'(106)
- And as for those whose faces are bright, they shall be in God's mercy, therein dwelling forever.(107)
- These are the signs of God that We recite to thee with truth; and God does not desire any injustice to the people.(108)
- And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and to God are all matters returned.(109)
- You are a beneficent community, brought forth for mankind __ you bid to the desirable, forbid the disgusting, and believe in God. And had the People of the Book believed, it would have been beneficial for them; some of them are believers, but most of them are transgressors.(110)
- They cannot harm you except some hurt; and if they fight with you, they will turn their backs on you, and then will find no help.(111)
- Abasement is pitched on them wherever they are come upon, except by the bond of God and the bond of men, and they are laden with God's wrath, and misery is pitched on them; that is because they disbelieved in the signs of God and killed the Prophets without right; that is because they disobeyed and exceeded the limits.(112)
- They are not all alike; among the People of the Book is an upstanding community that recite the signs of God in the hours of the night prostrating themselves.(113)
- They believe in God and the Last Day, and bid the desirable, forbid the disgusting, and rush forward in good works; and those are among the righteous.(114)
- And whatever good they do, its reward shall not be denied to them; and God knows the godfearing.(115)
- As for those who disbelieve, their wealth shall not avail them, nor their children, against God in the least; and those are the people of the Fire, therein dwelling forever.(116)
- The likeness of that they expend in this present life is as the likeness of a biting cold wind that hit the tillage of a people who wronged themselves and destroyed it; and God did not wrong them, but themselves they wronged.(117)
- O Believers, do not take for intimates any other than your people; they spare nothing to ruin you; they wish that you fall in trouble; hatred has shown itself of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is yet greater; We have made clear the signs for you, if you will understand.(118)
- Behold, you are those who love them but they love you not, and you believe in all the Books; and when they meet you, they say, `we believe', but when they go apart, they bite the fingers at you in rage. Say, `die in your rage; God knows the thoughts in the breasts.'(119)
- If good touches you, it grieves them; and if evil befalls you, they rejoice at it; yet if you are patient and godfearing, their guile will not harm you in the least; God encompasses the things they do.(120)
- And when thou wentest forth at dawn from thy family to lodge the Believers in their battle-posts; and God was Listening, Knowing,(121)
- when two groups of you almost lost heart, though God was their protector; and in God should the Believers put their trust.(122)
- And indeed God helped you at Badr, when you were utterly abject; so fear God that you may be thankful.(123)
- When thou wert saying to the Believers, `will it not suffice you if your Lord should help you with three thousand angels sent down?(124)
- No, if you are patient and godfearing and they come upon you suddenly, your Lord will help you with five thousand swooping angels.' __ (125)
- and God made it only as a good news to you, and that your hearts might thereby be at rest; and help comes not but from God, the Mighty, the Wise, __ (126)
- that He might cut off a flank of the unbelievers, or overwhelm them, so that they turn about frustrated.(127)
- Nothing in the matter is thine, whether He turns towards them or punishes them, for they are wrong-doers.(128)
- And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; He forgives whom He will and He punishes whom He will; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(129)
- O Believers, do not devour usury, doubled and redoubled, and fear God that you may prosper.(130)
- And fear the Fire prepared for the unbelievers.(131)
- And obey God and the Messenger that you may receive mercy.(132)
- And hasten to forgiveness of your Lord and to a garden that is as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the godfearing,(133)
- those who expend in prosperity and adversity, and restrain rage and pardon men; __ and God loves the good-doers; __(134)
- who, when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves, remember God and pray forgiveness for their sins __ and who forgives the sins but God __ and they do not persist in what they did knowingly.(135)
- Those, __ their recompense is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; and how excellent is the wage of the workers!(136)
- There have passed many civilizations before you; journey in the earth and see how was the end of those who cried lies.(137)
- This is an exposition for mankind, and a guidance and an admonition for the godfearing.(138)
- And do not lose heart nor grieve, for you shall be the most high if you are Believers.(139)
- If a wound afflicts you, a like wound has already afflicted those people. And these days We bring in turn among men; and it was so that God may know those who believe, and He may take witnesses from among you __ and God does not love the wrong-doers __ (140)
- and that God may purify the Believers, and blot out the unbelievers.(141)
- Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when God has not yet known those of you who struggled, nor has He known the patient?(142)
- And you in fact were longing for death before you met it; now that you have seen it, and you are waiting.(143)
- And Muhammad is naught but a Messenger; Messengers have passed away before him; if he dies or is killed, will you turn about on your heels? But if any turns about on his heels, he shall not harm God in the least; and God will recompense the thankful.(144)
- And it is not given to any soul to die, except by God's permission __ a decree of a fixed time. And whoso desires the reward of this world, We shall give him thereof; and whoso desires the reward of the Hereafter, We shall give him thereof; and We shall recompense the thankful.(145)
- And many a Prophet there has been with whom many men of God fought, and they did not lose heart on what afflicted them in God's way, nor did they show weakness, nor did they humble themselves; and God loves the steadfast.(146)
- And they said nothing but this, `our Lord, forgive us our sins and our excesses in our affair, and make firm our feet, and help us against the disbelieving people.'(147)
- Then God gave them the reward of this world and a handsome reward of the Hereafter; and God loves the good-doers.(148)
- O Believers, if you obey the unbelievers, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will turn about losers.(149)
- No, but God is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.(150)
- We will cast terror into the unbelievers' hearts, for they have associated with God that for which He has not sent down any authority; and their abode is the Fire; and how evil is the resort of the wrong- doers! (151)
- And God proved true to His promise to you when, by His permission, you were blasting them, until you lost courage, and quarrelled about the matter, and disobeyed, after He had shown you that which you loved; __ among you some desire this world, and among you some desire the Hereafter; __ then He turned you from them that He might try you; now He has pardoned you; and God is bounteous to the Believers.(152)
- When you were going up, and were not twisting about for anyone, and the Messenger was calling you in your rear, He rewarded you with sorrow upon sorrow, that you might not grieve for what escaped you, nor for what befell you ; and God is aware of the things you do.(153)
- Then after sorrow, He sent down upon you, security __ a slumber overcoming a group of you; and a group was anxious on their own account, thinking of God other than the truth, the thoughts of (days of) ignorance, saying, `have we any part in the affair?' Say, `the affair belongs entirely to God.' They were concealing in their hearts that they were not showing to thee. They were saying, `if we had any part in the affair, we would not have been killed here.' Say , `even if you had been in your houses, those for whom killing was prescribed, would have gone forth to their last couches; and it was so, that God might try what was in your breasts, and that He might purify what was in your hearts; and God knows the thoughts in the breasts.'(154)
- Those of you who turned away on the day the two hosts encountered, only the Devil made them slip because of something they had earned; now God has pardoned them; God is Forgiving, Clement.(155)
- O Believers, be not like those who disbelieve and say of their brothers, when they journey in the land, or are out in battles, `had they been with us, they would not have died or been killed,' that God may make this an anguish in their hearts; but it is God who gives life and makes to die; and God sees the things you do.(156)
- And if you are killed or die in the way of God, forgiveness and mercy from God are surely better than what people amass.(157)
- And if you die or are killed, unto God shall you be mustered.(158)
- And it is by some mercy of God that thou art gentle to them; hadst thou been harsh and hard of heart, they would have dispersed from about thee; so pardon them, and pray forgiveness for them, and take counsel with them in the affair; and when thou art resolved, put thy trust in God; surely God loves those who put their trust in Him.(159)
- If God helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, then who it is that can help you after Him? So in God let the Believers put their trust.(160)
- And it is not for a Prophet to defraud. And whoso defrauds shall bring the fraud he made on the Day of Resurrection, then every soul shall be paid in full what it earned, and they shall not be wronged.(161)
- What! Is he who follows God's pleasure like him who is laden with God's wrath, and his abode is Hell __ and it is the evil destination!(162)
- They are in ranks before God; and God sees what they do.(163)
- God has been gracious to the Believers when He raised up among them a Messenger out of themselves, who recites to them His signs, purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom, and, of course, before that, they were clearly astray.(164)
- What! when an affliction befell you, twice the like of which you had inflicted on them, you said, `wherefrom is this?' Say, `it is from yourselves;' surely God is powerful over everything.(165)
- And that which afflicted you on the day the two hosts encountered was by God's permission and so that He might know the Believers;(166)
- and it was so that He might know the hypocrites __ and it was said to them, `come, fight in the Way of God or repell'; they said, `if we only knew fighting, we would have followed you.' That day they were nearer to unbelief than belief; they were saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts __ and God knew very well what they were hiding. __ (167)
- who said of their brothers, while themselves sitting back, `had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed.' Say, `then avert death from yourselves, if you are truthful.'(168)
- And do not reckon those who were killed in God's way as dead. No, they are living with their Lord, and are provided by Him,(169)
- rejoicing in what God has given them of His bounty, and joyful for those behind them who have not yet joined them, that no fear shall be upon them nor shall they grieve.(170)
- They are joyful for blessing and bounty from God, and that God does not waste the wage of the Believers; (171)
- those who answered God and the Messenger, after the wound had afflicted them; for those who did good among them and feared God shall be a big wage;(172)
- those to whom people said, `people have gathered against you, so fear them' but it increased their faith and they said, `God is sufficient for us, and how excellent a caretaker is He!'(173)
- So they returned with blessing and bounty from God, no evil touching them; and they followed God's pleasure; and God is Highly Bounteous.(174)
- That is the Devil who frightens only his friends; but fear them not and fear Me, if you are Believers.(175)
- And let not those who hasten towards unbelief grieve thee; they shall not harm God in the least; God only desires that He should not assign for them a share in the Hereafter, and they shall have a big punishment.(176)
- Surely those who have bought unbelief in place of belief, shall not harm God in the least, and they shall have a painful punishment.(177)
- And let not the unbelievers think that the respite We give them is good for them; We give them respite only that they may increase in sin; and they shall have a humiliating punishment.(178)
- God is not such as would leave the Believers in the state in which you are, till He shall distinguish the unclean from the clean; and God is not such as would inform you of the Unseen, but God chooses out of His Messengers whom he will; so believe in God and His Messengers; and if you believe and fear God, then you shall have a big wage.(179)
- And let not those who are niggardly with the bounty that God has given them, think that it is good for them; no, it is bad for them; the things they are niggardly with shall be made a collar of their necks on the Day of Resurrection. And to God belongs the heritage of the heavens and earth; and God is aware of the things you do.(180)
- God has heard the saying of those who said, 'God is poor and we are rich.' We shall write down what they have said, and their killing the Prophets without right, and We shall say, `taste the punishment of the burning.(181)
- That is for what your hands have forwarded, and that God is no tyrant to His servants.'(182)
- Those who said, `God has made a covenant with us that we believe not any Messenger until he brings to us a sacrifice which fire eats away.' Say, `Messengers came to you before me, with Clear Signs and with that you asked for ; why then did you kill them if you are truthful?'(183)
- And if they give lies to thee, lies have also been given before thee to the Messengers who came with Clear Signs and the Psalms and the Illuminating Book.(184)
- Every soul shall taste of death; and you shall surely be paid in full your wages on the Day of Resurrection; then whoso is removed from the Fire and admitted into Paradise shall triumph; and the present life is nothing but the stuff of delusion.(185)
- You shall surely be tried in your possessions and your selves, and you shall surely hear much hurt from those who were given the Book before you and from the idolaters; but If you are patient and godfearing, that is surely a matter of firm resolution.(186)
- And When God made a covenant with those who were given the Book: `you shall make it clear to the people and not conceal it'; but they cast it behind their backs and took a small price for it; how evil was their buying!(187)
- Do not think that those who rejoice in what they have brought and love to be praised for what they have not done __ do not think them secure from punishment; for them shall be a painful punishment.(188)
- And to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and earth; and God is powerful over everything. (189)
- In the creation of the heavens and earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for men of understanding,(190)
- those who remember God, standing, sitting and on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and earth: `Our Lord, Thou hast not created this in vain; glory be to Thee; save us from the punishment of the Fire.(191)
- Our Lord, whomso Thou admittest into the Fire, Thou wilt have disgraced him; and the wrong-doers shall have no helpers.(192)
- Our Lord, we have heard a caller calling to belief: `believe in your Lord,' and we have believed; our Lord, forgive us our sins and acquit us of our evils, and take us to Thee with the virtuous.(193)
- And our Lord, give us what Thou hast promised us by Thy Messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection; surely Thou wilt not fail the appointment.'(194)
- Then their Lord answered them, `I do not waste the work of a worker among you, be it a male or a female; you are from one another. So those who emigrated, and were expelled from their homes, and were given hurt in My way and who fought and were killed, I will acquit them of their evils, and admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow __ a reward from God; and with God is the most handsome reward.(195)
- Let not moving about of the unbelievers in the land delude thee; (196)
- it is a little enjoyment, then their abode shall be Hell; and how evil is the cradle.(197)
- But those who fear their Lord, for them shall be gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever __ a hospitality from God; and that which is with God is good for the virtuous.(198)
- And among the People of the Book are also some who believe in God and what has been sent down to you, and what has been sent down to them, men humble to God not taking a small price for the signs of God; those shall have their wage with their Lord; surely God is swift at the reckoning.(199)
- O Believers, be steadfast and keep firm, and remain bound together; and fear God that you may prosper.(200)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 176 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and from it created its mate, and from them (two) spread abroad many men and women; and fear God, in whose name you demand one another, and (fear) blood relations; surely God watches over you.(1)
- And give the orphans their property, and do not exchange the bad for the good, nor devour their property along with your property; it is surely a great crime.(2)
- And if you fear that you will not act justly towards the orphans, marry such women as seem pleasing to you, two, three, four; but if you fear that you will not be equitable, then only one, or what your right hands own; so it is likelier that you will not be partial.(3)
- And give the women their dowries as a free gift; then if they, of their own, are pleased to offer you some of it, consume it with a wholesome appetite.(4)
- But do not give to fools your property which God has made a means of support for you, but feed them and clothe them out of it, and speak to them desirable words.(5)
- And test the orphans until they reach the marriage-age; then if you perceive in them right judgement, deliver to them their property; and do not consume it wastefully and hastily, that they will grow; and he who is rich should abstain, and he who is poor may consume desirably. And when you deliver to them their property, take witnesses for them; and God suffices for a reckoner.(6)
- For men is a share of what parents and kinsmen leave, and for women is a share of what parents and kinsmen leave, be it little or much, a share apportioned.(7)
- And when kinsmen, orphans and the needy attend the division, provide them out of it, and speak to them desirable words.(8)
- And let those fear who, if they left behind them weak offspring, would be afraid on their account; so let them fear God, and let them speak appropriate words.(9)
- Surely those who devour the property of the orphans wrongfully, devour only Fire in their bellies; and they shall enter a Blaze.(10)
- God charges you concerning your children: for the male the like of the portion of two females; and if they be women above two, then for them two thirds of what he leaves; and if she be one then for her a half. And for his parents, to each one of them a sixth of what he leaves, if he has a child; but if he has no child, and his heirs are his parents, then a third for his mother; and if he has brothers, then for his mother a sixth __ after any bequest he may have made or any debt. Your fathers and your sons, you do not know which out of them is nearer in profit to you; so God apportions; God is surely Knowing, Wise.(11)
- And for you a half of what your wives leave, if they have no child; but if they have a child, then for you a fourth of what they leave after any bequest they may have made or any debt; and for them a fourth of what you leave, if you have no child; but if you have a child, then for them an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you may have made or any debt. And if a man or a woman have no direct heir but have a brother or a sister, then for each of them a sixth; but if they are more than that, they share a third, after a bequest that has been made, or a debt not injurious; it is a charge from God; and God is Knowing, Clement.(12)
- These are God's bounds; and whoso obeys God and His Messenger, He will admit him to gardens underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever; and that is the great triumph.(13)
- And whoso disobeys God and His Messenger and exceeds His bounds, He will admit him to the Fire, dwelling therein forever; and for him shall be a humiliating punishment.(14)
- And such of your women who commit indecency, call four of you to witness against them; then if they bear witness, detain them in the houses until death ends them, or God opens a way for them.(15)
- And the two of you who commit it, give them hurt; then if they repent and make amends, turn aside from them; God is All-returning, Merciful.(16)
- God accepts repentance from only those who do evil in ignorance, then repent early; they are the ones whose repentance God will accept; and God is Knowing, Wise.(17)
- But there is no repentance for those who do evil deeds until death approaches any of them and he says, `now I repent' nor it is for those who die as unbelievers; for them We have prepared a painful punishment.(18)
- O Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will; and do not debar them (from marrying) so that you may go off with part of what you have given them, except that they commit a flagrant indecency; and consort with them desirably, for if you hate them, it is possible that you hate a thing and God has kept much good in it.(19)
- And if you desire to exchange a wife in place of another, and you have given to any of them a heap of gold, do not take anything of it; will you take it by calumny and a manifest sin?(20)
- And how can you take it, when one of you has gone in to the other and they have taken from you a solemn covenant?( 21)
- And do not marry such women as your fathers married, except what has already passed; it is surely indecent and hateful; and it is an evil way.(22)
- Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your aunts paternal, your aunts maternal, brother's daughters, sister's daughters, your mothers that have given suck to you, your suckling sisters, your wives' mothers, your step- daughters who are in your care, being of your wives you have gone in to; but if you have not gone in to, it is no fault in you; and the spouses of your sons who are of your loins, and that you take to you two sisters together, except what has already passed; God is surely Forgiving, Merciful___(23)
- __ And (forbidden to you are) married women, except what your right hands own; so God prescribes for you; and all beyond that is lawful to you, if you seek, with your wealth, in marriage and not for lust. Then for the benefit you draw from them, give them their dowries as apportioned; and it is no fault in you in what you agree upon after the due apportionate; God is surely Knowing, Wise. (24)
- And any of you who has not the affluence to marry Believing free women, let him (marry) such of your Believing handmaids that your right hands own; and God very well knows your faith; you are from one another; so marry them, with their people's permission and give them their dowries in the desirable way, as women in marriage, not as women for lust, nor as women taking lovers. And when they have been taken in marriage, then, if they commit indecency, they shall be liable to half the punishment of free women; this provision is for him who among you fears falling in trouble; yet if you show patience, it is good for you; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(25)
- God desires to make clear to you, and to guide you to the traditions of those before you, and turn towards you; and God is Knowing, Wise.(26)
- And God desires to turn towards you, but those who follow lusts desire you to incline far away.(27)
- God desires to lighten things for you, for man is created weak.(28)
- O Believers, do not consume your wealth between you without right except that it be trading by your mutual consent; and do not kill your people; God is surely Merciful to you.(29)
- And whoso does that in enmity and to wrong (others), We shall soon cast him into a Fire; and that is easy for God.(30)
- If you avoid the grave things from which you are forbidden, We shall acquit you of your evils and admit you by an honourable entrance.(31)
- And do not covet that whereby God has exalted some of you above others; for men is a share of what they earn, and for women is a share of what they earn; and ask God of His bounty; God surely knows everything.(32)
- And to everyone We have appointed heirs of what parents and kinsmen leave; and those with whom you have sworn an agreement, give them their share too; God is surely witness over everything.(33)
- Men have authority over women, for that God has exalted one over the other, and for that they expend of their wealth; so the righteous women are obedient and guard the unseen as God has guarded. And those whose rebellion you fear, admonish them and leave them alone in the beds, and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; God is surely High, Great.(34)
- And if you fear a breach between them (two), appoint an arbiter from his people and an arbiter from her people; if they (two) desire to reform, God will bring reconciliation between them; God is surely Knowing, Aware.(35)
- And serve God and do not associate anything with Him; and be good to parents, and to the near kin, orphans, the needy, the neighbour who is of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by the side, the wayfarer, and that your right hands own; surely God does not love those(36)
- who are proud and boastful, such as are niggardly, and bid other men to be niggardly, and conceal what God has given them out of His bounty; __ and We have prepared for such unbelievers a humiliating punishment, __ (37)
- and such as expend their wealth to show off to men, and do not believe in God nor in the Last Day. And he whose comrade is the Devil, how evil a comrade is he!(38)
- And what harm would it do them, if they believed in God and the Last Day, and expended of what God has provided them? Surely God knows them.(39)
- Surely God does not wrong as the weight of an ant; and if there be a good deed, He multiplies it, and gives from Himself a big wage.(40)
- And how shall it be, when We bring forward from every community a witness, and bring thee as a witness over these?(41)
- On that day those who have disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that the earth were levelled with them; and they will not conceal from God a thing.(42)
- O Believers, do not draw near to the Prayer when you are drunken, until you know what you are saying, nor when polluted __ except that you are traversing a way __ until you have washed yourselves; and if you are sick, or on journey, or any of you comes from the privy, or you have touched women and you find no water, then have recourse to clean dust and wipe your faces and your hands; God is surely Pardoning, Forgiving. (43)
- Hast thou not seen those who were given a share of the Book taking stray paths and desiring that you should also go astray from the Way?(44)
- And God very well knows your enemies; and God suffices as a protector, and God suffices as a helper.(45)
- Some of the Jews pervert words out of their context and say, `we have heard and we disobey', and `hear, and be thou not given to hear,' and `have regard for us', twisting with their tongues and speaking ill of religion. But if they had said, `we have heard and we obey' and `hear' and `look at us', it would have been better and more upright for them; but God has cursed them for their unbelief, so they do not believe except a few.(46)
- O you, who were given the Book, believe in what We have sent down, confirming what is with you, before We obliterate faces and turn them on their backs, or curse them as We cursed the men of Sabbath; and God's decree is surely done.(47)
- God does not forgive that any is associated with Him, but, apart from that, He will forgive whomso He will. And whoso associates any with God, has indeed forged a great sin.(48)
- Hast thou not seen those who show themselves to be pure? No, only God purifies whom He will, and they shall not be wronged a date-thread.(49)
- Look how they forge falsehood about God; and that suffices for a manifest sin.(50)
- Hast thou not seen those who were given a share of the Book believing in demons and idols (taghut) and speaking of the unbelievers, `these are more guided on the Way than the Believers?'(51)
- Those are the ones whom God has cursed; and he whom God curses, thou wilt not find any helper for him.(52)
- Or have they a share in the kingdom? But then, they would not give the people a date-spot.(53)
- Or are they jealous of the people for what God has given them of His bounty? But We gave the people of Abraham the Book and the Wisdom, and We gave them a grand kingdom.(54)
- Now, among them is he who believes in it, and among them is he who bars from it; and Hell suffices for a Blaze!(55)
- Those who disbelieve in Our signs, We shall soon admit them to a Fire; as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them in exchange other skins, that they may taste the punishment; God is Mighty, Wise.(56)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever and ever; therein for them shall be pure spouses, and We shall admit them to deep and plenteous shades.(57)
- God commands you to make over trusts to those entitled to them; and when you judge between men, judge equitably; how excellent God admonishes you; God is Hearing, Seeing. (58)
- O Believers, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in command among you; then if you should quarrel on anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day; that is better and fairer in result.(59)
- Hast thou not seen those who assert that they believe in what has been sent down to thee and what was sent down before thee, desiring to take the dispute for judgement to the idol (taghut) though they were commanded to disbelieve in him? But the Devil desires to lead them astray, far away.(60)
- And when it is said to them, `come to what God has sent down and to the Messenger, thou seest the hypocrites turning far away from thee.(61)
- But how shall it be, when an affliction befalls them for what their hands have forwarded, and they come to thee swearing by God, `we only desired good and conciliation.'(62)
- Those __ God knows what is in their hearts; so turn thou aside from them and admonish them, and say to them effective words concerning them.(63)
- And We did not send any Messenger but that he should be obeyed, by God's permission; and if they, when they wronged themselves, had come to thee and prayed forgiveness of God, and the Messenger had also prayed forgiveness for them, they would have found God All-returning, Merciful.(64)
- But no, by thy Lord, they have no faith, till they make thee the judge in the disagreement between them, then do not find in themselves any impediment in that thou decreest, and submit in all submission.(65)
- And had We prescribed for them, `kill your people or go forth from your habitations', they would not have done it, except a few of them; yet if they had done what they are admonished to do, it would have been good for them and strongly confirming; (66)
- and in that case We would have surely given them from Ourselves a big wage,(67)
- and guided them to a straight path.(68)
- And whoso obeys God and the Messenger, they are with those whom God has blessed, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs and the Righteous; and excellent companions are they!(69)
- That is the bounty from God; and God suffices as One who knows. (70)
- O Believers, take your precautions, then move forward in detachments or move forward all together.(71)
- And among you is also he who lags behind; then if an affliction visits you, he says, `God has blessed me, in that I was not present with them.'(72)
- And if a bounty from God visits you, he will surely say, as if there had been no affection between you and him, `would that I had been with them, I should have achieved a great triumph!'(73)
- So let those, who sell the present life for the Hereafter, fight in the way of God; and whoso fights in the way of God and is killed or conquers, We shall give him a big wage.(74)
- And how is it with you that you do not fight in the way of God and for the abased men, women and children, who say, `our Lord, take us out of this town whose people are wrong-doers, and appoint for us from Thee a protector, and appoint for us from Thee a helper.(75)
- The Believers fight in the way of God, and the unbelievers fight in the way of idols (Taghut); so fight you against the friends of the Devil; the guile of the Devil is surely weak.(76)
- Hast thou not considered those to whom it was said, `restrain your hands, and establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-alms?' Then when fighting was prescribed for them, a party of them feared people as God is feared or with a greater fear; and they said, `our Lord, why hast Thou prescribed fighting for us? Couldst Thou not defer us to a near term?' Say, `the comforts of this world are a few, and the Hereafter is better for him who fears God; and you shall not be wronged a date-thread.(77)
- Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even though you were in strong towers.' And if good visits them, they say, `this is from God'; and if evil visits them, they say, `this is from thee.' Say, `all is from God;' but how is it with this people that they scarcely understand anything?(78)
- Whatever good visits thee, it is from God; and whatever evil visits thee, it is from thyself; and We have sent thee to men a Messenger; and God suffices for a witness.(79)
- He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed God; and whoso turns back __ We have not sent thee a keeper over them.(80)
- And they say `obedience'; but when they go forth from thee, a group of them meditate all night on things other than thou sayest. But God writes down what they meditate by night; so turn aside from them and trust in God; and God suffices for a caretaker.(81)
- What! Do they not ponder over the Quran? If it had been from other than God, they would have found in it many contradictions. (82)
- And when there comes to them a matter, be it of security or of fear, they broadcast it; but had they referred it to the Messenger and to the commanders among them, then those of them who could deduce would have known it (the reality). And were it not for God's bounty and His mercy on you, you would have followed the Devil, except a few.(83)
- So fight thou in the way of God; thou art charged only with thyself; and urge on the Believers. God may restrain the might of the unbelievers; and God is stronger in might and more terrible in punishing.(84)
- Whoso makes a good intercession shall have a share of it; and whoso makes an evil intercession shall have a portion of it; and God is powerful over everything.(85)
- And when you are greeted with a greeting for life, greet with one better than it, or return it; God surely keeps account of all things.(86)
- God __ there is no god but He; He will surely gather you to the Day of Resurrection, wherein is no doubt; and who is truer in giving a news than God?(87)
- But how is it with you that you are two parties concerning the hypocrites, when God has overturned them for what they have earned? Do you desire to guide him whom God has sent astray? But whomso God sends astray, thou wilt not find a way for him.(88)
- They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, so that you become equal; so do not take friends from among them, until they emigrate in the way of God; and if they turn back, seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take anyone of them as friend or helper __(89)
- except those who join a people between whom and you there is a covenant, or they come to you with their breasts constricted from fighting you or fighting their people. And if God had willed, He would have given them power over you, and then they would have surely fought you. So if they withdraw from you, and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God has not assigned to you a way against them.(90)
- You will find others who desire to be secure from you and secure from their people; whenever they are returned to temptation, they are overturned into it. So if they do not withdraw from you and offer you peace and restrain their hands, seize them and kill them, wherever you come upon them; and against them We have assigned to you a clear authority.(91)
- It belongs not to a Believer to kill a Believer except by mistake; and if any kills a Believer by mistake, then a Believing slave will be freed and blood-money paid to his family, unless they forgo it as alms. And if he is from a people that is your enemy, while he is a Believer, then a Believing slave will be freed. And if he is from a people between whom and you is a covenant, then blood- money will be paid to his family and a Believing slave freed. And whoso does not find the means, let him fast for two successive months for a repentance from God; and God is Knowing, Wise.(92)
- And whoso kills a Believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, dwelling therein forever, and God is wroth upon him, and curses him, and has prepared for him a big punishment.(93)
- O Believers, when you go forth in the way of God, make clear and do not say to any who offers you greeting of peace, `thou art not a Believer;' you seek the chance goods of the present life, but with God are abundant spoils. Such you were before, then God was gracious to you, hence make clear; God is surely aware of the things you do.(94)
- Such Believers that sit back, other than those having a hurt, are not the equals of those who struggle in the way of God with their wealth and their selves; God has exalted in rank those who struggle in the way of God with their wealth and their selves over those who sit back; yet to each God has promised a fair reward; and God has exalted those who struggle over those who sit back, by a big wage from Him __ (95)
- ranks, and forgiveness, and mercy from Him; and God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(96)
- Those whom the angels take, while they are doing wrong to themselves, the angels say, `in what state were you?' They say, `we were abased in the earth.' The angels say, `was not God's earth spacious that you might have emigrated in it?' Then those __ their abode shall be Hell, an evil destination __(97)
- except the abased men, women and children, who cannot find means nor do they find a way;(98)
- it may be that God pardons them,; God is surely Pardoning, Forgiving.(99)
- And he who emigrates in the way of God will find in the earth many a refuge and plenty; and he who goes forth from his home an emigrant to God and His Messenger, then death overtakes him, his wage shall have fallen on God; and God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(100)
- And when you go forth in the land, it is no fault in you that you shorten the Prayer, if you fear that the unbelievers will put you to trouble; the unbelievers are surely an open enemy to you.(101)
- And when thou art amongst them, and thou conductest the Prayer for them, let a group of them stand with thee, and let them take their weapons; then, when they have prostrated themselves, let them be behind you, and let the other group, who have not prayed, come and pray with thee, and let them take their precautions and their weapons. The unbelievers wish that you should be heedless of your weapons and your baggage, then they would wheal on you all at once. But there is no fault in you if you are hurt with rain, or you are sick, that you lay aside your weapons, but take your precautions; God has surely prepared a humiliating punishment for the unbelievers.(102)
- Then, when you have performed the Prayer, remember God, standing, sitting and on your sides; and when you are secure, establish the Prayer (as prescribed); surely the Prayer is a timed prescription for the Believers.(103)
- And do not show weakness in seeking those people; if you suffer, they also suffer as you suffer, but you hope from God what they do not hope; and God is Knowing, Wise.(104)
- We have sent down to thee the Book with the truth, that thou mayest judge between men by that God has shown thee; but be not an advocate for the traitors;(105)
- and pray forgiveness of God; surely God is Forgiving, Merciful.(106)
- And do not dispute on behalf of those who betray themselves; God does not love any sinful traitor,(107)
- who seek to hide themselves from men but cannot hide themselves from God, for He is with them when they meditate at night the discourse which does not please Him; and God encompasses the things they do.(108)
- Ha, you are the ones who have disputed on their behalf in the present life, but who will dispute with God on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection, or who will be a caretaker for them?(109)
- And any who does evil or wrongs himself, then prays forgiveness of God, shall find God Forgiving, Merciful.(110)
- And any who earns a sin, earns it only against himself; and God is Knowing,(111)
- Wise. And any who earns a fault or a sin, then casts it on the innocent, has borne on him a calumny and a manifest sin.(112)
- And if it had not been God's bounty and His mercy upon thee, a group of them had purposed to lead thee astray; but they lead none astray except themselves, and they do not hurt thee in anything; and God has sent down on thee the Book and the Wisdom, and He has taught thee what thou didst not know; and surely God's bounty upon thee is great.(113)
- There is no good in much of their secret counsels except for him who enjoins alms or desirable things or setting of things right between the people; and whoso does that, seeking God's pleasure, We shall soon give him a big wage.(114)
- And any who makes a breach with the Messenger after the guidance has become clear to him, and follows other than the Believers' way, We shall turn him over to what he has turned to, and We shall cast him into Hell; and it is an evil destination!(115)
- God shall not forgive that anything is associated with Him, but, apart from that, He shall forgive whom He will; and whoso associates with God anything has surely gone astray, far away.(116)
- They do not call on any, apart from Him, but to females, and they do not call on any but a rebel Devil; __(117)
- God has cursed him. And he said, `I will take portion appointed out of Thy servants,(118)
- and I will lead them astray, and I will fill them with fancies, and I will command them so that they will cut off the cattle's ears, and I will command them so that they will alter God's creation. And whoso takes the Devil as a friend, besides God, has surely suffered a clear loss.(119)
- He gives them promises and fills them with fancies; but the Devil's promises are only a delusion.(120)
- Their abode is Hell, and they shall not find any place to escape from it.(121)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever and ever; it is God's promise in truth ; and who is truer in speech than God? (122)
- It is not your fancies, nor the fancies of the People of the Book; whoso does evil will be recompensed for it and will not find for him, apart from God, any friend or helper.(123)
- And whoso does righteous deeds, be it male or female, and he is a Believer, __ they shall enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a date-spot.(124)
- And who has fairer religion than he who submits himself to God and is a good-doer, and follows the creed of Abraham, the devout; and God took Abraham for a friend.(125)
- And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; and God encompasses everything.(126)
- And they ask thee for a pronouncement concerning women. Say; `God pronounces to you concerning them and what is recited to you in the Book concerning the orphan women, to whom you do not give what is prescribed for them, and yet desire to marry them, and concerning the oppressed children, and that you should secure justice for the orphans. Whatever good you do, God knows it.'(127)
- And if a woman fears hostility or aversion in her husband, there is no fault in them (two), that they set things right between them; and right settlement is good; and souls are prone to avarice; and if you do good and be godfearing, God is aware of the things you do.(128)
- And you will not be able to be equitable between the wives, how eager you may be; yet do not incline altogether, that you leave her as it were suspended; and if you set things right and be godfearing, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(129)
- And if they separate, God will make each self-sufficient out of His plenty; and God is All-embracing, Wise.(130)
- And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And We have charged those who were given the Book before you, and also you, to fear God; and if you disbelieve, then surely to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; and God is All-sufficient, Praiseworthy.(131)
- And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; and God suffices for a caretaker.(132)
- If He will, He will take you away, O men, and bring others; and God is powerful over that.(133)
- If any desires the reward of this world, then with God is the reward of this world and of Hereafter; and God is Hearing, Seeing. (134)
- O Believers, be you securers of justice, witnesses for God, though it be against yourselves or your parents and kinsmen; whether he be rich or poor, God stands closest to either; so do not follow caprice lest you deviate from justice; and if you twist or turn aside, God is aware of the things you do.(135)
- O Believers, have faith in God and His Messenger and the Book that He has sent down on His Messenger, and the Book that He sent down before. And he who disbelieves in God, His angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day, has gone astray, far away.(136)
- Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then increase in unbelief, God is not likely to forgive them, nor show them a way.(137)
- Give thou good news to the hypocrites that there shall be a painful punishment for them __ (138)
- those who take unbelievers for friends, apart from the Believers. Do they seek glory with them? But glory altogether belongs to God.(139)
- And He has sent down upon you in the Book that when you hear God's signs being disbelieved and mocked at, do not sit with them until they are engaged in some other discourse, for then you will also be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the unbelievers in Hell altogether.(140)
- Those who wait upon you so that if there be a victory for you from God, they say, `were we not with you?' And if there be a share for the unbelievers, they say, `did we not gain mastery over you, and did we not defend you from the Believers?' Now God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection; and God will never give the unbelievers a way over the Believers.(141)
- The hypocrites seek to deceive God and God is deceiving them; and when they stand up for the Prayer, they stand up lazily, showing off to men, and not remembering God but a little __ (142)
- wavering in between, neither to these, nor to those; and whomso God sends astray, thou wilt not find a way for him.(143)
- O Believers, do not take the unbelievers as friends, apart from Believers; do you desire to give God a clear authority over you? (144)
- Surely the hypocrites shall be in the lowest reach of the Fire; and thou wilt not find any helper for them;(145)
- except those who repent and make amends and hold fast to God and make their obedience sincerely God's; those are with the Believers; and God will soon give the Believers a big wage.(146)
- What would God do with punishing you, if you are thankful and have faith? And God is Thankful, Knowing.(147)
- God does not like talking of evil words in public, except by him who has been wronged; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(148)
- Whether you do good openly or hide it, or pardon an evil, God is surely Pardoning, Powerful.(149)
- Those who disbelieve in God and His Messengers and desire to make division between God and His Messengers, and say, `we believe in some and disbelieve in others', and desire to take a way in between,(150)
- those in truth are the unbelievers; and We have prepared for the unbelievers a humiliating punishment.(151)
- And those who believe in God and His Messengers, and do not make division between any of them, to them He shall soon give their wages; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(152)
- The People of the Book ask thee to bring down upon them a Book from the heaven, but they asked Moses greater than that, for they said, `show us God openly'; then the thunderbolt took them for their wrong-doing. Then they took the Calf (for a god) after the clear signs had come to them, yet We pardoned them that, and We gave Moses a clear authority.(153)
- And We raised above them the Mount, taking covenant with them; and We said to them, `enter the gate prostrating'; and We said to them `do not transgress the Sabbath'; and We took from them a solemn covenant.(154)
- Then for their breaking their covenant, and their disbelieving in the signs of God, and their killing the Prophets without right, and their saying, `our hearts are wrapped' __ no, but God sealed them for their unbelief, hence they believe not except a few __(155)
- and for their unbelief, and their uttering against Mary a grievous calumny,(156)
- and their saying, `we killed Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of God', __ yet they did not kill him nor crucified him, but a likeness was shown to them; and those who differ in it are in doubt about it; they have no knowledge of it except the following of conjecture; and of a certainty they killed him not,(157)
- but God raised him up to Him; and God is Mighty, Wise.(158)
- And there is not one among the People of the Book but he will surely believe in him before his death, and, on the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them.(159)
- So for the wrong-doing of the Jews, We forbade them clean things that were lawful to them, and for their barring many from the way of God,(160)
- and their taking usury, though they were forbidden it, and their devouring people's wealth falsely; and We have prepared for the unbelievers among them a painful punishment.(161)
- But those of them who are firmly rooted in knowledge and the Believers, and those who establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms and, those who believe in God and the Last Day, they believe in what has been sent down to thee and what was sent down before thee; to them We shall give a big wage.(162)
- We have revealed to thee as We revealed to Noah and the Prophets after him; and We revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon; and We gave to David Psalms;(163)
- and Messengers We have told thee of before, and Messengers We have not told thee of; and to Moses God spoke directly;(164)
- Messengers, bearers of good news and warners, so that mankind might have no argument against God after the Messengers; and God is Mighty, Wise.(165)
- But God bears witness to that which He has sent down to thee, that He has sent it down with His knowledge; and the angels also bear witness;and God suffices for a witness.(166)
- Those who disbelieve and bar from the way of God have gone astray far away.(167)
- Those who disbelieve and do wrong, God would not forgive them, nor guide them to any road,(168)
- except the road to Hell, to dwell therein forever and ever; and that is easy for God.(169)
- O mankind, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it will be good for you; and if you disbelieve, then to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth; and God is Knowing, Wise.(170)
- O People of the Book, do not go beyond the bounds in your religion, and do not speak of God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God and His Word, that He cast to Mary, and a Spirit from Him; so believe in God and His Messengers, but say not, `Three'; refrain, it will be good for you. God is only one God; He is Holy, beyond to have a son; to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and God suffices for a care-taker.(171)
- Messiah will not disdain to be a servant of God, nor will the near-stationed angels; and whoso disdains to serve Him and shows arrogance, He will muster them to Him all together.(172)
- As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, He will pay them in full their wages, and give them more out of His bounty. And as for those who disdain and show arrogance, He will give them a painful punishment, and they will not find for them, apart from God, any friend or helper.(173)
- O mankind, a clear proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a Manifest Light.(174)
- Now as for those who believe in God and hold fast to Him, He will admit them to His mercy and bounty, and will guide them to Him on a straight path.(175)
- They ask thee for a pronouncement. Say, `God pronounces to you regarding indirect heirs. If a man dies and he has no child but has a sister, she shall have half of what he leaves, and he shall be her heir if she has no child; and if there be two (sisters), they shall have two thirds of what he leaves; and if there be (both) brothers and sisters, the male shall have the portion of two females. God makes clear to you lest you go astray; and God knows everything.(176)
The Table
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 120 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Believers, fulfil the bonds. Lawful to you is the beast of cattle, except that which is recited to you, without making game lawful when you are in pilgrim sanctity; God decrees what He desires.(1)
- O Believers, do not profane God's symbols, nor the sacred month, nor the offering, nor the necklaces, nor those repairing to the Sacred House, seeking bounty and pleasure from their Lord. But when you are out of pilgrim sanctity, you may hunt the game. And let not hatred for a people, because they barred you from the Sacred Mosque, move you to commit aggression; and help one another to virtue and godfearing, but do not help one another to sin and enmity; and fear God; surely God is terrible in retribution.(2)
- Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, that over which name of other than God is invoked, the strangled, the beaten down, that fallen to death, the gored, and that devoured by beasts of prey __ excepting that which you have duly slaughtered __ and that sacrificed on altars, and that you seek to divide by the divining arrows; that is transgression __ Today the unbelievers have despaired of your religion, so do not fear them but fear Me; today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing on you, and I am pleased to make Submission (Islam) your religion. __ However, if any is constrained by hunger, without wilfully inclining to sin, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(3)
- They ask thee what is lawful to them. Say, `the clean things are lawful to you; and hunting creatures which you train as hounds, teaching them as God has taught you __ eat of that they hold for you, and mention God's name over it, and fear God; surely God is Swift at the reckoning.(4)
- Today, the clean things are made lawful to you; and the food of those who were given the Book is lawful to you, and your food is lawful to them, and so are free women from among the Believing women and free women from among those who were given the Book before you, when you give them their dowries, taking them in wedlock, not taking them for lust, nor as lovers. And whoso disregards the Faith, his work is vain, and, in the Hereafter, he shall be among the losers.(5)
- O Believers, when you stand up for the Prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. And if you are polluted, cleanse yourselves; but if you are sick or on a journey, or if any of you comes from the privy, or you have touched women, and you find no water, then have recourse to clean dust, and wipe your faces and your hands with it; God does not desire to put you to any hardship, but He desires to cleanse you and to complete His blessing upon you, that you may be thankful.(6)
- And remember God's blessing on you and His covenant by which He bound you, when you said, `we have heard and we obey'; and fear God; God knows the thoughts in the breasts.(7)
- O Believers, be you securers of justice, witnesses for God; and let not hatred for a people move you not to be equitable; be equitable; it is nearer to godfearing; and fear God; God is aware of the things you do.(8)
- God promises those who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness and a big wage for them.(9)
- And those who disbelieve and give lies to Our signs, those are the people of Hell.(10)
- O Believers, remember God's blessing on you, when a people purposed to stretch their hands against you, and He restrained their hands from you, and fear God; and in God should the Believers put their trust.(11)
- And God made a covenant with the Children of Israel; and We raised up twelve chieftains among them; and God said, `I am with you; if you establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms, and believe in My Messengers and assist them and lend to God a good loan, I will acquit you of your evils, and I will admit you to gardens underneath which rivers flow; but if any of you thereafter refused (to act), he will surely be astray from the even way.(12)
- Then, for their breaking their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they pervert the Words from their places, and have forgotten a portion of that whereby they were admonished; and thou wilt not cease to find some treachery from them, except a few of them; yet pardon them and overlook; surely God loves the good-doers.(13)
- And with those who say, `we are Christians', We made a covenant, but they forgot a portion of that whereby they were admonished, so We stirred up among them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection; and God will soon tell them of the things they have been doing. (14)
- O People of the Book, there has come to you Our Messenger, making clear to you much of what you have been hiding of the Book, and passes over much. There has come to you from God a Light and a clear Book,(15)
- whereby God guides those who follow His pleasure in the ways of peace, and brings them forth from darkness to light by His leave, and guides them to a straight path.(16)
- They are indeed unbelievers who say, ` God is the Messiah, son of Mary.' Say, `who shall then overrule God in any way, if He desired to destroy Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother, and all those who are on earth?' And to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them; He creates what He will; and God is powerful over everything.(17)
- And the Jews and the Christians say, `we are the sons of God and His beloved ones.' Say, `why then does He punish you for your sins? No, you are mortals from among those He has created; He forgives whom He will, and He punishes whom He will; and to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and unto Him is the destination.'(18)
- O People of the Book, there has come to you, after an interval between the Messengers, Our Messenger who makes things clear to you, lest you should say, `there has not come to us any bearer of good news nor any warner'; indeed there has come to you a bearer of good news and a warner; and God is powerful over everything.(19)
- And (remember) when Moses said to his people, `O my people, remember God's blessing on you, when He appointed among you Prophets, and appointed you kings, and He gave you what He had not given to any in the world.(20)
- O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has prescribed for you, and do not turn on your backs, for then you will turn about losers.'(21)
- They said, `O Moses, therein are a strong people, and we will never enter it until they go out of it; and if they go out of it, we will surely enter.'(22)
- Two men, out of those who feared God and whom God had blessed, said, `enter the gate against them; and as you enter it, you will be victors; and in God put your trust, if you are believers.'(23)
- They said, `O Moses, we will never enter it so long as they are in it; so go forth, thou and thy Lord and fight, we are sitting here.'(24)
- He said, `my Lord, I have no control except on myself and my brother, so put a barrier between us and the transgressing people.'(25)
- He said, `now it shall be forbidden to them for forty years, while they will be wandering in the land; so sorrow not for the transgressing people.'(26)
- And recite to them the tale of the two sons of Adam with truth. When they offered an offering, it was accepted of one of them, and was not accepted of the other. He said, `I shall surely kill thee.' (The other) said, `God accepts only from the godfearing.(27)
- If thou stretchest out thy hand against me to kill me, I will not stretch out my hand to kill thee; I fear God, the Lord of the world.(28)
- I desire that thou shouldst bear my sin and thy sin, and be among the people of the Fire; and that is the recompense of the wrong-doers.'(29)
- Then his soul prompted him to kill his brother, and he killed him, and became one of the losers.(30)
- Then God sent forth a raven, that scratched into the earth to show him how he might cover the vile body of his brother. He said, `woe is me; am I unable to be as this raven and so cover the vile body of my brother?' And he became of the remorseful.(31)
- On that account, We prescribed for the Children of Israel, that he who kills a soul without (retaliating for) a soul or for disorder in the land, it is as if he had killed whole of mankind. And he who saved it, it is as if he had saved whole of mankind. And Our Messengers certainly came to them with the clear signs, but many of them, despite that, commit excesses in the land. (32)
- The recompense of those who wage war against God and His Messenger, and run about in the land causing disorder, is only this __ that they should be slaughtered or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on opposite sides, or they should be banished from the land. That is a disgrace for them in this world; and they shall receive a big punishment in the Hereafter,(33)
- except those who repent before you overpower them; and know that God is Forgiving, Merciful.(34)
- O Believers, fear God and seek the means of nearness to Him, and struggle in His way, that you may prosper.(35)
- The unbelievers, though they had all that is in the earth and the like of it along with it, to ransom themselves from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted of them; and for them shall be a painful punishment.(36)
- They will desire to come forth from the Fire, but they will not come forth from it, and for them shall be a lasting punishment.(37)
- And the thief, man and woman, cut off their hands as a recompense exemplary from God for what they earned; and God is Mighty, Wise.(38)
- But if any repents after his wrong-doing and reforms, then God will surely accept his repentance; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(39)
- Dost thou not know that to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He punishes whom He will and forgives whom He will; and God is powerful over everything.(40)
- O Messenger, let those who hasten to unbelief not grieve thee, out of those who say with their mouths, `we believe', but their hearts have not believed; and out of the Jews who listen to falsehood, and listen to other people who have not come to thee. Perverting Words from their places, they say, `if you are given this, take it, and if you are not given it beware.' But whomso God desires to put to trial, thou canst not avail him with God anything; those are the ones whose hearts God has desired not to purify; for them shall be disgrace in this world, and for them shall be a big punishment in the Hereafter.(41)
- Listeners of falsehood and devourers of the unlawful, if they come to thee, judge between them, or turn aside from them; and if thou turnst aside from them, they will not hurt thee in the least; and if thou judgest, judge justly between them; surely God loves the just.(42)
- But how will they make thee a judge when they have the Torah wherein is God's judgement; yet, despite that, they turn away; and they are no believers.(43)
- We sent down the Torah wherein is guidance and light, by which the Prophets, who had submitted themselves judged for the Jews, and so did the rabbis and the priests, for they were required to guard the Book of God, and they were witnesses to it; so do not fear men but fear Me; and do not sell My signs for a small price. And whoso does not judge according to what God has sent down, those are the unbelievers.(44)
- And We therein prescribed for them __ life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and for injuries retaliation; and if any forgoes it, it shall be an expiation for him. And whoso does not judge according to what God has sent down, those are the wrong-doers. (45)
- And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, son of Mary, confirming what was before him of the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, wherein was guidance and light, and it confirmed what was before it of the Torah, and it was a guidance and an admonition to the godfearing.(46)
- And let the People of the Gospel judge according to what God sent down therein. And whoso does not judge according to what God has sent down, those are the transgressors. (47)
- And We have sent down to thee the Book with the truth, confirming what is before it of the Book, and a guardian over it; so judge between them according to what God has sent down, and do not follow their caprices, forsaking what has come to thee of the truth. For everyone of you We have made a law and an open road; and if God had willed, He would have made you (all) one community, but it is so that He may try you in what He has given you, so be you forward in good works; unto God shall you all return, then He will tell you that wherein you differed;(48)
- and that thou judgest between them according to what God has sent down, but follow not their caprices and beware of them, lest they tempt thee away from some of what God has sent down to thee. But if they turn away, know that God desires only to afflict them for some of their sins; and surely many men are transgressors.(49)
- What! Do they seek the judgement of the days of ignorance? But who can be fairer in judgement than God for a people having sure faith?(50)
- O Believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of one another; and whoso out of you makes them his friends is one of them; surely God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(51)
- Yet thou seest those, in whose hearts is sickness, hastening towards them, saying, `we fear lest a turn of time should afflict us.' But it may be that God brings the victory or some event from Him, and then they will be regretful, for what they kept secret within them.(52)
- And the Believers will say, `are these the ones who swore by God their earnest oaths that they were with you?' Their works have failed and they have become losers.(53)
- O Believers, if any of you turns from his religion, God will soon bring a people He loves, and who love Him, humble towards the Believers, stern towards the unbelievers, who struggle in the way of God, and fear not the reproach of any reproacher; that is God's bounty, He gives it to whom He will; and God is All-embracing, Knowing.(54)
- Your friend is only God, and His Messenger and the Believers who establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms, and have bowed down.(55)
- And whoso makes God, His Messenger and the Believers his friend, surely God's group shall be the victors.(56)
- O Believers, do not take as friends those who take your religion in mockery and as a sport, from among those who were given the Book before you and the unbelievers; and fear God, if you are Believers.(57)
- And when you call to the Prayer, they take it in mockery and as a sport; that is because they are a people who understand not. (58)
- Say, `O People of the Book, do you blame us only because we believe in God and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down before, and because most of you are transgressors?'(59)
- Say, `shall I tell you of a recompense with God worse than that? __ Whom God cursed, and on whom He was wroth, and whom He made apes and swine, and who served the idols (Taghut)? Those are the ones worst-placed and furthest astray from the even way.'(60)
- And when they come to you, they say, `we believe'; but they entered in unbelief and went forth in it; and God knows very well what they were hiding.(61)
- And thou seest many of them hastening to sin and enmity, and consuming the unlawful; evil indeed is that they have been doing.(62)
- Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid them from uttering sin and consuming the unlawful? Evil indeed is that they have been working.(63)
- And the Jews say, `God's hand is tied up.' Tied are their hands, and cursed are they for what they said! No, His hands are out-spread, and He expends how He will; yet that which has been sent down to thee from thy Lord will surely increase many of them in insolence and unbelief; and We have cast between them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection; whenever they kindle a fire for war, God extinguishes it, yet they hasten about the earth causing disorder; and God does not love those who cause disorder.(64)
- And had the People of the Book believed and been godfearing, We would have acquitted them of their evils and admitted them to gardens of bliss.(65)
- And had they observed the Torah and the Gospel and what was sent down to them from their Lord, they would have eaten from above them and from beneath their feet; among them is a moderate community, but many of them __ how evil they do!(66)
- O Messenger, deliver what has been sent down to thee from thy Lord; and if thou dost not, thou wilt not have delivered His Message; and God will protect thee from men; surely God does not guide the disbelieving people.(67)
- Say, `O People of the Book, you are not on anything until you observe the Torah and the Gospel, and what was sent down to you from your Lord'. And that which has been sent down to thee from thy Lord will surely increase many of them in insolence and unbelief; but do not sorrow for the disbelieving people.(68)
- Surely the Believers, the Jews, the Sabaeans and the Christians, whoso believes in God and the Last Day and acts right, no fear shall be on them nor shall they grieve.(69)
- We made a covenant with the Children of Israel and sent Messengers to them; whenever there came to them a Messenger with that their souls did not desire, some they gave lies to and some they killed.(70)
- And they thought there would not be any trial, so they were blind and deaf, yet God turned towards them, but again many of them were blind and deaf; and God sees the things they do.(71)
- They have disbelieved who say, `God is the Messiah, son of Mary;' whereas the Messiah said, `O Children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and your Lord; surely whoso associates any with God, God has forbidden Paradise to him, and his abode will be the Fire; and the wrong-doers shall have no helpers.'(72)
- Surely they have disbelieved who say, `God is the Third of the Three;' but there is no god except One God; if they do not refrain from what they say, there shall afflict the unbelievers among them a painful punishment.(73)
- Now will they not turn to God and pray His forgiveness; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(74)
- The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger; Messengers had passed away before him; and his mother was a truthful woman; they used to eat food; see, how We make clear the signs to them; then see how they are perverted!(75)
- Say, `do you serve, apart from God, that which has no power of hurt or profit for you, and God is the Hearing, the Knowing?'(76)
- Say, `O People of the Book, do not exceed the bounds in your religion against the truth, and do not follow the caprices of a people who went astray before, and led astray many, and have strayed from the even way.'(77)
- The unbelievers among the Children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus, son of Mary; that is because they disobeyed and used to exceed the limits.(78)
- They never forbade one another from the disgusting things they committed; evil indeed was that they were doing.(79)
- Thou seest many of them making friendship with the unbelievers; evil is that they have forwarded for themselves, that God be angered with them, and they should dwell in the punishment forever.(80)
- And had they believed in God and the Prophet and what has been sent down to him, they would not have taken them as friends; but many of them are transgressors.(81)
- Thou shalt certainly find the most hostile of men to the Believers are the Jews and the idolaters; and thou shalt surely find the nearest of them in affection to the Believers are those who say, `we are Christians'; that is because among them are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant.(82)
- And when they hear what has been sent down to the Messenger, thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they have recognised; they say, `our Lord, we believe, so write us down among the witnesses.(83)
- And why should we not believe in God and in the truth that has come to us, when we earnestly desire that our Lord should admit us with the righteous people?'(84)
- So God shall reward them for what they said __ gardens underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever; and that is the recompense of the good-doers.(85)
- But those who disbelieve and give lies to Our signs, those are the people of Hell.( 86)
- O Believers, do not make unlawful the clean things that God has made lawful to you, and do not transgress ; God does not love the transgressors.(87)
- And eat of what God has provided you, lawful and clean, and fear God in whom you are believers.(88)
- God will not take you to task for the vain in your oaths, but He will take you to task for oaths that you solemnly swear; and its expiation is feeding of ten needy, with the average of what you feed your families, or their clothings, or freeing of a slave; and if any does not find it, let him fast for three days; that is the expiation of your oaths when you have sworn; and guard your oaths; thus God explains to you His signs, that you may give thanks. (89)
- O Believers, wine, gambling, altars and divining arrows are only an abomination of Devil's work, so avoid it that you may prosper.(90)
- Devil desires only to precipitate enmity and hatred between you through wine and gambling, and to bar you from remembrance of God and from the Prayer; will you then desist?(91)
- And obey God and obey the Messenger and beware; but if you turn back, then know that for Our Messenger is only the deliverance of the Manifest Message.(92)
- It is no fault of theirs who believe and do righteous deeds for what they have eaten, when they are godfearing and believe and do righteous deeds; then they are godfearing and believe; then they are godfearing and do good; and God loves the good-doers.(93)
- O Believers, God will surely try you with something of the game which your hands and lances reach, that God may know who fears Him unseen; then whoso transgresses after that, for him shall be a painful punishment.(94)
- O Believers, do not kill the game while you are in pilgrim sanctity; and if any of you kills it intentionally, the recompense will be the like of what he killed out of flocks, as two just men of yours judge __ an offering to reach the Ka'ba; or for expiation, food for the needy, or equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the penalty of his deed ; God has pardoned what is past; but if any does again, God will take vengeance on him; and God is Mighty, Vengeful.(95)
- Permitted to you is game of the sea and its food, a provision for you and for the traveller; but forbidden to you is game of the land, as long a you remain in pilgrim sanctity; and fear God unto whom you shall be mustered.(96)
- God has appointed the Ka'ba, the Sacred House, the sacred month, the offering and the necklaces as establishment for men; that is so that you may know that God knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and that God has knowledge of everything.(97)
- Know that God is terrible in retribution, and that God is also Forgiving, Merciful.(98)
- For the Messenger is only deliverance of the Message; and God knows what you show and what you hide.(99)
- Say, `the unclean and the clean are not equal, even though the abundance of the unclean may make thee wonder; so fear God, O men of understanding, that you may prosper.'(100)
- O Believers, do not question concerning things which, if they were disclosed to you, would hurt you; yet if you question concerning them at the time the Quran is being sent down, they will be disclosed to you; God has overlooked them; and God is Forgiving, Clement.(101)
- A people before you questioned about them, but then disbelieved in them.(102)
- God has not appointed such things as Baheera, Saiba, Waseela or Ham, but the unbelievers forge falsehood against God; and most of them do not understand.(103)
- And when it is said to them, `come to what God has sent down and to the Messenger,' they say,'enough for us is what we found our fathers on.' What! Even if their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?(104)
- O Believers, you are responsible for your own selves; he who is astray shall not hurt you when you are guided; to God shall you return all together, and He will tell you what you have been doing. (105)
- O Believers, the testimony between you, when death approaches any of you, at the time of making a bequest, shall be two just men out of you; or two others out of those other than you, if you are journeying in the land and affliction of death befalls you; you shall detain them (two) after the Prayer, and they shall, if you are in doubt, swear by God, `we will not take any price for it, even though it were a near kinsman, nor will we hide the testimony of God, for then we would surely be among the sinners.'(106)
- Then, if it is discovered that they have merited sin, two others shall stand in their place, being the nearest of those concerned, and they shall swear by God, `our testimony is truer than their testimony and we have not transgressed, for then we would surely be among the wrong-doers.'(107)
- Thus it is likelier that people will bear testimony in its proper form, or else they will be afraid that, after their oaths, oaths may be rebutted; and fear God and listen; but God does not guide the transgressing people.(108)
- The day God will gather the Messengers, He will say, `what response were you given?' They will say, `we have no knowledge; surely Thou art the All-Knowing of the unseen things.'(109)
- When God will say,'O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessing upon thee and upon thy mother, when I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, that thou spokest to men in the cradle and of age; and when I taught thee the Book, the Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel; and when thou madest, out of clay, a form like a bird, by My leave, and breathedest into it, and it became a bird, by My leave; and thou healedest the blind and the leper by My leave; and when thou broughtest the dead forth, by My leave; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from thee, when thou broughtest to them the Clear Signs, yet the unbelievers among them said, `it is nothing but plain sorcery.'(110)
- And when I revealed to the disciples to believe in Me and in My Messenger, they said, `we believe, and Thou bear witness that we have submitted.'(111)
- When the disciples said, `O Jesus, son of Mary, is thy Lord able to send down on us a Table from the heaven', he said, `fear God, if you are Believers.'(112)
- They said, `we desire that we should eat of it, and our hearts may be at rest, and we may know that thou hast spoken truth to us, and we may be among its witnesses.'(113)
- Jesus, son of Mary, said, `O God, our Lord, send down on us a Table from the heaven, that may be a festival for us, for the first of us and the last of us, and provide for us, and Thou art the best of providers.'(114)
- God said, `I am sending it down on you; but if any of you disbelieves afterwards, I shall punish him with a punishment that I punish none in the whole world.'(115)
- And when God will say, `Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men, `take me and my mother as gods, apart from God?' He will say, `Holy be Thou, it is not mine to say what I have no right to ; if I had said it, Thou wouldst have known it; Thou knowest what is in my mind, but I do not know what is in Thy mind; Thou art surely the All-knowing of the unseen things.(116)
- I did not say to them except what Thou didst command me: __ `serve God, my Lord and your Lord,' and I was a witness over them, so long as I remained among them; but when Thou didst take me, Thou Thyself wast the watcher over them; and Thou art a witness over all things. (117)
- If Thou punishest them, they are Thy servants, and if Thou forgivest them, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.'(118)
- God will say, `this is a day when their truth will profit the truthful;for them shall be gardens underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever and ever; God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him; that is the great triumph.'(119)
- To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and earth and whatever is in them; and He is powerful over everything.(120)
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 166 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Praise be to God who created the heavens and the earth, and made darkness and light; yet the unbelievers ascribe equals to their Lord.(1)
- It is He who created you from clay, then decreed a term; and the term is stated with Him, yet you doubt.(2)
- And He is the God in the heavens and in the earth; He knows your secrets and your open affairs, and He knows what you earn. (3)
- And not a sign of the signs of their Lord comes to them but they turn away from it.(4)
- And they have given lies to the truth when it has come to them; but there shall soon come to them the news of that they were mocking.(5)
- Have they not considered how many a generation We destroyed before them whom We had established on the earth as We never established you, and We had loosed the heaven upon them in torrents, and made the rivers to flow beneath them? Then We destroyed them because of their sins, and raised up another generation after them.(6)
- And had We sent down on thee a writing on paper and had they touched it with their hands, yet the unbelievers would have said, `this is not but clear sorcery.'(7)
- And they say, `why has not an angel been sent down on him?' But had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been decided, and then they would not be respited.(8)
- And had We made him an angel, We would have made him a man and confused for them the thing they are confusing.(9)
- And surely the Messengers have been mocked at before thee, but then those that scoffed at them were overtaken by that they mocked at.(10)
- Say, `journey in the land, and see how was the end of those who cried lies.'(11)
- Say, `to whom belongs what is in the heavens and earth?' Say, `to God. He has prescribed for Himself mercy; He will surely gather you to the Day of Resurrection, wherein is no doubt; but those who give loss to themselves, they do not believe.(12)
- And to Him belongs all that inhabits at night and day; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.'(13)
- Say, `shall I take a protector other than God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and it is He who feeds and is not fed?' Say, `I have been commanded to be the first of those who surrender,' and: `be not thou of the idolaters.'(14)
- Say `I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Mighty Day.(15)
- From whom it is averted on that day, on him He will have mercy; and that is the manifest triumph.'(16)
- And if God touches thee with harm, none can remove it but He; and if He touches thee with good, He is powerful over everything.(17)
- And He is Omnipotent over His servants; and He is the Wise, the Aware.(18)
- Say, `What thing is greatest in testimony?' Say, `God is a witness between me and you, and this Quran has been revealed to me, so that I may thereby warn you and whomsoever it reaches. Do you testify that there are other gods with God?' Say, `I do not testify.' Say, `He is only One God, and I am quit of that you associate with Him.'(19)
- Those to whom We have given the Book recognise it, as they recognise their sons; but those who give loss to themselves, they do not believe.(20)
- And who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God or cries lies to His signs? Surely the wrong-doers shall not prosper.(21)
- And on the Day We shall muster them all together, then shall say to those who set up associate-gods, `where are your associate-gods whom you were asserting?'(22)
- Then they shall have no excuse but to say, `by God, our Lord, We were not associaters.'(23)
- See, how they lie against themselves, and that which they were forging is lost to them!(24)
- And some of them there are who give ear to thee, but We have put veils on their hearts and heaviness in their ears, lest they understand it; and even if they see every sign, they will not believe in it; so much so that when they come to thee they dispute with thee; the unbelievers say, `it is naught but the fables of the ancients.'(25)
- And they forbid it and keep away from it, and they destroy none but themselves and do not appreciate.(26)
- And if thou couldst see when they are stationed before the Fire, and they say, `would that we were returned, and did not give lies to the signs of our Lord, and were among the Believers.'(27)
- No, that they were concealing before has appeared before them; and even if they were returned, they would again do what they were forbidden, and they are surely liars.(28)
- And they say, `it is only our present life, and we shall not be raised.'(29)
- But, if thou couldst see when they are stationed before their Lord, He will say, `is this not the truth?' They will say, `yes indeed, by our Lord.' He will say `taste the punishment because you disbelieved.'(30)
- They indeed are losers who give lies to the meeting with God; until when the Hour comes upon them suddenly, they will say, `alas for us, that we neglected it', and they will be bearing their loads on their backs. Behold, how evil is the load that they bear!(31)
- And (remember) the present life is naught but a sport and a diversion, and the Last House is better for the godfearing; will you not understand?(32)
- We know indeed that what they say grieves thee, yet it is not thee that they give lies to, but the wrong-doers deny the signs of God.(33)
- And Messengers were indeed given lies to before thee, yet they patiently endured that they were given lies to, and were hurt, untill Our help reached them; and there is none to change the words of God; and surely there have already come to thee some news of the Envoys.(34)
- And if their turning away is hard on thee, why, if thou canst seek out a hole into the earth or a ladder in the heaven to bring them a sign __ but had God willed, He would have gathered them to the guidance; so be thou not among the ignorant.(35)
- Only those respond who listen; and the dead, God will raise them up, then unto Him they will be returned. (36)
- And they say, `why has not a sign been sent down to him from his Lord? ` Say, `God is able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know.'(37)
- And there is no creature on the earth, nor a bird flying with its two wings, but they are communities like you; We have not neglected anything in the Book; then to their Lord they shall be mustered.(38)
- And those who give lies to Our signs are deaf and dumb, dwelling in darkness; whomso God will, He sends astray; and whomso He will, He puts on a straight path.(39)
- Say, `have you considered, if God's punishment comes upon you or the Hour comes upon you, will you call upon any other than God, if you speak truly?(40)
- No, upon Him you will call, then He will remove that for which you call upon Him if He will, and you will forget that you associate (with Him).'(41)
- And We indeed sent Messengers to communities before thee, then We seized them with misery and hardship, that they might be humble.(42)
- But why, when Our might came upon them, were they not humble? In stead, their hearts became hard, and the Devil adorned for them what they were doing.(43)
- So when they forgot what they were admonished with, We opened to them the gates of all things, until, when they rejoiced in what they were given, We seized them suddenly; then, lo, they were left in despair.(44)
- Then the last remnant of the wrong-doing people was cut off; and praise be to God, the Lord of the world. (45)
- Say,'have you considered, if God seizes your ears and your eyes and seals your hearts, who is a god other than God that will bring them to you?' See, how We turn about the signs, yet they are turning away.(46)
- Say, `have you considered, if God's punishment comes upon you suddenly or openly, shall any be destroyed except the wrong-doing people?'(47)
- And We send not the Envoys, but as bearers of good news and warners; then whoso believes and makes amends, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve.(48)
- But those who give lies to Our signs, the punishment will afflict them for that they transgressed.(49)
- Say, `I do not say to you, `I hold the treasures of God, nor I know the unseen, nor I say to you, `I am an angel'; I only follow what is revealed to me.' `Say, `are the blind and the seeing man equal? Will you not then ponder?'(50)
- And warn thou with it, those who fear that they shall be mustered to their Lord, when there will be no protecter for them nor any intercessor apart from Him, that they be godfearing.(51)
- And do not drive away those who call upon their Lord, morning and evening, desiring His attention; nothing of their account falls upon thee, and nothing of thy account falls upon them, that thou shouldst drive them away, and be among the wrong-doers.(52)
- And even so We have tried some of them by others, that they may say, `are these the ones whom God has been gracious among us?' Does not God know best the thankful?(53)
- And when those who believe in Our signs come to thee, say, `peace be upon you; your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy; so that any of you who does evil in ignorance, then repents after that, and makes amends, He is Forgiving, Merciful.'(54)
- And thus We explain the signs and so that the sinners' way may be clear.(55)
- Say, `I am forbidden to serve those you call upon, apart from God.' Say, `I do not follow your caprices, for, then, I shall be astray, and I shall not be of the guided.'(56)
- Say,` I stand on a clear sign from my Lord, and you have given lies to it. Not with me is that you seek to hasten. The judgement is God's alone. He relates the truth, and He is the Best of Deciders.'(57)
- Say `if what you seek to hasten were with me, the matter would have been decided between me and you; and God knows best the wrong-doers.'(58)
- And with Him are the keys of the unseen, which none knows but He; and He knows what is in the land and the sea; and not a leaf falls but He knows it; and not a grain is there in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but it is in a clear Book.(59)
- And it is He who takes your souls by night, and knows what you worked by day, then He raises you up therein that a stated term be completed; then unto Him shall you return, then He will tell you what you have been doing.'(60)
- And He is the Omnipotent over His servants, and sends guards over you; until, when death approaches any of you, Our messengers take his soul, and they neglect not.(61)
- Then they are returned to God, their True Protector. Behold, the judgement belongs to Him, and He is the Swiftest of Reckoners.(62)
- Say,` who delivers you from the darkness of land and sea, when you call upon Him humbly and secretly: `If He delivers us from this, we shall surely be among the thankful.'(63)
- Say, `God delivers you from it and from every distress; yet you assign Him associates.'(64)
- Say `He is able to send forth on you punishment from above you or from under your feet, or to confuse you in sects and make you taste the violence of one another;' see, how We turn about the Signs that they may understand.(65)
- But thy people have given lies to it, though it is the truth. Say, ` I am no care-taker for you.(66)
- Every news has a destination, and you will soon know.'(67)
- And when thou seest them engaged in discussing Our signs, turn away from them until they are engaged in a discourse other than it; and if the Devil makes thee forget, do not sit, after the reminding, with the wrong-doing people.(68)
- And nothing of their account falls upon the godfearing except a reminding, that they may become godfearing.(69)
- And leave alone those who take their religion as a sport and a diversion, and whom the present life has deluded; and admonish thereby lest a soul should be delivered to destruction for what it earned, when it shall have no protector and no intercessor, apart form God; and if it offers any counterpoise, it shall not be taken from it; those are they who shall be delivered to destruction for what they earned; for them shall be a draught of hot water and a painful punishment for that they disbelieved. (70)
- Say, `shall we call, apart from God, on that which neither profits us nor harms us, and turn back on our heels after God has guided us __ like him whom the devils have lured to bewilderment in the earth, though he has companions who call him to guidance: `come to us.' Say `God's guidance is the guidance, and we are commanded to surrender to the Lord of the world;(71)
- and: `establish the Prayer and fear Him; and it is He to whom you shall be mustered.'(72)
- And it is He who created the heavens and the earth on truth; and the day, He says, `be', it will be.(73)
- His word is the truth; and His shall be the kingdom the Day the Trumpet is blown; the Knower of the unseen and the visible; and He is the Wise, the Aware.'(74)
- And when Abraham said to his father Azar, ` dost thou take idols for gods? I see thee and thy people clearly astray.'(75)
- And so We show Abraham the governance of the heavens and the earth, and that he might be among those who have sure faith.(76)
- And when the night overshadowed him, he saw a star; he said, `this is my Lord;' but when it set, he said, `I do not love the setters.'(77)
- Then when he saw the moon shining, he said, `this is my Lord;' but when it also set, he said, `if my Lord does not guide me, I shall surely be among the astray people.'(78)
- Then when he saw the sun shining, he said, `this is my Lord, this is the biggest;' but when it also set, he said, `O my people, I am quit of that you associate.(79)
- I turn my face all-devoted to Him who originated the heavens and the earth, and I am not of the idolaters.'(80)
- And his people disputed with him. He said, ` do you dispute with me concerning God, when He has indeed guided me? I fear not those you associate with Him, except that my Lord will anything; my Lord embraces everything in knowledge; will you not pay heed?(81)
- And how should I fear those that you associate, when you are not afraid to associate with God that for which God has not sent down any authority on you? So which of the two parties has a greater right to security, if you know?(82)
- Those who believe and do not confound their belief with wrong-doing, for them alone is the security, and they are rightly guided.' (83)
- And that was Our argument that We gave to Abraham against his people; We raise in ranks whom We will; thy Lord is Wise, Knowing.(84)
- And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; everyone We guided; and Noah We guided aforetime, and out of his offspring, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron __ and so We recompense the good-doers; __(85)
- and Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elias __ all were among the righteous;(86)
- and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot __ and everyone We exalted above the people;(87)
- and also, of their fathers, and their offspring and their brothers; and We elected them and guided them to a straight path.(88)
- That is God`s guidance whereby He guides whomso He will of His servants; and if they had taken associate-gods, all their work would have perished.(89)
- Those were they whom We gave the Book, the Judgement and the Prophethood; now, if these people disbelieve, We have entrusted it to a people who are not its unbelievers.(90)
- Those were the ones whom God guided; so follow their guidance. Say, `I ask of you no wage for it; it is not but a Reminder for all people.(91)
- But they measured not God with His true measure, when they said, `God has not sent down anything on a mortal.' Say, `who sent down the Book that Moses brought, as a light and a guidance to men, which you put into parchments that you show, and you hide much; and you were taught what you and your fathers did not know.' Say, `God.' Then leave them playing in their vain discourse.(92)
- And this is a Book that We have sent down, blessed and confirming what was before it, and that thou mayest warn the mother-city and those living around it; and those who believe in the Hereafter, believe in it, and they guard their Prayer. (93)
- And who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God, or says, `revelations have come to me', when nothing has been revealed to him, and who says, `I will send down the like of what God has sent down?' But if thou couldst see when the wrong-doers are in the agonies of death, and the angels are stretching out their hands: `give up your souls; today you shall be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation for what you have been saying against God without right, and for showing arrogance against His signs.' __(94)
- And you have come to Us one by one as We created you first time, and you have left behind your backs what We bestowed on you. And We do not see with you your intercessors, those whom you asserted were associate-gods in your case; the ties between you are cut off and that which you asserted has been lost to you.'(95)
- It is God who splits the grain and the date-stone; He brings forth the living from the dead, and He is the one who brings forth the dead from the living; that is God; then how are you perverted?(96)
- He is the one who breaks the dawn, and He has made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for a reckoning; that is the measuring of the Mighty, the Knowing.(97)
- And it is He who has made for you the stars, that you may thereby find the way in the darkness of land and sea; We have explained the signs for a people who know.(98)
- And it is He who has produced you from one soul, then there is a lodging and a repository; We have explained the signs for a people who understand.(99)
- And it is He who has sent down from heaven water, and thereby We have brought forth vegetation of everything, then We brought forth from it foliage, bringing forth from it closely-packed grain; and of the palm trees, from its spathes, low-hanging clusters, and gardens of vines, olive, and pomegranates, alike and unlike. Look upon fruit (of each) when it fructifies and its ripening; surely in that are signs for a people who believe.(100)
- Yet they ascribe the jinn as associates to God, though He created them, and they impute to Him sons and daughters without knowledge; Holy be He, and Exalted, above that they describe.(101)
- The Originator of the heavens and the earth __ how should He have a son when He has no consort; and He created everything, and He has the knowledge of everything.(102)
- That is God, your Lord; there is no god but He, creator of every thing, so serve Him; and He is the caretaker of everything.(103)
- Eyes do not comprehend Him, but He comprehends the eyes; and He is the Subtle, the Aware.(104)
- Visible signs have come to you from your Lord; so whoso sees, it is for himself, and whoso is blind, it is against him; and I am no guardian over you.(105)
- And thus do We turn about the signs and that they may say, ` thou hast studied;' and that We may make it clear for a people who have knowledge.(106)
- Follow thou what is revealed to thee from thy Lord; there is no god but He and turn thou away from the idolaters.(107)
- And had God willed, they would not have been idolaters; and We have not appointed thee a guardian over them; and thou art not any caretaker for them.(108)
- And do not abuse those whom they call upon, apart from God, for then they will abuse God out of spite in ignorance. Thus We have adorned to every community their deed, then to their Lord shall they return, and He will tell them what they have been doing.(109)
- And they swear by God their most earnest oaths that if a Sign comes to them, they will surely believe in it. Say, `the Signs are only with God.' And what will make you realize that, when it comes, they will not believe.(110)
- And We will turn about their hearts and their eyes, even as they did not believe in it the first time; and We will leave them in their insolence, blindly wandering.(111)
- And though We had sent down the angels to them, and the dead had spoken with them, and We had mustered before them everything face to face, they were not the ones as would believe, unless God so willed; but most of them are ignorant.(112)
- And so We have assigned for every Prophet an enemy __ devils of men and jinn, inspiring to each other gilded speech, as a delusion; yet had thy Lord willed, they would have not done it; so leave them and what they forge.(113)
- And it is so, that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and they may be pleased with it, and they may earn what they are earning.(114)
- What! shall I seek after a judge other than God, when it is He who has sent down to you the Book, well-explained; and those whom We have given the Book know that it is sent down from thy Lord with the truth, so be thou not among the doubters.(115)
- And the Word of thy Lord is perfect in truth and justice; none can change His Words; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(116)
- And if thou obeyest most of those on earth, they will lead thee astray from God's way; they follow not but surmise and they only conjecture.(117)
- Thy Lord very well knows as to who goes astray from His way; and He very well knows the guided.(118)
- Now eat of that over which God's Name has been mentioned, if you believe in His signs.(119)
- And why should you not eat of that over which God's Name has been mentioned, when He has explained to you what He has made unlawful for you, unless you are constrained to it? But surely many lead astray by their caprices without any knowledge; surely thy Lord very well knows the transgressors.(120)
- And forsake the sin, whether open or secret; those who earn sin shall be recompensed for what they were earning.(121)
- And do not eat of that over which God's Name has not been mentioned, for it is indeed a transgression; and the devils inspire their friends to dispute with you; but if you obey them, you shall be idolaters.(122)
- And is he who was dead and We gave him life and appointed for him a light by which he walks among men, as one whose likeness is in the darkness, wherefrom he cannot come forth? So are adorned for the unbelievers the things they are doing.(123)
- And even so We have appointed in every city its big sinners to scheme there; but they scheme not except against themselves and perceive not.(124)
- And when a sign comes to them, they say, `we will not believe until we are given the like of what God's Messengers are given'; God very well knows where to place His Message; humiliation before God and severe punishment shall befall the sinners for their scheming.(125)
- Now, whomso God desires to guide, He opens his breast to Submission (Islam), and whomso He desires to send astray, He makes his breast narrow and tight, as if he were going up in the heaven; thus God lays abomination on those who believe not.(126)
- And this is the straight path of thy Lord; We have explained the signs for a people who pay heed.(127)
- For them is the House of Peace with their Lord, and He is their helper in that they are doing.(128)
- And on the day He musters them all together __ `O assembly of Jinn, you took much of mankind'. And their friends among mankind will say, `our Lord, we benefited one another and have now reached our term that Thou didst appoint for us.' He will say, `the Fire is your resort to dwell therein forever, except as God will'; surely thy Lord is Wise, Knowing.(129)
- And so We make the wrongdoers companions of one another for what they earned.(130)
- `O assembly of Jinn and men, did not the Messengers come to you from among you, relating to you My signs, and warning you of the meeting of this your day?' They shall say, `We bear witness against ourselves'. And the worldly life deluded them, and they testified against themselves that they were unbelievers.(131)
- That is because thy Lord would never destroy the cities unjustly, while their people were unaware.(132)
- And all have ranks according to what they do; and thy Lord is not unaware of what they do.(133)
- And thy Lord is All-sufficient, Merciful. If He will, He may take you away and cause to succeed after you what He will, as He raised you from the offspring of another people.(134)
- That which you are promised shall surely come, and you cannot frustrate it.(135)
- Say, `O my people, you may act at your place, I am also acting; you will soon know who gets the end-result of the House; surely the wrong-doers shall not prosper'.(136)
- And they assign to God, a part of what He has produced of the tillage and cattle, saying, `this is for God', __ they assert __ `and this is for our associate-gods.' Then what is for their associate-gods, does not reach God, but what is for God reaches their associate-gods; how evil do they judge!(137)
- And like that, for many of the idolaters their associate-gods have made killing of their children seem fair so as to annihilate them, and to confuse their religion for them; and had God willed, they would not have done it; so leave them and what they forge.(138)
- And they say, `these are forbidden cattle and tillage, which none shall eat, except those whom we will', so they assert, and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden, and cattle over which they mention not the Name of God, forging against Him; He will recompense them for their forging.(139)
- And they say, `what is in the bellies of these cattle is purely for our males and is forbidden to our spouses'; but if it be dead, they are partners in it; He will recompense them for their so describing; He is surely Wise, Knowing.(140)
- They are indeed losers who kill their children foolishly, without knowledge, and, forging against God, forbid what God has provided them; they have gone astray, and are not guided. (141)
- And it is He who has produced gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm-trees and crops, diverse in foods, and olives and pomegranates, like and unlike. Eat of their fruits when they fructify, and pay their due on the day of their harvest, and be not prodigal; God does not love the prodigal.(142)
- And of the cattle, some are for carrying burden and some are for slaughter; eat of what God has provided you, and do not follow the steps of the Devil; he is an open enemy to you.(143)
- There are eight kinds __ of sheep two and of goats two. Say, `is it the two males He has forbidden or the two females, or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Tell me with knowledge if you are truthful'.(144)
- And of camels two and of oxen two. Say, `is it the two males He has forbidden or the two females, or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Or were you witnesses when God charged you with this? Then who is more unjust than he who forges against God a lie to lead men astray without knowledge? Surely God does not guide the wrong-doing people'.(145)
- Say, `I do not find in what is revealed to me anything forbidden to one who eats thereof, except that it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine for it is an abomination, or a transgression that name of other than God be invoked on it; yet if any is constrained, not revolting nor exceeding limits, then thy Lord is Forgiving, Merciful'.(146)
- And to the Jews, We forbade every animal with undivided hoofs; and of oxen and goats, We forbade them the fat of them except what their backs or intestines carry, or what is mingled with bone; that We recompensed them for their rebellion, and We are surely truthful.(147)
- Now, if they gives lies to thee, say `your Lord is of all-embracing mercy, yet His might is not turned back from the sinner people'. (148)
- The idolaters will say, `had God willed, we would not have been idolaters, nor our fathers, nor would have we forbidden anything;' so cried lies those before them until they tasted Our might. Say, `do you have any knowledge to bring it forth for us? You follow only surmise and you only conjecture.'(149)
- Say, `to God belongs the conclusive argument; had He willed, He would have guided you all.'(150)
- Say, `produce your witnesses who testify that God has forbidden this and this.' Then if they testify, do not testify with them; and do not thou follow the caprices of those who gave lies to Our signs and those who do not believe in the Hereafter and ascribe equals to their Lord.(151)
- Say, `come, I shall recite what your Lord has forbidden to you; that you associate not anything with Him, and be good to your parents; and do not kill your children because of poverty __ We provide you and them; and do not approach indecencies, whether open or hidden; and do not kill the soul God has forbidden except by right; with that He has charged you that you may understand.(152)
- And do not approach the property of the orphan except in the fairest manner, until he reaches maturity; and fill up the measure and the balance with justice __ We charge not a soul but to its capacity. And when you speak, be just though it be a near kinsman; and fulfill God's covenant. With that He has charged you that you might pay heed.(153)
- And (say) that this is My straight path, so follow it and follow not other ways, lest they part you from His way. With that He has charged you that you might be careful.(154)
- Moreover, We gave Moses the Book, complete for him who does good, and an explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy, that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.(155)
- And this is a blessed Book, that We have sent down, so follow it and be godfearing, that you may receive mercy;(156)
- lest you should say, `the Book was sent down only on two groups before us, and we were indeed unaware of what they studied;(157)
- or you say, `if the Book had been sent down on us, we would have been more guided than they'. Now there has come to you from your Lord a clear proof, and a guidance and a mercy; who then is more unjust than he who gives lies to God's signs and turns away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from Our signs with evil punishment for their turning away.(158)
- Are they only looking for the angels to come to them, or for thy Lord to come, or for some of the Signs of thy Lord to come? On the day some of the Signs of thy Lord come, it shall not profit a soul to believe, if it did not believe before, or earned some good in its belief. Say, `wait, we are also waiting'.(159)
- Those who have made divisions in their religion and have become sects, thou art not of them in anything; their affair is only unto God, and He will tell them what they have been doing.(160)
- Whoso brings a good deed shall have ten the like of it; and whoso brings an evil deed shall not be recompensed but the like of it, and they shall not be wronged.(161)
- Say, `as for me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path __ an upright religion, the creed of Abraham, the devoted, and he was not of the idolaters'.(162)
- Say, `my Prayer and my ritual sacrifice, and my living and my dying, all are for God, the Lord of the world,(163)
- who has no associate; and even so I have been commanded, and I am the first of those who have surrendered (Muslim)'.(164)
- Say, `shall I seek after a lord other than God, while He is the Lord of all things?' And no soul earns but against itself; and no bearer of load bears load of another; then to your Lord shall you return, and He will tell you wherein you differed.(165)
- And it is He who has appointed you viceroys in the earth, and raised in rank some of you above others, that He may try you in what He has given you; Surely thy Lord is swift in retribution, and surely He is Forgiving, Merciful.(166)
The Battlements
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 206 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim Sad (A.L.M.S.);(1)
- a Book is sent down to thee __ and let there be no tightness in thy breast because of it __ that thou mayest warn by it, and as a reminder to the Believers.(2)
- Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow friends other than He; but little heed you pay.(3)
- And how many a city We have destroyed, and Our might came upon it at night, or while they were resting at noon.(4)
- Then their cry, when Our might came upon them, was not but that they said, `we were surely wrong-doers'.(5)
- So We shall question those to whom the Message was sent(6)
- and We shall question the Messengers, and We shall relate to them with knowledge, and We were not absent.(7)
- The weighing that day will be true; then those whose scales are heavy, they shall prosper.(8)
- And those whose scales are light, they shall have given loss to themselves, for they wronged Our signs.(9)
- And We have established you in the earth, and made your livelihood in it; little thanks you show.(10)
- And We created you, then shaped you, then said to the angels, `prostrate yourselves before Adam', so they prostrated themselves except Iblis; he would not be among those who prostrated themselves.(11)
- God said, `what prevented thee from prostrating thyself, when I commanded thee?' Said he, `I am better than he; Thou createdst me of fire and createdst him of clay'.(12)
- God said, `get thou down from here; it is not for thee to show arrogance here; so go forth; thou art among the degraded'.(13)
- Said he, `respite me till the Day they shall be raised'.(14)
- God said, `thou art among the respited'.(15)
- Said he, `now that Thou hast perverted me, I shall surely sit for them on Thy straight path,(16)
- then I shall come on them from before them and from behind them, from their right and from their left, and Thou wilt not find most of them thankful'.(17)
- God said, `go forth from here, despised and banished; those of them who follow thee, I shall surely fill the Hell with all of you'.(18)
- `And O Adam, stay thou and thy wife in the garden and eat of where you will, but do not go near this tree, lest you be among the wrong-doers'.(19)
- Then the Devil whispered to them to show to them what was hidden from them of their shameful parts, and said, `your Lord has only prohibited you from this tree, lest you become angels, or be among the immortals'.(20)
- And he swore to them, `I am indeed a sincere adviser for you'.(21)
- So he let them fall down by delusion; and when they tasted the tree, their shameful parts became apparent to them, and they took to stitching leaves of the garden on them. And their Lord called to them, `did I not prohibit you from this tree and say to you that the Devil is an open enemy to you?'(22)
- They said, `our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if Thou dost not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall surely be among the losers'.(23)
- He said, `get you down as enemies to one another; for you there shall be on the earth an abode and goods for a time'.(24)
- He said, `there you shall live, there you shall die, and therefrom you shall be brought forth'.(25)
- O Children of Adam, We have sent down on you a garment to cover your shameful parts, and for adornment __ and the garment of piety that is the best __ that is of the Signs of God, that they may pay heed.(26)
- O Children of Adam, let not the Devil put you to trial, as he brought your parents out of the garden, stripping them of their garments to reveal to them their shameful parts; he sees you __ he and his tribe __ from where you do not see them. We have made the devils the friends of those who do not believe.(27)
- And when they commit an indecency, they say, `we found our fathers doing it, and God has commanded us to do it'. Say, `God does not command indecencies; do you say regarding God what you do not know?'(28)
- Say, `my Lord has commanded justice; and you keep your attention to every place of worship and call on Him, making obedience purely His. As He originated you so shall you return'.(29)
- A part He has guided, and a part has deserved to go astray; they have taken devils as friends, apart from God, and they think that they are guided.(30)
- O Children of Adam, adorn yourselves at every place of worship, and eat and drink but be not prodigal; He does not love the prodigal.(31)
- Say, `who has forbidden God's adornment and clean provisions, that He has brought forth for His servants?' Say, `they are for the Believers in the present life, and shall be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection'. Thus We explain the signs to a people who have knowledge.(32)
- Say, `my Lord has forbidden only indecencies, open and hidden, and sin and revolting without right, and that you associate with God that for which He has not sent down any authority, and that you say against God what you know not'.(33)
- And for every community there is a term; then, when their term comes, they do not put it back by a moment, nor put it forward.(34)
- O Children of Adam, there shall, however, come to you Messengers from among you, relating to you My signs, then those who feared God and reformed no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.(35)
- And those who gave lies to Our signs and showed arrogance against them, they shall be the inhabitants of the Fire, dwelling therein forever.(36)
- Now who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God or gives lies to His signs? Their portion as written shall reach them; till when Our messengers come to them to take them, they will say, `where are those you were calling on, apart from God?' They will say, `they are lost to us'; and they will testify against themselves that they were unbelievers.(37)
- He will say, `enter among the communities of jinn and men, that have passed away before you, into the Fire'. Whenever a community enters, it curses its sister; until, when they have all reached there, the last of them shall say regarding the earlier of them, `Our Lord, these led us astray, so give them a double punishment of the Fire'. He will say, `for everyone is a double, but you do not know'.(38)
- And the earlier of them shall say to the last of them, `you have no preference over us, now taste the punishment for what you have earned'.(39)
- Surely those who give lies to Our signs and show arrogance against them, the gates of the heaven shall not be opened to them, nor shall they enter Paradise, until the camel passes through the eye of the needle; and so shall We recompense the sinners.(40)
- Hell shall be their cradle and over them (its) coverings; and so shall We recompense the wrong-doers.(41)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds __ and We do not charge a soul but to its capacity __ they shall be the inhabitants of Paradise; therein they shall live forever.(42)
- And We shall draw out all rancour that is in their breasts; rivers will be flowing underneath them; and they shall say, `praise be to God who has guided us to this; and we could not find the way, if God had not guided us; surely the Messengers of Our Lord came with the truth'. And it will be proclaimed to them: `this is the Paradise you have been given to inherit for that you have been doing.(43)
- And the inhabitants of Paradise shall call to the inhabitants of the Fire, `we have found true what our Lord promised us; have you also found true what your Lord promised you?' They will say, `yes'. And then a herald shall proclaim between them: `God's curse be on the wrong-doers,(44)
- who barred from God's way and sought crookedness in it, and they disbelieved in the Hereafter'.(45)
- And between them shall be a veil; and on the battlements shall be men who will recognise all by their mark; and they will call to the inhabitants of Paradise, `peace be upon you' __ they have not entered it and they are eager.(46)
- And when their eyes are turned towards the inhabitants of the Fire, they will say, `our Lord, do not place us with the wrong-doing people'.(47)
- And the men of the battlements shall call certain men whom they will recognise by their mark, saying, `your multitude has not availed you, nor your arrogance.(48)
- Are these the ones you swore, `God would not grant them mercy?' __ `Enter Paradise, no fear on you, nor shall you grieve'.(49)
- And the inhabitants of the Fire will call to the inhabitants of Paradise, `pour on us some water or some of the provision God has given you'. They will say, `God has forbidden them to the unbelievers,(50)
- those who took their religion as a diversion and a sport, and whom the wordly life had deluded'. __ `So today, We forget them as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and for that they denied Our signs'.(51)
- And We have brought them a Book, which We have explained on the basis of knowledge, for guidance and a mercy to a people who believe.(52)
- Are they looking only for its interpretation? The day its interpretation comes, those who forgot it before, shall say, `the Messengers of our Lord came with the truth; now are there any intercessors to intercede for us, or shall we be returned to do other than that we have been doing?' They have indeed given loss to themselves and that they were forging is lost to them.(53)
- Surely your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He sat Himself upon the Throne; He covers the day with the night that seeks it urgently, and the sun and the moon and the stars are subservient by His command. Behold, His are the creation and the command; blessed be God, the Lord of the world.(54)
- Call on your Lord humbly and secretly; surely He does not love the trangressors.(55)
- And do not create disorder in the land after its reformation, and call on Him fearfully and eagerly; surely God's mercy is near the good-doers.(56)
- And it is He who sends forth the winds bearing good news before His mercy; till, when they bear a heavy cloud, We drive it to a dead land, and send down water with it, and thereby bring forth all the fruits. So do We bring forth the dead, perhaps you will pay heed.(57)
- And the good land __ its vegetation comes forth by the leave of its Lord; and that which is corrupt __ it comes forth but scantily; so We turn about the signs for a people who are thankful.(58)
- We sent Noah to his people and he said, `O my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; I fear for you the punishment of a mighty day.(59)
- The chiefs of his people said, `we see thee clearly astray'.(60)
- He said, `O my people, I am not astray, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the world.(61)
- I deliver to you the Messages of my Lord and advise you sincerely, for I know from God what you know not.(62)
- And do you wonder that an exhortation from your Lord should come to you through a man from among you, that he should warn you, and that you be godfearing, and that you may find mercy?'(63)
- But they gave lies to him, then We saved him and those with him in the Ark, and drowned those who gave lies to Our signs; surely they were a blind people.(64)
- And to Ad, (We sent) their brother Hood; he said, `O my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; will you not guard yourselves?(65)
- The chiefs of his people, who disbelieved, said, `we see thee in folly, and we guess thee one of the liars'.(66)
- He said `O my people, there is no folly in me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the world.(67)
- I deliver to you the Messages of my Lord, and I am a trustworthy, sincere adviser to you.(68)
- And do you wonder that an exhortation from your Lord should come to you through a man from among you, that he should warn you? But remember when He made you viceroys after the people of Noah, and increased you in stature broadly; so remember God's bounties that you may prosper'.(69)
- They said, `hast thou come to us that we may serve God alone, and forsake what our fathers used to serve? Now bring us that thou promisest us, if thou art of the truthful'.(70)
- He said, `scourge and wrath from your Lord have fallen on you: do you dispute with me regarding names you have given them, you and your fathers, for which God has not sent down any authority? Now wait, I am waiting with you'.(71)
- Then We saved him and those with him as a mercy from Us, and cut off the last remnant of those who gave lies to Our signs, and were not believers.(72)
- And to Thamood (We sent) their brother Salih; he said, `my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; there has come to you a Clear Sign from your Lord; this She-camel of God is a Sign for you, so leave her to eat on God's earth, and do not touch her with evil, lest a painful punishment should seize you.(73)
- And remember when He made you viceroys after Ad, and settled you in the land, you making palaces in its plains, and carving mountains into houses; so remember God's bounty and do not mischief in the land, causing disorder'.(74)
- The arrogant chiefs of his people said to the oppressed, to those of them who believed, `do you know that Salih is an Envoy from his Lord?' They said, `surely we are believers in the Message that he has been sent with'.(75)
- The arrogant ones said, `we are unbelievers of that you believe in'.(76)
- Then they hamstrung the She-camel, and defied the commandment of their Lord, and said, `O Salih, bring us what thou promisest us, if thou art of the Envoys'.(77)
- So the earthquake seized them, and they lay prone in their dwellings.(78)
- And he turned away from them and said, `O my people. I delivered to you the Message of my Lord, and advised you sincerely, but you do not like the sincere advisers'.(79)
- And (We sent) Lot __ when he said to his people, `do you commit the indecency that never any in the world committed before you?(80)
- You lustfully approach men, apart from women; no, you are an extravagant people'.(81)
- And the only answer of his people was that they said, `expel them from your city; they are a people that keep themselves clean'.(82)
- Then We saved him and his family except his wife who was among those who stayed behind.(83)
- And We rained down upon them a heavy rain; now see, how was the end of the sinners!(84)
- And to Midian (We sent) their brother Shuaib; he said, `my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; there has come to you a clear Sign from your Lord, so fill up the measure and the balance, and do not diminish the goods of the people, and do not create disorder in the land, after its reformation; that is better for you, if you are believers.(85)
- And do not sit on every path, threatening and barring from God's way those who believe in Him, seeking crookedness in it; and remember when you were few and He multiplied you; and see how was the end of those who create disorder.(86)
- And if a group among you believes in the Message I have been sent with, and a group does not believe, then be patient, till God judges between us; and He is the best of judges'.(87)
- The arrogant chiefs of his people said, `we shall surely expel thee, O Shuaib, and those who believe with thee, from our city, unless you return into our creed'. He said, `even though we hate it.(88)
- We should have forged a lie against God if we returned into your creed, after God has delivered us from it; and it is not for us to return into it, except that God, our Lord, so will; our Lord embraces all things in knowledge; in God we put our trust.' __ `Our Lord, decide between us and our people with truth; for Thou art the best of deciders'. (89)
- And the disbelieving chiefs of his people said, `if you follow Shuaib, you will surely be losers.'(90)
- Then the earthquake seized them and they lay prone in their dwellings. (91)
- Those who gave lies to Shuaib, it was as if they never dwelt there; those who gave lies to Shuaib, only they were the losers. (92)
- Then he turned away from his people and said, `O my people, I delivered to you the Messages of my Lord, and advised you sincerely; now how should I sorrow for a disbelieving people?' (93)
- And We did not send any Prophet to a city but We seized its people with misery and hardship that they might humble themselves. (94)
- Then We changed, in place of evil, good, till they became affluent and said, `hardship and happiness touched our fathers too.' Then We seized them suddenly, when they perceived not.(95)
- And had the people of the cities believed and been godfathering, We would have opened upon them blessings from heaven and earth; but they cried lies and We seized them for what they earned. (96)
- Now do the people of the cities feel secure that Our might shall not come upon them at night while they are asleep?(97)
- And do the people of the cities feel secure that Our might shall not come upon them in daylight while they are playing?(98)
- Do they feel secure against Gods' devising? But none feels secure against Gods' devising except the losing people.(99)
- And is it not a guidance to those who inherit the earth after its (earlier) people, that if We will, We would afflict them for their sins? But We seal their hearts, so they do not listen.(100)
- Those were the cities whose news We relate to thee; and their Messengers came to them with clear signs, but they were not the ones to believe in that they had given lies to before; so God seals the hearts of the unbelievers. (101)
- And we did not find most of them keeping the covenant; and We surely found most of them transgressors.(102)
- Then, after them, We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they did wrong to them; then see how was the end of the workers of disorder!(103)
- And Moses said, `O Pharaoh, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the world,(104)
- incumbent in that I should not speak regarding God anything except the truth. I have brought to you a clear proof from your Lord, so send forth with me the Children of Israel'.(105)
- He said, `if thou hast brought a proof, produce it, if thou art of the truthful'. (106)
- So he cast his staff; then lo, it was a serpent manifest.(107)
- And he drew forth his hand; then lo, it was white to the beholders. (108)
- The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, `this is surely a learned sorcerer,(109)
- who desires to expel you from your land; now what do you enjoin? (110)
- They said, `put him and his brother off a while, and send musterers around the cities,(111)
- to bring to thee all the learned sorcerers. (112)
- And the sorcerers came to Pharaoh; they said, `we shall surely have a wage, if we should be the victors.'(113)
- He said, `yes, and you shall be among the near-stationed.'(114)
- They said, `Moses, wilt thou cast, or shall we be casting?' (115)
- He said, `you cast'; so when they cast they put a spell on the peopl's eyes and terrified them, and they produced a mighty sorcery.(116)
- And We revealed to Moses, `cast thy staff'; then lo, it swallowed up what they had forged. (117)
- So the truth appeared, and what they had done vanished.(118)
- So they were vanquished and turned about degraded.(119)
- And the sorcerers fell down prostrating. (120)
- They said, `we believe in the Lord of the world,(121)
- the Lord of Moses and Aaron'. (122)
- Pharaoh said, `you have believed in Him before I gave you leave. This was surely a device you devised in the city that you expel its people from it, but you shall soon know.(123)
- I shall cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, then I shall curcify you all together'.(124)
- They said, `we are turning to our Lord.(125)
- And thou takest vengeance upon us only because we have believed in the signs of our Lord, when they have come to us' __ ``Our Lord, pour out upon us patience, and take us to Thee surrendering (Muslims)'.(126)
- And chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, `wilt thou leave Moses and his people to create disorder in the land, and to forsake thee and thy gods?' He said, `we shall slaughter their sons and keep alive their women, and we hold power over them'.(127)
- Moses said to his people, `seek help with God and be patient; the earth belongs to God, and He bequeaths it to whom He will among His servants; and the end-result is for the godfearing'.(128)
- They said, `we were hurt before thou camest to us, and after thou camest to us'. He said, `it may be that your Lord destroys your enemy, and makes you viceroys in the land, then He may see how you work'.(129)
- And We seized Pharaoh's people with barren years and scarcity of fruits, that they may pay heed.(130)
- But whenever good came to them, they said `this is our due'; and if any evil afflicted them, they would attribute ill luck to Moses and those with him. Why! surely their ill luck was with God but most of them knew not.(131)
- And they said, `whatever Sign thou bringest to us to cast, with it, a spell upon us, we will not believe thee'.(132)
- Then We let loose upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the blood, as distinct Signs, but they showed arrogance and were a sinful people.(133)
- And when the scourge fell upon them, they said, `O Moses, pray to thy Lord for us, for He has made a covenant with thee; if thou removest from us the scourge, we will believe thee, and send the Children of Israel with thee'.(134)
- But when We removed from them the scourge to a term which they were to reach, lo, they broke it. (135)
- So We took vengeance on them, and drowned them in overflowing water, for that they gave lies to Our signs and were heedless of them.(136)
- And We made the people that were oppressed to inherit the east and the west of the land We had blessed; and the most fair word of thy Lord was fulfilled upon the Children of Israel for that they showed patience; and We utterly destroyed what Pharaoh and his people made and what they built.(137)
- And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea and they came upon a people adhering to their idols. They said, `O Moses, make for us a god, like they have gods for them. He said, `you are an ignorant people.(138)
- These, in which they are engaged, shall be shattered, and what they are doing shall vanish'.(139)
- He said, `shall I seek for you a god other than God and He has exalted you above the whole world?'(140)
- And when We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh who afflicted you with evil punishment, slaughtering your sons and letting you women live, and in that was a big trial from your Lord.(141)
- And We appointed with Moses thirty nights and completed them with ten, so the appointed time of His Lord was completed to forty nights; and Moses said to his brother Aaron, `take my place among my people, act right, and follow not the way of those that create disorder'. (142)
- And when Moses came to Our appointed time, and his Lord spoke with him, he said `my Lord, show me that I may look upon Thee'. He said, `thou shall not see Me, but look upon the mountain, and if it stays at its place, thou shalt see Me'. But when his Lord appeared in His glory on the mountain, He made it crumbled to dust, and Moses fell down fainted. When he recovered, he said, `Thou art Holy, I repent to Thee, and I am the first of the believers'.(143)
- God said, `O Moses, I have chosen thee above men for My Messages and My speech, so take what I give thee and be among the thankful'.(144)
- And We wrote for him on the Tablets an admonition everything and an explanation of everything: `take it firmly and bid thy people to take the fairest of it; I shall soon show you the house of the transgressors.(145)
- I shall turn from My signs those who show arrogance in the earth without right; for if they see every sign, they will not believe in it; and if they see the way of rectitude, they will not take it for a way, and if they see the way of perversion, they will take it for a way; that is because they give lies to Our signs and are heedless of them. (146)
- And those who gave lies to Our signs and to the meeting of the Hereafter, their works have gone waste; could they be recompensed except according to what they have done.(147)
- And the people of Moses took after him (for god) of their ornaments a Calf that lowed. Did they not see that it would not speak to them nor would guide them to any way? They took it (for god), and were wrong-doers.(148)
- And when they repented and saw that they had gone astray, they said, `if our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgive us, we shall surely be among the losers'.(149)
- And when Moses returned to his people angry and sorrowful, he said, `how evil you did in my place after me; were you in haste against the command of your Lord?' And he cast down the Tablets, and he held his brother's head, dragging him to him. He said, `son of my mother, the people oppressed me and had almost killed me; so do not make enemies laugh at me, and do not put me with the wrong-doing people'.(150)
- He said, `my Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Thy mercy, for Thou art the most merciful of the merciful'.(151)
- Those who took the Calf (for god), the wrath from their Lord and abasement shall overtake them in this world; and so We recompense the forgers.(152)
- And those who do evil deeds, then repent after that and have faith __ thy Lord is thereafter Forgiving, Merciful.(153)
- And when Moses' anger calmed down, he took up the Tablets, for in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who hold their Lord in awe.(154)
- And Moses chose of his people seventy men for Our appointed time; and when the earth-quake seized them, he said, `my Lord, hadst Thou willed, Thou wouldst have destroyed them and me before; wilt Thou destroy us for what the fools among us have done; it is not but thy trial whereby Thou sendest astray whom Thou wilt, and guidest whom Thou wilt; Thou art our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us, and Thou art the best of forgivers.(155)
- And prescribe good for us in this world and in the Hereafter; we have turned to Thee.' He said, `I shall afflict My punishment on whom I will; and My mercy embraces all things; and I shall prescribe it for those who are godfearing, and pay the Alms and believe in Our Signs'.(156)
- Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet whom they find written down with them in the Torah and the Gospel, who bid them the desirable and forbid them the disgusting, makes lawful for them the good things and makes unlawful for them the dirty things, and relieves them of their burden and the shackles that are upon them; so those who believe in him and succour him and help him and follow the light that has been sent down with him __ those shall be the prosperous.'(157)
- Say, `O mankind, I am the Messenger of God to you all __ of Him to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He; He gives life and makes to die; so believe in God and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His Words, and follow him that you may be guided'.(158)
- And among the people of Moses is a community who guide by the truth and do justice by it.(159)
- And We cut them up into twelve tribes as communities. And We revealed to Moses, when his people asked him for water: `strike the rock with thy staff;' and there gushed forth from it twelve springs; all men learnt their drinking place. And We overshadowed them with the cloud, and sent down on them manna and quails: `eat of the clean things We have provided you'. And they did Us no wrong but themselves they wronged.(160)
- And when it was said to them, `dwell in this town and eat therefrom wherever you will, and say, `forgiveness,' and enter the gate prostrating, We will forgive you your mistakes, and We will add for the good-doers'.(161)
- Then the wrong-doers among them substituted a saying other than that which was said to them, and We sent down on them scourge from heaven for their wrongdoing. (162)
- And ask them concerning the town that lay by the side of the sea; when they transgressed the Sabbath, when their fish came to them on the day of their Sabbath swimming, and on the day they did not keep Sabbath, they did not come to them; thus We tried them for their transgression.(163)
- And when a community of them said. `why do you admonish a people whom God is about to destroy, or punish with a terrible punishment', they said, `an excuse to your Lord, or that they may become godfearing'.(164)
- And when they forgot that they were admonished with, We delivered those who forbade the evil, and We seized the wrong-doers with evil punishment, for their transgressions.(165)
- And when they turned in disdain from what they were forbidden, We said to them, `be you apes driven away'.(166)
- And behold, thy Lord proclaimed that He would raise up against them, till the Day of Resurrection, those who would afflict them with evil punishment; surely thy Lord is swift in retribution, and surely He is Forgiving, Merciful. (167)
- And We cut them up in communities all over the earth; some of them are righteous and some of them are otherwise,; and We tried them with good and bad things, that they may return. (168)
- Then there succeeded after them a succession who inherited the Book, taking the goods of this world and saying, `it will be forgiven us'; ; but if goods the like of them come to them again they take them. Has not the covenant of the Book been taken from them that they shall not say concerning God anything except the truth, and they have studied what is in it? And the Last House is better for the godfearing; so will you not understand? (169)
- And those who hold fast to the Book and establish the Prayer __ surely We do not waste the wage of those who put things right. (170)
- And when We shook the mountain above them, as if it were a canopy, and they thought it was about to fall on them: `take what We have given you firmly, and remember what is in it, that you may be godfearing'.(171)
- And behold, thy Lord took from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their offspring, and made them testify about themselves, `am I not your Lord?' They said, `yes, we testify'; __ lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, `we were unaware of this'(172)
- or lest you say, `our fathers were idolaters aforetime, and we were only offspring after them; wilt Thou destroy us for what the vain-doers did?'(173)
- And so We explain the signs, and so that they may return.(174)
- And recite to them the news of him whom We gave Our sings but he cast them off, and the Devil followed after him, and he was among the perverts. (175)
- And had We willed, We would have raised him up thereby, but he stuck to the earth and followed his caprice. So his likeness is as the likeness of a dog; if thou attackest it, it lolls the tongue out, or if thou leavest it, it lolls the tongue out. That is the likeness of the people who give lies to Our signs; so relate the story that they may ponder.(176)
- How evil is the likeness of the people who gave lies to Our signs and themselves they wronged.(177)
- Whom God guides, he is guided; and whom He sends astray, they are the losers.(178)
- And We have created for Hell many of the jinn and men; they have hearts but do not understand with them; and they have eyes but do not see with them; and they have ears but do not hear with them; they are like cattle; no, they are further astray; they are the heedless.(179)
- And to God belong the most beautiful names; so call Him with them, and leave those who blaspheme His names; they shall be recompensed for the things they did.(180)
- And of those We have created, there is a community who guide by the truth and do justice by it.(181)
- And those who give lies to Our signs, We shall lead them on, step by step, whence they do not know.(182)
- And I respite them; surely my guile is sure.(183)
- And have they not pondered? __ No madness is in their companion; he is only a clear warner.(184)
- And have they not looked into the governance of the heavens and the earth and all the things that God has created, and that it may be that their term has drawn near? In what discourse, after this, shall they believe?(185)
- Whomso God sends astray, has no guide; and He leaves them in their insolence, blindly wandering. (186)
- They ask thee of the Hour, when it shall arrive? Say, `its knowledge is only with my Lord; none can show it at its time but He; it will be heavy in the heavens and the earth; it shall not come on you but suddenly'. They ask thee as if thou art well-informed of it. Say,`its knowledge is only with God, but most men do not know'.(187)
- Say, `I have no power to profit or hurt for myself, but as God will; and had I the knowledge of the unseen, I would have amassed enough good, and harm would have not touched me; I am not but a warner and a bearer of good news for a people who believe'. (188)
- It is He who created you out of one soul, and made thereof its mate, that he might have comfort in her. So when he covers her, she bears a light burden and passes by with it; then when it becomes heavy, they pray to God, their Lord, `if Thou givest us a goodly (child), we shall surely be among the thankful'.(189)
- But when He gives them a goodly (child), they assign to Him associates in what He gave them; but High is God, above that they associate (with Him).(190)
- Do they associate that which creates nothing and themselves are created? (191)
- And they have no power to help them, nor do they help themselves.(192)
- And if you call them to guidance, they will not follow you; equal it is to you, whether you call them or you remain silent.(193)
- Those on whom you call, apart from God, are servants like you; now call them and let them answer you, if you speak truly.(194)
- Have they feet with which they walk, or have they hands with which they hold, or have they eyes with which they see, or have they ears with which they hear? Say, `call your associates, then try your guile on me and give me no respite.(195)
- My Protector is God who has sent down the Book, and it is He who protects the righteous. (196)
- And those on whom you call, apart from God, have no power to help you, nor do they help themselves'.(197)
- And if you call them to the guidance, they do not hear; and thou regardest them looking at thee, but they do not see.(198)
- Be pardoning, and bid the desirable, and turn away from the ignorant.(199)
- And if a provocation from the devil provokes thee, seek refuge in God; He is Hearing, Knowing. (200)
- The godfearing, when any thought from the Devil visits them, pay heed and then see clearly.(201)
- And their brothers draw them on to perversion, then do not stop short.(202)
- And when thou dost not bring them a sign, they say,`why has not thou chosen it?' Say,`I follow only what is revealed to me from my Lord; here are evidences from your Lord and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe'.(203)
- And when the Quran is read, listen to it and keep silent, that you may receive mercy.(204)
- And remember thy Lord in thy soul, humbly and fearfully, and without being loud in voice, at the mornings and evenings, and be not among the heedless.(205)
- Surely those who are near thy Lord do not show arrogance to serve Him, and they celebrate His Holiness, and unto Him they prostrate themselves.(206)
The Spoils
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 75 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- They ask thee concerning the spoils. Say, `the spoils belong to God and the Messenger; so fear God and set things right between you; and obey God and His Messenger, if you are Believers'.(1)
- The Believers are only those who, when God is mentioned, their hearts quake, and when His signs are recited to them, it increases them in belief, and in their Lord they put their trust;(2)
- those who establish the Prayer, and expend of that We have provided them;(3)
- those in truth are the Believers; they have ranks with their Lord, and forgiveness and generous provision. (4)
- As thy Lord brought thee forth from thy house with the truth, though a party of the Believers were surely averse to it,(5)
- disputing with thee concerning the truth, after it had become clear, as if they were being driven to death and they were seeing it.(6)
- And when God promised you one of the two groups that it should be yours, and you wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but God desired to establish the truth by His words, and cut off the last remnant of the unbelievers;(7)
- that He may establish the truth and make the falsehood vanish, though the sinners be averse to it. (8)
- When you were calling upon your Lord for help, and He answered you, `I shall reinforce you with a thousand angels coming in succession'.(9)
- And God made it only a good news and that your hearts might thereby be at rest; otherwise help comes only from God; God is Mighty, Wise.(10)
- When He was causing slumber to cover you as a security from Him, and was sending down on you water from heaven to thereby cleanse you and take away from you the defilement of the Devil, and to strengthen your hearts, and thereby confirm the feet.(11)
- When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, `I am with you, so confirm the Believers. I will cast terror in the hearts of the unbelievers, so strike above the necks and strike every finger of theirs.'(12)
- That, because they opposed God and His Messenger; and if any opposes God and His Messenger, then God is terrible in retribution. (13)
- That is for you, so taste it; and that for the unbelievers shall be punishment of the Fire.(14)
- O Believers, when you encounter the unbelievers marching to battle, do not turn your backs to them. (15)
- And any who turns his back that day to them, unless he is changing position for the battle or is moving to join a band, he is laden with God's wrath, and his abode shall be Hell __ and it is an evil destination.(16)
- And you did not kill them, but God killed them; and thou didst not throw, when thou threwest but God threw; and it was so that He might put the Believers through a handsome trial from Him; surely God is Hearing, Knowing.(17)
- That for you, and that God will weaken the guile of the unbelievers.(18)
- If you sought decision, then decision has come to you; now if you give over, it will be better for you, but if you repeat, We shall also repeat, and your host will not avail you at all, how numerous it may be, for God is with the Believers.(19)
- O Believers, obey God and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him, as you are listening.(20)
- And be not like those who say, `we hear;' but they do not hear. (21)
- The worst of beasts in God's sight are those that are deaf and dumb and do not understand.(22)
- And if God had known any good in them, He would have made them hear; but even if He had made them hear, they would have turned away, swerving aside. (23)
- O Believers, respond to God and the Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life; and know that God stands between a man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be mustered.(24)
- And fear the turmoil that will not specially afflict the wrong-doers among you; and know that God is terrible in retribution. (25)
- And remember when you were few and oppressed in the land, and you feared lest the people should snatch you away, then He gave you shelter, and strenghened you with His help, and provided you with the good things, that you may give thanks.(26)
- O Believers, do not betray God and the Messenger, and do not betray your trusts knowingly.(27)
- And know that your wealth and your children are but a trial, and that with God is a mighty wage.(28)
- O Believers, if you fear God, He will give you a distinction and acquit you of your evils, and forgive you; and God is Highly Bounteous. (29)
- And when the unbelievers devised against thee to confine thee, or kill thee, or expel thee; and they devised and God devised; and God is the best of devisers.(30)
- And when Our signs were recited to them, they said, `we have heard; if we wished, we could say the like of this; they are only fables of the ancients'.(31)
- And when they said, `O God, if this indeed is truth from Thee, rain down upon us stones from the heaven, or bring us a painful punishment'.(32)
- But God would never punish them, with thee among them; and Gd would never punish them when they prayed forgiveness.(33)
- But what have they now that God should not punish them, when they are barring from the Sacred Mosque, though they are not its custodians. Its custodians are only the godfearing, but most of them have no knowledge.(34)
- And their prayer at the House is nothing but whistling and hand-clapping __ `so taste you the punihsment for you have disbelieved.'(35)
- The unbelievers expend their wealth to bar from God's way; but they will expend it, then it will be a regret for them, then they will be overwhelmed; and the unbelievers will be mustered to the Hell, (36)
- that God may distinguish the corrupt from the clean, and place the corrupt, one over the other, then heap them up all together, and put them in Hell; those are the losers.(37)
- Say to the unbelievers, if they give over, they will be forgiven what is past, but if they repeat then there has already passed the tradition of the earlier people.(38)
- And fight them till no turmoil is left, and the Religion is God's entirely; then if they give over, God surely sees the things they do. (39)
- But if they turn away, then know that God is your Protector __ how excellent a Protector, and how excellent a Helper!(40)
- And know that whatever booty you take, the fifth of it is for God, and for the Messenger, and for the near kinsman, the orphan, the needy, and the traveller, if you believe in God and in that We sent down on Our Servant on the Day of Distinction, the day the two hosts encountered; and God is powerful over everything.(41)
- When you were on the nearer bank and they were on the farther bank, and the caravan was below you; and had you made mutual appointment, you would have surely failed the appointment; but it was so that God might decree a matter that was done, that he who perished should perish by a clear sign, and he who lived should live by a clear sign; and God was surely Hearing and Knowing,(42)
- when God showed them to thee few in thy dream; and had He shown them to thee many, you would have lost heart and quarrelled over the matter, but God saved; He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(43)
- And when He showed them to you few in your eyes, when you encountered them, and made you few in their eyes, that God might decree a matter that was done; and unto God all matters are returned.(44)
- O Believers, when you encounter a host, stand firm and remember God much, that you may succeed.(45)
- And obey God and His Messenger, and do not quarrel together, lest you lose heart and your power depart; and be steadfast; surely God is with the steadfast.(46)
- And be not like those who came forth from their homes boasting and showing off to men, and hindering from the way of God; and God encompasses the things they do.(47)
- And when the Devil showed their works fair to them, and said, `no man shall overcome you today, and I shall be your neighbor.' But when the two hosts sighted each other, he retreated on his heels, and said, `I am quit of you, I see what you do not see; I fear God; and God is terrible in retribution'.(48)
- When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was sickness said, `their religion has deluded these (people)'; but whoso puts trust in God, surely God is Mighty, Wise.(49)
- And if thou couldst see, when the angels take souls of the unbelievers, striking on their faces and their backs, and (say), `taste the punishment of burning;(50)
- that is for what your hands have forwarded, and that God is no tyrant over His servants'.(51)
- Like Pharaoh's people and those before them; they disbelieved in the signs of God, then God seized them for their sins; surely God is Strong and Terrible in retribution.(52)
- That is because God would never change a blessing that He has bestowed on a people until they changed that which was within themselves, and that God is Hearing, Knowing,(53)
- like Pharaoh's people and those before them; they gave lies to the signs of their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned Pharaoh's people; and all were wrong-doers.(54)
- The worst of beasts in God's sight are the unbelievers who will not believe; (55)
- those of them with whom thou hast made a covenant, they break their covenant every time(56)
- and are not godfearing. So, if thou comest upon them in war, disperse, along with them, those behind them, that they may pay heed.(57)
- And if thou fearest treachery from any people, throw it back on them, on equal basis; surely God does not love the treacherous.(58)
- And let not the unbelievers think that they have outstripped Us; they cannot frustrate Us.(59)
- And make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to terrify thereby God's enemy and your enemy, and others besides them; you do not know them, God knows them; and whatever you will expend in the way of God, it shall be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.(60)
- And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in God; He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(61)
- And if they desire to deceive thee, then surely God is sufficient for thee; He it is who has strengthened thee with His help and with the Believers;(62)
- and He has brought their hearts together. Hadst thou expended all that is in the earth, thou wouldst not have brought their hearts together, but God brought them together; He is Mighty, Wise.(63)
- O Prophet, God is sufficient for thee and the believers who follow thee.(64)
- O Prophet, urge on the Believers to fight. If there be among you twenty patient men they should overcome two hundreds, and if there be among you a hundred, they should overcome a thousand of unbelievers, for they are a people who do not understand.(65)
- Now, knowing that there is weakness in you, God has lightened it for you; so if there be among you a hundred patient men, they should overcome two hundred, and if there be among you a thousand, they should overcome two thousand, by the leave of God; and God is with the patient.(66)
- It is not for any Prophet to have prisoners until he makes a good killing in the land; you desire goods of this world and God desires the Hereafter; and God is Mighty, Wise.(67)
- Had not a prescription from God gone forth, there would have afflicted you, for what you took, a big punishment.(68)
- Now eat of that you have taken as booty, such as is lawful and good, and fear God; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(69)
- O Prophet, say to the prisoners in your hands, `if God knows of any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what has been taken from you, and forgive you; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(70)
- And if they desire to betray thee, they have betrayed God before, but He made them powerless; and God is Knowing Wise. (71)
- Those who believed and emigrated and struggled with their wealth and their selves in the way of God, and those who gave shelter and helped, those are friends of one another. And those who believed but did not emigrate, you have no duty of friendship towards them at all until they emigrate; yet if they ask you for help in the matter of religion, help is (obligatory) upon you, except against a people between whom and you there is a treaty; and God sees the things you do.(72)
- And the unbelievers are friends of one another. Unless you do that, there will be turmoil and a great disorder in the land.(73)
- And those who believed and emigrated and struggled in the way of God, and those who gave shelter and helped, they are the Believers in truth; for them shall be forgiveness and generous provision.(74)
- And those who believed afterwards and emigrated and struggled along with you, they too belong to you; and those related by blood are nearer to one another in the Book of God; surely God knows everything.(75)
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 129- An acquittal from God and His Messenger unto those of the idolaters with whom you made covenant: (1)
- `go about in the land for four months and know that you cannot frustrate God, and that God will humiliate the unbelievers'.(2)
- And it is a Proclamation from God and His Messenger unto mankind, on the day of the Great Pilgrimage: `God is quit and His Messenger of the idolaters. So if you repent, it will be good for you; but if you turn away, then know that you cannot frustrate God'. And give thou good news of a painful punishment to the unbelievers;(3)
- but those of the idolaters with whom you made covenant, then they did not fail you at all, and did not support any against you, fulfil their covenant with them till their term; surely God loves the godfearing.(4)
- Then, when the sacred months have passed away, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and sit for them at every place of ambush. Then, if they repent, and establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-Alms, leave alone their way; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(5)
- And if anyone of the idolaters asks thee for protection, give him protection till he hears the Word of God, then convey him to his place of security; that is because they are a people who have no knowledge.(6)
- How can the idolaters have covenant with God and with His Messenger, excepting those with whom you made covenant at the Sacred Mosque; then as they kept it with you, you also keep with them; surely God loves the godfearing.(7)
- How can it be __for if they overwhelm you, they will not observe towards you any kinship or treaty; they please you with their mouths but their hearts refuse; and most of them are transgressors.(8)
- They have sold the signs of God for a small price, and barred His way; evil is that they have done.(9)
- They do not observe any kinship or treaty towards a Believer; and they are the transgressors.(10)
- Now, if they repent and establish the Prayer and pay the Due-Alms, they are your brothers in religion; and We explain the signs for a people who have knowledge.(11)
- And if they break their oaths after their covenant, and taunt you in your religion, then fight the leaders of unbelief, for they have no oaths; may be they give over.(12)
- Will you not fight a people who broke their oaths and purposed to expel the Messenger, and it is they who made the beginning against you first time? Are you afraid of them? But God has a greater right to be afraid of, if you are Believers.(13)
- Fight them, God will punish them at your hands, and humiliate them, and help you against them, and heal the breasts of a believing people,(14)
- and remove the rage in their hearts; and God will accept the repentance of whomsoever He will; and God is Knowing, Wise.(15)
- Or do you think that you would be left alone, when God has not yet known those of you who have struggled and have not taken any intimate apart from God, His Messenger and the Believers; and God is aware of what you do.(16)
- It is not for the idolaters to inhabit God's mosques testifying unbelief against themselves; their works have gone vain, and in the Fire they shall dwell forever.(17)
- Only he may inhabit God's mosques who believes in God and the Last Day, and establishes the Prayer and pays the Due-Alms, and fears none except God; it may be that those will be among the guided.(18)
- Have you made the giving of water to the pilgrims and the inhabiting of the Sacred Mosque as one who believes in God and the Last Day and struggles in the way of God? They are not equal in God's sight; and God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(19)
- Those who have believed and emigrated and struggled in the way of God with their wealth and their selves, they are greatest in rank with God; and they alone shall triumph.(20)
- Their Lord gives them good news of His mercy and pleasure and such gardens, wherein shall be a lasting delight for them,(21)
- to dwell therein forever and ever; surely with God is a mighty wage.(22)
- O Believers, do not take your fathers and your brothers as your friends, if they seek to love unbelief against belief; and whoso of you takes them as friends, they are the wrong-doers.(23)
- Say, `if your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your clan, your wealth that you have acquired, commerce whose decline you fear, and dwellings you are pleased to have __ if they are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and to struggle in His way, then wait till God brings His command; and God does not guide the transgressing people'. (24)
- God has already helped you on many fields; and, on the day of Hunain, when your multitude appeared marvellous to you, but it did not avail you at all, and the earth, with all its vastness, was narrowed on you, and you turned back retreating.(25)
- Then God sent down His tranquility on His Messenger and on the Believers, and He sent down hosts you did not see, and He punished the unbelievers; and that is the recompense of the unbelievers.(26)
- Then God, thereafter, will turn to whom He will; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(27)
- O Believers, the idolaters are simply unclean, so let them not come near the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. And if you fear poverty, God will soon enrich you of His bounty if He will; God is Knowing, Wise.(28)
- Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor do they forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor do they practise the religion of truth, from among those who were given the Book, until they pay tribute out of hand, duly humbled.(29)
- And the Jews say, `Ezra is the son of God', and the Christians say, `Messiah is the son of God'; that is their utterance with their mouths; they imitate the utterance of the unbelievers before them; God destroy them; how perverted they are!(30)
- They have taken their priests and their monks and the Messiah, son of Mary, as lords, apart from God, while they were commanded to serve only One God; there is no god but He; He is Holy, above that they associate.(31)
- They desire to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God refuses except that He will perfect His light, though the unbelievers be averse.(32)
- It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth that He may make it prevail over all religions, though the idolaters be averse.(33)
- O Believers, many of the priests and the monks eat the goods of the people falsely and bar from God's way. And those who treasure up gold and silver and do not expend them in the way of God, give them the good news of a painful punishment,(34)
- on the day it shall be heated in the Fire of Hell, and their foreheads and their sides and their backs shall be branded with it: `this is what you treasured up for yourselves; now taste what you were treasuring.'(35)
- The number of the months with God, the day He created the heavens and the earth, is twelve in the Book of God __ of them four are sacred. That is the standing religion; so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight the idolaters totally as they fight you totally, and know that God is with the godfearing.(36)
- The postponement of aÿmonth is only an addition to unbelief, whereby the unbelievers are led astray, by making it lawful one year and unlawful another year, that they may make up the number which God has forbidden, and thus make lawful what God has made unlawful. Their evil deeds seem fair to them; and God does not guide the disbelieving people. (37)
- O Believers, how is it with you that when it is said to you, `go forth in the way of God', you sink down heavily to the earth? Are you contented with the present life against the Hereafter? But the goods of the present life against the Hereafter are only little things.(38)
- If you do no go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment, and will substitute a people instead of you, and you will not hurt Him in the least; and God is powerful over everything.(39)
- If you do not help him, then God has already helped him, when the unbelievers expelled him, (he was) the second of the two, when they were in the cave, when he said to his companion, `do not grieve, God is with us'. Then God sent down on him tranquility from Him, and aided him with forces that you did not see, and made the word of the unbelievers the lowest. And God's word, that is the most high; and God is Mighty, Wise.(40)
- Go forth light and heavy, and struggle with your wealth and yourselves in the way of God; that is good for you, if you knew.(41)
- Were it a gain nearby and a journey easy, they would have surely followed thee, but the hard journey seemed too far to them. And they will swear by God, `had we been able, we would have gone forth with you'; they are destroying themselves; and God knows that they are surely liars.(42)
- God pardon thee! Why didst thou give them leave, before it became clear to thee as to who spoke the truth and thou knewest the liars?(43)
- Those who believe in God and the Last Day do not ask thee for leave that they may struggle with their wealth and their selves; and God knows the godfearing.(44)
- They only ask thee for leave who do not believe in God and the Last Day, and their hearts are in doubt, so they waiver in their doubt.(45)
- And had they desired to go forth, they would have made some preparation for it; but God was averse to their rising up, so He made them pause, and it was said, `sit back with those who sit back'.(46)
- Had they gone forth along with you, they would have only increased you in trouble, and run to and fro in your midst seeking to stir up sedition between you. And among you are their listeners; and God knows the wrong-doers.(47)
- They sought to stir up sedition before too, and they turned the affairs upside down for thee, till the truth came and God's command prevailed, though they were averse. (48)
- And some of them say, `give me leave and do not put me to trial'. Behold, they have already fallen to trial; and surely the Hell encompasses the unbelievers.(49)
- If good befalls thee it makes them ill; and if an affliction befalls thee, they say, `we took hold of our affair before hand', and they turn away rejoicing.(50)
- Say, `nothing shall befall us except what God has prescribed for us; He is our protector; and in God should the Believers put their trust'.(51)
- Say, `are you awaiting for us for anything except one of the two fairest things? But we are awaiting for you, for God to afflict you with punishment from Himself or at our hands; so await, we are awaiting with you'.(52)
- Say, `expend willingly or unwillingly, it shall not be accepted of you; you are a transgressing people'.(53)
- And nothing prevented their expendings to be accepted from them, except that they disbelieved in God and in His Messenger, and they do not attend the Prayer but lazily, and they do not expend but that they are averse.(54)
- So let not their wealth or their children make thee wonder; God desires only to punish them thereby in the present life, and that their souls should depart and they are unbelievers.(55)
- And they swear by God that they are of you; but they are not of you; but they are a coward people.(56)
- If they could find a shelter or caves or a place to enter, they would surely turn thereto in frantic haste.(57)
- And some of them find fault with thee regarding the offerings; then if they are given something of it, they are pleased, and if they are not given anything of it, they get enraged.(58)
- But were they pleased with what God and His Messenger gave them and said, `God is enough for us; God will give us out of His bounty and His Messenger; to God we turn in hope.(59)
- The offerings are only for the poor, the needy, those who work on them, those whose hearts are to be conciliated, those in bondage, those under debt, in the way of God, and the traveller; an ordinance from God; and God is Knowing, Wise.(60)
- And some of them hurt the Prophet, and say, `he is an ear'. Say, `an ear of good for you, who believes in God and has faith in the Believers, and He is a mercy to those of you who have faith. But those who hurt the Messenger shall have a painful punishment.(61)
- They swear by God to you to please you, but God and His Messenger have more right that they should please Him, if they are indeed Believers.(62)
- Do they not know that whoso opposes God and His Messenger, for them shall be the Fire of Hell to dwell therein forever; that is the great humiliation.(63)
- The hypocrites fear lest a chapter should be sent down upon them, telling them what is in their hearts: Say, `mock on; God will bring forth what you fear'.(64)
- And if thou questionest them, they will say, `we were only discussing and making merry'. Say, `is it God and His Signs and His Messenger that you mock?'(65)
- Make no excuses; you have disbelieved after you believed; if We pardon a group of yours, We shall punish another group, for they were sinners.(66)
- The hypocrites, men and women, are as one another; they bid the disgusting and forbid the desirable, and keep their hands shut; they have forgotten God, and He has forgotten them; surely the hypocrites are the transgressors.(67)
- God promises the hypocrites, men and women, and the unbelievers the Fire of Hell, to dwell therein forever; it will suffice them; and God has cursed them; and for them shall be a lasting punishment __ (68)
- like those before you, who were stronger in power and more abundant in wealth and children than you are; they drew benefit of their share; now you draw benefit of your share, as those before you drew benefit of their share, and you discuss the way they discussed; their works have gone vain in this world and Hereafter, and they are the losers.(69)
- Has there not come to them the news of those before them __ the people of Noah, Ad and Thamood, the people of Abraham, the men of Midian and the overturned cities? Their Messengers came to them with clear signs; and God would not wrong them, but themselves they wronged.(70)
- And the Believers, men and women, are friends of one another; they bid the desirable, forbid the disgusting, establish the Prayer, pay the Due-alms, and obey God and His Messenger; upon them God will have mercy; God is Mighty, Wise.(71)
- God promises the Believers, men and women, gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever, and gracious houses in the gardens of eternity; and God's pleasure shall be the greatest; that is the mighty triumph.(72)
- O Prophet, struggle against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh with them; and their abode is Hell; and it is evil a destination!(73)
- They swear by God that they said nothing; but they did say the word of unbelief, and disbelieved after their surrender (Islam), and they purposed what they did not attain. And they showed enmity only because God and His Messenger enriched them of His bounty. Now, if they repent, it will be better for them, and if they turn away, God will punish them with a painful punishment in this world and Hereafter; and there will be no friend or helper for them on the earth.(74)
- And some of them made covenant with God: `if He gives us of His bounty, we will surely make offerings and be among the righteous'.(75)
- Then, when He gave them of His bounty, they were niggardly of it, and turned away swerving aside.(76)
- So He caused hypocrisy to enter their hearts till the Day they will meet Him, because they failed God in the promise they had made with Him, and because they were telling lies.(77)
- Did they not know that God knows their secret and their conspiracy, and that God knows all about the unseen things.(78)
- Those who taunt the Believers who volunteer the offerings freely, and scoff at those who find nothing except their efforts; God scoffs at them, and for them shall be a painful punishment.(79)
- Ask forgiveness for them or ask not forgiveness for them; even if thou askest forgiveness for them seventy times, God will not forgive them; that is because they disbelieved in God and His Messenger; and God does not guide the transgressing people.(80)
- Those who remained behind rejoiced in their sitting behind the Messenger of God, and they were averse to struggling with their wealth and their selves in the way of God, and they said, `do not go forth in the heat'. Say, `the Fire of Hell will be fiercer in heat'. Would that they understood.(81)
- So let them laugh little and weep much as a recompense of what they have earned.(82)
- Now, if God returns thee to a group of them, and they ask of thee leave to go forth, say, `you shall not go forth with me ever, nor shall you fight with me an enemy; you were pleased to sit back the first time, now sit with those who remain behind'.(83)
- And thou pray never over any of them who dies, nor stand by his grave; they disbelieved in God and His Messenger and died and they were transgressors.(84)
- And let not their wealth and their children make thee wonder. God only desires to punish them thereby in this world, and that their souls should depart as unbelievers.(85)
- And when a sura is sent down: `believe in God, and struggle along with His Messenger', the affluent among them ask leave of thee and say `leave us with those that sit back'.(86)
- They are pleased to be with those who stay behind, for their hearts are sealed, so they do not understand.(87)
- But the Messenger, and the Believers with him, struggle with their wealth and their selves; and for them shall be the good things, and only they shall prosper.(88)
- God has prepared for them gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; that is the mighty triumph.(89)
- And some Bedouins that made excuses came that they may be given leave; and those who lied to God and His Messenger sat back; there shall befall the unbelievers among them a painful punishment.(90)
- There is no blame on the weak, nor on the sick, nor on those who do not find anything to expend, when they are sincere to God and His Messenger. There is no way against the good-doers; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(91)
- Nor (there is a way) against those who, when they came to thee, for thee to mount them, thou saidst to them, `I do not find whereon I should mount you'; they turned away, their eyes overflowing with tears out of grief, that they do not find anything to expend.(92)
- The way is only against those who ask leave of thee, though they are rich; they are pleased to be with those who stay behind, and God has set a seal on their hearts, so they do not know.(93)
- They will make excuses to you, when you return to them. Say, `do not make excuses; we will not believe you; God has told us your news; and God and his Messenger will see your work, then you will be returned to Him who knows the unseen and the visible, and He will tell you what you were doing.'(94)
- They will swear to you by God, when you turn back to them, that you may turn aside from them. So turn aside from them; they are an abomination, and their abode is Hell __ a recompense for what they have been earning.(95)
- They will swear to you that you may be pleased with them, but even if you are pleased with them, God will not be pleased with the transgressing people.(96)
- The Bedouins are hardest in unbelief and hypocrisy and more apt not to know the bounds of what God has sent down on His Messenger; and God is Knowing, Wise.(97)
- And among the Bedouins are those who take what they expend for fine and wait for turn of time against you; theirs shall be the evil turn; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(98)
- And among the Bedouins are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and take what they expend as means of bringing them near to God, and of prayers of the Messenger. Surely it is a means of bringing them near. God will admit them to His mercy; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(99)
- And the Foremost, the First among the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them in a good way, God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever and ever; that is the mighty triumph.(100)
- And among the Bedouins living around you some are hypocrites, and also among the people of the City (Medina); they persist in hypocrisy; thou dost not know them; We know them; We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to a mighty punishment.(101)
- And the others, who have confessed their sins, have mixed a right deed with another evil; it may be that God will turn to them; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(102)
- Take of their wealth the offerings, to purify them and to cleanse them thereby, and pray for them; thy prayers are a comfort for them; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(103)
- Do they not know that it is God who accepts repentance from His servants, and takes the offering, and that it is God who is All-returning, Merciful.(104)
- And say, `work, and God and His Messenger and Believers will see your work; and you will be returned to Him who knows the unseen and the visible, then He will tell you what you have been doing.'(105)
- And the others have been deferred to God's commandment, whether He punishes them or turns to them; and God is Knowing, Wise.(106)
- And those who have taken a mosque for harm and unbelief and for disunity among the Believers and a place of ambush for him who made war against God and His Messenger before; but they will surely swear, `we desired nothing but good'; and God testifies that they are liars.(107)
- Stand in it never. A mosque that was founded on godfearing from the first day has greater right that thou shouldst stand in it; in it are men who love to purify them; and God loves those who purify themselves.(108)
- Is he, then, better who founded his building on the fear and the pleasure of God, or he who founded his building on the brink of a crumbling bank, and it crumbled with him into the Fire of Hell? But God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(109)
- The building they have built will not cease to be a point of doubt in their hearts, unless their hearts are cut into pieces; and God is Knowing, Wise.(110)
- God has bought from the Believers their selves and their wealth that the Paradise should be theirs; they fight in the way of God, and they kill and are killed; it is a promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an; and who is more true in fulfilling his covenant than God? So rejoice in the bargain that you have made with Him, and that is the mighty triumph.(111)
- They are those who repent, who serve, who praise, who journey, who bow, who prostrate themselves, who bid the desirable, who forbid the disgusting, and who guard God's bounds; and give thou good news to the Believers.(112)
- It is not for the Prophet and the Believers to ask forgiveness for the idolaters, even though they be near kinsmen, after it has become clear to them that they are the people of Hell.(113)
- And Abraham's prayer for pardon of his father was only due to his promise he had made to him; but when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of God he quit him; Abraham was surely compassionate and clement.(114)
- And God would not send a people astray after He has guided them, until He makes clear to them what they should guard against; God knows everything.(115)
- It is God to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and makes to die; and you have, apart from God, no friend and no helper.(116)
- God has turned to the Prophet and the Emigrants and the Helpers, those who followed him in the hour of hardship, after the hearts of a party of them had almost swerved, yet He turned to them; He is surely Kind and Merciful to them;(117)
- and (He turned) also to the three who remained behind, until, when the earth, despite its vastness, narrowed on them, and their selves also narrowed on them, and they thought that there was no refuge from God except in Him, then He turned towards them, that they may also turn; surely it is God who is the All - turning, the Merciful.(118)
- O Believers, fear God and be with the truthful.(119)
- It is not for the people of the City (Medina) and the bedouins, that dwell around them, to stay behind God's Messenger or prefer their selves to his; that is because there does not afflict them thirst, fatigue or hunger in the way of God, nor do they tread any tread that enrages the unbelievers, nor do they make any gain from enemy, but thereby a righteous deed is written for them; surely God does not waste the wage of the good-doers.(120)
- Nor do they expend a sum, small or big, nor traverse a valley, but it is written down for them, so that God may recompense them for the best of what they were doing.(121)
- And it is not required of the believers to go forth totally. But, why should not a group from every section of them go forth to get understanding of the religion, and to warn their people when they return to them, that they may beware?(122)
- O Believers, fight those unbelievers who live near to you, and let them find harshness in you; and know that God is with the godfearing.(123)
- And whenever a sura is sent down, some of them say, `which of you has this increased in faith?' Then as for the Believers, their faith it increases, and they rejoice.(124)
- And as for those in whose heart is sickness, it increases abomination to their abomination, and they die and they are unbelievers.(125)
- But do they not see that they are put to trial once or twice every year, yet still they do not repent nor do they pay heed? (126)
- And whenever a sura is sent down, they look at one another: `does anyone see you?' Then they turn away. God has turned away their hearts, for they are a people who understand not.(127)
- There has surely come to you a Messenger from among yourselves; grievous to him is your suffering, and he is anxious over you, and kind and merciful to the Believers.(128)
- Now, if they turn away, say, `God is enough for me; there is no god but He; in Him I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne'.(129)
YUNUS (10)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 109 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.); these are the signs of the Wise Book. (1)
- Was it a wonder to the people that We revealed to a man among them: `warn the people, and give good news to the Believers that they shall have a footing of truth with their Lord?' The unbelievers say, `this is surely a manifest sorcerer'.(2)
- Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then took over the Throne, and He directs the Affair. There is no intercessor, but after His leave. That is God, your Lord, so serve Him. Will you not pay heed?(3)
- To Him shall you be returned, all together; it is God's promise in truth. He begins the creation, then shall repeat it, that He may justly recompense those who believe and do righteous deeds. And the unbelievers, for them shall be a draught of hot water and a painful punishment for that they disbelieved.(4)
- It is He who made the sun a radiance, and the moon a light, and determined it by stations that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. God has not created that but with the truth. He explains the signs to a people who have knowledge.(5)
- Surely in the alternation of night and day, and what God has created in the heavens and the earth, there are Signs for a godfearing people.(6)
- Those who do not look to the meeting with Us and are pleased with the present life and are satisfied with it, and those who are heedless of Our Signs,(7)
- their abode is the Fire, for that they were earning.(8)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds, their Lord will guide them by their belief; rivers will flow beneath them in the gardens of bliss.(9)
- Their prayer therein will be `Holy be thee, O God', and their greeting therein will be, `peace'; and their last prayer will be, `praise be to God, the Lord of the world'.(10)
- And if God should hasten to men evil, like their asking for hastening good, their term would have been decided for them. So We leave those, who do not look to the meeting with Us, in their insolence blindly wandering.(11)
- And when affliction touches a man he calls Us on his side, or sitting, or standing; then, when We have removed his affliction from him, he passes on, as if he had not called Us to an affliction that touched him. So are shown fair to the extravagant the things they have been doing. (12)
- And We destroyed the generations before you when they did wrong; and their Messengers came to them with clear Signs, but they would not believe. Thus We recompense the sinful people.(13)
- Then We appointed you viceroys on the earth after them, that We might observe how you would act.(14)
- And when Our clear signs are recited to them, those who do not look to the meeting with Us, say, `bring a Reading (Qur'an) other than this or change it'. Say, `it is not for me to change it of my own accord; I only follow what is revealed to me; I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the punishment of a mighty day'.(15)
- Say, `had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I have stayed among you a lifetime before it; so will you not understand?'(16)
- Now, who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God or cries lies to His signs? Surely the sinners shall not prosper.(17)
- And they serve, apart from God, that which neither hurts them nor profits them, and they say, `these are our intercessors with God'. Say, `will you tell God what He does not know in the heavens nor in the earth'; Holy is He, and exalted above that they associate!(18)
- And mankind was not but one community, then they differed; and if a word had not preceded from thy Lord, things in which they differ would have been decided between them. (19)
- And they say, `why has not a Sign been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say, `the Unseen belongs only to God; so wait, I am waiting with you'.(20)
- And when We let the people taste mercy after hardship has touched them, lo, they devise against Our Signs. Say, `God is swifter in devising'; surely Our messengers are writing down what you devise.(21)
- It is He who carries you by land and sea. Until when you are in the ships and they sail with the people with a goodly wind, and the people rejoice in it, there comes upon them a violent wind, and the waves come on them from every place, and they think they are encompassed; they call upon God, making obedience purely His: `if Thou deliverest us from this, we will surely be among the thankful'.(22)
- Then, when He delivers them, they rebel in the earth without right. O mankind, your rebellion is only against yourselves; enjoyment of the preset life; then to Us shall you be returned, and We will tell you what you have been doing'.(23)
- The likeness of the present life is only as water that We send down from the heaven, with which mingle the plants of the earth, whereof men and cattle eat; till, when the earth takes its glitter and adorns itself, and its people think that they have power over it, Our command comes upon it by night or by day, and We make it stubble, as if nothing was there yesterday. So We explain the Signs for a people who ponder.(24)
- And God calls to the House of Peace; and He guides whom He will to a straight path.(25)
- For those, who do good, shall be the most fair reward and more; and dust shall not cover their faces nor abasement; they are the people of Paradise, wherein they shall dwell forever.(26)
- And those who earn evil deeds, the recompense of evil shall be the like of it, and abasement shall cover them; they shall not have anyone to protect them from God; their faces will be as if they were covered with strips of a darkening night; they are the people of the Fire, wherein they shall dwell forever.(27)
- And the day We shall muster them all together, then We shall say to the idolaters, `at your place, you and your associate--gods'. Then We shall separate them widely; and their associate-gods will say, `us you never served.(28)
- God is a sufficient witness between us and you; surely we are unaware of your service'.(29)
- There every soul shall realize what it did before, and they shall be returned to God, their True Protector, and all that they had forged shall be lost to them.(30)
- Say, `who provides you from the heaven and the earth, or who has power over hearing and sight, and who brings forth the dead from the living, and who plans the Affair?' They will say, `God'; then say, `will you not be godfearing?' (31)
- That then is God, your True Lord; and what is there after the truth except error? Then how are you turned away?(32)
- Thus the word of thy Lord has proved true against the transgressors that they will not believe.(33)
- Say, `is there any of your associate-gods who begins creation, then repeats it?' Say, `God begins creation, then repeats it; so how are you perverted?'(34)
- Say, `is there any of your associate-gods who guides to the truth'? Say, `God guides to the truth. Then who has a greater right to be followed __ He who guides to the truth or he who himself does not find the way unless he is guided? What ails you; how do you judge?'(35)
- But most of them follow only surmise; surely surmise does not avail against the truth in the least; surely God knows what they do.(36)
- And this Qur'an is not such as could be forged by anyone other than God; in stead, it is a confirmation of what was before it, and, no doubt, an explanation of the Book from the Lord of the world.(37)
- Or do they say, `he has forged it?' Say, `then produce a chapter like it and call on whom you can, if you are truthful!'(38)
- No, but they have given lies to that whose knowledge they did not comprehend and whose interpretation has not yet come to them. So also cried lies those that were before them, now see how was the end of the wrong-doers.(39)
- And some of them believe in it, and some of them do not believe in it; and thy Lord very well knows those who create disorder.(40)
- And if they give lies to thee, then say, `my work is mine and your work is yours; you are quit of what I do, and I am quit of what you do'.(41)
- And some of them give ear to thee; but wilt thou make the deaf to hear, though they do not understand?(42)
- And some of them look towards thee; but wilt thou guide the blind, though they do not see? (43)
- Surely God does not wrong men in the least, but themselves men wrong.(44)
- And the day He shall muster them, it will be as if they did not stay (in the world) but an hour of the day, and they will recognise one another; They are indeed losers who give lies to the meeting with God and were not guided.(45)
- And whether We show thee something of what We promise them, or We take thee to Us, to Us shall they be returned, then God is witness of the things they do.(46)
- And for every Community there is a Messenger, and when their Messenger comes, it is decided between them justly, and they are not wronged.(47)
- And they say, `when will this promise be, if you are truthful?'(48)
- Say, `I hold no power of hurt or profit even for myself, but as God will. For every community is a term; when their term comes they will not put it back nor put it forward by a moment'.(49)
- Say, `have you considered if His punishment comes upon you by night or by day, what part of it will the sinners seek to hasten?'(50)
- Is it that when it comes to pass that you will believe in it? `Now __ but you sought to hasten it?'(51)
- Then it will be said to the wrong-doers, `taste the punishment of eternity; could you be recompensed for anything but what you have been earning?'(52)
- And they ask thee to tell them, if it is true? Say, `yes, by my Lord, it is surely true, and you cannot frustrate Him'.( 53)
- And if every soul that does wrong possessed all that is in the earth, he would offer it for his ransom; and they will hide the remorse when they see the punishment, but it will be decided between them justly, and they will not be wronged.(54)
- Behold, to God belongs all that is in the heavens and earth. Behold, God's promise is true, but most of them do not know. (55)
- It is He who gives life and makes to die, and to Him you shall be returned.(56)
- O mankind, there has come to you from your Lord an admonition and a healing for what is in the breasts, and a guidance and a mercy for the Believers.(57)
- Say, `it is by the bounty of God and His mercy; so let them rejoice in that; it is better than what they gather'.(58)
- Say, `have you considered the provision that God has sent down for you, some of which you have made unlawful and some lawful?' Say, `has God permitted you so, or do you forge against God?'(59)
- And what think those, who forge falsehood against God, of the Day of Resurrection? God is bountiful to men, but most of them do not give thanks.(60)
- And thou art not on any occupation, nor dost thou recite any Qur'an from Him, nor you people do any work, but We are witnesses over you when you press on it. And there does not escape even weight of an ant in the earth or in the heaven from thy Lord, nor a thing smaller or bigger than that, but it is (written) in a clear Book.(61)
- Surely God's friends shall have no fear on them nor shall they grieve __(62)
- those who believe and are godfearing;(63)
- for them is a good news in the present life and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the Words of God; that is the mighty triumph. (64)
- And let not their saying grieve thee; the glory altogether belongs to God; He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(65)
- Behold, to God belongs whoso is in the heavens and whoso is in the earth. And what do they follow: those who call upon associate-gods, apart from God __ they follow only surmise, and they only conjecture.(66)
- He it is who made for you the night that you might rest in it, and the day to show things; in that are surely Signs for a people who listen.(67)
- They say, `God has taken to Him a son'; Holy be He; He is the All-sufficient; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; you have no authority for this; do you say about God what you know not?(68)
- Say, `those who forge falsehood against God shall not prosper;(69)
- it is enjoyment of this world, then to Us shall they be returned, then We shall let them taste the terrible punishment for that they disbelieved.(70)
- And recite to them the story of Noah. When he said to his people, `O my people, if my standing and my admonishing with the signs of God is hard on you, then in God have I put my trust; gather your affair and your associates, then let not your affair be doubtful to you, then decide about me, and respite me not.(71)
- And if you turn away, I have not asked you for any wage; my wage rests only with God, and I have been commanded, to be one of those who have surrendered.(72)
- But they gave lies to him, and We delivered him and those with him in the Ark and made them viceroys, and We drowned those who gave lies to Our signs; then see how was the end of those that were warned!(73)
- Then We sent forth, after him, Messengers to their people, and they brought them the clear Signs, but they were not such as would believe in that they had given lies to before. So We seal the hearts of the transgressors.(74)
- Then We sent forth, after them, Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our Signs, but they showed arrogance and became a sinful people.(75)
- So when the truth came to them from Us, they said, `this is surely a clear sorcery'.(76)
- Moses said, `do you say so regarding the truth, when it has come to you? Is this a sorcery? But sorcerers do not succeed!'(77)
- They said, `hast thou come to us to turn us form that we found our fathers on, and that the domination in the land should be yours; but we do not believe you at all'.(78)
- And Pharaoh said, `bring me every learned sorcerer'.(79)
- So when the sorcerers came, Moses said to them, `cast down what you will cast'.(80)
- Then, when they had cast, Moses said, `what you have brought is sorcery; God will bring it to naught; surely God does not set right the work of those who cause disorder.(81)
- And God verifies the truth by His Words though the sinners be averse'.(82)
- And none believed Moses, except a generation of his people, for fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs, lest they should persecute them; and Pharaoh was surely high in the land, and he was surely of the extravagant.(83)
- Moses said, `O my people, if you believe in God, then in Him put your trust, if you have surrendered'.(84)
- So they said, `in God we put our trust; our Lord, do not make us a temptation for the worg-doing people;(85)
- and deliver us, by Thy mercy, from the disbelieving people'.(86)
- And We revealed to Moses and his brother, `take some houses in Egypt for your people, duly directed, and establish the Prayer. And give thou good news to the Believers?' (87)
- And Moses said, `our Lord, Thou hast given to Pharaoh and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the present life, our Lord, that they may lead people astray from Thy way; our Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts, for they will not believe, till they see the painful punishment.'(88)
- He said, `your prayer is answered, so go straight, and do not follow the way of those who have no knowledge.(89)
- And We led the Children of Israel over the sea, and Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in aggression and spite. Till, when the drowning overtook him, he said, `I believe that there is no god but He in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who surrender'.(90)
- `Now! but thou disobeyedst before, and wast of those who create disorder.(91)
- So, today, We shall deliver thee with thy body, that thou be a Sign to those after thee. And many men are surely unaware of Our Signs.(92)
- And We settled the Children of Israel in a rightful abode and provided them with good things. And they did not differ till the knowledge came to them. Thy Lord will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differ. (93)
- So, if thou art in doubt concerning what We have sent down to thee, ask those who read the Book before thee. The truth has come to thee from thy Lord, so be not of the doubters;(94)
- and be not among those who give lies to God's Signs or thou wilt be among the losers.(95)
- Those against whom thy Lord's Word is realized will not believe,(96)
- though every Sign come to them, till they see the terrible punishment.(97)
- And why was there not a city that believed and its belief profited it, except the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the punishment of humiliation in the present life, and gave them comforts for a time.(98)
- Had thy Lord willed, all those on the earth would have believed, all together! Wouldst thou then constrain the people, until they are believers?(99)
- And it is not for any soul to believe except by the leave of God; and He lays abomination on those who understand not.(100)
- Say, `look to what is in the heavens and the earth'. But the Signs and the warnings do not avail a people who do not believe.(101)
- And what are they waiting for except the like of the days of those who passed away before them? Say, `wait, I am with you among those who are waiting.'(102)
- Then We shall deliver Our Messengers and the Believers __ like that; it is incumbent upon Us to deliver the Believers.(103)
- Say, `O men if you are in doubt regarding my religion, then I do not serve any apart from God; in stead, I serve God who takes your souls, and I have been commanded to be one of the Believers;(104)
- and: `set thy face to the religion, all--devoted, and be not among the idolaters.(105)
- And do not call, apart from God, on that which neither profits thee, nor hurts thee. If thou dost so, thou shalt be among the worng-doers.(106)
- And if God touches thee with harm, none can remove it but He; and if He desires any good for thee, none can repel His bounty; He bestows it on whom He will of His servants; and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful'.(107)
- Say, `O men, the truth has come to you from your Lord; so whoso is guided is guided only for himself; and whoso goes astray goes astray only against himself; and I am no care-taker over you'.(108)
- `And follow thou what is revealed to thee and be patient, till God judges; and He is the best of judges'. (109)
HUD (11)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 123 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.); a Book whose signs are perfected, then explained from One Wise and Aware: (1)
- that you serve none but God; surely I am to you from Him a warner and a bearer of good news;(2)
- and that you ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him; He will give you handsome goods till a stated term, and He will give of His bounty to every man of grace; but if you turn away, I fear for you punishment of a big day.(3)
- Unto God shall you be returned, and He is powerful over everything.(4)
- Behold, they fold their breasts to hide them from Him; behold, when they wrap themselves in their garments, He knows what they keep secret and what they display; surely He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(5)
- And no creature is there on the earth, but its provision depends on God, and He knows its resting place and its repository; all is in a clear Book.(6)
- And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and His Throne is on water that He may try you which one of you is better in works. And if thou sayest, `you shall be raised up after death', the unbelievers say, `this is not but a clear sorcery'.(7)
- And if We defer the punishment from them till a reckoned term, they will say, `what detains it?' Behold, the day it comes on them, it will not be turned away from them, and what they mock at shall overtake them.(8)
- And if We let man taste mercy from Us, then withdraw it from him, he is desperate, ungrateful.(9)
- And if We let him taste prosperity after hardship has touched him, he will say, `the evils have gone away from me'; he is joyous, boastful __(10)
- except those who are patient and do righteous deeds; for them shall be forgiveness and a big wage.(11)
- Perchance thou wilt leave part of what is revealed to thee, and thy breast will be straitened by it because they say, `why has not a treasure been sent down on him, or an angel come with him?' Thou art only a warner; and God is a caretaker of everything.(12)
- Or they say, `he has forged it'. Say, `bring ten forged Surahs (chapters), the like of it, and call upon whom you can, apart from God, if you are truthful'.(13)
- Then if they do not answer you, know that it has been sent down with God's knowledge, and that there is no god but He; will you now surrender?(14)
- Whoso desires the present life and its adornment, We will pay them in full for their work in it, and they will suffer no loss in it.(15)
- They are the ones for whom there will be nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire, and what they worked will have failed there and what they did will be vain.(16)
- Is then he who is on a clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him recites it, and before him was the Book of Moses for a guide and a mercy? Those believe in it. But whoso out of the factions disbelieves in it, the Fire is his promised place. So be thou not in doubt about it; it is the truth from thy Lord, but most men believe not.(17)
- And who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God? Those shall be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, `these are the ones who lied against their Lord'; surely the curse of God rests on the wrong-doers __ (18)
- those who bar from God's way, and seek crookedness in it; and they disbelieve in the Hereafter.(19)
- They could not frustrate Him in the earth, and they had no protector, apart from God; their punishment will be doubled; they were not able to hear nor could see.(20)
- They are the ones who have given loss to themselves, and what they forged is lost to them?(21)
- No doubt, they will be the biggest losers in the Hereafter.(22)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds and humble themselves to their Lord, they are the people of Paradise, wherein they shall dwell forever.(23)
- The likeness of the two parties is as the one blind and deaf, and the other seeing and hearing; are they equal in likeness? Will you not then pay heed? (24)
- And We sent Noah to his people (to say) __ `I am a clear warner to you,(25)
- that you serve none but God; I fear for you the punishment of a painful day'.(26)
- The unbelieving chiefs of his people said, `we see thee only a mortal like us, and we see that only those who are apparently the vilest of us follow thee. And we do not see you having any superiority over us; no, we rather think you are liars'.(27)
- He said, `O my people, have you considered if I stand on a clear Sign from my Lord, and He has given me mercy from Him, and it has been made obscure to you, shall we force it on you, while you are averse to it?(28)
- O my people, I do not ask you any wealth for it; my wage rests only on God; and I will not drive away the Believers. They shall surely be meeting their Lord, but I see you a people showing ignorance.(29)
- O my people, who would help me against God, if I drive them away? Will you not then pay heed?(30)
- And I do not say to you, `I possess the treasures of God', nor do I know the unseen, nor I say, `I am an angel', nor I say regarding those whom your eyes despise, `God will not give them any good'; God knows best what is in their souls; surely in that case, I shall be among the wrong-doers'.(31)
- They said, `O `Noah, thou hast disputed with us, and hast made much disputation with us, now bring us what thou promisest us, if thou art of the truthful'.(32)
- He said, `only God will bring it to you, if He will, and you cannot frustrate Him.(33)
- And my sincere advice will not profit you, even if I desired to advise you sincerely, if God desired to pervert you; He is your Lord, and to Him you shall be returned'.(34)
- Or do they say, `he has forged it?' Say, `if I have forged it, then on me will fall my sin, and I am quit of the sins you do'.(35)
- And it was revealed to Noah, `none of thy people will believe except those who have already believed, so be not distressed by what they were doing.(36)
- And make the Ark under Our eyes and by Our revelation, and do not address Me concerning the wrong-doers; they shall be drowned'.(37)
- And he makes the Ark; and whenever some chiefs of his people passed by him, they scoffed at him. He said, `if you scoff at us, we will also scoff at you as you scoff.(38)
- And you shall soon know on whom comes a punishment that shall humiliate him and on whom shall alight a lasting punishment'.(39)
- Until when Our command came, and the Oven boiled, We said, `load in it a pair of every kind, and thy family __ except those against whom the word has gone forth __ and those who have believed'. And there believed not with him but a few.(40)
- And he said, `embark in it; in the Name of God be its sailing and its berthing; my Lord is surely Forgiving, Merciful'.(41)
- And it moved with them amid waves like mountains. And Noah called to his son who was standing apart, `my son, embark with us and be not with the unbelievers'.(42)
- He said, `I will take refuge in some mountain that will save me from the water'. He said, `today, none is there to save from God's command, except for him on whom He has mercy'. And the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned.(43)
- And it was said, `O earth, swallow thy water, and O heaven, cease'. And the water subsided, and the matter was decided, and the Ark rested on Judi, and it was said, `away with the wrong-doing people!' (44)
- And Noah called to his Lord and said, `my Lord, my son is of my family, and Thy promise is true, and Thou art the biggest judge of all the judges'.(45)
- He said, `O Noah, he is not of thy family; it was a deed non-righteous; so do not ask of Me that of which thou hast no knowledge; I admonish thee lest thou shouldst be among the ignorant'.(46)
- He said, `my Lord, I take refuge with Thee from asking Thee that of which I have no knowledge. And if Thou dost not forgive me, and dost not have mercy on me, I shall be among the losers'.(47)
- It was said, `O Noah, get down with peace and blessings from Us on thee and on the communities of those that are with thee. And there will be communities whom We shall provide necessary goods, then from Us shall afflict them a painful punishment'.(48)
- This is of the news of the unseen that We reveal to thee; thou didst not know it, nor thy people before this; so be thou patient; the end-result is for the godfearing. (49)
- And to Ad, (We sent) their brother Hood. He said, `O my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; you are not but forgers.(50)
- O my people, I do not ask of you any wage for it; my wage is upon Him who created me. Will you not understand?(51)
- And O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him, He will loose heaven in torrents upon you, and add strength to your strength, and do not turn away as sinners'.(52)
- They said, `O Hood, thou hast not brought us any clear Sign and we will not leave our gods on thy saying, and we are no believers of thee.(53)
- We only say that some of our gods has afflicted thee with evil'. He said, `I call God to witness, and you also bear witness that I am quit of what you associate,(54)
- apart from Him; so try your guile on me all together, then give me no respite.(55)
- I put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord; there is no creature, but He holds it by its forelock; surely my Lord is on a straight path.(56)
- And if you turn away, then I have delivered to you the Message with which I have been sent to you. And my Lord will make successors a people other than you; and you will not harm Him in the least; surely my Lord is guardian over everything'.(57)
- And when Our command came , We saved Hood and those who believed with him, by a mercy from Us, and We saved them from a severe punishment.(58)
- And those were Ad; they denied the Signs of their Lord and disobeyed His Messengers and followed the command of every obstinate potentate.(59)
- And they were followed by a curse in this world and on the Day of Resurrection. Behold, Ad disbelieved in their Lord! Behold, away with Ad, the people of Hood!(60)
- And to Thamood (we sent) their brother Salih. He said, `O my people, serve God, you have no god other than He. It is He who has produced you out of the earth and inhabited you in it, so ask His forgiveness, then turn to Him; surely my Lord is near and answers'.(61)
- They said, `O Salih, thou hast been a center of hope for us before this; dost thou forbid us to serve what our fathers have been serving? But we are in a disquieting doubt concerning what thou callest us to?'(62)
- He said, `O my people, what think you if I am on a clear Sign from my Lord and He has given me mercy from Him, then who shall help me against God, if I disobey Him? And you would not add to me anything except loss.(63)
- And O my people, this is the She-camel of God which is a Sign for you; so leave her to graze on God's earth, and do not touch her with evil, lest a near punishment should seize you'.(64)
- And they hamstrung her, and he said, `enjoy in your homes for three days; that is a promise not to be belied'.(65)
- Then when Our command came, We saved Salih and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us, and from the humiliation of that day. Surely thy Lord is the Strong, the Mighty.(66)
- And the Cry seized the wrong-doers, and they lay crouching in their homes,(67)
- as if they were never there. Behold, Thamood disbelieved in their Lord. Behold, away with Thamood!(68)
- And our messengers came to Abraham with the good news; they said, `peace'; he said, `peace' and delayed not in bringing a roasted calf.(69)
- Then when he saw their hands not reaching to it, he became suspicious of them and conceived a fear of them. They said, `fear not; we have been sent to the people of Lot'.(70)
- And his wife was standing by; she laughed and We gave her the good news of Issac and, after him, of Jacob.(71)
- She said, `woe is me! Shall I bear when I am an old woman, and this my husband is an old man? This is surely a wonderful thing!'(72)
- They said, `dost thou wonder at the command of God? Mercy of God and His blessings are upon you, O People of the House; surely He is Praise-worthy, Glorious'.(73)
- So when the awe departed from Abraham and the good news also came to him, he started disputing with Us for the people of Lot.(74)
- Abraham was surely clement, compassionate and penitent.(75)
- `O Abraham, turn away from this; the command of thy Lord has surely come; and there shall be coming upon them a punishment, not to be averted'.(76)
- And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was distressed due to them, and felt himself helpless against them, and he said, `this is a fierce day'.(77)
- And his people came rushing to him; and they have been committing evil deeds before. He said, `O my people, here are my daughters who are purer for you; so fear God and do not disgrace me in my guests. Is there not among you any right-mended man?'(78)
- They said, `thou knowest we have no right to thy daughters, and thou surely knowest what we desire'.(79)
- He said, `O would that I had power against you, or that I could take shelter in a strong support!'(80)
- They said, `O Lot, we are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee; so set forth with thy family during a part of the night, and let none of you turn round, excepting thy wife; that which befalls them shall befall her also; their promised time is the morning; is not the morning near?'(81)
- So when Our command came, We turned it (the town) upside down, and We rained on it stones of baked clay, layer after layer,(82)
- marked with thy Lord; and it is not far off from the wrong-doers.(83)
- And to Midian (we sent) their brother Shuaib; he said, `O my people, serve God, you have no god other than He; and do not diminish the measure and the balance; I see you prosperous, but I fear for you the punishment of an encompassing day.(84)
- And O my people, fill up the measure and the balance justly, and do not diminish the goods of the people, and do not move about in the land causing disorder.(85)
- God's remainder is better for you if you are believers; and I am no guardian over you'.(86)
- They said, `O Shuaib, does thy Prayer bid thee that we should leave what our fathers served, or do as we will with our goods? Thou art surely clement and right-minded'.(87)
- He said, `O my people, have you considered if I stand on a clear evidence from my Lord, and He has bestowed on me a handsome provision from Him? And I do not desire to come behind you in that I forbid you; I desire only to reform as much as I can; and my success depends only on God; in Him I trust, and to Him I turn penitent.(88)
- And O my people, let not the breach with me be a cause to afflict you with the like of what afflicted the people of Noah, the people of Hood or the people of Salih; and the people of Lot are not far off from you!(89)
- And ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him; my Lord is Merciful, Loving'.(90)
- They said, `O Shuaib, we do not understand much of what thou sayest, and we see thee weak among us; and if it were not for thy clan, we would have stoned thee; for thou art not strong enough against us'.(91)
- He said, `O my people, is my clan stronger than God against you? And you have held Him on your backs, away from you; surely my Lord encompasses the things you do.(92)
- And O my people, act at your place, I am acting too; you will soon know on whom comes the punishment that shall disgrace him, and who is a liar; and watch, I shall be watching with you'.(93)
- And when Our command came, We saved Shuaib and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us; and the Cry seized the wrong-doers, and they lay crouching in their homes,(94)
- as if they were never there. Behold, away with Midian, as Thamood were away!(95)
- And We sent Moses with Our Signs and a clear authority(96)
- to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed Pharaoh's command; and Pharaoh's command was not right.(97)
- He shall walk ahead of his people on the Day of Resurrection, then take them to the Fire; and how evil is the place taken to.(98)
- And they were followed by a curse in this (world) and on the Day of Resurrection; how evil is the gift granted!(99)
- That is of the news of the cities that We relate to thee; some of them are standing and some are mown down.(100)
- And We did not wrong them but themselves they wronged, and their gods whom they called upon, apart from God, did not avail them in the least, when thy Lord's command came; and they did not add to them except ruin.(101)
- And such is the seizing of thy Lord, when He seizes the cities that are wrong-doing; surely His seizing is painful and terrible.(102)
- In that is surely a Sign for him who fears the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a day on which mankind shall be gathered, and that is a day to be witnessed.(103)
- And We do not defer it but for a reckoned term.(104)
- The day it comes, no soul shall speak except by His permission; and some of them will be wretched and some blessed.(105)
- Then, as for the wretched, they shall be in the Fire, wherein shall be moaning and sighing for them,(106)
- dwelling therein forever, so long as the heavens and the earth abide, except as thy Lord will; surely thy Lord accomplishes what He desires.(107)
- And as for the blessed, they shall be in Paradise, dwelling therein forever, so long as the heavens and the earth abide, except as thy Lord will -- for a gift unbroken.(108)
- So be thou not in doubt concerning what these people serve. They serve only as their fathers served before. And We will surely pay them in full their share, undiminished.(109)
- And We had given Moses the Book, but differences were made in it. And had not a Word gone forth from thy Lord, it would have been decided between them. And they are in a disquieting doubt about it.(110)
- And surely to everyone thy Lord will pay for their works in full; He is surely aware of what they do.(111)
- So stand thou firm as thou art commanded, and should also those who have turned to God with thee, and exceed you not the bounds; He sees what you do.(112)
- And do not incline to the wrong-doers, or the Fire shall touch you, and you have no protectors apart from God, then you shall not be helped.(113)
- And perform the Prayer at the two ends of the day and early hours of the night; surely the good deeds drive away the evil deeds; that is a reminder for those who remember.(114)
- And be thou patient, for God does not waste the wage of the good-doers.(115)
- But why were not there among the generations before you, men of prudence, forbidding disorder in the land, except a few of them, whom We delivered; and the worng-doers followed the ease they were placed in, and became sinners.(116)
- And thy Lord would not destroy the cities unjustly, when their people put things right. (117)
- And if thy Lord willed, He would have made mankind a single community; but they cease not differing,(118)
- except those on whom thy Lord has mercy; and for that He created them; and the Word of thy Lord is fulfilled: `I shall certainly fill the Hell with jinn and men all together.'(119)
- And all that We relate to thee of the news of the Messengers is that thereby We strengthen thy heart; and in these there has come to thee the truth and an admonition and a reminder for the Believers.(120)
- And say to the unbelievers, `act at your place, we are also acting;(121)
- and wait, we are also waiting'.(122)
- And to God belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him is returned the whole affair; so serve Him and trust in Him; thy Lord is not heedless of the things you do.(123)
YUSUF (12)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 111 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.); these are the Signs of the Manifest Book.(1)
- We have sent it down as an Arabic Reading (Qur'an) that you may have understanding.(2)
- We narrate to thee the fairest of the narratives in that We have revealed to thee this Reading (Qur'an), though thou wast, before it, among the unaware.(3)
- When Joseph said to his father, `O my father, I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon __ I saw them prostrating themselves before me'.(4)
- He said, `O my son, do not narrate thy vision to thy brothers, lest they devise against thee some guile; surely the Devil is an open enemy to man.(5)
- And so will thy Lord choose thee, and teach thee the interpretation of tales, and perfect His blessing upon thee and upon the House of Jacob, as He perfected it before on thy fathers, Abraham and Isaac; surely thy Lord is Knowing, Wise'.(6)
- Surely in Joseph and his brothers are Signs for the inquirers.(7)
- When they said, `surely Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we, though we are a band; our father is surely in a clear error.(8)
- Kill Joseph or cast him to some land, then your father's attention shall be exclusively yours, and, after him, you will be a righteous people.(9)
- Said one of them, `do not kill Joseph, but, if you have to do, cast him into the bottom of the well; some caravan will pick him up'.(10)
- They said, `O our father, what ails thee that thou dost not trust us with Joseph, when we are surely his well-wishers.(11)
- Send him with us tomorrow, that he may eat and drink and play, and we shall surely be guarding him'.(12)
- He said, `it grieves me that you should take him, and I fear that the wolf may not eat him, while you are heedless of him'.(13)
- They said, `if the wolf eats him when we are a band, then we are surely losers!'(14)
- So when they took him with them they agreed to put him in the bottom of the well; and We revealed to him `thou shalt tell them of this affair of theirs when they do not perceive'.(15)
- And in the evening they came to their father weeping.(16)
- They said, `O our father, we went racing, and left Joseph with our goods, and the wolf ate him; but thou wouldst never believe us, even though we were truthful'.(17)
- And they came with false blood on his shirt. He said, `no, your souls have contrived a thing for you; but sweet patience; and it is God whose aid is to be sought against what you describe'.(18)
- And there came a caravan, and they sent their waterman, and he let down his bucket. He said, `good news! Here is a youth'. And they hid him as merchandise; and God knew what they were doing.(19)
- And they sold him for a petty price __ some counted dirhams; and they were indifferent in his case.(20)
- And he who bought him in Egypt said to his wife, `give him a respectable lodging; it may be that he profits us or we take him for a son'. And thus We established Joseph in the land, and that We might teach him the interpretation of tales. And God prevails in His Affair, though most men know not.(21)
- And when he reached his mature age, We gave him judgement and knowledge; and so We recompense the good-doers.(22)
- And she, in whose house he was, solicited him and closed the doors, and said, `come on'. He said, `God be my refuge; my Lord has given me a handsome lodging; surely the wrong-doers do not prosper'.(23)
- And she besought him, and he would have besought her, if he had not seen a proof of his Lord; so it was, that We might turn away from him evil and lewdness; surely he was one of Our exclusive servants.(24)
- And they raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from behind, and they found her husband at the door. She said, `what is the recompense of him who intended evil with thy family, except that he should be given imprisonment or a painful punishment'.(25)
- Said he, `it was she who besought me'. And a witness from her family bore witness, `if his shirt has been torn from before, she has spoken the truth, and he is of the liars.(26)
- But if his shirt has been torn from behind, then she has told a lie, and he is of the truthful'.(27)
- So when he saw his shirt torn from behind, he said, `that is a device of you women; surely your device is great'__(28)
- `O Joseph, turn away from this' __ `and thou, (O woman), ask forgiveness for thy sin; thou wast the one at fault'.(29)
- And women of the city said, `the governor's wife solicits her page; he has captured her heart with love; we surely see her in a clear error'.(30)
- So when she heard their sly whispers, she sent for them and made ready for them a banquet, and gave to each one of them a knife, and said, `come out before them'. When they saw him, they were impressed by him and cut their hands and said, `God save us, this is no mortal, this is but a noble angel'.(31)
- She said, `this is the one for whom you blamed me; and of course I did solicit him, and he abstained. Yet if he will not do what I bid him, he shall be imprisoned and be one of the humbled'.(32)
- He said, `my Lord, prison is dearer to me than that they call me to; and if Thou dost not turn away their guile from me, I shall yearn towards them, and be among the ignorant'.(33)
- So his Lord answered him, and turned away their guile from him; surely He is the Hearing the Knowing'.(34)
- Then it occurred to them, after they had seen the Signs, that they must imprison him for a time.(35)
- And two youths entered the prison with him. One of them said, `I saw myself pressing the wine'. And the other said, `I saw myself carrying on my head bread which the birds were eating of; tell us the interpretation thereof; we see thee among the good-doers'.(36)
- He said, `the food that you are provided shall not come to you, but I shall tell you its interpretation before it comes to you; that is of the knowledge that God has given me; I have forsaken the creed of a people who do not believe in God and who disbelieve in the Hereafter.(37)
- And I follow the creed of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; it is not ours to associate anything with God; that is of God's bounty to us and to mankind, but most men do not give thanks.(38)
- O my two companions of the prison, are many lords at variance better or One Omnipotent God?(39)
- That you serve apart from Him are nothing but names that you and your fathers have named, for which God has not sent down any authority; Judgement belongs only to God; He has commanded that you will serve none but Him; that is the standing religion but most men do not know.(40)
- O my two companions of the prison, as for one of you, he shall pour wine for his lord; and as for the other, he shall be crucified and birds will eat of his head; the matter about which you enquire has been decided'.(41)
- And he said to one of them, whom he thought would be saved, `mention me to thy lord!' But the Devil made him to forget to mention to his lord. So he remained in the prison for certain years.(42)
- And the king said, `I saw seven fat cows, which seven lean ones were eating, and seven green ears of corn and others dry. O chiefs, pronounce to me on my dream, if you can expound the dream'.(43)
- They said, `hotchpotch of nightmares and we are not the ones to know the interpretation of nightmares'.(44)
- And one of them who was saved, and now remembered after all that time, said, `I will tell you its interpretation; send me'. __(45)
- `Joseph, O truthful man, pronounce to us regarding seven fat cows whom seven lean ones were eating, and seven green ears of corn and others dry, that I return to people and they may know'.(46)
- He said, `you shall sow for seven years as usual; then what you reap, leave it in its ear except a little, whereof you eat.(47)
- Then there will come after that, seven hard years which will eat away what you have advanced for them, except a little of that you stored.(48)
- Then, after that, there shall come a year in which it will rain for men, and in which they will press (grapes)'.(49)
- And the King said, `bring him to me.' So when the messenger came to him, he said, `return to thy lord, and ask him, how are the women who cut their hands? My Lord knows their guile'.(50)
- He said, `what was your business, (O women), when you solicited Joseph?' They said, `God save us, we know no evil on his part'. The Governmor's wife said, `now the reality is discovered; I solicited him, and he is surely of the truthful'.(51)
- (Joseph said) `That (I did), so that he may know that I did not betray him in his absence, and that God does not guide the guile of the treacherous'.(52)
- Yet I do not acquit myself; surely the soul incites to evil, except in as much as my Lord has mercy; my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful'(53)
- The king said, `bring him to me; I would exclusively have him for myself.' Then when he had spoken with him, he said, `today thou art established with us and in our trust.'(54)
- He said, `appoint me over the treasures of the land; I am a guardian, possessed with knowledge.'(55)
- And so We established Joseph in the land to dwell in it wherever he would. We bestow Our mercy on whom We will, and We do not waste the wage of the good-doers.(56)
- And surely the wage of the Hereafter is better for those who believe and guard against evil.(57)
- And Joseph's brothers came and entered to him, and he recognised them but they remained unaware of him.(58)
- And when he had equipped them with their goods, he said, `bring me your brother from your father; do you not see that I fill up the measure, and I am the best of hosts.(59)
- But if you do not bring him, then you shall have no measure with me, nor shall you come near me'.(60)
- They said, `we will solicit his father to get him, and we will surely be doing it'.(61)
- And he said to his pages, `put their money in their packs, that they may recognise it, when they go back to their family; may be they return'.(62)
- So when they went back to their father, they said, `father, the measure has been denied to us, so send our brother with us that we may have the measure, and we will surely be guarding him.'(63)
- He said, `shall I entrust him to you as I entrusted his brother before? But God is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful.'(64)
- And when they opened up their goods they found their money returned to them. They said, `father, what else do we seek? Here is our money returned to us. Now we shall get provision for our family, and guard our brother, and have an extra measure of a camel-load'.(65)
- He said, `I will never send him with you, until you give me a solemn pledge by God that you will surely bring him to me, unless you are surrounded'. So when they had given him their solemn pledge, he said, `God shall take care of what we say'.(66)
- And he said, `O my sons, do not enter by the same gate, but enter by different gates; yet I cannot avail you against God in the least; judgement belongs only to God; in Him I put my trust and in Him let the trustful put their trust.'(67)
- And when they entered wherefrom their father had enjoined them, it availed them not against Cod in the least, except that it was a craving in Jacob's soul which he satisfied And he was surely a man of knowledge as We had taught him, but most men have no knowledge.(68)
- And when they entered to Joseph, he gave his brother a seat with him and said, `I am thy brother; so do not feel sorrow on what they have been doing'.(69)
- Then when he had equipped them with their goods he put the drinking cup in his brother's pack; and then a herald called out, `O caravan, you are surely thieves'.(70)
- They said, turning to them, `what are you looking for?'(71)
- They said, `we are looking for the king's cup, and whoso brings it shall have a camel's load and I guarantee it.'(72)
- They said, `by God, you know we did not come to cause disorder in the land, and we are not thieves'.(73)
- They said, `then what shall be his recompense, if you were liars?'(74)
- They said, `the recompense of him in whose pack it is found, shall be that he himself shall be the recompense; thus we recompense the wrong-doers.'(75)
- Then he made beginning with their packs, before his brother's pack, and then brought it out of his brother's pack. Thus We contrived for Joseph. He could not have taken his brother according to King's law, unless God so willed. We raise in rank whom We will; and over every man of knowledge is one knowing more.(76)
- They said, `if he steals, his brother also stole before.' And Joseph hid it to himself, and did not disclose it to them; he said, `you are the worst-placed, and God knows best what you describe.'(77)
- They said, `Governor, he has an aged old father, so take one of us in his place; we see thee of the good-doers.'(78)
- He said, `God forbid that we should take any except the one with whom we found our goods; we shall then be wrong-doers'.(79)
- So when they despaired of him, they conferred in private. The eldest of them said, `do you not know that your father has taken a solemn pledge by God from you, and how you failed regarding Joseph before. Now I will not leave the land until my father gives me leave, or God judges for me; and He is the Best of judges.(80)
- Return to your father and say, `father, thy son stole, and we only testified what we knew, and we were no guardians of the unseen.(81)
- And enquire of the city where we were, and the caravan in which we approached, and we are surely truthful.'(82)
- He said, `no, but your souls have contrived a thing for you; but sweet patience. May be God will bring them all to me; He is the Knowing, the Wise.'(83)
- And he turned away from them, and said, `alas for Joseph'. And his eyes turned white because of grief, and he was choked.(84)
- They said, `by God, thou wilt not cease remembering Joseph, until thou art consumed, or among the perished.'(85)
- He said, `I make complaint of my anguish and grief only to God, and I know better from God what you know not.(86)
- O my sons, go and search for Joseph and his brother, and do not despair of God's comfort; None despairs of God's comfort excepting the disbelieving people.' (87)
- So when they entered to him, they said, `Governor, distress has afflicted us and our family, and We have come with a little money, yet fill up the measure for us, and be charitable to us; surely God recompenses the charitable'.(88)
- He said, `do you know what you did with Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?'(89)
- They said, `art thou in fact Joseph?' He said, `I am Joseph, and this is my brother; God has shown favour to us; and whoso fears God and shows patience, surely God does not waste the wage of the good-doers.'(90)
- They said, `by God, God has preferred thee over us, and we were indeed at fault.'(91)
- He said, `no reproach shall be on you this day; may God forgive you, and He is the Most merciful of the merciful.(92)
- Go with this shirt of mine, and cast it on my father's face, he will be one seeing; and bring me your family all together.'(93)
- And when the caravan departed, their father said, `surely I perceive Joseph's scent, unless you think me doting.'(94)
- They said, `by God, thou art certainly in thy old error'.(95)
- And when the bearer of the good news came and cast it on his face, he was seeing once again. He said, `did I not say to you that I know from God what you know not?'(96)
- They said, `father, pray forgiveness of our sins, for indeed we were at fault'.(97)
- He said, `I will pray to my Lord to forgive you; surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful'.( 98)
- So when they entered to Joseph, he made his parents to sit with him, and said, `enter Egypt, if God will, in security'.(99)
- And he raised his parents to the throne, and they fell down prostrate before him. And he said, `father, this is the interpretation of my dream of old; my Lord has made it true; and He was good to me when he took me out of the prison, and brought you from the desert, after the Devil had set strife between me and my brothers; my Lord is gracious to what He will; surely He is the Knowing, the Wise'. __ (100)
- `My Lord Thou hast given me a share in the kingdom and taught me interpretation of the events; O Originator of the heavens and the earth, Thou art my protector in this world and Hereafter; take me to Thee in a state of Submission, and join me with the righteous'.(101)
- This is of the news of the unseen that We reveal to thee, and thou wast not with them when they, while devising (plan), agreed on their affair'.(102)
- Yet, however eager thou mayest be, most of the men will not believe.(103)
- And thou dost not ask of them any wage. It is naught but a Reminder for all people.(104)
- And how many a Sign there is in the heavens and the earth that they pass by, turning away from it.(105)
- And most of them do not believe in God without making associates to Him.(106)
- But do they feel secure that an enveloping punishment of God shall not come upon them, or the Hour shall not come upon them suddenly, when they perceive not?(107)
- Say, `this is my way: I call to God on evidence __I and those who follow me __ and God is Holy, and I am not of the idolaters'.(108)
- And We did not send before thee any but men from the people of the cities, to whom We revealed (our Message). Have they not journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? And surely the House of the Hereafter shall be better for the godfearing; will you not understand;(109)
- Till, when the Messengers despair and think that they are taken liars, Our help comes to them, and whomso We will is saved. But Our violence is not averted from the people of the sinners.(110)
- Surely, in their narratives is a lesson to men of understanding. It is not a forged story, but a confirmation of what was before it, and an exposition of all things, and a guidance and a mercy to a people who believe.(111)
AL-RAD (13)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 43 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim Ra (A.L.M.R.); those are the Signs of the Book; and that which is sent down to thee from thy Lord is the truth, but most men believe not. (1)
- God is He who raised up the heavens without pillars that you can see, then took over the Throne, and He subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a stated term; He directs the Affair, distinguishing the Signs that you may have faith in the meeting with your Lord.(2)
- And it is He who spread the earth, and set in it firm mountains and rivers; and of every fruit He made therein two kinds, covers the day with the night; surely in that are Signs for a people who ponder.(3)
- And in the earth are adjoining tracts and gardens of vines and sown fields and palm trees __ in clusters and otherwise __ all watered with one water; __ yet We make some of them to excel others in food; surely in that are Signs for a people who understand. (4)
- And if thou wouldst wonder, then wonderful is their saying: `what, when we have become dust, shall we be in a new creation?' Those are they who disbelieve in their Lord, and those __ on their necks are fetters; and those are the people of the Fire, wherein they shall dwell forever.(5)
- And they ask thee to hasten the evil before the good, yet examples have passed away before them; and thy Lord is surely forgiving to men despite their wrong-doing, and thy Lord is surely terrible in retribution.(6)
- And the unbelievers say, `why has not a Sign been sent down on him from his Lord?' Thou art only a warner; and for every people there is a guide!(7)
- God knows what every female bears, and shrinking and swelling of the wombs and everything with Him has its measure.(8)
- The knower of the unseen and the visible, the Great, the Exalted.(9)
- Alike among you is he who conceals the saying and he who talks it aloud, and he who hides himself in the night and he who walks about during day.(10)
- He has attendant angels, before him and behind him, that watch over him by God's command; surely God does not change the state of a people, unless they change their selves; and when God desires evil for a people, there is no turning back of it, and they have no protector, apart from Him.(11)
- It is He who shows you the lightning for fear and hope, and produces the heavy clouds.(12)
- And the thunder and the angels proclaim His praise in awe of Him; and He looses the thunderbolts, then afflicts with them whom He will, while they are disputing about God; and He is mighty in power.(13)
- To Him is due the true calling; and those upon whom they call, apart from Him, do not answer them a thing, except that it is like a man who stretches out his palms to water that it may reach his mouth, but it does not reach it; and the call of the unbelievers goes only astray.(14)
- And to God prostrates whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and also their shadows in the mornings and the evenings.(15)
- Say, `who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?' Say, `God'. Say, `have you then taken protectors apart from Him, those who have no power to profit or hurt even themselves?' Say, `are the blind and the seeing man equal, or are the darkness and the light equal?' Or have they assigned to God associates, who have created the like of His creation, and the creation looks alike to them?' Say, `God is the creator of everything, and He is the One, the Omnipotent'.(16)
- He sends down water from the heaven, so that the valleys flow in their measure, and the torrent carries a swelling scum. And out of that over which they kindle fire, seeking ornament or ware, arises a similar scum. Thus God describes the true and the false. Then as for the scum, it disappears like froth; and as for that which profits men, it stays in the earth; so God describes the similitudes.(17)
- For those who answer their Lord is a reward most fair; and those who do not answer Him, if they had all that is in the earth, and also the like of it with it; they would surely offer it for their ransom; those __ theirs shall be the evil reckoning, and their abode shall be Hell; an evil cradling.(18)
- Is then he who knows what is sent down to thee from thy Lord is the truth, like him who is blind? But only men of understanding pay heed,(19)
- those who fulfil God's covenant, and do not break the compact,(20)
- and those who join what God has commanded should be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread the evil reckoning.(21)
- And those who are patient in seeking their Lords' attention, and establish the Prayer, and expend of that We have provided them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good, theirs shall be the Ultimate Home __ (22)
- Gardens of Eternity which they shall enter, and those of their fathers, their wives, and their offspring who acted right; and the angels shall enter to them from every gate: (23)
- `Peace be upon you, for that you were patient'; so how excellent is the Ultimate Home!'(24)
- And those who break the covenant of God after ratifying it, and cut what God has commanded should be joined, and create disorder in the earth, on them shall rest the curse and for them shall be the Evil Home.(25)
- God outspreads and straitens the provision for whom He will; and they rejoice in the present life; but the present life is nothing against the Hereafter but some enjoyment.(26)
- And the unbelievers say, `why has a Sign not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say, `God sends astray whom He will, and guides to Himself those who turn to Him,(27)
- those who believe, and their hearts find contentment in the remembrance of God. Behold, in God's remembrance do the hearts find contentment.(28)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is blessedness and a handsome resort!(29)
- Thus We have sent thee in a community, before which (many) communities have passed away, that thou mayest recite to them what We have revealed to thee, while they disbelieve in the All-merciful. Say, `He is my Lord, there is no god but He; in Him I put my trust, and to Him I turn'.(30)
- And If there were a Reading (Qur'an) whereby the mountains were moved, or the earth were torn asunder, or the dead were spoken to, but to God belongs the Affair altogether. Have not the Believers yet known that if God willed, He would have guided men all together? But unbelievers -- the shattering disaster shall not cease to afflict them or alight near their homes, for what they have worked, until God's promise comes; surely God fails not the appointed time.(31)
- And indeed the Messengers were mocked at before thee, and I respited the unbelievers, then I seized them __ so how was My retribution!(32)
- Is then He who stands over every soul for what it has earnsedÿ__ÿbut they have assigned associates to God. Say, `name them, or do you tell Him what He does not know in the earth, or in apparent words?' No, but to the unbelievers, their devising seems fair and they are barred from the way; and whomso God sends astray, no guide has he.(33)
- For them shall be punishment in the present life, and the punishment of the Hereafter shall be more crushing; and there shall be none to defend them from God.(34)
- The likeness of Paradise promised to the godfearing: rivers flow underneath it; its food and its shade are everlasting; that is the end-reward of the godfearing, while the end-reward of the unbelievers is the Fire.(35)
- And those to whom We have given the Book rejoice in what is sent down to thee, and among the factions are those who deny some of it. Say, `I have been commanded to serve God only and not to associate any with Him; to Him I call, and to HIm is my resort'.(36)
- And even so We have sent it down as a Judgement in Arabic. And if thou followest their caprices after the knowledge that has come to thee, thou shalt have no protector and no defender against God.(37)
- And We indeed sent Messengers before thee, and assigned wives and offspring to them; and it was not for any Messenger to bring a Sign but by God's leave. Every term has a Book.(38)
- God blots out and establishes what He will, and with Him is the Mother-Book.(39)
- And whether we show thee some of that We promise them or call thee to Us, thine is only to deliver the Message, and Ours the reckoning.(40)
- And have they not seen that We are diminishig the land from its sides? And God judges; there is none to repel His judgement; and He is swift at the reckoning.(41)
- And those that were before them also devised, but God's is the devising altogether; He knows what every soul earns; and the unbelievers shall know for whom shall be the Final Abode.(42)
- And the unbelievers say, `thou art not an Envoy'. Say, `God suffices as a witness between me and you, and he who has the knowledge of the Book'.(43)
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 52 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.); a Book We have sent down to thee that thou mayest bring forth mankind from darkness to light, by their Lord's leave, to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy,(1)
- God, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And woe to the unbelievers for a terrible punishment,(2)
- those who prefer the present life over the Hereafter, and bar from God's way and seek to make it crooked; those are astray far way.(3)
- And We have sent no Messenger but in the language of his people, that he may make all clear to them; then God sends astray whom He will, and guides whom He will; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(4)
- And We sent Moses with Our Signs: `bring forth thy people from darkness to light, and remind them of the Days of God'. In that are surely Signs for every steadfast, thankful person.(5)
- And when Moses said to his people, `remember God's blessing upon you, when He delivered you from Pharaoh's folk who were afflicting you with evil punishment, slaughtering your sons and leaving your women alive __ and in that was a big trial from your Lord'.(6)
- And when your Lord proclaimed, `if you give thanks, I will increase for you, and if you are thankless, My punishment is surely terrible'.(7)
- And Moses said, `if you are thankless, you and whoso is on earth, God is All-sufficient, Praiseworthy.'(8)
- Has there not come to you the news of those before you __ the people of Noah, Ad, Thamood, and those after them, whom none knows now but God? Their Messengers came to them with clear Signs, but they thrust their hands in their mouths, and said, `we disbelieve in the Message you have been sent with, and we are surely in a disquieting doubt concerning that you call us to'.(9)
- Their Messengers said, `is there a doubt regarding God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth? He calls you to forgive you your sins, and defer you to a stated term.' They said, `you are nothing but mortals like us; you desire to bar us from that our fathers used to serve; now bring us a clear authority'.(10)
- Their Messengers said to them, `we are only mortals like you, but God bestows favours on whom He will of His servants; and it is not ours to bring you an authority, except by the leave of God; and in God let the Believers put their trust.(11)
- And why should we not trust in God when He has shown us our ways? And we will surely bear patiently the hurt you give us; and in God let the trustful put their trust.'(12)
- And the unbelievers said to their Messengers, `we will certainly expel you from our land, or you will return into our creed'. Then their Lord revealed to them: `We will surely destroy the wrong-doers;(13)
- and We will surely settle you in the land after them; that is for him who fears My station and fears My threat'.(14)
- And they sought decision, and every obstinate potentate was disappointed __(15)
- beyond him is Hell, and he will be given to drink stinking water,(16)
- which he will gulp little by little and will hardly swallow, and death will come upon him from every quarter and he will not die; and still beyond him will be a harsh punishment.(17)
- The likeness of those who disbelieve in their Lord __ their works are as ashes on which, on a stormy day, the wind blows violently; they hold no power over what they have earned; that indeed is the straying far away.(18)
- Hast thou not seen that God has created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He will, He will take you away and bring a new creation;(19)
- and that is no difficult matter for God.(20)
- And they shall appear before God all together, and the weak will say to those who showed arrogance, `we were your followers; now will you somewhat avail us against God's punishment?' They will say, `had God guided us, we would have guided you too; it is equal for us now whether we be impatient or endure it; we have no place to escape'.(21)
- And the Devil, when the matter is decided, will say, `God gave you the true promise, and I promised you, then I failed you; and I had no authority over you, but that I called you and you responded to me; now do not blame me but blame yourselves; I cannot come to your help, nor can you come to my help; I deny that you associated me (with God) before.' Surely the wrong-doers will receive a painful punishment.(22)
- And those who believed and did righteous deeds shall be admitted, by their Lord's leave, to gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; their greeting therein will be: `peace'. (23)
- Hast thou not seen how God has struck a similitude? A good word is like a good tree whose roots are firm and branches are in the heaven;(24)
- it gives its fruit every season, by the leave of its Lord; and God strikes similitudes for mankind that they may pay heed.(25)
- And the likeness of a corrupt word is like a corrupt tree, uprooted from the earth, having no stability.(26)
- God confirms the Believers with the firm word in this life and in the Hereafter; and God sends the wrong-doers astray; and God does what He will.(27)
- Hast thou not seen those who changed the blessing of God by unbelief and carried their people to the House of Ruin __ (28)
- the Hell, in which they shall burn; and it is an evil resting place!(29)
- And they have set up compeers to God, to lead (people) astray from His way. Say, `enjoy, surely your destination is the Fire!'(30)
- Say to My servants who have believed to establish the Prayer, and expend of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, before there comes the Day wherein there shall be neither trading nor befriending. (31)
- God is He who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down from the heaven water, wherewith He brought forth fruits for your provision; and He subjected to you the ships that run on the sea at His command, and He subjected to you the rivers;(32)
- and He subjected to you the sun and the moon, (going) constant on their courses; and He subjected to you the night and the day;(33)
- and He gave you everything that you asked of Him; and if you count God's blessings, you cannot number them; surely man is a big wrong-doer, very thankless.(34)
- And when Abraham said, `my Lord, make this land secure, and save me and my sons from serving idols;(35)
- my Lord, they have led many men astray; now whoso follows me belongs to me; and whoso disobeys me, then Thou art Forgiving, Merciful.(36)
- Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in an uncultivatable valley by Thy Sacred House, our Lord, that they may establish the Prayer; so make hearts of men yearn towards them and provide them with fruits, that they may give thanks.(37)
- Our Lord, Thou knowest what we hide and what we make public; and nothing in the earth, or in the heaven, is hidden from God.(38)
- Praise be to God, who has given me, despite old age, Ishmael and Isaac; surely my Lord hears the prayer.(39)
- My Lord, make me and my offspring to establish the Prayer, and our Lord, accept my prayer. (40)
- Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the Believers on the Day when the reckoning shall be made'.(41)
- And think not that God is heedless of what the wrong-doers do; He is only deferring them to a Day when eyes shall stare,(42)
- when they will be rushing with outstretched necks and uplifted heads, their glances not returning to themselves, and their hearts empty.(43)
- And warn mankind of the Day, when the punishment comes on them and the wrong-doers say, `our Lord, defer us to a near term, and we will answer Thy call, and follow the Messengers' __`But did you not swear before, that you will suffer no decline:(44)
- and you dwelt in the dwellings of those who wronged themselves, and it was clear to you how We dealt with them; and We struck examples for you'.(45)
- But they worked their plan, and their plan was before God; and their plan was such as would move the mountains.(46)
- So do not think that God will fail His promise given to His Messengers; God is Mighty, Vengeful.(47)
- On the Day, the earth will be changed to other than the earth, and also the heavens, and people will appear before God, the One, the Omnipotent.(48)
- And thou wilt see the sinners that day, bound together in chains;(49)
- their shirts of pitch, and the Fire covering their faces;(50)
- that God may recompense every soul for what it earned; surely God is swift at the reckoning.(51)
- This is a Message for mankind, that they may be warned by it, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that the men of understanding may pay heed.(52)
AL-HIJR (15)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 99 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.) __ these are the Signs of the Book and of a Clear Reading (Qur'an).(1)
- The unbelievers will sometime wish that they had surrendered.(2)
- Leave them to eat and enjoy and let their hopes delude them, for they will soon know!(3)
- And whatever city We destroyed, there was a known decree for it.(4)
- No community precedes its term, nor does it put it back.(5)
- And they say, `thou, on whom the Admonition is sent down, thou art surely mad.(6)
- Why dost thou not bring us the angels, if thou art of the truthful?'(7)
- We send not down the angels but with truth, and then they are not respited.(8)
- It is We who have sent down the Admonition, and We are surely its guardians.(9)
- And indeed We sent Messengers before thee among the ancient sects.(10)
- And no Messenger came to them but they mocked at him.(11)
- Even so We cause it to enter into the hearts of the sinners __ (12)
- they do not believe in it, and the tradition of the ancients is already gone.(13)
- And even if We opened to them a gate in the heaven, and they kept ascending through it,(14)
- they would surely say, `only our eyes have been dazzled; no, we are a bewitched people'.(15)
- And We have set constellations in the heaven and adorned them for the beholders,(16)
- and We have guarded it from every outcast devil,(17)
- except him who listens by stealth then a visible flame follows him.(18)
- And the earth, We have spread it out, and cast therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein everything duly weighed.(19)
- And We have made therein livelihood for you and for those you provide not.(20)
- There is not a thing but We have its treasures, yet We send it down only in a known measure.(21)
- And We loose fertilising winds, then send down water from heaven, then give it to you to drink; and you are no treasurers of it.(22)
- And it is We who give life and make to die, and We are the inheritors.(23)
- And We know those of you who have gone before, and We know those who lag behind.(24)
- And it is thy Lord who shall muster them; surely He is Wise, Knowing.(25)
- And surely We created man from dried clay of moulded mud;(26)
- and the jinn, we created before, of flaming fire.(27)
- And when thy Lord said to the angels, `I am making a mortal from dried clay of moulded mud,(28)
- so when I have shaped him and breathed in him of My Spirit, fall you down to him prostrating.'(29)
- And the angels prostrated themselves, all of them, all together,(30)
- except Iblis; he refused to be with those prostrating.(31)
- God said, `O Iblis, what ails thee that thou art not among those prostrating?'(32)
- He said, `I would never prostrate myself before a mortal whom Thou hast created from dried clay of moulded mud.'(33)
- God said, `get thou out from here; thou art an outcast,(34)
- and upon thee shall rest the curse till the Day of Recompense'.(35)
- He said, `my Lord, respite me till the Day they will be raised.'(36)
- God said, `thou art among those that are respited,(37)
- till the Day of the Known Time!'(38)
- He said, `my Lord, as Thou hast perverted me, I will make for them adornments in the earth, and will pervert them all together,(39)
- excepting Thy sincere servants among them.'(40)
- God said, `this is a straight path leading to me.(41)
- Over My servants, thou shalt have no authority, excepting such perverts as follow thee.(42)
- And Hell is the promised land of all of them. (43)
- It has seven gates; for every gate shall be a set portion of them.'(44)
- Surely the godfearing shall be amidst gardens and fountains: (45)
- `enter them in peace and security'.(46)
- And We shall draw out whatever rancour is there in their breasts; as brothers they will be sitting face to face on couches.(47)
- Fatigue shall not touch them there, nor shall they be expelled from there.(48)
- Tell My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful,(49)
- and that My punishment is the painful punishment.(50)
- And tell them of the guests of Abraham.(51)
- When they entered to him, they said, `Peace'. He said, `we are afraid of you.'(52)
- They said, `be not afraid; we give thee good news of a boy possessing knowledge!'(53)
- He said, `do you give me good news when old age has come upon me? Of what do you give me good news?' (54)
- They said, `We give thee good news with truth, so be not among those that despair'.(55)
- He said, `and who despairs of his Lord's mercy excepting the astray?'(56)
- He said, `and what is your business, O envoys?'(57)
- They said, `we have been sent to a people of sinners,(58)
- except the people of Lot. We shall deliver them all,(59)
- except his wife; we have estimated that she shall be among those who stay behind'. (60)
- So when the Envoys came to the people of Lot,(61)
- he said, `you are a people unknown.'(62)
- They said, `no, we have brought thee what they were doubting;(63)
- and we have come to thee with the truth, and we are surely truthful.(64)
- So set thou forth with thy family during a part of the night, and follow in their rear, and let none of you turn round, and proceed wither you are commanded'.(65)
- And We informed him of that task __ that the root of these people shall be cut off by morning.(66)
- And the people of the city came rejoicing.(67)
- He said, `these are my guests, so do not put me to shame,(68)
- and fear God, and do not disgrace me'.(69)
- They said, `did we not forbid thee of people?'(70)
- He said, `here are my daughters, if you must do'.(71)
- By thy life, they wandered blindly in their intoxication.(72)
- And the Cry seized them by sunrise,(73)
- and We turned it (the town) upside down, and rained on them stones of baked clay.(74)
- Surely in that are Signs for the observant.(75)
- And surely it lies on an existing way.(76)
- In that is surely a Sign for the Believers.(77)
- And surely the people of the Wood were wrong-doers;(78)
- so We took vengeance upon them; and the two (towns) are on an open road.(79)
- And the people of Al-Hijr gave lies to the Envoys;(80)
- and We brought them Our Signs, but they turned away from them.(81)
- And they used to hew out houses from the mountains, dwelling there, in security.(82)
- Then the Cry seized them by morning,(83)
- and what they had earned did not avail them.(84)
- And We created not the heavens and the earth and what is between them but with truth; and the Hour is sure to come; so overlook thou with grace.(85)
- Surely thy Lord, He is the All-creator, the Knowing.(86)
- And We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated Verses and the Grand Qur'an.(87)
- Stretch not thy eyes to that We have given to some groups of theirs to enjoy, and grieve not for them; and keep thy wing low to the Believers.(88)
- And say, `surely I am the clear warner.'(89)
- As We have sent down to those who have divided,(90)
- those who have broken the Qur'an into segments.(91)
- So, by thy Lord, We will surely question them all,(92)
- concerning that they were doing.(93)
- So declare openly what thou art commanded, and turn thou away from the idolaters.(94)
- We shall suffice thee against the mockers,(95)
- those who set up with God another god; they will soon know'.(96)
- And We know indeed that thy breast is straitened by what they say;(97)
- but celebrate thy Lord's praise, and be among those who prostrate;(98)
- and serve thy Lord, until the Certain comes to thee.(99)
The Bee
Revealed At Mecca,Verses: 128 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- God's command comes, so seek not to hasten it; Holy is He and Exalted above that they associate with Him!(1)
- He sends down angels with the Spirit of His command on whomsoever of His servants He will: `Give you warning that there is no god but I, so fear Me'.(2)
- He created the heavens and the earth with truth; Exalted is He above that they associate with Him!(3)
- He created man of a sperm-drop, then lo, he is an open disputant!(4)
- And the cattle __ He created them; in them is warmth and other benefits for you, and of them you eat;(5)
- and in them is beauty for you, when you bring them home to rest and when you take them out to pasture;(6)
- and they carry your loads to a land that you would never reach except with distress of souls; your Lord is surely Kind and Merciful.(7)
- And horses, mules and asses, (He created) that you may ride on them, and as an adornment; and He creates what you know not.(8)
- And it is God's to show the mean way, yet some turn away from it; and if He willed, He would have guided you all.(9)
- It is He who sends down from heaven water, of which you have your drink, and of which are trees on which you pasture herds.(10)
- With it He grows for you crops, olives, palms, grapes and all kinds of fruits. In that is surely a Sign for a people who ponder.(11)
- And He has subjected for you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; and the stars are also subjected by His command; in that are surely Signs for a people who understand.(12)
- And the things He has scattered for you in the earth have different colours; in that is surely a Sign for a people who pay heed.(13)
- And it is He who has subjected the sea, that you may eat out of it fresh flesh, and bring forth out of it ornaments that you wear; and thou seest the ships ploughing through it; and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may be thankful.(14)
- And He has cast firm mountains in the earth, lest it should shake with you, and rivers and paths, that you may find the way,(15)
- and also way-marks; and by the stars they find the way.(16)
- Is then He who creates as he who does not create? Will you not pay heed?(17)
- And if you count God's blessings, you will not number them; God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(18)
- And God knows what you hide and what you make public.(19)
- And those they call upon, apart from God, create nothing, and themselves are created;(20)
- they are dead without life, and cannot know when they shall be raised.(21)
- Your God is One God, but those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts deny and they show arrogance.(22)
- Without a doubt, God knows what they hide and what they make public; surely He does not love those who show arrogance.(23)
- And when it is said to them, `what thing has your Lord sent down', they say, `fables of the ancients',(24)
- that they may bear their loads complete on the Day of Resurrection, and also some of the loads of those whom they lead astray without knowldge. Behold, how evil a load they bear!(25)
- Those that were before them contrived; then God came upon their building from the foundations, and the roof fell down upon them from above them; and the punishment came upon them whence they perceived not.(26)
- Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will humiliate them and say, `where are My associates for whom you made a breach?' Those who were given the knowledge will say, `today, humiliation and evil are on the unbelievers,(27)
- those whom the angels take while doing wrong to themselves;' then they will offer submission: `we were not doing any evil' __ `No, God knows what you were doing.(28)
- Now enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein forever; evil indeed is the resort of the arrogant.' (29)
- And it is said to the godfearing, `what has your Lord sent down?' They say, `good'. For those who do good is good in this world; and the House of the Hereafter will be better; excellent indeed is the House of the godfearing __(30)
- gardens of eternity they shall enter, rivers flowing underneath them, wherein they shall have what they will; so does God recompense the godfearing __(31)
- those whom the angels take while they are pure, saying, `peace be on you; enter Paradise for what you have been doing.(32)
- Do they only look for angels to come to them, or that thy Lord's command should come? So did those before them: and God wronged them not, but themselves they wronged.(33)
- Then the evil of what they did afflicted them, and what they mocked at encompassed them.(34)
- And Those who make associates (to God) say, `had God willed, we would not have served anything apart from Him, neither we nor our fathers, and we would not have made anything, apart from Him, sacred. So did those that were before them. But is there any obligation on the Messengers except to deliver the manifest Message.(35)
- And We indeed raised a Messenger in every community, (saying) `Serve God and avoid the idol'; then some of them God guided and some of them were bound to go astray. Journey in the land and see how was the end of those who cried lies.(36)
- If thou art eager for their guidance, yet God does not guide him whom He sends astray, and there are no helpers for them.(37)
- And they swear by God their earnest oaths: `God will not raise him up who dies'. No, it is a promise binding upon Him, but most men know not.(38)
- It is so, that He may make clear to them in what they differed, and the unbelievers may know that they were surely liars.(39)
- Our word for a thing, when We desire it, is only this that We say to it, `Be', and it is.(40)
- And those who emigrated for God's sake after they were wronged, We shall surely lodge them in this world in a good way; and the wage of the Hereafter shall be greater, if they but knew;(41)
- those showed patience and put their trust in their Lord.(42)
- And We did not send before thee any but men to whom We revealed (Our Message); ask the People of the Remembrance, if you do not know;(43)
- (We sent them) with clear Signs and Psalms; and We have sent down to thee the Remembrance that thou mayest make clear to mankind what has been sent down to them, and that they may ponder.(44)
- Do those who devise evil things feel secure that God will not make the earth to swallow them, or punishment will not come upon them from whence they do not perceive;(45)
- or He will not seize them in their moving about, and they will not be able to frustrate Him;(46)
- or He will not seize them slowly and gradually? But your Lord is surely Kind and Merciful.(47)
- Have they not seen the things God has created, their shadows inclining to the right and to the left, prostrating themselves to God in all lowliness?(48)
- And to God prostrate all the creatures which are in the heavens and which are in the earth, and also the angels, and they do not show arrogance.(49)
- They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded.(50)
- And God says, `do not take two gods; He is only One God; so have awe of Me only.'(51)
- And to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and to Him is Submission due forever. Will you then fear other than God?(52)
- And whatever blessing you have, it is from God; then when harm touches you, it is unto Him that you groan.(53)
- Then, when He removes the harm from you, lo, a party of yours assigns associates to their Lord,(54)
- that they may show unthankfulness to what We have given them; so enjoy, but you will soon know.(55)
- And they appoint a share of what We have provided them to what they do not know. By God, you shall be questioned about what you forge.(56)
- And they assign daughters to God __ Holy be He __ and to themselves what they desire!(57)
- And when any of them is given good news of a girl, his face gets darkened and he is choked.(58)
- He hides himself from the people for the evil of the good news given to him. Shall he retain it in humiliation or bury it into the dust? Ah, how evil is that they judge!(59)
- Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, theirs is the evil likeness, and God's is the most high likeness; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(60)
- And if God were to take men to task for their wrong-doing, He would not leave any creature therein, but He is deferring them to a stated term; and when their term comes they shall not put it back nor put it forward by a moment.(61)
- And they assign to God what they hate, and their tongues utter the lie that theirs shall be the best reward. No doubt for them shall be the Fire, and they shall be hastened into it.(62)
- By God, We sent Messengers to the communities before thee, but the Devil showed their deeds fair to them; so today he is their friend, and for them shall be a painful punishment.(63)
- And We have not sent down on thee the Book except that thou mayest make clear to them the things they differ in, and as a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.(64)
- And God sends down from the heaven water with which He quickens the earth after it is deed. In that is surely a Sign for a people who listen.(65)
- And for you in the cattle is a lesson. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies between the dung and the blood, pure milk, pleasant to the drinkers.(66)
- And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes, you take therefrom intoxicant and good provision. In that is surely a Sign for a people who understand.(67)
- And thy Lord revealed to the bee: `make houses in the mountains, in the trees and in what people build;(68)
- then eat of all the fruits, and follow the set ways of thy Lord'. There comes forth out of their bellies a beverage of different hues having healing power for mankind. In that is surely a Sign for a people who ponder.(69)
- And God has created you, then He takes you to Him; and some of you are turned to the abject age, so that they may not know anything in spite of knowledge; God is Knowing, Powerful.(70)
- And God has made some of you to excel others in provision; then those who are made to excel, do not give over their provision to those whom their right hands own, so that they may become equal in it; will they then deny the blessing of God?(71)
- And God has made for you wives out of yourselves, and has made, out of your wives, sons and grandsons for you, and has provided you with good things; will they then believe in falsehood and disbelieve in the blessing of God,(72)
- and serve, apart from God, that which has no power to provide them anything from the heavens and the earth, nor can they ever do?(73)
- So, do not strike similitudes for God; God knows, and you know not.(74)
- God strikes a similitude: there is a slave possessed (by his master), who has no power on anything, and there is one whom We have provided from Ourselves with a good provision, and he expends of it secretly and openly. Are they equal? Praise be to God; but most of them know not.(75)
- And God strikes a similitude: there are two men; one of them is dumb who has no power over anything and is a burden on his master; wherever he directs him, he brings no good. Is he equal to him who enjoins justice and is on a straight path?(76)
- And to God belongs the unseen in the heavens and the earth. And the matter of the Hour is as a twinkling of the eye or nearer. God is powerful over everything.(77)
- And God brings you forth from the wombs of your mothers, you not knowing anything, and makes for you ears, eyes and hearts, that you may give thanks.(78)
- Have they not seen the birds held in the atmosphere? Naught holds them except God? In that are surely Signs for a people who believe.(79)
- And God has made for you of your houses a place of rest, and has made for you, of the skins of the cattle, houses which you find light on the day you march and on the day you halt, and (he has made) of their wool and their fur and their hair, household stuff and other goods for a time.(80)
- And God has made, for you, out of what He has created, shades; and he has made, for you, in mountains shelters; and He has made for you shirts that guard you against heat, and shirts that guard you during your violence Thus He perfects His blessing on you that you may submit to Him.(81)
- But if they turn away, then thine is only to deliver the Manifest Message.(82)
- They recognise God's blessing yet deny it, and most of them are unthankful.(83)
- And the day We shall raise up a witness from every community, no leave shall be given to the unbelievers, nor shall they be allowed to make amends.(84)
- And when the wrong--doers see the punishment, it shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be given respite.(85)
- And when the idolaters see their associate-gods, they shall say, `our Lord, these are our associate-gods, on whom we called, apart from Thee'; but they will throw back the saying on them, `you are surely liars.'(86)
- And that day they will offer surrender to God, and what they had forged will forsake them.(87)
- Those who disbelieve and bar from God's way, We shall increase on them punishment over punishment, for they were causing disorder.(88)
- And the day We shall raise up from every community a witness over them from amongst them, We shall bring thee as a witness over these people. And We have sent down on thee the Book as an exposition of everything, and as a guidance, and a mercy and as a good news for those who surrender.(89)
- God enjoins justice, good-doing, and giving to kinsmen, and He forbids indecency, disgusting things and rebellion; He admonishes you so that you may pay heed.(90)
- And fulfil God's covenant, when you make a covenant, and do not break the oaths after their confirmation, when you have made God your surety; God knows the things you do.(91)
- And be not like her who broke her thread, after it was firmly spun, into bits. You take your oaths as a deceit between you, lest a community may become more powerful than another community. God only tries you thereby; and He will surely make clear to you, on the Day of Resurrection, in what you differed.(92)
- And had God willed, He would have made you one community; but He sends astray whom He will and guides whom He will, and you will surely be questioned about the things you were doing.(93)
- And do not take your oaths as a deceit between you, lest a foot should slip after it is firmly planted, and you taste evil for that you barred from God's way, and lest you have a big punishment.(94)
- And do not sell God's covenant for a small price; surely that which is with God is good for you, if you but knew.(95)
- That which is with you shall exhaust, but that which is with God shall abide; and We will surely recompense those who are patient their wage, for the best of their deeds.(96)
- Whoso does a righteous deed, be it male or female, and he is a Believer, We will surely give him a good life; and We will recompense them their wage, for the best of their deeds.(97)
- Now, when thou readest the Qur'an, seek refuge in God from the outcast Devil.(98)
- He has no authority over those who believe and trust in their Lord.(99)
- His authority is only over those who befriend him and those who make him an associate to God.(100)
- And when We exchange a verse in place of another verse, and God knows best what He sends down, they say, `thou art only a forger!' No, but most of them have no knowledge.(101)
- Say, `the Holy Spirit has brought it down from thy Lord with truth, that it may confirm the Believers, and be a guidance and a good news to those who surrender.'(102)
- And We do know that they say, `only a mortal teaches him', his language, to whom they refer, is foreign, while this is clear Arabic language.(103)
- Surely those who do not believe in the Signs of God, God will not guide them, and for them shall be a painful punishment.(104)
- They only forge falsehood who do not believe in the Signs of God, and they are the liars.(105)
- Whoso disbelieves in God, after he believed--excepting him who has been compelled but his heart is contented with belief __ but whoso opens his breast with unbelief, upon them shall fall wrath from God, and for them shall be a big punishment.(106)
- That is because they prefer the present life against the Hereafter, and because God does not guide the disbelieving people.(107)
- Those are the ones on whose hearts, ears and eyes, God has set a seal, and those are the heedless.(108)
- No doubt, it is they who shall be the losers in the Hereafter.(109)
- Then, thy Lord __ to those who emigrated, after they were persecuted, then struggled and were patient __ surely thy Lord thereafter is Forgiving, Merciful.(110)
- That day every soul shall come pleading for itself, and every soul shall be paid in full for what it did, and they shall not be wronged.(111)
- And God strikes a similitude: a city that was secure and content, its provision coming to it easefully from every place; then it became unthankful to the blessings of God; so God let it taste overwhelming hunger and fear for the things that they were working.(112)
- And indeed there came to them a Messenger from among them, but they gave lies to him; so the punishment seized them, for they were wrong-doers.(113)
- Now, eat of the lawful and good things that God has provided you; and give thanks for God's blessings, if Him only you serve.(114)
- He has forbidden you only the carrion, the blood, the flesh of swine, and that over which name of other than God is invoked; yet if any is constrained, when not revolting nor transgressing, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(115)
- And do not utter the falsehood as to what your tongues describe, `this is lawful and this is forbidden', so that you forge falsehood against God. Surely those who forge falsehood against God shall not prosper.(116)
- A little enjoyment, and they shall have a painful punishment.(117)
- And to the Jews, We forbade what We have related to thee before; and We did not wrong them, but themselves they wronged.(118)
- Then thy Lord __ to those who did evil in ignorance, then repented after that, and put things right __ surely thy Lord, thereafter, is Forgiving, Merciful.(119)
- Surely Abraham was a complete model, obedient to God, and all-devoted; and he was not of the idolators;(120)
- he was thankful for His blessings; He chose him and guided him to a straight path.(121)
- And We gave him good in this world, and he will surely be among the righteous in the Hereafter.(122)
- Then We have revealed to thee, `follow the creed of Abraham, who was all-devoted; and he was not of the idolators.'(123)
- The Sabbath was appointed only for those who differed in it; and thy Lord will surely judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed.(124)
- Call thou to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good admonition, and plead with them in a way that is most handsome. It is thy Lord who knows best those who have gone astray from His way, and He knows best the guided ones.(125)
- And if you punish, then punish like you were punished; but if you are patient, it is good for the patient.(126)
- And be patient, yet thy patience is only with the help of God; and do not grieve over them, nor be distressed for what they devise.(127)
- God is with those who are godfearing, and those who are good-doers.(128)
AL-ASRA (17)
The Night Journey
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 111 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Glory be to Him who carried His servant by night, from the Sacred Mosque to the Distant Mosque, the surroundings of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our Signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(1)
- And We gave Moses the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel: `Do not take any caretaker apart from Me'.(2)
- The progeny of those We bore with Noah; surely he was a thankful servant.(3)
- And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book: `You shall cause disorder in the earth twice, and act in high arrogance'.(4)
- So, when the promise of the first of the two came to pass, We sent against you Our servants, men of terrible might, and they went through the inmost of the houses; and it was a promise fulfilled.(5)
- Then We gave you back the turn to prevail over them, and We aided you with wealth and sons and made you a greater host.(6)
- `If you do good, you do good for your own souls, and if you do evil, it is for the same.' Then, when the other promise came to pass that they may disgrace you and enter the Mosque as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever they overpowered.(7)
- It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you; but if you repeat, We shall also repeat; and We have made Hell a prison for the unbelievers.(8)
- Surely this Qur'an guides to the way that is most upright and gives good news to the Believers who do righteous deeds, that for them shall be a big wage;(9)
- and that for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have prepared a painful punishment.(10)
- And man calls for evil as he calls for good; and man is surely hasty.(11)
- And We have made the night and the day as two Signs, then We blotted out the Sign of the night and made the Sign of the day to show things, that you may seek bounty from your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the reckoning; and everything We have distinguished distinctly.(12)
- And every man __We have fastened to him his bird of omen on his neck, and, on the Day of Resurrection, We shall bring forth a book for him, which he shall find spread wide open: (13)
- `Read thy book; today thyself suffices thee as a reckoner against thee.'(14)
- Whoso takes the right way takes it only for himself, and whoso goes astray, goes only against himself; and no bearer of load bears the load of another; and We never punish until We send forth a Messenger.(15)
- And when We intend to destroy a city, We make its men who live at ease to transgress therein, then the Word is justified against it, and We destroy it utterly.(16)
- And how many a generation We have destroyed after Noah! And thy Lord suffices as one who is aware of and sees the sins of His servants.(17)
- Whoso desires this hasty world, We hasten for him therein what We will, for whomso We desire; then We appoint for him Hell; there he shall burn condemned and rejected.(18)
- And whoso desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he should, and he is a Believer, those __ their striving shall be thankfully accepted.(19)
- Everyone We help __ these as well as those __ from thy Lord's gift; and thy Lord's gift is not confined.(20)
- See, how We have made some of them to excel others; and the Hereafter shall be greater in ranks and greater in excellence.(21)
- Do not set up with God another god, or thou wilt sit condemned and forsaken.(22)
- And thy Lord has decreed that you shall not serve any but Him, and to be good to parents; if one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, do not say to them, `fie', nor scold them; but speak to them kind words.(23)
- And lower to them the wings of humbleness out of mercy, and say, `my Lord, have mercy on them, as they brought me up when I was little'.(24)
- Your Lord knows very well what is in your souls; if you are righteous, then surely He is Forgiving to those who turn to Him.(25)
- And give the kinsman his right and also to the needy and the traveller, and do not squander so utterly.(26)
- Surely the squanderers are the brothers of the Devil, and the Devil is unthankful to his Lord.(27)
- And if thou turnest from them, seeking mercy from thy Lord that thou hopest for, then speak to them gentle words.(28)
- And keep not thy hand chained to thy neck, nor spread it out all-wide, for then thou wilt sit reproached and denuded.(29)
- It is thy Lord who outspreads and straitens the provision for whom He will; He is surely aware of and sees His servants.(30)
- And do not kill your children for fear of poverty; We provide for them and you; surely the killing of them is a grievous sin.(31)
- And do not approach fornication; it is surely an indecency, and evil as a way!(32)
- And do not kill the soul God has forbidden, except by right: and if any is killed unjustly, We have given authority to his heir; but let him not exceed in killing; he is surely helped.(33)
- And do not approach the property of the orphan, except in a manner most fair till he attains maturity. And fulfil the covenant; the covenant shall surely be questioned.(34)
- And fill up the measure when you measure, and weigh with the straight balance; that is best and fairest in result.(35)
- And do not pursue that which thou hast no knowledge of; surely the ears, the eyes and the hearts, all those shall be questioned about it.(36)
- And do not walk in the earth proudly; thou wilt never tear the earth, nor reach the mountains in height.(37)
- All these, the evil thereof is hateful in the sight of thy Lord.(38)
- This is of the wisdom that thy Lord has revealed to thee; and do not set up another god with God, or thou wilt be cast into Hell reproached and rejected.(39)
- What! has your Lord favoured you with sons and taken to Himself out of the angels females? Surely you say a monstrous thing!(40)
- And We have turned about (signs) in this (Qur'an), that they may pay heed; but it increases them not except in aversion.(41)
- Say, `if there had been other gods with Him', as they say, `then certainly they would have sought a way to the Lord of the Throne'.(42)
- He is Holy, High, Exalted, above that they say!(43)
- The seven heavens and the earth and whoso is in them extol Him; nothing is there but it celebrates His praise, though you do not understand their extolling; surely He is Forbearing Forgiving.(44)
- And when thou readest the Qur'an, We place between thee and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a hidden veil;(45)
- and We lay coverings on their hearts and heaviness in their ears, lest they understand it. And when thou mentionest thy Only Lord in the Qur'an, they turn their backs in aversion.(46)
- We know very well how they listen when they listen to thee and when they conspire, when the wrongdoers say, `you follow only a bewitched man!'(47)
- Look, how they strike similitudes for thee, and have gone astray, and cannot find the way.(48)
- And they say, `what ! when we are bones and broken bits, shall we be raised up in a new creation?'(49)
- Say, `let you be stones or iron,(50)
- or a creation harder in your thoughts.' Then they will say, `who will bring us back?' Say, `He who originated you the first time.' Then they will shake their heads at thee and say, `when will it be?' Say, `may be it is near.(51)
- On the day when He will call you, you will answer praising Him, and you will think that you stayed but a little.''(52)
- And say to My servants that they speak what is very handsome; the Devil provokes strife between them; surely the Devil is an open enemy to man.(53)
- Your Lord knows you very well; if He will, He will have mercy on you, or if He will, He will punish you; and We have not sent thee to be a caretaker.(54)
- And thy Lord knows very well whoso is in the heavens and the earth; and We have exalted some Prophets over others, and We gave to David Psalms.(55)
- Say, `call on those you assert. apart from Him, but they have no power to remove distress from you, or to transfer it.'(56)
- Those they call upon, themselves seek the means of access to their Lord, which of them shall be nearer, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment; surely thy Lord's punishment is a thing to beware of.(57)
- And no city is there, but We shall destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a terrible punishment; that is written in the Book.(58)
- And nothing has prevented Us from sending the Signs except that the ancients gave lies to them; and We gave Thamood the She-camel as a visible Sign, but they did her wrong; and We send the Signs only to frighten.(59)
- And when We said to thee, `thy Lord encompasses men', and We made the vision that We showed thee, and the tree cursed in the Qur'an, to be only a trial for men; and We frighten them but it increases them only in gross insolence.(60)
- And when We said to the angels, `prostrate yourselves before Adam', so they prostrated themselves, except Ibils; he said, `shall I prostrate myself before one whom Thou hast created of clay?'(61)
- He also said, `hast Thou considered that this one whom Thou hast honoured above me, if Thou deferest me to the Day of Resurrection, I shall surely subdue his offspring except a few'.(62)
- God said, `begone! surely those of them who follow thee, Hell shall be your recompense, an ample recompense!(63)
- And startle with thy voice whom thou canst and assault them with thy horsemen and thy foot-soldiers, and share with them in wealth and children, and give them promises. But the Devil promises them naught except delusion.(64)
- Indeed over My servants thou shalt have no authority; for thy Lord suffices as a caretaker'.(65)
- Your Lord is He who drives for you the ships in the sea, that you may seek of His bounty; He is surely Merciful to you.(66)
- And when harm visits you at sea, those whom you call upon are lost, except Him; then when He delivers you to the land, you turn aside, for man is surely thankless.(67)
- But do you feel secure that He will not cause you to be swallowed up at the land, or send upon you a violent sand-storm, then you will not find any caretaker for you?(68)
- Or do you feel secure that He will not take you back into it a second time, and send against you a hurricane of wind, and drown you for your thanklessness; then you will not find for you any prosecutor against Us.(69)
- And We have surely honoured the Children of Adam, and carried them on land and sea, and provided them with good things, and exalted them greatly above many of those that We have created.(70)
- On the day when We shall call every people with their leader then whoso is given his Book in his right hand, they shall read their Book, and they shall not be wronged a date-thread.(71)
- And whoso is blind in this (world) shall be blind in the Hereafter and further astray from the way.(72)
- And they almost seduced thee away from that We have revealed to thee, that thou mightest forge against Us other than it; and then they would have surely taken thee as a friend.(73)
- And had We not made thee firm, thou wert almost inclined to them a little.(74)
- And then, We would have surely let thee taste double in life and double on death, and then, thou wouldst not have found any helper against Us.(75)
- And they almost startled thee from the land to expel thee from it, but then they would have also not stayed after thee but a little.(76)
- It is a tradition of those We sent before thee of Our Messengers, and thou shalt not find Our tradition turning.(77)
- Establish the Prayer at the decline of the sun to the darkening of the night, and the reading of the Qur'an at dawn; surely the reading of the Qur'an at dawn is witnessed.(78)
- And keep awake with it at night,it is additional for thee; it may be that thy Lord will raise thee up to a laudable status.(79)
- And say, `my Lord, lead me in with a firm ingoing, and lead me out with a firm outgoing, and give me from Thee a helping authority.'(80)
- And say, `the truth has come, and falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a thing to vanish!(81)
- And We send down of the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy for the Believers, yet it increases the wrong-doers nothing but loss.(82)
- And when We bless man, he turns away and withdraws aside; and when evil afflicts him he is in despair.(83)
- Say, `everyone works in his own manner, and it is your Lord who know best as to who is best guided on the way'.(84)
- And they ask thee concerning the Spirit. Say, `the Spirit is of the command of my Lord, and you have not been given of the knowledge but a little'. (85)
- And if We will, We would take away what We have revealed to thee, then thou wouldst not find any concerning it to plead for thee against Us,(86)
- except by some mercy of thy Lord; surely His bounty to thee is great.(87)
- Say, `if men and jinn combined to produce the like of this Qur'an, they would not produce the like of it, even if they backed one another'.(88)
- And We have turned about in this Qur'an every kind of similitude for men; yet most men refuse but unbelief.(89)
- And they say, `we will not believe thee, till thou makest for us a spring to gush forth from the earth;(90)
- or thou hast a garden of palms and vines, and thou makest streams to gush forth abundantly all through it;(91)
- or as thou assertest, thou makest heaven to fall on us in fragments; or thou bringest God and the angels face to face;(92)
- or thou hast a house of gold; or thou goest up in heaven; but we will not believe even thy going np till thou sendest down on us a Book that we read.' Say, `Holy be my Lord; am I anything but a mortal, a Messenger?'(93)
- And nothing prevented men from believing, when the guidance came to them, but that they said, `has God sent forth a mortal as Messenger?'(94)
- Say, `had there been on the earth angels walking at peace, We would have sent down upon them from the heaven an angel as Messenger'.(95)
- Say, `God suffices as a witness between me and you; He is surely aware of and sees His servants'.(96)
- And he whom God guides is the one guided, and whom He sends astray, for them thou wilt not find any protectors, apart from Him. And We shall muster them on the Day of Resurrection, with their faces down, blind, dumb, and deaf. Their abode shall be Hell; whenever it abates, We shall increase the Blaze for them.(97)
- That shall be their recompense for they disbelieved in Our Signs, and said, `what! when we are bones and broken bits, shall we be raised up in a new creation?'(98)
- Have they not considered that God, who created the heavens and the earth and has, no doubt, appointed a term for them, is powerful enough to create the like of them? But the wrong-doers refuse except unbelief.(99)
- Say, `if you possessed the treasures of My Lord's mercy, you would have held them back for fear of spending out; and man is surely niggardly.'(100)
- And We gave Moses nine clear Signs; ask Children of Israel. When he came to them and Pharaoh said to him, `I surely think thee, O Moses, bewitched!'(101)
- He said, `thou indeed knowest that none has sent these down, except the Lord of the heavens and the earth, as clear proofs; and I do think that thou, O Pharaoh, art doomed to perish'.(102)
- And he desired to startle them from the land, but We drowned him and those with him, all together.(103)
- And, after him, We said to the Children of Israel, `dwell in the land; and when the promise of the Hereafter comes We shall bring you together rolled up'.(104
- And, with the truth, We have sent it down, and, with the truth, it has come down; and We have sent not thee but as a bearer of good news and as a warner.(105)
- And a Qur'an (reading) We have divided and sent it down successively, that thou mayest read it to men at intervals.(106)
- Say, `believe you in it or believe you not. Srely those who were given the knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall down on their faces prostrating;(107)
- and they say, `Holy be our Lord; our Lord's promise shall surely be fulfilled.'(108)
- And they fall down on their faces weeping, and it increases them in humility.'(109)
- Say, `call upon God or call upon the All-merciful; by whichever name you call upon, His are the names most beautiful.' And be thou not loud in thy prayer nor be in low tones, but seek for a way in between.(110)
- And say, `Praise be to God who has not taken to Him a son, and who has no associate in sovreignty, and who has no protector out of humbleness'; and magnify Him magnificently. (111)
AL-KAHF (18)
The Cave
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 110 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Praise be to God who has sent down on His servant the Book, and has not made any crookedness in it;(1)
- standing to warn of a terrible scourge from Him, and to give good news to the Believers, who do righteous deeds, that for them shall be a handsome wage,(2)
- therein to abide forever;(3)
- and it may warn those who say, `God has taken to Himself a son';(4)
- they have no knowledge of it, nor their fathers had; grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths; they speak not but a lie.(5)
- Yet, perhaps following after them, thou wilt consume thyself of sorrow if they do no believe in this discourse.(6)
- We have made all that is on the earth for its adornment, that we may try them which of them is best in works.(7)
- And We shall be surely making all that is on it barren dust.(8)
- Dost thou think that Men of the Cave and Al-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs?(9)
- When the youths took refuge in the Cave, they said `our Lord, give us mercy from Thee, and dispose us aright in our affair'.(10)
- So We shut their ears in the Cave for a number of years;(11)
- then We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties had better accounted for the period they had stayed there.(12)
- We will relate to thee their story with truth. They were some youths who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.(13)
- And We strengthened their hearts when they stood up, and said, `our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth; we will not call upon any god, apart from Him, for then we would be speaking outrage.(14)
- These our people have taken to them gods, apart from Him. Why do they not bring a clear authority about them? Who then does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God?(15)
- And now that you have gone apart from them and from what they serve except God, take refuge in the Cave, your Lord will unfold to you of his mercy, and make your affair easy for you'.(16)
- And thou wouldst see the sun, when it rises, inclining away from their cave to the right, and when it sets, passing them by on the left, while they lie in a broad fissure of it. That was of the Signs of God; whomso God guides, he finds the way, and whomso He sends astray, thou wilt not find any directing friend for him.(17)
- And thou wouldst deem them awake while they were asleep, and We turned them over to the right and to the left; and their dog was stretching its paws on the threshold. Hadst thou looked at them, thou wouldst have turned away from them in flight, and have been filled with terror of them.(18)
- And like that We raised them up, that they might question one another. One of them said, `how long have you stayed?' They said, `we have stayed a day or part of a day'. They said, `only your Lord knows best how long you have stayed; send one of you with this coin of yours to the city, and let him look for which of them has purest food, and bring you some provision thereof; and let him be courteous and let him not make any to perceive of you.(19)
- For if they should come to know of you, they will stone you or restore you to their creed, and then you will never succeed.'(20)
- And, like that, We made them known to people, that they might know that God's promise is true and that there is no doubt regarding the Hour. When they were contending among them their affair they said, `build over them a building.' Their Lord knew them best. Those who prevailed over their affair said, `We will raise a place of worship over them'.(21)
- They will say, `they were three and their dog was the fourth of them'; and, guessing at the unseen, they will say, `they were five and their dog was the sixth of them'; and they will say, `they were seven and their dog was the eighth of them'. Say, `my Lord best knows their number, and none knows them but a few'. So do not dispute concerning them except what is apparent, nor ask any of them about them.(22)
- And never say regarding a thing, `I shall do this tomorrow',(23)
- but (say) `if God will'; and remember thy Lord when thou forgetest, and say, `it may be that my Lord guides me to a thing more correct than this.' __(24)
- And `they stayed in their Cave three hundred years' and they add nine?(25)
- Say, `God knows best how long they stayed. To Him belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth; how well He sees and how well He hears; they have no protector apart from Him; and He does not associate anyone in His sovereignty.(26)
- And recite what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord; none can change His Words; and thou wilt not find any refuge apart from Him.(27)
- And restrain thyself with those who, desiring His attention, call upon their Lord morning and evening; and desiring the adornment of the present life, turn not thy eyes away from them; and do not obey him whose heart We have made neglectful of Our Remembrance and who follows his caprice, and his affair has exceeded limits.(28)
- And say, `the Truth is from your Lord, so whoso will, let him believe, and whoso will, let him disbelieve;' We have prepared for the wrong-doers a Fire, whose enclosures will encompass them; and if they ask for help, they will be helped with water like molten copper that will scald their faces __ how evil a drink, and how evil a resting place!(29)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds __ and We do not waste the wage of those who do good works __(30)
- for them shall be gardens of eternity, and rivers shall flow beneath them; therein they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold, and they will be dressed in green garments of silk and brocade, reclining therein upon couches, __ how excellent a reward, and how fine a resting place!(31)
- And describe to them a similitude of two men. To one of them We assigned two gardens of vines, and surrounded them with palm trees, and between the two We set a sown field.(32)
- Both the gardens produced their fruit and did not fail in any way, and We made a stream to gush forth amidst them.(33)
- And he had his fruit. So he said to his companion, while conversing with him, `I have more abundance of wealth and am stronger in manpower than thou'.(34)
- And he entered his garden wronging himself; he said, `I do not guess that this will ever perish;(35)
- and I do not guess that the Hour will come; and if I am, at all, returned to my Lord, I shall surely find a resort better than this'.(36)
- His companion said to him, while conversing with him, `dost thou disbelieve in Him who created thee of dust, then of a sperm drop, then shaped thee as a man?(37)
- But He is God, my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord.(38)
- And why, when thou enteredest thy garden, didst thou not say, `as God will; there is no power except in God?' If thou seest me that I am less than thou in wealth and children,(39)
- then it may be, that my Lord gives me better than thy garden, and looses on it appropriate due from the heaven, so that it becomes a slope of dust;(40)
- or its water goes deep, so that thou canst not seek it out.'(41)
- And his fruit was encompassed, and he began wringing his hands for what he had spent on it; and it was fallen down on its trellises, and he was saying, `would that I had not associated anyone with my Lord'.(42)
- And he had no troop to help him, apart from God, nor could he help himself.(43)
- There the protection belongs only to God, the True; He is best in rewarding and best in the end-result.(44)
- And describle to them the similitude of the present life: it is like water that We send down from heaven with which the plants of the earth mingled, then it became straw which the winds scattered; and God is fully powerful over everything.(45)
- Wealth and sons are the adornment of this world; but the lasting things, the deeds of righteousness, are better in reward and better in hope with thy Lord.(46)
- And on the day We shall move the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth coming forth, and that We have mustered them and have not left anyone of them behind;(47)
- and they are presented before thy Lord in ranks: `you have come to Us as We created you the first time; no, but you asserted that We shall not make an appointment with you!'(48)
- And the Book will be placed, and thou wilt see the sinners fearful of what is in it and saying, `alas for us; how is it with this Book that it leaves out nothing behind, small or big, but it has counted it.' And they shall find whatever they did present; and thy Lord shall not wrong anyone.(49)
- And when We said to the angels, `prostrate yourselves before Adam', they prostrated themselves, except Iblis; he was of the jinn, so he transgressed his Lord's command. Now, do you take him and his offspring as friends, apart from Me, while they are an enemy to you; how evil is that exchange for the wrong-doers!(50)
- I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation, nor would I take those who lead others astray as supporters.(51)
- And on the day He shall say: `call on those whom you asserted to be My associates'; and they shall call on them, but they will not answer them, and We will set a gulf between them.(52)
- And the sinners will see the Fire, and think that they are about to fall into it, but will not find any escape from it.(53)
- And We have turned about in this Qur'an every type of similitude for mankind; but man is most disputatious of things.(54)
- And nothing prevented men, when the guidance came to them, from believing and seeking forgiveness of their Lord, except that the tradition of the ancients should come upon them, or the punishment should come upon them face to face.(55)
- And We do not send the Envoys but as bearers of good news and warners, yet the unbelievers dispute with falsehood to rebut the truth thereby, and they have taken My sings and what they are warned of in mockery.(56)
- And who does greater wrong than he who was admonished with his Lord's signs, yet he turned away from them and forgot what his hands had forwarded? We have put veils on their hearts and heaviness in their ears, lest they understand it; and if thou callest them to the guidance, even then they will not find the way ever.(57)
- But thy Lord is Forgiving and Merciful; if He should seize them for what they have earned, He would hasten for them the punishment; but for them is an appointed time when they will not find, apart from Him, any place of escape,.(58)
- And those are the cities that We destroyed when they did wrong, and We had assigned for their destruction an appointed time.(59)
- And (remember) when Moses said to his page, `I will not give up until I reach the meeting-point of the two seas, or I shall go on for ages'.(60)
- So when they reached the meeting-point of them, they forgot their fish and it burrowed its way into the sea.(61)
- And when they had passed over, he said to his page, `bring us our breakfast; we have developed fatigue from this journey of ours'.(62)
- He said, `hast thou seen, when we took rest by the rock, I forgot the fish, and none but the Devil made me forget to mention it; and, strangely, it took its way into the sea'.(63)
- He said, `that is what we were seeking!' So they returned retracing their footsteps;(64)
- and they found a servant from among Our servants, whom We had granted mercy from Us, and had taught him knowledge from Ourselves.(65)
- Moses said to him, `shall I follow thee so that thou teachest me of the right understanding taught to thee?'(66)
- He said, `thou canst not have patience with me.(67)
- And how shouldst thou be patient on that whose basic knowledge thou dost not comprehend'.(68)
- He said, `thou shalt find me, if God will, patient, and I shall not disobey thee in anything'.(69)
- He said, `if thou followest me, then do not question me on anything until I myself relate it to thee'.(70)
- So they departed, until when they embarked upon the ship, he made a hole in it. He said, `hast thou made a hole in it to drown its people? Thou hast surely done a strange thing'.(71)
- He said, `did I not say that thou canst not have patience with me?'(72)
- He said, `do not take me to task for what I forgot, and be not hard in my doing'.(73)
- And they departed; until when they met a boy, he killed him; he said, `hast thou killed a soul without retaliating for a soul; thou hast indeed done a horrible thing.'(74)
- He said, `did I not say to thee that thou couldst not bear with me patiently?'(75)
- He said, `if I question thee on anything after this, do not keep me company; thou hast already had a sufficient excuse from my side'.( 76)
- And they departed; until when they reached the people of a city, they asked its people for food, but they refused to receive them as guests. Then they found a wall there that was about to tumble down and he set it up. He said, `if thou hadst wished, thou couldst have taken a wage for it!'(77)
- He said, `this is the parting between me and thee. Now I will tell thee the interpretation of that which thou couldst not bear patiently.'(78)
- `As for the ship, it belonged to some poor men who worked at the sea and I desired to make it faulty, for there was a king ahead of them who seized every ship by brutal force.(79)
- And as for the boy, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should impose on them insolence and ingratitude.(80)
- So we desired that their Lord should give them in exchange one better in purity and nearer in tenderness than he.(81)
- And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and beneath it was a treasure for them, and their father was a righteous man. So thy Lord desired that they should reach their maturity and then take out their treasure as a mercy from thy Lord; and I did not do it of my own bidding. That is the interpretation of that with which thou couldst not have patience.' (82)
- And they ask thee about Zul-Qarnain. Say, `I shall recite to you a mention of him.'(83)
- We established him in the land, and We gave him a way to everything.(84)
- So he followed a way.(85)
- Until when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring and he found near it a people. We said, `O Zul-Qarnain, thou mayest punish them or thou mayest show them goodness.'(86)
- He said, `as for him who does wrong we shall punish him, then he shall be returned to his Lord, and He shall punish him with a horrible punishment.(87)
- And as for him who believes and does righteousness, he shall have the most handsome reward, and we shall tell him easiness in our affair'.(88)
- Then he followed a way.(89)
- Until when he reached the rising place of the sun he found it rising on a people for whom We had not made any covering other than it.(90)
- So it was; and We encompassed full knowledge of the things about him.(91)
- Then he followed a way.(92)
- Until when he reached between the two barriers, he found besides them a people who could scarcely understand speech.(93)
- They said, `O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are causing disorder in the land; so shall we assign a tribute to thee on the condition that thou makest a barrier between us and them?'(94)
- He said, `that wherein my Lord has established me is better; so aid me with labour force and I will set up a fortified barrier between you and them.(95)
- Bring me ingots of iron'. Until when he had levelled up between the two cliffs, he said, `blow'. Until when he had made it a fire, he said, `bring me so that I may pour molten brass on it.'(96)
- So they were unable to surmount it, nor could they dig through it.(97)
- He said, `this is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord will come to pass, He will make it into powder and my Lord's promise is surely true'.(98)
- And on that day We shall leave them, some surging on others, and the Trumpet shall be blown, so that We shall gather them all together;(99)
- and on that day We shall present Hell to the unbelievers,(100)
- those whose eyes were under cover against My Remembrance and they were not able to hear.(101)
- Do then the unbelievers think that they may take My servants as protectors, apart from Me? We have prepared Hell for the unbelievers' hospitality.(102)
- Say, `shall we tell you who are the greatest losers in their works?(103)
- Those whose effort in the present life went astray, and they think that they are doing good works.(104)
- Those are the ones who disbelieved in the Signs of their Lord and the meeting with Him, so their works failed and We shall not assign any weight to them on the Day of Resurrection.(105)
- That shall be their recompense--Hell, for that they disbelieved and took My Signs and My Messengers in mockery.(106)
- As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, the gardens of Paradise shall be their hospitality,(107)
- to dwell therein forever, not seeking to be removed from there.'(108)
- Say, `if the sea were ink for the Words of my Lord, the sea would be spent before the Words of my Lord were spent, even though We brought in aid the like of it'.(109)
- Say, `I am only a mortal like you to whom is revealed that your god is only One God; so let him who hopes for the meeting with his Lord, do righteous deeds, and not associate anyone in the service of his Lord.'(110)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 98 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Kaf Ha Ya Ain Sad (K.H.Y.A.S.);(1)
- the mention of thy Lord's mercy to His servant Zachariah;(2)
- when he called upon his Lord in low tones.(3)
- He said, `my Lord, my bones are enfeebled, and my head is aflame with age, yet in calling on Thee, my Lord, I have never been unlucky.(4)
- And I fear my kinsmen after I am gone, and my wife is barren, so grant me from Thee a heir,(5)
- who shall inherit me and inherit the House of Jacob; and, my Lord, make him pleasing.'(6)
- `O Zachariah, We give thee good news of a boy whose name shall be John. We have not made any worthy of his name before.'(7)
- He said, `my Lord, how shall I have a son when my wife is barren, and I have reached extreme of old age.'(8)
- He said, `so it will be; thy Lord says, `it is easy for Me, for I created thee before, when thou wast nothing'.(9)
- He said, `my Lord, appoint for me a Sign?' He said, `thy sign is that thou, though normal, shalt not speak to men for three nights.'(10)
- So he came out to his people from the chamber, and made signal to them, `extol God at dawn and at night'.(11)
- `O John, take the Book with strength'. And We gave him Judgement, while yet a child,(12)
- and a tenderness and purity from us; and he was godfearing(13)
- and kind to his parents, and he was not arrogant or defiant.(14)
- And `peace be upon him, the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he shall be raised to life.'(15)
- And mention in the Book Mary, when she withdrew from her people to an eastern place,(16)
- and she took a veil apart from them; then We sent to her Our Spirit and he appeared to her a normal man.(17)
- She said, ``I take refuge in the All-merciful from thee, if thou indeed art godfearing.' (18)
- He said, `I am but a messenger of thy Lord that I may bestow on thee a pure boy'.(19)
- She said, `how shall I have a boy when no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste'.(20)
- He said, `so it shall be; thy Lord says, `it is easy for Me and that We may make him a Sign for men and a mercy from Us, and it is a matter decreed.'(21)
- So she conceived him and withdrew with him to a distant place.(22)
- Then the birthpangs drove her to the trunk of the palm tree. She said, `would that I had died before this, and become a thing forgotten'.(23)
- And one called her from below her, `do not grieve; thy Lord has set a rivulet below thee.(24)
- And shake to thee the trunk of the palm tree, and it will drop on thee fresh ripe dates.(25)
- So eat and drink and cool the eyes. And if thou seest any mortal, say, `I have vowed a fast to the All-merciful, so today, I shall not speak to any man.'(26)
- Then, carrying him, she brought him to her people. They said, `Mary, thou hast surely committed a monstrous thing.(27)
- O sister of Aaron, thy father was not a wicked man, and thy mother was not unchaste.'(28)
- So she pointed to him. They said, `how shall we speak to one who is an infant in the cradle?'(29)
- He spoke, `I am God's servant; He has given me the Book and made me a Prophet,(30)
- and He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me the Prayer and the Alms-giving as long as I live,(31)
- and to be kind to my mother; and He has not made me arrogant and unlucky.(32)
- And peace be upon me, the day I was born, the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive.'(33)
- That is Jesus, son of Mary, in word of truth in which they doubt.(34)
- It is not for God that He should take to Him a son __ He is Holy. When He decrees a thing, He only says to it, `be', and it is.(35)
- And (he said) `God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him __ this is a straight path.'(36)
- But the sects have differed among them; so woe to those who disbelieve for the witnessing of a Mighty Day.(37)
- How well they will hear and see on the day they come to Us! But, today the wrong-doers are clearly astray.(38)
- And warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter shall be decided; but they are heedless and they do not believe.(39)
- We ourselves shall inherit the earth and all those that are upon it, and to Us they shall be returned.(40)
- And mention in the Book Abraham; he was surely a truthful man, a Prophet.(41)
- When he said to his father, `father, why dost thou serve that which neither hears nor sees, nor avails thee anything.(42)
- Father, there has come to me such knowledge as has not come to thee, so follow me and I shall guide thee to an even path.(43)
- Father, do not serve the Devil; the Devil is surely a rebel to the All-merciful.(44)
- Father, I fear that a punishment from the All-merciful shall afflict thee so that thou shalt become a comrade of the Devil.'(45)
- He said, `art thou averse to my gods, Abraham? If thou dost not give over, I will stone thee; so leave me for some time.'(46)
- He said, `peace be upon thee! I shall pray my Lord for thy forgiveness; He is surely gracious to me.(47)
- And I go apart from you and what you call upon, apart from God, and I will call upon my Lord; perhaps I shall not be unlucky in calling upon my Lord.'(48)
- So when he went apart from them and what they were serving, apart from God, We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; and each We made a Prophet.(49)
- And We bestowed upon them Our mercy, and We made for them a renowned tongue of truth.(50)
- And mention in the Book Moses; he was specially chosen, and he was a Messenger, a Prophet.(51)
- And We called to him from the right side of the Mount, and We drew him near in communion.(52)
- And, out of Our mercy, We bestowed on him his brother Aaron, a Prophet.(53)
- And mention in the Book Ishmael; he was true to his promises, and he was a Messenger, a Prophet.(54)
- And he used to bid his people the Prayer and the Alms-giving, and he was pleasing to his Lord.(55)
- And mention in the book Idris; he was a true man, a Prophet;(56)
- and We raised him up to a high place.(57)
- Those are the ones whom God blessed, among the Prophets of the off-spring of Adam, and of those We bore with Noah, and of the offspring of Abraham and Israel, and of those We guided and chose. When the signs of the All-merciful were recited to them they fell down prostrate, weeping.(58)
- Then there succeeded after them successions that wasted the Prayer and followed lusts; they shall soon meet perversion,(59)
- except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds; they shall enter Paradise and shall not be wronged in the least;(60)
- Gardens of Eternity that the All-merciful has promised His servants in the unseen; His promise is surely fulfilled.(61)
- They will not hear any non-sense there, but only greetings of peace; and they shall have their provision there at dawn and evening.(62)
- That is Paradise which We shall give in inheritance to such of Our servants who are godfearing.(63)
- And we do not come down but at the command of thy Lord; to Him belongs what is before us, what is behind us and what is between that; and thy Lord is never forgetful;(64)
- Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, so serve Him, and be steadfast in His service; dost thou know anyone worthy of His Name?(65)
- And Man says, `when I am dead, shall I be brought forth alive?'(66)
- But does man not remember that We created him before, when he was nothing?(67)
- So, by thy Lord, We will surely muster them and the devils, then We shall bring them about the Hell on their knees;(68)
- then We shall draw forth from every party such of them as were most hardened in disdain of the All-merciful.(69)
- Then, We surely know very well those most deserving to burn in it.(70)
- And there is none among you, but he shall arrive at it; that is definite and decreed with thy Lord.(71)
- Then, We shall deliver those who fear God, and leave the wrongdoers there on their knees.(72)
- And when Our clear signs are recited to them, the unbelievers say to the Believers, `which of the two parties is better in position and fairer in company?'(73)
- But how many a generation have We destroyed before them, who were better in gear and outward show?(74)
- Say, `whoso is astray, let the All-merciful prolong his term long; till when they see what they are threatened with, whether the punishment or the Hour, they will know who is worse in position and weaker in hosts.'(75)
- And those who are guided, God increases them in guidance; and the abiding things, the deeds of righteousness, are better in reward with thy Lord and better in return.(76)
- And hast thou seen him who disbelieves in Our signs and says, `I shall surely be given wealth and children?'(77)
- Has he observed the unseen or taken a covenant with the All-merciful?(78)
- No indeed! We shall write down what he says, and We shall prolong for him the punishment,(79)
- and We shall inherit from him what he says, and he shall come to Us alone.(80)
- And they have taken to them gods, apart from God, that they might be for them a might(81)
- No indeed! they will deny their service, and shall be pitted against them.(82)
- Hast thou not seen how We have sent the devils over the unbelievers to incite them?(83)
- So be not in haste against them; We are only numbering them.(84)
- On the day that We muster the godfearing to the All-merciful as guests, (85)
- and drive the sinners to Hell in a herd;(86)
- they will not have any power of intercession, except him who has made a covenant with the All-merciful.(87)
- And they say, `the All-merciful has taken to Himself a son.'(88)
- You have indeed advanced a hideous thing!(89)
- The heavens may be rent of it, and the earth split asunder, and the mountains fall down crashing,(90)
- for that they have attributed to the All-merciful a son.(91)
- It behoves not the All-merciful that He should take a son.(92)
- None is there in the heavens and the earth but he comes to the All-merciful as a servant.(93)
- He has counted them and He has numbered them exactly;(94)
- and, on the Day of Resurrection, everyone of them shall come to Him all alone.(95)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds, the All-merciful shall assign to them love.(96)
- So We have made it easy by thy tongue, that, thereby thou mayest give good news to the godfearing, and warn a stubborn people.(97)
- And how many a generation We have destroyed before them! Dost thou perceive anyone of them, or hear of them a wispier?(98)
TA HA (20)
Ta Ha
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 135 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ta Ha (T. H.);(1)
- We have not sent down the Qur'an on thee that thou be in distress;(2)
- but as a reminder for him who fears;(3)
- a sending down from Him who created the earth and the high heavens;(4)
- the All-merciful who sits on the Throne.(5)
- To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens, whatever is in the earth, whatever is between them, and whatever is underneath the soil.(6)
- And if thou speakest aloud, yet He knows the secret, and what is yet more hidden.(7)
- He is God, there is no god but He; His are the most beautiful names.(8)
- And has the story of Moses come to thee?(9)
- When he saw a fire, he said to his family, `stop, I observe a fire; may be I bring you a brand from it, or I find some guidance at the fire.'(10)
- So when he came to it, he received a call,(11)
- `I am thy Lord, put off thy shoes; thou art in the sacred valley of Towa.(12)
- And I have chosen thee, so listen to what is revealed.(13)
- Surely I am God, there is no god but I, so serve Me, and establish the Prayer for My remembrance.(14)
- Surely the Hour shall come, I would keep it hidden that every soul may be recompensed for what it strives.(15)
- So let not him who does not believe in it and follows his caprice keep thee away from it, for then thou wilt perish.' (16)
- `And what is that in thy right hand, Moses?'(17)
- `It is my staff', he said, `I lean upon it, and I beat down leaves for my sheep with it, and I have in it other uses also for me'.(18)
- He said, `cast it down, Moses.'(19)
- So he cast it down, then lo, it was a serpent sliding.(20)
- He said, `take it and do not fear; We shall restore it to its first state.(21)
- And put thy hand under thy armpit; it shall come forth white without fault; it is another Sign;(22)
- it is so, that We may show thee some of Our greatest Signs.(23)
- Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed bounds.'(24)
- He said, `my Lord, open my breast for me,(25)
- and ease my affair for me,(26)
- and unloose the knot on my tongue,(27)
- that they may understand my word''.(28)
- And appoint for me a minister from my family,(29)
- Aaron, my brother;(30)
- strengthen my back with him,(31)
- and associate him with me in my task,(32)
- that we extol Thee much,(33)
- and remember Thee much;(34)
- Thou surely seest us.'(35)
- He said, `thou art granted thy request, Moses'.(36)
- `And of course We favoured thee another time,(37)
- when We revealed to thy mother what was revealed: (38)
- `Put him in the ark, then cast it into the river, and the river will cast it on the shore; an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him up.' And I lavished on thee love from Me, and that thou mayest be prepared before my eyes.(39)
- When thy sister walked along, saying, `shall I point out to you one who will take charge of him?' So We returned thee to thy mother that her eyes cool, and she does not grieve. And thou killedest a person, yet We delivered thee from grief, and We tried thee with many trials. And thou stayedest among the people of Midian for years, and then, O Moses, thou camest on a standard.(40)
- And I have prepared thee for My own sake.(41)
- Go thou and thy brother with My Signs, and slacken not in My remembrance.(42)
- Go you (two) to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed,(43)
- yet speak to him in gentle words, that he may perhaps pay heed or fear.'(44)
- They said, `our Lord, we fear lest he exceeds against us, or transgresses'.(45)
- He said, `do not fear, I am with you, hearing and seeing.'(46)
- Go to him and say, `we are Messengers of thy Lord, so send forth the Children of Israel with us, and do not punish them; we have brought thee a Sign from thy Lord; and peace be upon him who follows the guidance.(47)
- It has been revealed to us that punishment overtakes him who cries lies and turns his back.'(48)
- Pharaoh said, `who is your Lord, Moses?' Moses said(49)
- `our Lord is He who gave everything its form then guided'(50)
- Pharaoh said, `and how is it with the former generations?'(51)
- Moses said, `the knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a Book; my Lord does not go astray, nor forgets,(52)
- He who has made the earth a cradle for you and opened in it routes for you, and sent down water from heaven. And with it, (says He), We have brought forth diverse kinds of plants: (53)
- `eat and pasture your cattle;' in that are surely Signs for men of reasoning.(54)
- Out of it We have created you, and into it We shall return you, and out of it We shall bring you forth a second time.'(55)
- And indeed We showed him all Our signs, but he cried lies and refused.(56)
- He said, `hast thou come, O Moses, to us to expel us out of our land by thy sorcery?(57)
- We shall bring thee similar sorcery; so make an appointment between us and thee, which neither we nor thou shalt fail, at a convenient place.'(58)
- He said, `appointment with you shall be the Feast Day, and that men shall be mustered at forenoon.'(59)
- So Pharaoh withdrew and gathered his guile, then came.(60)
- Moses said to them, `woe to you; do not forge falsehood against God, or He shall extirpate you with a punishment; and whoso forges surely fails.'(61)
- And they disputed among them on their plan, and conspired secretly.(62)
- They said, `these two are sorcerers who, by their sorcery, intend to expel you out of your land and do away with your distinguished culture.(63)
- So gather your guile, then come compact; today he who gains upper hand surely succeeds.(64)
- They said, `O Moses, shalt thou cast, or shall we be the first to cast?'(65)
- He said, `no, you cast'. Then lo, their ropes and their staffs, by their sorcery, seemed to him as if they were sliding.(66)
- And Moses conceived fear within him.(67)
- We said, `do not fear; surely thou art the uppermost.(68)
- And cast down what is in thy right hand; it shall swallow what they have worked; they have worked only the guile of a sorcerer; and the sorcerer does not succeed whereever he goes.'(69)
- And the sorcerers fell down prostrate. They said, `we believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses.'(70)
- Pharaoh said, `have you believed him before I permitted you? Surely he is your chief who has taught you sorcery. Now I shall cut off your hands and your feet from opposite sides, and I shall crucify you on the trunks of the palm trees, and you shall know which of us is more terrible in punishment and more abiding?'(71)
- They said, `we shall not prefer thee over the clear Signs, that have come to us, and over Him who has originated us; so decide what thou wouldst decide; thou canst only decide about this present life.(72)
- We have believed in Our Lord, that He may forgive us our faults and the sorcery that thou hast constrained us to practise; and God is better and more abiding.'(73)
- Surely whoso comes to his Lord a sinner, for him shall be Hell; he will neither die in it nor live.(74)
- And whoso comes to Him a believer, having done righteous deeds, for them shall be high ranks __ (75)
- gardens of eternity underneath which rivers flow, to dwell there forever; and that is the recompense of him who purifies him.(76)
- And We revealed to Moses, `take My servants by night, and strike for them a dry path in the sea, not fearing to be overtaken, nor afraid.'(77)
- Then Pharaoh followed them with his hosts, but there covered them of the flood what covered them.(78)
- And Pharaoh led his people astray, and guided them not.(79)
- O Children of Israel, We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a covenant with you on the right side of the Mount, and We sent down upon you manna and quails: (80)
- `eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, but do not exceed in it, or My wrath shall alight upon you; and on whom My wrath alights, he perishes.(81)
- Yet I am All-forgiving to him who repents, believes, does righteous deeds, then follows guidance.'(82)
- `And what has made thee to leave thy people, in haste, O Moses?'(83)
- `They are on my track', he said, `and I have hastened to Thee, my Lord, that Thou mayest be pleased.' __(84)
- `But We have put thy people on trial after thee,' He said, `and the Samiri has led them astray.'(85)
- So Moses returned to his people, angry and sorrowful; he said, `O my people, did your Lord not make a fair promise to you? Did the time of the covenant become too long for you, or did you desire that wrath from your Lord should alight on you that you failed in the promise you had made with me?'(86)
- They said, `we did not fail in the promise that we made with thee of our own accord, but we were loaded with the ornaments of the people and we cast them,' and so did Samiri suggest'.(87)
- And he brought forth for them a calf, a mere body that lowed, and they said, `this is your god and the god of Moses, but he has forgotten'.(88)
- Did they not see that it did not return any word to them nor had he any power to hurt or profit them?(89)
- And Aaron had also said to them before, `O my people, you have only been put to trial by this, and indeed your Lord is the All-merciful, so follow me and obey my command'.(90)
- They said, `we shall not cease to sit by it, until Moses returns to us.'(91)
- He (Moses) said, `Aaron, what prevented thee, when thou sawest them astray,(92)
- that thou didst not follow after me? Didst thou disobey my command?'(93)
- He said, `O son of my mother, do not take me by my beard or my head; I feared that thou woulds say, `thou caused division among the Children of Israel, and thou didst not wait for my word.'(94)
- He (Moses) said, `what was thy business, O Samiri?'(95)
- He said, `I saw what they did not see, and I took a handful of dust from the track of the messenger and cast it, and thus my soul prompted me.'(96)
- `Depart', said he, `thine in life shall be to say, `no touching;' and for thee is an appointed time which shalt not fail. And look towards thy god, by which thou wast sitting; we will burn it, then scatter it away in the sea.'(97)
- `Your god is only One God, there is no god but He; He embraces everything in knowledge.'(98)
- Thus We relate to thee some news of what has gone before, and We have indeed given thee from Us an Admonition.(99)
- Any who turns away from it, he shall bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection,(100)
- abiding with it forever; and how evil shall be their burden on the Day of Resurrection;(101)
- on the Day, when the Trumpet is blown and, on that day, We muster the sinners, turned blue;(102)
- whispering among them, `you stayed for only ten (days).'(103)
- We very well know what they will say, when the most cultured of them says, `you stayed not but a day.'(104)
- And they ask thee concerning the mountains; say, `my Lord shall scatter them as ashes,(105)
- and leave them a plain level,(106)
- wherein thou wilt not see any curve, nor a dune.'(107)
- On that day they will follow the Summoner, who has no crookedness in him, and the voices will be hushed before the All-merciful, so that thou shalt not hear but a murmuring.(108)
- On that day intercession will not profit except for him whom the All-merciful gives leave, and whose speech He approves.(109)
- He knows what is before them and what is behind them, but they do not comprehend Him in know-ledge.(110)
- And faces shall be humbled before the One Living, the Everlasting; and he will have failed who carries wrong deeds.(111)
- But whoso does deeds of righteousness and is a believer, shall not fear any wrong or withholding of dues.(112)
- And even so We have sent it down as an Arabic Reading (Qur'an) and have turned about some threats in it, that they may become godfearing, or that it may renew admonition to them.(113)
- So Exalted be God, the True King! And do not hasten with the Reading (Qur'an) before its revelation is accomplished to thee, and say, `my Lord, increase me in knowledge.'(114)
- And of course We made covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We did not find any constancy in him.(115)
- And when We said to the angels, `prostrate yourselves before Adam,' they prostrated themselves except Iblis; he refused.(116)
- Then We said, `O Adam, this is an enemy to thee and thy wife, so let him not expel you from the garden, for then thou shalt be in distress.(117)
- Here it is given to thee neither to go hungry nor naked,(118)
- and here thou neither goest thirsty nor sufferest sun.'(119)
- Then the Devil whispered to him; he said, `O Adam, shall I point thee to the Tree of Eternity and a Kingdom that shall not decay?'(120)
- So they ate of it, and their shameful parts were apparent to them, and they took to stitching on them the leaves of the garden. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and was perverse.(121)
- Yet his Lord chose him, and turned to him and guided him.(122)
- He said, `get you both down from here together, as enemy to one another; and guidance will come to you from Me, then whoso follows My guidance will not go astray, nor will he be in distress.(123)
- And whoso turns away from My Admonition, his shall be a straitened life, and We shall raise him blind on the Day of Resurrection.'(124)
- He will say, `my Lord, why hast thou raised me blind, when I was a seeing man?'(125)
- He will say. `even so Our signs came to thee but thou didst forget them, and today, thou art also forgotten.'(126)
- And so We recompense him who exceeds limits and does not believe in the signs of his Lord; and surely the Punishment of the Hereafter is more terrible and more lasting.(127)
- Does it not guide them, how many generations we destroyed before them in whose dwelling places they walk? Surely in that are Signs for men possessing reason.(128)
- And had not a Word gone forth from thy Lord and a term stated, it had been materialised.(129)
- So be thou paient on what they say, and celebrate the praise of thy Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting; and celebrate it during hours of the night and at the ends of the day, that thou mayest be pleased.(130)
- And stretch not thy eyes to the flowers of the present life that We have given to some groups among them, that We may thereby try them, for the provision of thy Lord is better and more lasting.(131)
- And enjoin Prayer on thy people and be thou steadfast on it; We do not ask of thee any provision; We Ourselves provide thee; and the ultimate end is for the godfearing.(132)
- And they say, `why does he not bring us a Sign from his Lord?' But has there not come to them a clear evidence of what is in the former Scrolls?(133)
- And if We had destroyed them with a punishment aforetime, they would have said, `our Lord, why hast Thou not sent us a Messenger so that we might have followed Thy signs before we were humiliated and disgraced?'(134)
- Say, `everyone is waiting, so wait; and you shall soon know as to who are the people of the even path, and who is guided.'(135)
The Prophets
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 112 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Near to men has drawn their reckoning, but they, in heedlessness, are turning away.(1)
- No Remembrance comes to them renewed from their Lord, but they listen to it playing,(2)
- their hearts diverted. And the wrongdoers conferred in secret, `is this any but a mortal like you? Will you take to sorcery while you see?'(3)
- He said `my Lord knows what is said in the heaven and the earth, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(4)
- ' No, but they said, `a hotchpotch of nightmares; no, he has forged it; no, he is a poet; or let him bring us a Sign as the earlier Messengers were sent with.'(5)
- No city, that We destroyed before them, believed; will they then believe?(6)
- And We sent none before thee, but men to whom We made Revelation; ask the People of the Remembrance, if you do not know.(7)
- And We did not make their bodies such that would not eat food, nor were they ever-abiding.(8)
- Then We made true the promise made to them, and We delivered them and whomsoever We would; and We destroyed the extravagant.(9)
- Now We have sent down to you a Book in which is a Remembrance for you; will you not understand? (10)
- And how many a city, that was wrong-doing, We have shattered, and raised after it another people?(11)
- When they perceived Our might coming, then lo, they were fleeing from it__(12)
- `do not flee, but return to the comforts given to you and to your dwelling-places, that you may be questioned.'(13)
- They said, `alas for us, we were surely wrongdoers.'(14)
- And this cry of theirs did not cease, till We made them stubble, dead and extinguished.(15)
- And We created not the heaven and the earth and what between them is as playing.(16)
- Had We desired to take a pastime, We would have surely taken it from Ourselves, if We were to do anything.(17)
- No, but We hurl the truth at falsehood and it breaks its head, then lo, it vanishes. And woe to you for that you describe!(18)
- And to Him belongs whoso is in the heavens and the earth; and those who are in His presence do not show arrogance to serve Him, nor do they grow weary.(19)
- They extol Him night and day, unfailing.(20)
- Or have they taken gods from the earth who raise the dead?(21)
- Had there been in them gods, other than God, they would have been in disorder; Holy be God, the Lord of the Throne, above that they describe!(22)
- He shall not be questioned as to what He does, but they shall be questioned.(23)
- Or have they taken gods, apart from Him? Say, `bring your proof. This is a Remembrance for those who are with me, and a Remembrance for those who were before me.' No, but most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away from it.(24)
- And We did not send any Messenger before thee but We revealed to him: `there is no god but I, so serve Me.'(25)
- And they say, `the All-merciful has taken to Him a son;' Holy be He. No, they are honoured servants,(26)
- who do not precede Him in speech and they act on His command.(27)
- He knows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they do not intercede except for him with whom He is pleased, and they tremble in awe of Him.(28)
- And if any of them says, `I am a god, apart from Him', that one We will recompense with Hell; even so We recompense the wrong-doers.(29)
- And have the unbelievers not considered that the heavens and the earth were a mass joined together, then We split them? And We made every living thing of water. Will they not then believe?(30)
- And We set firm mountains in the earth, lest it should shake with people, and We made in it ravines to serve as paths that they may find the way.(31)
- And We made the heaven as a guarded roof, yet they are turning away from its Signs.(32)
- And it is He who made the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; all float in an orbit.(33)
- And We did not assign eternal living to any mortal before thee; so if thou diest, will they live forever?(34)
- Every soul shall taste of death; and We try you with evil and good for a testing; and to Us you shall be returned.(35)
- And when the unbelievers see thee, they take thee only for mockery: `Is this the one who makes mention of your gods?' And they refuse to make mention of the All-merciful.(36)
- Man is created of haste; I shall show you My Signs, so do not ask Me to make haste.(37)
- And they say, `when shall this promise come to pass, if you are truthful?'(38)
- If the unbelievers only knew that, at that time, they shall not ward off the Fire from their faces, nor from their backs, nor will they be helped!(39)
- No, it shall come upon them suddenly and make them dumbfounded, then they shall not be able to repel it, nor will they be respited.(40)
- And surely the Messengers were mocked at before thee, but what they mocked at befell those who scoffed at them.(41)
- Say, `who guards you by night and by day other than the All-merciful?' No, but they are turning away from the Remembrance of their Lord.(42)
- Or have they any gods that protect them, apart from Us? They cannot help themselves, nor are they supported by Us.(43)
- No, but We gave these and their fathers enjoyment, until life lasted long enough on them. Now do they not see how We come to the land diminishing it from its borders? Will then they be the victors?(44)
- Say, `I simply warn you by the Revelation; but the deaf will not hear the call however they are warned.(45)
- And if a breath of thy Lord's punishment touched them, they would surely say, `alas for us; indeed we were wrong-doers.'(46)
- And We shall set up just balances for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul shall be wronged anything; and if it were the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, We shall produce it; and We suffice as reckoners.(47)
- And We gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion and a Radiance and a Remembrance for the godfearing,(48)
- those who fear their Lord without seeing, and who dread the Hour.(49)
- And this is a blessed Remembrance that We have sent down; now will you be denying it?(50)
- And We gave Abraham right judgement aforetime, and We knew him.(51)
- When he said to his father and his people, `what are these statues by which you keep sitting?'(52)
- They said, `we found our fathers serving them'.(53)
- He said, `surely you and your fathers were clearly astray.'(54)
- They said, `hast thou brought us the truth, or art thou one of those that play?'(55)
- He said, `no, but your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who originated them, and I am of those that bear witness to it.(56)
- And by God, I shall plot against your idols, after you have turned on your backs.'(57)
- Then he reduced them to pieces, except the great one of them, that they might return to it.(58)
- They said, `who did this with our gods? Surely he is of the wrongdoers'.(59)
- They said, `we heard a young man, called Abraham, making mention of them'.(60)
- They said, `bring him before the people's eyes, that they may bear witness.'(61)
- They said, `art thou the one who has done this to our gods, O Abraham?'(62)
- He said, `no, but this great one of them did it; ask them if they speak.'(63)
- Then they turned to themselves, and said, `indeed you yourselves are the wrongdoers.'(64)
- But again they turned upside down on their heads, `thou indeed knowest that these do not speak.'(65)
- He said, `do you then serve, apart from God, that which does not profit you anything nor hurts you?(66)
- Fie upon you and upon what you serve, apart from God; will you not understand?'(67)
- They said, `burn him, and help your gods, if you would do anything.'(68)
- We said, `O fire, be coolness and safety for Abraham';(69)
- and they desired to plot against him, but We made them the worst losers.(70)
- And We delivered him and Lot to the land in which We had placed blessings for the people.(71)
- And We gave him Isaac, and, for a grandson, Jacob; and everyone We made righteous.(72)
- And We made them leaders, guiding (people) by Our command, and We revealed to them the doing of good deeds, and the establishing of the Prayer, and the paying of the Alms, and Us they served.(73)
- And lot __ We gave him judgement and knowledge and delivered him from the city that was doing dirty things __ they were surely an evil people, transgressors __(74)
- and We admitted him in Our mercy; surely he was of the righteous.(75)
- And Noah, when he called aforetime, so We answered him and delivered him and his family from the great distress;(76)
- and We helped him against the people who gave lies to Our Signs; they were surely an evil people, so We drowned them all together.(77)
- And David and Solomon, when they gave judgement concerning the tillage, when the sheep of the people strayed there, and We were witness to their judgement.(78)
- Then We gave Solomon insight into it; and to each We gave judgement and knowledge; and with David We subjected the mountains and birds that extol God; and We were the doers.(79)
- And We taught him the making of coats of mail for you, to protect you during your violent acts; will you then be thankful?(80)
- And to Solomon, (We subjected) strongly blowing wind that ran at his command to the land in which We had placed Our blessings; and We had knowledge of everything;(81)
- and (We subjected) some devils who dived for him and did other works besides; and We were Guardians over them.(82)
- And Job, when he called to his Lord: `harm has afflicted me, and Thou art the Most Merciful of the merciful.'(83)
- So We answered him, and removed the harm that was upon him and gave him his family, and the like of them along with them, as a mercy from Us, and as an admonition to those who serve.(84)
- And Ishmael, Idris and Zul-Kifl; all were among the patient;(85)
- and We admitted them to Our mercy; surely they were among the righteous.(86)
- And Zun-Nun, when he went off enraged, and he thought that We would not overpower him; then he called out in the darkness: `there is no god but Thou, Holy art Thou; indeed I was among the wrongdoers'.(87)
- So We answered him, and delivered him out of grief; and thus do We deliver the Believers.(88)
- And Zachariah, when he called to his Lord, `my Lord, do not leave me solitary, and Thou art the best of inheritors.'(89)
- So We answered him, and bestowed on him John, and We set his wife right for him; surely they used to hasten to good works, and call on Us in hope and fear; and they were humble before Us.(90)
- And she who guarded her chastity, We breathed into her of Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a Sign for all people.(91)
- `Surely this community of yours is one community, and I am your Lord, so serve Me.'(92)
- But people split up their affair between them; all shall be returning to Us.(93)
- And whoso does deeds of righteousness and he is a Believer, no unthankfulness shall be shown to his endeavor, and We are writing it down for him.(94)
- And there is a ban on any city that We have destroyed, that they shall not return.(95)
- Until, when Gog and Magog are let loose, and they slide down from every mound.(96)
- And the true promise draws near, and then, behold, the eyes of the unbelievers staring; `woe to us; we were surely heedless of this; no, we were wrong-doers.'(97)
- `Surely you and what you served, apart from God, are fuel for Hell; you shall go down to it.(98)
- If these had been gods, they would not have gone down to it; and everyone shall dwell therein forever.(99)
- Therein shall be sighing for them and therein they shall hear nothing.'(100)
- Those for whom fairest reward has already gone forth from Us, they shall be kept far from it,(101)
- not hearing any whisper of it; and they shall dwell forever in that their souls desire.(102)
- The Great Terror shall not grieve them, and the angels shall meet them: `this is your day that you were promised'.(103)
- On the day when We shall roll up the heaven like rolling of a scroll for the writings; as We began the first creation, so shall We bring it back; it is a promise binding on Us; We shall be doing it.(104)
- And We have written in the Psalms, after the Remembrance, that the earth, My righteous servants shall inherit.(105)
- In this is surely a Message for a people who serve.(106)
- And We have not sent thee but as a mercy for all people. (107)
- Say, `it is revealed to me only that your god is only One God; will you then surrender?'(108)
- Yet if they turn back, say `I have proclaimed to you equally; and I do not know whether that which you are promised is near or far.(109)
- He knows what is spoken aloud and knows what you hide.(110)
- And I do not know if it may be a trial for you and an enjoyment for a time'.(111)
- He said, `my Lord, judge with truth; and our Lord is the All-merciful, the One whose help is ever sought against what you describe.'(112)
AL-HAJJ (22)
The Pilgrimage
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 78 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O mankind, fear your Lord; surely the jolting of the Hour is a mighty thing.(1)
- On the day when you see it, every suckling female shall forget what she suckles, and every pregnant female shall deliver her burden, and thou shalt see men drunk, though they will not be drunk, but God's punishment is terrible. (2)
- And among men is he who disputes about God without any knowledge and follows every obstinate devil,(3)
- concerning whom it is written down that whoso takes him for a friend, he shall lead him astray and guide him to the punishment of the Blaze.(4)
- O mankind, if you are in doubt concerning the Uprising, then surely We created you of dust, then of a sperm-drop, then of a blood clot, then of soft tissue, formed and unformed __ this way We make the point clear to you. And We keep in the wombs what We will till a stated term, then We bring you forth as infants, then that you may attain your full strength; and some of you die and some of you are turned to the vilest age that, in spite of knowledge, they may know nothing. And thou seest the earth barren, then, when We send down water upon it, it quivers, and swells, and produces herbs of every joyous kind.(5)
- That is because God is the Truth, and that He brings the dead to life, and that He is powerful over everything,(6)
- and that the Hour is coming, no doubt in it, and that God shall raise up those that are in the graves.(7)
- And among men is he who disputes concerning God without any knowledge, or guidance, or an illuminating Book,(8)
- turning his side to lead astray from God's way; for him shall be disgrace in this world, and, on the Day of Resurrection, We shall let him taste punishment of the burning.(9)
- `That is for what thy hands have forwarded, and that God is not tyrant to His servants.'(10)
- And among men is he who serves God on the very edge, so that if good befalls him he is contented with it, and if a trial befalls him he turns about on his face; he loses this world and the Hereafter; and that is the manifest loss.(11)
- He calls, apart from God, on that which neither harms him nor profits him; that is the straying far away.(12)
- He calls on him whose harm is nearer than his profit; how evil is the friend, and how evil is the companion!(13)
- God shall admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens underneath which rivers flow; God does what He desires.(14)
- If any thinks that God will not help him in this world and the Hereafter, let him stretch up a rope to heaven, then let him cut it off and observe whether his guile does away what enrages him.(15)
- And like that We have sent it down as Clear Signs, and for that God guides whomso He desires.(16)
- The Believers, the Jews, the Sabaeans, the Christians, the Magians and the idolaters __ God will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection; God is witness over everything.(17)
- Hast thou not seen that to God prostrates whoso is in the heavens ad whoso is in the earth, and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many of mankind; and many merit punishment; and whomso God humiliates there is none to honour him; God does what He will.(18)
- These are two adversaries who dispute concerning their Lord; as for the unbelievers, for them garments of Fire shall be cut; boiling water shall be poured over their heads,(19)
- whereby that which is in their bellies, and the skins shall melt;(20)
- and for them shall also be hooked rods of iron.(21)
- Whenever, in their anguish, they desire to go forth from it, they shall be returned to it, and: `Taste the punishment of the burring:'(22)
- Surely God will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress there shall be of silk.(23)
- For they are guided to goodly speech, and they are guided to the path of the Praise-worthy.(24)
- Surely those who disbelieve, and bar from God's way and the Sacred Mosque, which We have appointed equal for all men, be he a dweller therein or the countryman; and whoso desires to violate it wrongfully, We shall let him taste a painful punishment.(25)
- And when We settled for Abraham the site of the House: `do not associate anything with Me, and purify My House for those that go about it, and those that stand (in submission), and those that bow and prostrate themselves.(26)
- And proclaim among men the Pilgrimage, they shall come to thee on foot and upon every lean mount, coming from every deep ravine,(27)
- that they may witness their profits and mention God's Name during the known days over the beasts of cattle that He has provided them: `so eat thereof and feed the wretched poor.'(28)
- Then let them finish with their dirt, and fulfil their vows, and go about the Ancient House.(29)
- All that; and whoso venerates the sacred things of God, it is good for him with his Lord. And cattle are made lawful to you except those which have been recited to you, so avoid the abomination of the idols and avoid speaking of falsehood,(30)
- being all-devoted to God, not associating anything with Him; and whoso associates anything with God, it is as if he has fallen from heaven, and the birds snatch him away, or the wind carries him to a far away place.(31)
- All that; and whoso venerates God's waymarks, it is surely an act of piety of the hearts.(32)
- In them are profits for you till a stated term, then their place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House.(33)
- And We have appointed for every community a ritual, that they may mention Gods' Name over the beasts of cattle that He has provided them; and your God is One God, so to Him you surrender; and give thou good news to the humble,(34)
- those whose hearts, when God is mentioned, quake and who show patience at what befalls them, and who establish the Prayer and expend of what We have provided them.(35)
- And the camels of sacrifice, We have appointed them for you as God's way-marks; therein is good for you, so putting them in rows, mention God's Name over them, and when they fall down on flanks, eat of them, and feed the contented and the beggar; like that We have subjected them to you that you may give thanks.(36)
- Their flesh shall not reach God, nor their blood, but your piety reaches Him; thus He has subjected them to you that you may glorify God for that He has guided you; and give thou good news to the good-doers.(37)
- Surely God will defend the Believers; surely God does not like any ungrateful traitor. (38)
- Permission is given to those who are being fought, for they have been wronged; and surely God is powerful to help them;(39)
- who have been expelled from their homes, without right, except that they say, `our Lord is God.' And had God not repelled people some by others, there had been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, wherein God's Name is mentioned much; and God will surely help him who helps Him; God is Surely Strong and Mighty.(40)
- Those, who, if We give them authority in the land, will establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-alms, and bid the desirable and forbid the dejected; and with God rests the end-result of the affairs.(41)
- And if they give lies to thee, then surely, before them, cried lies the people of Noah, and Ad and Thamood,(42)
- and the people of Abraham and the people of Lot,(43)
- and the men of Midian; and Moses was also given lies to; yet I respited the unbelievers, then I seized them; then how was My denial!(44)
- And how many a city We have destroyed, and it was wrong-doer, and now it is fallen down on its roofs; and how many a deserted well and a tall palace!(45)
- Have they not journeyed in the land that they could have hearts to understand with, or ears to hear with? Yet it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts that are in the breasts.(46)
- And they ask thee to hasten the punishment, but God will not fail His promise. However, a day with thy Lord is as a thousand years of your counting.(47)
- And how many a city that was wrong-doing I respited; then I seized it, and to Me is the destination.(48)
- Say, `O men, I am only a plain warner to you;(49)
- so those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them shall be forgiveness and a generous provision(50)
- And those who strive against Our Signs to frustrate Us, they shall be the people of Hell.'(51)
- And We did not send any Messenger or Prophet before thee, but when he longed for something, the Devil cast into his longings; but God annuls what the Devil casts, then God confirms His Signs __ and God is Knowing, Wise __(52)
- that He may make what the Devil casts a trial for those who have sickness in their hearts and their hearts are hardened; and surely the wrong-doers are far away in opposition;(53)
- and that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from thy Lord and believe in it, and their hearts be humbled to Him; and God is surely a guide of the Believers to a staight path.(54)
- But the unbelievers will not cease to doubt it, until the Hour comes on them suddenly, or the punishment of a barren day comes upon them.(55)
- The sovereignty on that day will belong to God; He will judge between them; then those who believe and do righteous deeds shall be in the gardens of bliss.(56)
- And those who disbelieve and give lies to Our signs, they shall get a humiliating punishment.(57)
- And those who emigrated in the way of God, then were killed or died, God will surely provide them with a good provision; and God is surely the best of providers.(58)
- He shall make them enter by an entrance with which they will be pleased; and God is surely Knowing, Clement.(59)
- All that; and whoso punishes in the manner he was punished, then he is oppressed, God will surely help him; God is surely Pardoning, Forgiving.(60)
- That is because God makes the night to enter into the day, and makes the day to enter into the night, and because God is Hearing, Seeing.(61)
- That is because God is the Truth, and because what they call upon, apart from Him, is the false, and because God is the High, the Great.(62)
- Hast thou not seen that God sends down water from the heaven, and the earth becomes green? Surely God is Gracious, Aware.(63)
- To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and surely God is the All-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.(64)
- Hast thou not seen that God has subjected to you all that is in the earth, and the ships sail in the sea by His command; and He holds the heaven lest it should fall on the earth except by His permission; surely God is Kind and Merciful to men.(65)
- And it is He who gave you life, then He will make you dead, then He will give you life; man is surely ungrateful.(66)
- For every community We have appointed a ritual which they observe; so let them not wrangle with thee in the matter, and call thou unto thy Lord; surely thou art upon a straight guidance.(67)
- And if they contend with thee, say, `God very well knows what you do.'(68)
- God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection in that you differed.(69)
- Dost thou not know that God knows whatever is in the heaven and the earth? That is in a Book; that is easy for God.(70)
- But they serve, apart from God, that for which God has not sent down any authority, and of which they have no knowledge; and the wrong-doers will have no helper.(71)
- And when Our Clear Signs are recited to them, thou recognisest disgust on the faces of the unbelievers; they would almost rush upon those who recite Our Signs to them. Say, `shall I tell you worse than that __ the Fire; God has promised it to the unbelievers; and how evil is the destination!'(72)
- O men, a similitude is described, listen to it; those whom you call upon, apart from God, shall never create a fly, even though they gathered together for it; and if a fly should snatch away anything from them; they would not rescue it from it; how weak are the seeker and the sought!(73)
- They have not estimated God with His true estimation; God is surely Strong and Mighty.(74)
- God chooses Messengers out of angels and out of men; God is Hearing, Seeing.(75)
- He knows what is before them, and what is after them; and to God are all matters returned.(76)
- O Believers, bow down, prostrate yourselves, serve your Lord, and do good that you may prosper.(77)
- And struggle for God as struggling is His due; He has chosen you and has not made for you any hardship in the Religion; it is the creed of your father, Abraham; He named you Obedient (Muslims), aforetime and in this, that the Messenger be a witnesses over you, and you be witnesses over mankind; so establish the Prayer, pay the Due-alms, and hold fast to God; He is your Protector; how excellent a Protector, and how excellent a Helper!(78)
The Believers
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 118 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The Believers have succeeded,(1)
- who are humble in their Prayer,(2)
- and who turn aside from idle non-sense,(3)
- and who are active at Alms-giving,(4)
- and who guard their private parts __(5)
- except from their wives or what their right hands own, for then they are not to be blamed;(6)
- but those who seek beyond that they are the transgressors __ (7)
- who watch their trusts and their covenant,(8)
- and who guard their prayers.(9)
- Those are the inheritors,(10)
- who shall inherit Paradise; they shall dwell therein forever.(11)
- And We created man of an extract of clay;(12)
- then We made him a sperm-drop in a secure receptacle;(13)
- then We made the sperm-drop a clot, and made the clot a lump of tissue, and made the lump of tissue bones, and clothed the bones with flesh, then We produced him as another creation; so blessed be God, the fairest of creators.(14)
- Then after that you shall surely die;(15)
- then on the Day of Resurrection you shall be raised up.(16)
- And We created above you seven ways, and We are not heedless of the creation.(17)
- And We sent down water from the heaven in measure, then lodged it in the earth; and We are surely powerful to take it away.(18)
- Then with it We produced for you gardens of palms and vines; for you, in them are many fruits, and of them you eat;(19)
- and a tree, that issues from the Mount of Sinai, produces oil and sauce for those who eat.(20)
- And for you in the cattle is surely a lesson; We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, and you have many other benefits in them, and of them you eat;(21)
- and on them and on the ships you are borne.(22)
- And We sent Noah to his people, and he said, `O my people, serve God; you have no god other than He; will you not be godfearing?'(23)
- But the chiefs of the unbelievers of his people said, `this is only a man like you, who desires to gain superiority over you; and if God had so willed, He would have sent down angels; we never heard this among our ancient fathers.(24)
- He is only a man possessed; so wait on him for a time'.(25)
- He said, `my Lord, help me, for that they have given lies to me.'(26)
- Then We revealed to him: `Make the Ark under Our eyes and according to Our revelation; then when Our command comes and the Oven boils, insert in it two of every kind and thy family, except those of them against whom the Word has already gone forth; and do not address Me concerning the wrongdoers; they shall be drowned.(27)
- Then, when thou and those that are with thee are seated in the Ark, say, `praise be to God who has delivered us from the wrong-doing people.'(28)
- And say, `my Lord, cause me to land down a blessed landing, for thou art the best of those who cause the landing.'(29)
- In that are surely Signs, and We do put (people) to trial.(30)
- Then, after them, We produced another generation,(31)
- and We sent among them a Messenger out of them (to say) `serve God; you have no god other than He; will you not be godfearing?'(32)
- But chiefs of his people who disbelieved and gave lies to the meeting of the Hereafter, and whom We had given ease in the present life, said, `he is only a mortal like you, who eats of what you eat and drinks of what you drink.(33)
- And if you obey a mortal like you, then you will surely be losers.(34)
- Does he promise you that when you are dead and become dust and bones, you shall be brought forth?(35)
- Far, very far is that which you are promised.(36)
- It is only our present life in which we die and live, and we shall not be raised up.(37)
- He is only a man who has forged a lie against God, and we shall not believe him.'(38)
- He said, `my Lord, help me, for they have given lies to me.'(39)
- He said, `in a little while they will indeed be remorseful.'(40)
- Then the Cry seized them rightfully, and We made them as scum; so away with the wrongdoing people!(41)
- Then, We produced other generations after them.(42)
- No community goes ahead of its term, nor do they put it back.(43)
- Then We sent Our Messengers successively; whenever there came to a community its Messenger, they gave lies to him; so We made them to follow one another and We made them tales; so away with a people who do not believe.(44)
- Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron, with Our signs and a clear authority,(45)
- to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they showed arrogance, and they were a haughty people;(46)
- and they said, `shall we believe two mortals like ourselves while their people are our bondsmen.'(47)
- So they gave lies to them, and were among the destroyed.(48)
- And We gave the Book to Moses, that they might be guided.(49)
- And We made the son of Mary and his mother a Sign, and We gave them shelter on hill-side, a place of tranquility and springs.(50)
- `O Messengers, eat of the good things and act right; surely I know the things you do.(51)
- And this community of yours is one community and I am your Lord, so fear Me.'(52)
- Yet people split their affair into sects between them; every faction rejoices in what is with them.(53)
- So leave them in their confusion for a time.(54)
- Do they think that the aid that We give them in wealth and children,(55)
- We hasten good things for them? No, they do not understand.(56)
- Surely those who live in awe for fear of their Lord,(57)
- and those who believe in the Signs of their Lord,(58)
- and those who do not associate anything with their Lord,(59)
- and those who give what they give, their hearts quaking that they shall be returning to their Lord __(60)
- those hasten to good things and they are advancing to them.(61)
- And We do not charge any soul but to its capacity, and with Us is a Book that speaks the truth, and they shall not be wronged.(62)
- No, but their hearts are in confusion about this, and they have deeds other than that they are doing.(63)
- Till, when We seize with punishment those of them that live at ease, lo, they groan.(64)
- `Do not groan today; you shall not receive any help from Us.(65)
- My signs were surely recited to you, but you used to withdraw on your heels,(66)
- showing arrogance about it, passing, nights in telling stories.'(67)
- Have they not pondered the Word or has there come to them that which did not come to their earlier fathers?(68)
- Or have they not recognised their Messenger that they deny him?(69)
- Or do they say, `he is possessed?' No but he has brought them the truth and most of them hate the truth.(70)
- But if the truth had followed their caprices, the heavens and the earth and whoso is in them would have been in chaos. No, We have brought them their Admonition and they are turning away from their admonition.(71)
- Or dost thou ask them for tribute? But the tibute of thy Lord is better, and He is the best of providers.(72)
- And thou indeed callest them to a straight path.(73)
- But those who do not believe in the Hereafter, are deviating from the path.(74)
- And had We shown mercy to them and removed the harm that is upon them, they would persist in their insolence wandering blindly.(75)
- And We did seize them with the punishment, yet they did not humble themselves before their Lord, nor invoked Him in lowliness.(76)
- Till, when We open on them a door of terrible punishment, lo, they are struck with despair at it.(77)
- And it is He who has produced for you the ears, the eyes and the hearts, yet little thanks you show.(78)
- And it is He who has multiplied you in the earth, and to Him shall you be mustered.(79)
- And it is He who gives life and makes to die, and His is the alternation of night and day; so will you not understand?(80)
- But they say the like of what the ancients said.(81)
- They say, `what! when we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up?(82)
- We and our fathers have been promised this before; this is not but the fables of the ancients.'(83)
- Say `whose is the earth, and whosoever is on it, if you know?'(84)
- They will say, `God's'. Say, `will you not then pay heed?'(85)
- Say, `who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Mighty Throne?'(86)
- They will say, `they belong to God'. Say, `will you not then be godfeaing?'(87)
- Say, `in whose hand is the sovreignty of everything, and who protects and against whom there is no protection if you know?'(88)
- They will say, `God's'. Say, `how then are you bewitched?'(89)
- No, We have brought them the truth, and they are surely liars.(90)
- God has not taken to Him any son, nor is there any god with Him, for then every god would have taken off what he created, and some of them would have risen up over others; Holy be God above that they describe,(91)
- the Knower of the unseen and the visible; so High is He, above that they associate! (92)
- Say, `my Lord, if Thou shouldst show me what they are promised,(93)
- my Lord, do not put me among the wrongdoing people'.(94)
- And We are surely powerful enough to show thee what We promise them.(95)
- Repel the evil with that which is fairest; We know very well what they describe.(96)
- And say, `my Lord, I take refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the devils,(97)
- and I take refuge in Thee, my Lord, lest they come to me.'(98)
- Till, when death comes to any of them, he says, `my Lord, return me,(99)
- that I may act right in that I have left'. No, it is only a word he speaks; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they shall be raised up.(100)
- And when the Trumpet is blown, there shall be no kinship between them that day, nor will they question one another.(101)
- Then he whose scales are heavy __ those shall be prosperous.(102)
- And he whose scales are light __ those will have given loss to themselves, dwelling in Hell forever.(103)
- The Fire shall scorch their faces, and they will grin there.(104)
- `Were not My signs recited to you, but you gave lies to them?'(105)
- They will say, `our Lord, our misfortune overwhelmed us, and we were a people astray;(106)
- our Lord, take us out of it, and if we repeat it, then we shall be the wrongdoers.'(107)
- He will say, `stay here in shame, and do not speak to Me.(108)
- There was surely a party of My servants who said, `our Lord, we believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, and Thou art the best of the merciful.'(109)
- But you took them for a laughing stock and you laughed at them, till they made you forget My Admonition.(110)
- Today, I have recompensed them for they showed patience; indeed they are the triumphant.'(111)
- He will say, `how many number of years did you stay on the earth?'(112)
- They will say, `we stayed a day or part of a day, but ask the Reckoners.'(113)
- He will say, `you stayed but a little, if you only knew.(114)
- But did you think that We created you for nothing, and that you would not be returned to Us?'(115)
- So High Exalted be God, the True King; there is no god but He, the Lord of the Glorious Throne.(116)
- And whoso calls upon another god with God, for which he has no proof, his reckoning is only with his Lord; surely the unbelievers shall not prosper.(117)
- And say, `my Lord, forgive and have mercy, for Thou art the best of the merciful.'(118)
AL-NUR (24)
The Light
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 64 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- A Sura We have sent down and have ordained, and We have sent down in it clear signs, that you may take heed.(1)
- The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each one of them with a hundred stripes, and let no pity for them hold you in the matter of God's Religion, if you believe in God and the Last Day; and let a group of the Believers witness their punishment.(2)
- The fornicator does not marry but a fornicatress or an idolatress; and the fornicatress __ none marries her but a fornicator or an idolater; and that is forbidden to the Believers.(3)
- And those who accuse chaste women, then do not bring four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and do not accept their testimony ever, for they are the transgressors;(4)
- but those who, thereafter, repent and make amends, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(5)
- And those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses except themselves, then the testimony of one of them shall be to testify by God four times that he is surely of the truthful;(6)
- and the fifth time, that the curse of God be upon him, if he should be of the liars.(7)
- But it shall avert the punishment from her, if she testifies by God four times that he is of the liars.(8)
- and the fifth time, that the wrath of God be upon her, if he should be of the truthful.(9)
- And were it not for God's bounty and His mercy on you, and that God is All-turning, Wise.(10)
- Those who came with the slander are a band out of you; do not reckon it evil for you; no, it is good for you; every man of them shall get what he has earned of the sin, and he who took upon himself the greater part of it shall get a big punishment.(11)
- Why, when you heard, did not the Believers, men and women think good by themselves, and say, `this is a clear slander?'(12)
- Why did they not bring four witnesses for it? And since they did not bring the witnesses, in God's sight, they are the liars.(13)
- And were it not for God's bounty and His mercy on you in this world and Hereafter, there would have affected you, for the talk you indulged in, a big punishment.(14)
- When you were putting it on your tongues, and were speaking with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge, and you reckoned it a light thing, while, in God's sight, it was a mighty thing.(15)
- And why, when you heard it, did you not say, `it is not for us to talk about this? Holy be Thou; this is a big calumny.'(16)
- God admonishes you that you shall not repeat the like of it ever, if you are Believers.(17)
- And God makes clear to you the signs; and God is Knowing, Wise.(18)
- Those who love that indecency should spread abroad among the Believers, for them shall be a painful punishment in this world and Hereafter; and God knows but you do not know.(19)
- And if it were not for God's bounty and His mercy on you and that God is Kind, Merciful.(20)
- O Believers, do not follow the steps of the Devil; and whoso follows the steps of the Devil, surely he bids to indecency and repugnant things; and if it were not for God's bounty and His mercy on you, not one of you would have been pure ever; but God purifies whom He will; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(21)
- And let not those of you who have bounty and plenty swear off giving kinsmen, the needy, and the emigrants in God's Way; rather let them pardon and overlook; do you not like that God should forgive you; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(22)
- Those who accuse chaste, unaware, Believing women are cursed in this world and Hereafter, and for them shall be a painful punishment,(23)
- on the day when their tongues, their hands and their feet shall testify against them concerning that they were doing.(24)
- That day, God will pay them in full their true recompense, and they will know that God is the Manifest Truth.(25)
- Unclean women are for unclean men and unclean men are for unclean women; and clean women are for clean men and clean men are for clean women ; they are absolved of what people say; for them shall be forgiveness and generous provision.(26)
- O Believers, do not enter houses other than your houses, until you ask permission, and salute the people thereof; that is better for you; may be you take heed.(27)
- Then if you do not find anyone there, do not enter them until permission is given to you; and if it is said to you, `return', then return; that is purer for you; and God knows the things you do.(28)
- There is no blame on you, if you enter uninhabited houses wherein are your goods; and God knows what you show and what you hide.(29)
- Say to the Believers that they cast down their eyes and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely God is aware of what they work.(30)
- And say to the Believing women that they cast down their eyes, guard their private parts, and not show their adornment, except what thereof is apparent, and let them draw their scarves over their bosoms; and let them not show their adornment, except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husbands' fathers, or their sons, or their husbands' sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or that their right hands own, or attendants out of men not having sexual need, or children who do not appreciate women's nudities; and let them not stamp their feet so that their hidden adornment becomes known; and turn to God all of you, O Believers, that you may prosper.(31)
- And marry the spouseless among you, and your slaves and maid-servants that are righteous; if they are poor, God will enrich them of His bounty, and God is All-embracing, Knowing.(32)
- And let those, who do not find means to marry, be abstinent, till God enriches them of His bounty. And those who seek a deed (of emancipation), out of those whom your right hands own, make contract with them, if you know good in them, and give them of the wealth that God has given you. And do not constrain your slave girls to prostitution, if they desire to remain chaste, that you may seek the goods of the present life; and if any constrains them, then God, after their being constrained, is Forgiving, Merciful.(33)
- And We have sent down to you signs that make all clear, and an example of those who have passed away before you, and an admonition for the godfearing.(34)
- God is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a niche with a lamp in it; the lamp is in a glass; the glass is as it were a glittering star kindled from a blessed tree of olive, which is neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would shine even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light; God guides to His Light whom He will; And God describes similitudes for mankind; and God knows everything;(35)
- (the Light is) in houses which God has permitted to be raised high, and His Name to be remembered there; therein extol Him, in the mornings and evenings,(36)
- men, whom neither commerce nor traficking diverts from remembering God, and establishing the Prayer, and paying the Due-alms, fearing a day when hearts and eyes shall be turned about,(37)
- that God may recompense them for their best deeds and give them increase of His bounty; and God provides whomsoever He will without reckoning.(38)
- And those who disbelieve, their works are as a mirage in a wide open plain, which the thirsty thinks to be water, till, when he comes to it, he finds nothing there, and he finds God there, who pays him his account in full; and God is swift at the reckoning.(39)
- Or (their works are) as darkness in a deep sea which a wave covers, above which is another wave, above which is a cloud; layers of darkness one above the other; when he puts forth his hand, he does not see it; and to whom God does not assign Light, there is no Light for him.(40)
- Hast thou not seen that whoso is in the heavens and the earth extol God, and so do the birds spreading their wings; each knows its prayer and its extolling; and God knows what they do.(41)
- And to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to God is the destination. (42)
- Hast thou not seen that God drives the cloud, then composes it, then makes it a mass, then thou seest the rain coming forth from inside it. And He sends down from heaven, from hillside, hail, then smites with it whom he will, and turns it aside from whom He will; the flash of its lightning almost takes away the eyes.(43)
- God turns about the day and the night; surely in that is a lesson for men who have eyes.(44)
- And God has created every animal of water: then some of them move on their bellies, and some of them move on two feet, and some of them move on four; God creates what He will; God is powerful over every-thing.(45)
- We have sent down signs making all clear; and God guides whom He will to a straight path.(46)
- And they say, `we believe in God and in the Messenger, and we obey', yet, after that, a party of them turns away; and they are no Believers.(47)
- And when they are called to God and His Messenger that he may judge between them, lo, a party of them swerves aside.(48)
- But if the right belongs to them, they come to him in all submission.(49)
- Is there sickness in their hearts, or are they in doubt, or do they fear that God and His Messenger will be unjust to them. No, but they themselves are the wrongdoers.(50)
- All that the Believers say, when they are called to God and His Messenger, that he may judge between them, is that they say, `we hear and we obey'; and it is they who will prosper.(51)
- And whoso obeys God and His Messenger, and dreads God and fears Him, it is they who will triumph.(52)
- And they swear by God their earnest oaths, that if thou orderest them, they will surely go forth. Say, `do not swear; obedience is recognizable; surely God is aware of the things you do'.(53)
- Say, `obey God and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away, then upon him rests what is laid on him, and upon you rests what is laid upon you; and if you obey him, you will be guided; and upon the Messenger is only to deliver the Manifest Message.'(54)
- God promises those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will surely make them viceroys in the earth, as He made those before them viceroys, and He will establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and He will exchange for them, after their fear, security __ they shall serve Me, not associating anything with Me; and whoso disbelieves after that, those are the transgressors.(55)
- And establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-alms, and obey the Messenger, that you may receive mercy.(56)
- Let not the unbelievers think that they will frustrate (God) on earth; and their abode is the Fire, and it is indeed an evil destination!(57)
- O Believers, let those whom your right hands own, and those of you who have not reached puberty, ask permission from you three times__before the Dawn-prayer, and when you put off your gowns at mid-day, and after the Night-prayer; these three are occasions of your privacy; and there is no blame on you nor on them beyond that; some of you go about others; thus God makes clear to you the signs; and God is Knowing, Wise.(58)
- And when your children reach puberty, let them also ask permission as those before them asked permission; thus God makes clear to you His signs; and God is Knowing, Wise.(59)
- And women, as are past child-bearing and have no hope for marriage, there is no blame on them if they put off their gowns, without displaying adornment; but if they abstain, it is better for them; and God is Hearing, Knowing.(60)
- There is no blame on the blind, nor on the lame, nor on yourselves, that you eat at your houses, or your fathers' houses, or your mothers' houses, or your brothers' houses, or your sisters' houses, or your paternal uncles' houses, or your paternal aunts' houses, or your maternal uncles' houses, or your maternal aunts' houses or those whose keys you possess, or at your friend's; there is no blame on you that you eat all together or separately. And when you enter houses salute people with a sweet, blessed greeting from God; thus God makes clear to you the signs that you may understand.(61)
- The Believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger and who, when they are on a common matter, do not go away until they have asked his permission. Those who ask thy permission, those are they who believe in God and His Messenger; so when they ask thy permission for some affair of theirs, give permission to whom out of them thou wilt, and ask for God's forgiveness for them; God is Forgiving, Merciful.(62)
- Do not make the calling of the Messenger among you like your calling of one another; God knows those of you who slip away stealthily; so let those who go against His command beware, lest a trial befall them, or a painful punishment befall them. (63)
- Behold, to God belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth; He knows what state you are upon. And the day when they shall be returned to Him, He will tell them what they did; and God knows everything.(64)
The Criterion
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 77 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Blessed be He who has sent down the Criterion on His Servant, that he may be a warner to all people;(1)
- He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and who has not taken to Him a son, and who has no associate in the kingdom and who created everything, then determined its measure.(2)
- Yet they have taken to them, apart from Him, gods, that do not create anything and are themselves created, and have no power to hurt or profit themselves, and have no power over death or life or raising up.(3)
- And the unbelievers say, `this is nothing but a calumny he has forged, and other people have helped him to it; so they have come down to wrong and falsehood.(4)
- And they say, `fables of the ancients that he has had written down, and they are dictated to him morning and evening.'(5)
- Say, `He who knows the secret in the heavens and earth has sent it down; surely He is Forgiving, Merciful.'(6)
- And they say, `how is it with this Messenger that he eats food and walks in the markets? Why has not an angel been sent down to him that he might be a warner with him;(7)
- or why not a treasure is cast down to him, or a garden belonged to him to eat thereof.' And the wrongdoers say, `you are following only a bewitched man'.(8)
- See, how they strike similitudes for thee, and have gone astray and are unable to find a way.(9)
- Blessed be He, who, if He will, would have assigned to thee better than that __ gardens, underneath which rivers flow, and He would assign palaces to thee.(10)
- No, they give lies to the Hour; and We have prepared for those who give lies to the Hour a Blaze.(11)
- When it sees them from a far off place, they shall hear it raging and roaring.(12)
- And when they, tied together, are cast into a narrow place of it, they shall call out there for death.(13)
- `Do not call out for one death today, but call out for many deaths!'(14)
- Say, `is that better or the Garden of Eternity, promised to the godfearing? That is their recompense and destination.'(15)
- There they shall have what they will, dwelling forever; it is a promise binding upon thy Lord, to be asked for.(16)
- And on the day when He shall muster them, and those whom they serve, apart from God, He shall say, was it you that led these My servants astray, or did they themselves stray from the way?'(17)
- They shall say, `Holy be Thou! It did not behove us to take to us any protectors, apart from Thee; but Thou madest them and their fathers to enjoy until they forgot the Remembrance, and were a perished people.' __(18)
- `Now they have given lies to you on what you say, but you cannot turn it aside nor find any help; and whosoever of you commits wrong, We shall let him taste a great punishment.'(19)
- And We did not send before thee any Envoys but they ate food and walked in the markets, and We have made some of you to be a trial for others. Will you have patience, and Thy Lord is Surely Seeing?(20)
- And say those who do not expect to meet Us, `why have not the angels been sent down on us, or why do we not see our Lord?' They think themselves too big and have become greatly disdainful.(21)
- On the day when they see the angels, there shall be no good news that day for the sinners, and they shall say, `put up a complete barrier'.(22)
- And We shall advance on whatever work they have done, and make it a scattered dust.(23)
- The people of Paradise that dayÿ__ÿbest shall be their lodging and fairest their resting place.(24)
- And on the day the heaven is split asunder, along with the clouds, and the angels are sent down in succession.(25)
- The true kingdom, that day, shall belong to the All-merciful; and it shall be a hard day for the unbelievers.(26)
- And on the day the wrong-doer bites his hands, he will say, `would that I had taken the way along with the Messenger.(27)
- Alas, would that I had not taken so-and-so for a friend.(28)
- He led me astray from the Remembrance, after it had come to me.' But the Devil always forsakes man.(29)
- And the Messenger says, `my Lord, my people have taken this Qur'an as a forsaken thing.'(30)
- And like that We have appointed to every Prophet enemies from among the sinners; but thy Lord suffices as a guide and as a helper.(31)
- And the unbelievers say, `why has not the Qur'an been sent down on him all at once'? So it is, that We may thereby strengthen thy heart, and We have read it distinctly.(32)
- And they do not bring to thee any similitude, but that We bring to thee the truth and an excellent exposition.(33)
- Those who shall be mustered to Hell upon their faces, those shall be the worst in place, and furthest astray from the way.(34)
- And We gave Moses the Book, and appointed with him his brother Aaron as minister,(35)
- and We said, `go to the people who have given lies to Our Signs'; then We destroyed them utterly.(36)
- And the people of Noah, when they gave lies to the Messenger, We drowned them, and made them a Sign to mankind. And We prepared for the wrong-doers a painful punishment;(37)
- and for Ad, and Thamood, and the people of Rass and many generations in between.(38)
- And for everyone We described similitudes, and everyone We ruined utterly.(39)
- And they have indeed passed by the city that was rained on by an evil rain. What! have they not seen it? No, but they do not expect to be raised up.(40)
- And When they see thee, they only take thee in mockery: `is this the one whom God has raised as a Messenger?(41)
- He had almost led us astray from our gods, had we not adhered to them'. But they shall soon know, when they see the punishment, as to who is furthest astray from the way.(42)
- Hast thou seen him who has taken his caprice as his god? Wilt thou be his care-taker?(43)
- Or dost thou think that most of them hear or understand? They are but as the cattle; no, they are further astray from the way.(44)
- Hast thou not seen how thy Lord has stretched out the shadow? And had He willed, He would have made it still, then We made the sun to be its indicator;(45)
- then We draw it towards Us, drawing it gently.(46)
- And it is He who made for you the night for a garment and sleep for a rest, and made the day for rising.(47)
- And it is He who looses the winds as good news before His mercy, and We send down pure water from the heaven,(48)
- that We may thereby revive dead land, and give it to drink of it, to cattle and many men that We have created.(49)
- And We have turned it (the Qur'an) about among them that they may pay heed; yet most men refuse but ingratitude.(50)
- And had We willed We would have raised up in every city a warner;(51)
- so do not obey the unbelievers, and struggle against them thereby a mighty struggle.(52)
- And it is He who let forth the two seasÿ__ÿthis one sweet and tasteful, and that one saltish and bitter; and He set between them a barrier and a ban forbidden.(53)
- And it is He who created from water a mortal, and made for him kindred of blood and marriage; and thy Lord is surely powerful.(54)
- And they serve, apart from God, that which neither profits them nor hurts them; and surely the unbeliever is a partisan against his Lord.(55)
- And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of good news and as a warner.(56)
- Say, `I do not ask of you any wage for this, except that, if any will, he may take a way to his Lord.'(57)
- And put thy trust in the One Ever-living who shall not die, and celebrate His praise; and He suffices to be aware of the sins of His servants __(58)
- He who created the heavens and the earth and what between them is in six days, then took the Throne, the All-merciful; ask any aware of Him.(59)
- Yet when it is said to them, `prostrate yourselves before the All-merciful', they say, `but what is the All-merciful? Shall we prostrate ourselves to what thou biddest us to?' And it increases them in aversion.(60)
- Blessed be He who has set in the heaven constellations, and has set therein a lamp and an illuminating moon.(61)
- And it is He who has set the night and the day in succession, for him who desires to pay heed or desires to be thankful.(62)
- And the servants of the All-merciful are those who walk on the earth modestly, and when the ignorant address them, they say, `peace'.(63)
- And those who pass nights prostrating to their Lord and standing in Prayer.(64)
- And those who say, `our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell; its punishment is surely a constant torment;(65)
- it is indeed an evil resting place and abode.'(66)
- And those who, when they expend, are neither wasteful nor niggardly, for between that is the just stand.(67)
- And those who do not call upon another god with God, nor kill the soul that God has forbidden, except by right, nor fornicate; and whoso does that shall meet the price of sin;(68)
- doubled shall be the punishment for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he shall abide therein disgraced;(69)
- except him who repents, and believes, and does righteous work; those, God will change their evils to good; for God is Forgiving, Merciful.(70)
- And whoso repents and does righteousness, he indeed turns to God in repentance.(71)
- And those who do not testify falsehood, and, when they pass by idle non-sense, pass by it with dignity.(72)
- And those who, when they are reminded of the signs of their Lord, do not fall down at them deaf and blind.(73)
- And those who say, `Our Lord, give us coolness of eyes in our wives and our offspring, and make us a leader of the godfearing.'(74)
- Those shall be recompensed with lofty chambers for their patience, and they shall receive greetings and peace,(75)
- dwelling therein forever; how excellent is the lodging and the abode.(76)
- Say, `my Lord would care little for you, were it not for your prayers; now you have given lies, so it is bound to come.'(77)
The Poets
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 227 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ta Sin Mim (T.S.M.).(1)
- These are the signs of the Manifest Book.(2)
- Perhaps thou wilt consume thyself that they do not believe.(3)
- If We will, We shall send down a Sign on them from the heaven, so that their necks will be humbled to it.(4)
- But no Reminder comes to them, renewed from the All-merciful, but that they turn away from it.(5)
- Now they have cried lies, so there shall come to them the news of that they were mocking at.(6)
- Have they not seen the earth, how many of every fine type We have made to grow in it?(7)
- In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(8)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(9)
- And when thy Lord called to Moses, `go to the wrong-doing people,(10)
- the people of Pharaoh; will they not be godfearing?'(11)
- He said, `my Lord, I fear that they will give lies to me,(12)
- and my breast straitens and my tongue is not loosened; so send to Aaron.(13)
- And they have also a sin against me, so I fear that they will kill me'.(14)
- He said, `no indeed; go (you two) with Our Signs; We shall be with you, listening.(15)
- So go you to Pharaoh, and say, `we are the Messengers of the Lord of the world,(16)
- send the Children of Israel with us'.(17)
- He said, `did we not bring thee up as a child among us, and thou didst stay several years of thy life among us,(18)
- and thou didst the deed that thou didst, and thou wast of the ungrateful?'(19)
- He said, `I did it then, and I was of the astray;(20)
- then when I feared you, I fled from you, but my Lord gave me judgement and appointed me one of the Envoys.(21)
- And is this a blessing thou reproachest me with that thou hast enslaved the Children of Israel.'(22)
- Pharaoh said, `and what is the Lord of the World?'(23)
- He said, `the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what between them is, if you could have faith.'(24)
- He said to those around him, `do you not hear?'(25)
- He said, `your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers.'(26)
- He said, `surely your Messenger who has been sent to you is possessed.'(27)
- He said, `the Lord of the East and the West and what between them is, if you could understand.'(28)
- He said, `if thou takest a god other than me, I shall surely put thee among the imprisoned.'(29)
- He said, `even though I had brought thee something, manifest?'(30)
- He said, `bring it then, if thou art of the truthful.'(31)
- So he cast his staff, then, lo, it was a serpent manifest;(32)
- and he drew forth his Hand, then, lo, it was white to the beholders.(33)
- Pharaoh said to the chiefs about him, `this is surely a learned sorcerer,(34)
- who desires to expel you from your land by his sorcery; so what do you enjoin?'(35)
- They said, `put him and his brother off a while, and send musterers to the cities,(36)
- to bring thee every learned sorcerer'.(37)
- So the sorcerers assembled at the appointed time of a known day,(38)
- and it was said to the people, `will you also assemble,(39)
- that we may follow the sorcerers, if it should be that they are the victors?'(40)
- Then, when the sorcerers came, they said to Pharaoh, `shall we have a wage if we should be the victors?'(41)
- He said, `yes, and then you shall surely be among the near-stationed.'(42)
- Moses said to them, `cast you what you will cast.'(43)
- So they cast their ropes and their staffs, and said, `by the might of Pharaoh, we will surely be the victors.'(44)
- Then Moses cast his staff, and, lo, it swallowed up all that they had forged.(45)
- And the sorcerers fell down prostrate;(46)
- they said, `we believe in the Lord of the world,(47)
- the Lord of Moses and Aaron.'(48)
- Pharaoh said, `you have believed him before I gave you permission; he is surely your chief who taught you sorcery; now you will soon know. I shall cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I shall crucify you all.'(49)
- They said, `no matter, we are returning to our Lord;(50)
- we are eager that our Lord should forgive us our mistakes for we are the first of the believers.'(51)
- And We revealed to Moses, `take away My servants by night; you will be followed.'(52)
- And Pharaoh sent musterers over the cities,(53)
- `these are indeed a small band,(54)
- and they are enraging us,(55)
- while we are a well-equipped host.'(56)
- So We expelled them from gardens and fountains,(57)
- and treasures and a gracious station;(58)
- so it was; and We made the Children of Israel to inherit them.(59)
- Then they followed them by sunrise,(60)
- and when the two hosts saw each other, the companions of Moses said, `we are overtaken.'(61)
- He said,`no indeed; my Lord is with me; He will guide me.'(62)
- Then We revealed to Moses, `strike the sea with thy staff;' and it was split, and every part was like a mighty mountain.(63)
- And there We brought the others on;(64)
- and We saved Moses and all those with him;(65)
- then We drowned the others.(66)
- In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(67)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(68)
- And recite to them the tale of Abraham.(69)
- When he said to his father and his people, `what do you serve?'(70)
- They said, `we serve idols, and we keep sitting with them.'(71)
- He said, `do they hear you when you call,(72)
- or do they profit or harm you?'(73)
- They said, `no, but we found our fathers doing likewise.'(74)
- He said, `have you considered what you have been serving,(75)
- you and your earlier fathers,(76)
- they are enemy to me, except the Lord of the world,(77)
- He who created me, then guides me,(78)
- and He who gives me to eat and drink,(79)
- and, when I fall sick, He heals me,(80)
- and who will make me to die, then will give me life,(81)
- and who, I am eager, will forgive me my mistakes on the Day of Recompense' __ (82)
- `My Lord, give me Judgement and join me with the righteous,(83)
- and make for me a reputation of truth among the later people,(84)
- and make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss,(85)
- and forgive my father, for he is among the astray,(86)
- and do not disgrace me on the day when people are raised up,(87)
- the day when wealth shall not profit, nor sons,(88)
- except for him who comes to God with a sound heart.(89)
- And Paradise shall be brought forward for the godfearing;(90)
- and the Blazing Fire shall be brought forward for the perverse;(91)
- and it will be said to them, `where are those you were serving,(92)
- apart from God? Do they help you or help themselves?'(93)
- Then they shall be thrown headlong into it __ they and the perverse,(94)
- and the hosts of Iblis, all together.(95)
- They shall say, as they dispute there with each other,(96)
- `by God, we were clearly astray,(97)
- when we made you equal with the Lord of the world.(98)
- And none led us astray but the sinners.(99)
- Now we have no intercessors,(100)
- nor any bosom friend.(101)
- But if we could have a second turn, we would be among the believers.'(102)
- In that is surely a Sign; yet most of them are not believers.(103)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(104)
- The people of Noah gave lies to the Envoys,(105)
- when their brother Noah said to them, `will you not be godfearing?(106)
- I am a trustworthy Messenger to you;(107)
- so fear God, and obey me;(108)
- and I do not ask of you any wage for this; my wage is only on the Lord of the world;(109)
- so fear God and obey me.'(110)
- They said, `shall we believe thee while the meanest people follow thee?'(111)
- He said, `I have no knowledge of the things they do.(112)
- Their account falls only on my Lord, if you could understand;(113)
- and I shall not drive away the Believers.(114)
- I am only a plain warner'.(115)
- They said, `If thou dost not give over, O Noah, thou shalt surely be among the stoned'.(116)
- He said, `my Lord, my people have given lies to me,(117)
- so decide between me and them, and save me and the Believers that are with me.'(118)
- So We saved him and those that were with him in the laden ship.(119)
- Then, afterwards, We drowned the rest.(120)
- In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(121)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(122)
- Ad gave lies to the Envoys,(123)
- when their brother Hood said to them, `will you not be godfearing?(124)
- I am a trustworthy Messenger for you,(125)
- so fear God, and obey me;(126)
- and I ask of you no wage for this; my wage is upon the Lord of the world.(127)
- Do you build on every prominence a Sign for sport,(128)
- and take to strong buildings as if you will live forever?(129)
- And when you assault, you assault as tyrants!(130)
- But fear God and obey me;(131)
- and fear Him who has aided you with the things you know;(132)
- He aided you with cattle and sons,(133)
- and gardens and fountains.(134)
- Indeed I fear for you the punishment of a mighty day.'(135)
- They said, `it is the same for us whether thou admonishest us or thou art not of the admonishers;(136)
- this is nothing but the habit of the ancients;(137)
- and we shall not be punished.'(138)
- So they gave lies to him, and We destroyed them. In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(139)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(140)
- Thamood gave lies to the Envoys,(141)
- when their brother Salih said to them, `will you not be godfearing?(142)
- I am for you a trust-worthy Messenger,(143)
- so fear God and obey me;(144)
- and I do not ask of you any wage for it; my wage is only upon the Lord of the world.(145)
- Will you be left secure amidst these things;(146)
- amidst gardens and fountains(147)
- and sown fields and palms-trees, having slender spathes,(148)
- and you will be hewing houses in the mountains skilfully?(149)
- But fear God and obey me,(150)
- and do not obey the bidding of the extravagant,(151)
- who cause disorder in the land and do not put things right.'(152)
- They said, `thou art merely one of the bewitched;(153)
- thou art not but a mortal like us; now bring a Sign if thou art of the truthful.'(154)
- He said, `here is a She-camel; for her a portion of drink, and for you a portion of drink, on a known day;(155)
- and do not touch her with malice, or else punishment of a mighty day shall seize you.'(156)
- But they hamstrung her, and they were remorseful,(157)
- and the punishment seized them. In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(158)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(159)
- The people of Lot gave lies to the Envoys,(160)
- when their brother Lot said to them, `will you not be godfearing?(161)
- I am for you a trust-worthy Messenger,(162)
- so fear God and obey me;(163)
- and I do not ask of you any wage; my wage is only upon the Lord of the world.(164)
- Do you, of all the world, come to the males,(165)
- and leave your wives that your Lord has created for you? No, but you are a transgressing people.'(166)
- They said, `if thou, O Lot, dost not give over, thou shalt be among the expelled.'(167)
- He said, `surely I am of those that detest your doings' __(168)
- `My Lord, save me and my family from what they do.'(169)
- So We saved him and his family, all together,(170)
- except an old woman among those that stayed behind;(171)
- then We destroyed the others;(172)
- and We rained on them a heavy rain; and how evil was the raining over the warned!(173)
- In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(174)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(175)
- The people of the Wood gave lies to the Envoys,(176)
- when Shuaib said to them, `will you not be godfearing?(177)
- I am for you a trust-worthy Messenger,(178)
- so fear God and obey me;(179)
- and I do not ask of you any wage for it; my wage is only upon the Lord of the world.(180)
- Fill up the measure, and be not of the cheaters,(181)
- and weigh with the straight balance,(182)
- and do not diminish the goods of the people, nor go about the land, causing disorder;(183)
- and fear Him who created you and the former generations.'(184)
- They said, `thou art merely one of the bewitched,(185)
- and thou art not but a mortal like us, and we surely think thee of the liars;(186)
- now drop down on us fragments of the heaven, if thou art of the truthful.'(187)
- He said, `my Lord very well knows what you do'.(188)
- But they gave lies to him, and the punishment of the Day of Shadow seized them; surely it was a punishment of a mighty day.(189)
- In that is surely a Sign, yet most of them are not believers.(190)
- And surely thy Lord __ He is the Mighty the Merciful.(191)
- And surely it is a revelation of the Lord of the world.(192)
- The Trustworthy Spirit has come down,(193)
- with it, on thy heart, that thou mayest be among the warners,(194)
- in a clear Arabic language;(195)
- and it is certainly (present) in the Scrolls of the former people.(196)
- And was it not a Sign for them that the learned of the Children of Israel know it?(197)
- And if We had sent it down on some Non-Arab,(198)
- and he had read it to them, they would not have believed in it.(199)
- Thus We have put it into the hearts of the sinners;(200)
- they shall not believe in it, until they see the painful punishment;(201)
- and it will come upon them suddenly, while they perceive it not;(202)
- then they will say, `shall we be respited?'(203)
- What! do they seek to hasten Our punishment?(204)
- But hast thou considered, if We let them enjoy for years,(205)
- then there comes upon them what they are promised,(206)
- what will it avail them, the enjoyment that was given to them.(207)
- And We never destroyed any city but it had its warners __(208)
- for a Reminder __ and We were not wrong-doers.(209)
- And the devils have not come down with it.(210)
- And it does not behove them nor can they do it.(211)
- They are, in fact, kept away from its hearing.(212)
- So call thou not upon another god with God, or thou shalt be among those who are punished.(213)
- And warn thy nearest kindred,(214)
- and keep thy wing low to the Believers who follow thee.(215)
- And if they disobey thee, say, `I am absolved of what you do.'(216)
- And put thy trust in the Mighty, the Merciful,(217)
- who sees thee when thou standest(218)
- and thy turning about among those who prostrate themselves.(219)
- Surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(220)
- Shall I tell you on whom the devils come down?(221)
- They come down on every imposter, sinner,(222)
- who give ear, and most of them are liars.(223)
- And the poets __ the perverse follow them.(224)
- Hast thou not seen that they wander in every valley,(225)
- and that they say what they do not,(226)
- except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and remember God much, and avenge them after being wronged. And the wrongdoers shall soon know to which returning place they will return.(227)
The Ant
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 93 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ta Sin (T.S); these are the Signs of the Qur'an (Reading) and a Manifest Book,(1)
- a guidance and good news for the Believers,(2)
- who establish the Prayer and pay Due-Alms, and who have sure faith in the Hereafter.(3)
- Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds seem fair to them, so they wander blindly.(4)
- Those are the ones for whom shall be the evil punishment, and they shall be the biggest losers in the Hereafter.(5)
- And surely thou receivest the Qur'an from One Wise and Knowing.(6)
- When Moses said to his family, `I perceive a fire, and I shall bring you some news of it, or bring you a flaming brand, that you may warm yourselves.'(7)
- So when he came to it, he was called: `Blessed be He who is in the fire and who is about it; and Holy be God, the Lord of the world.(8)
- O Moses, surely, it is I, God, the Mighty, the Wise;(9)
- and cast thou thy staff'. Then, when he saw it moving, as if it was a serpent, he turned about retreating and would not turn back. `O Moses, fear not; the Envoys do not fear in My presence,(10)
- but he who did wrong, then, after evil, he changed into good, then I am Forgiving, Merciful.(11)
- And put thy hand into thy bosom, it shall come out white without fault__among nine Signs to Pharaoh and his people;(12)
- they are surely a transgressing people.' But when Our Signs came to them as evidence, they said, `this is a clear sorcery.'(13)
- And they denied them, wrongfully and out of pride, though their souls were convinced of them; then see how was the end of those who caused disorder.(14)
- And We gave David and Solomon knowledge; and they said, `praise be to God who has exalted us over many of His believing servants.'(15)
- And Solomon became David's heir, and he said, `O men, we have been taught the speech of the birds, and we have been given of everything; this is surely the manifest bounty.'(16)
- And to Solomon were mustered his hosts of jinn and men and birds, duly disposed.(17)
- Until, when they reached the Valley of Ants, an ant said, `O ants, enter your dwellings, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you unperceiving.'(18)
- And he smiled, laughing at its words, and said, `my Lord, dispose me to be thankful to Thy blessing which Thou hast bestowed on me and my parents, and to do deeds of righteousness that please Thee, and admit me, by Thy mercy, among Thy righteous servants.'(19)
- And he reviewed the birds, and said, `how is it with me that I do not see hoopoe, or is he among the absentees?(20)
- I shall surely give him a terrible punishment or slaughter him, unless he brings me a clear authority.'(21)
- But he stayed not long, and he said, `I have encompassed that thou hast not encompassed, and I have brought thee a definite news from Sheba.(22)
- I found a women ruling over them, and she has been given of everything, and she has a mighty throne.(23)
- I found her and her people prostrating to the sun, apart from God, and the Devil has made to seem their deeds fair to them, and has barred them from the Way, so they are not guided,(24)
- and they do not prostrate themselves to God, who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you make public.(25)
- God, there is no god but He, the Lord of the Mighty Throne.'(26)
- He said, `We will see whether thou hast spoken the truth or thou art of the liars.(27)
- Take this letter of mine, and cast it to them, then turn from them and see what they shall return'.(28)
- She said, `O chiefs, a gracious letter has been cast to me.(29)
- It is from Solomon, and it is: `In the name of God, the Merciful, the All-Merciful.(30)
- Do not rise up against me and come to me in surrender.'(31)
- She said, `O chiefs, pronounce to me concerning my task, for I never decide on a task until you testify with me.'(32)
- They said, `we are strong and have a great might, but command is thine, so consider what thou wilt command.'(33)
- She said, `the kings, when they enter a city, disorder it and make its mighty people abased, and like that they do.(34)
- And I will be sending them a present, then see what the envoys bring back.'(35)
- So when he came to Solomon, he said, `would you aid me with wealth, but what God has given me is better than what He has given you? No, let you rejoice in your present.(36)
- Return to them, and we shall come upon them with hosts which they shall not resist, and we shall expel them from there abased, and they shall be humbled.'(37)
- He said, `O chiefs, which of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in surrender?'(38)
- A giant among the jinn said, `I shall bring it to thee, before thou risest from thy place, for I have enough strength for it, and I am trustworthy.'(39)
- One who possessed knowledge of the Book said, `I will bring it to thee before thy glance returns to thee'. So when he saw it placed before him, he said, `this is of my Lord's bounty that He may try me whether I am thankful or unthankful; and whoso thanks, thanks for himself, and if any is unthankful, then my Lord is All-sufficient, Gracious'.(40)
- He said, `disguise her throne for her; We shall see whether she is guided or she is of those who are not guided.'(41)
- So when she came, it was said, `is thy throne like this?' She said,, `as if it is the same, and we were given the knowledge before it, and we have surrendered.'(42)
- And that which she used to serve, apart from God, had barred her; she was surely of an unbelieving people.(43)
- It was said to her, `enter the palace'. So when she saw it, she thought it was a pool of water, and she bared her legs. He said, `it is a palace, smoothed with glass.' She said, `my Lord, I wronged myself, and I surrender, along with Solomon, to God, the Lord of the world.'(44)
- And We sent to Thamood their brother Salih (to say): `serve God'; then, lo, they were two parties that were disputing with one another.(45)
- He said, `my people, why do you seek to hasten on evil before good, and why do you not ask forgiveness of God that you may receive mercy?'(46)
- They said, `we augur ill of thee and of those with thee.' He said, `your augury is with God; no, but you are a people that are being tried.'(47)
- And there was in the city a band of nine that caused disorder in the land and would not put things right.(48)
- They said, `swear together by God, `we will attack him and his family by night, then we will say to his heir, we did not witness the destruction of his family, and we are surely truthful.'(49)
- And they devised a device, and We also devised a device, while they perceived not.(50)
- Then see, how was the end of their device__We destroyed them and their people all together.(51)
- Now those are their houses, fallen-down, for the wrong that they did; surely in that is a Sign for a people who have knowledge.(52)
- And We saved those who believed and were godfearing.(53)
- And Lot, when he said to his people, `do you commit indecency while you see?(54)
- Do you lustfully approach men apart from women? No, you are an ignorant people.'(55)
- Then his people had no answer except that they said, `expel Lot's family from your city; they are a people that keep themselves clean!'(56)
- Then we saved him and his family, except his wife, whom We estimated to be among those that stayed behind.(57)
- And We rained on them a heavy rain; then how evil was the raining over the warned!(58)
- Say, `praise be to God, and peace be on His servants whom He has chosen. Is God better or that they associate?'(59)
- Or He who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you from heaven water; and therewith We caused to grow lovely gardens; it was not possible for you to grow their trees. Is there a god with God? No, but they are a people who assign equals to Him.(60)
- Or He who made the earth a resting place, and made amidst it rivers, and made for it firm mountains, and put a barrier between the two seas. Is there a god with God? No, but most of them have no knowledge.(61)
- Or He who answers the constrained, when he calls to Him, and removes the evil, and makes you viceroys of the earth. Is there a god with God? But little heed you pay!(62)
- Or He who guides you in the darkness of the land and the sea, and who looses the winds bearing good news before His mercy. Is there a god with God? High Exalted be God, above that they associate!(63)
- Or He who begins the creation then repeats it, and He who provides you from the heaven and the earth. Is there a god with God? Say, `bring your proof, if you are truthful.'(64)
- Say, `none in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except God; and they do not know when they will be raised'.(65)
- No, their knowledge has failed regarding the Hereafter; no, they are in doubt about it; no, they are blind to it.(66)
- And the unbelievers say, `what, when we and our fathers have become dust, shall we really be brought forth?(67)
- Surely we and our fathers were promised this before; this is naught but the fables of the ancients.'(68)
- Say, `journey in the land, and see how was the end of the sinners.'(69)
- And grieve thou not over them, nor be straitened for what they devise.(70)
- And they say, `when shall this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?'(71)
- Say, `it may be that some part of what you seek to hasten on is close behind you'.(72)
- But thy Lord is surely bounteous to mankind, yet most of them do not give thanks.(73)
- And thy Lord surely knows what their breasts conceal, and what they make public.(74)
- And there is not any thing hidden in the heaven and the earth but it is in a clear Book.(75)
- This Quran relates to the Children of Israel most of that wherein they differ.(76)
- And it is surely a guidance and a mercy for the Believers.(77)
- Thy Lord shall decide between them by His Judgement; and He is the Mighty, the Knowing;(78)
- so put thy trust in God; surely thou art on the manifest Truth.(79)
- Thou shalt not make the dead to hear, nor shalt thou make the deaf to hear the call when they turn back, retreating.(80)
- And thou art no guide for the blind in their straying; thou makest to hear only those who believe in Our Signs, and so have surrendered.(81)
- And when the Word falls upon them, We shall bring forth for them a creature from the earth that shall speak to them, for mankind had no faith in Our Signs.(82)
- And on the day We muster out of every community a multitude of those who gave lies to Our Signs, duly disposed,.(83)
- Until, when they arrive, He will say, `did you give lies to My Signs, though you did not comprehend them in knowledge, or what else have you been doing?'(84)
- And the Word shall fall upon them for their wrong-doing, so they will not speak,(85).
- Did they not see that We made the night that they may rest in it, and the day to show things? In that are surely Signs for a people who believe.(86)
- And on the day the Trumpet is blown, then whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth shall be terrified, except whom God will; and all will come to Him utterly abject.(87)
- And thou shalt see the mountains, which thou guessest to be fixed, passing by as the clouds pass __ God's handiwork who made everything perfect; He is surely aware of the things your do.(88)
- Whoso comes with a good deed shall have better than it, and they shall be secure from terror of that day.(89)
- And whoso comes with an evil deed, their faces shall be thrust into the Fire: `could's you be recompensed but for what you have been doing?'(90)
- Say, `I have been commanded only that I should serve the Lord of this City which He has made sacred, and to whom belongs everything; and I have been commanded that I should be of those who have surrendered;(91)
- and that I should recite the Quran; then whoso is guided is guided only for himself; and if any goes astray, say, `I am only one of the warners.'(92)
- And say, `Praise be to God; He shall show you His Signs and you will recognise them; and thy Lord is not heedless of the things you do.'(93)
The Narrative
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 88 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ta Sin Mim (T.S.M).(1)
- These are the Signs of the Manifest Book.(2)
- We recite to thee something of the tale of Moses and Pharaoh with truth, for a people who believe.(3)
- Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and turned its people into sects, oppressing a group of them, slaughtering their sons and letting their women live; he was surely of those who create disorder.(4)
- And We desired to be gracious to those who were oppressed in the land, and to make them the leaders, and to make them the inheritors,(5)
- and to establish them in the land, and to show Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts what they were dreading from them.(6)
- And We revealed to Moses' mother, `suckle him; then when thou fearest for him, cast him into the river, and have no fear, nor grieve; We shall return him to thee and shall appoint him one of the Envoys.'(7)
- Then the Pharaoh's folk picked him out that he might be an enemy and a grief to them; surely Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts were at fault.(8)
- And Pharaoh's wife said, he will be a comfort to me and to thee; do not kill him; he may profit us or we may take him for a son,' and they were not appreciating (the danger).(9)
- And the heart of Moses' mother became empty; she would have disclosed him, had We not strengthened her heart that she might be among the believers.(10)
- And she said to his sister, `follow him'; and she watched him from afar, while they appreciated not.(11)
- And We had forbidden to him suckling by foster-mothers aforetime, so she said, `shall I direct you to the people of a household who will take charge of him for you, and they will be his well-wishers!'(12)
- So We returned him to his mother, that she might be comforted and should not grieve, and that she should know that God's promise is true, though most of the them did not know.(13)
- And when he reached his maturity and became a perfect man, We gave him judgement and knowledge; and so do We recompense the good-doers.(14)
- And he entered the city, at a time when its people were unheeding; he found there two men fighting together __ this one of his sect and that one of his enemies; then he who was of his sect called him for help against the one who was of his enemies; and Moses struck him with his fist and caused him to die. He said, `this is a doing of the Devil; surely he is an enemy manifestly misleading.'(15)
- He said, `my Lord, I have wronged myself, so forgive me'; and He forgave him; surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.(16)
- He said, `my Lord, because Thou hast blessed me, I shall never be a supporter of the sinners.'(17)
- And he came to the city fearing and watching; then lo, he, who had called him for help the day before,. cried out to him for help; Moses said to him, `thou art a clear perverse.'(18)
- But when he intended to lay hold on him, who was an enemy to them both, he said, `O Moses, dost thou intend to kill me, as thou killedest a person yesterday? Thou only desirest to be a tyrant in the land, and thou dost not desire to be one of the reformers'.(19)
- And there came a man running from the farthest end of the city; he said, `O Moses, the chiefs are counselling regarding thee to kill thee, so go forth; I am one of thy well-wishers'.(20)
- So he went forth from there, fearing and watching; he said, `my Lord, save me from the wrongdoing people'.(21)
- And when he turned his face towards Midian, he said, `it may be that my Lord will guide me to the even way.'(22)
- And when he arrived at the waters of Midian, he found there a community of men drawing water and he found, apart from them, two women holding back (their flocks); he said, `what is the matter with you?' They said, `we do not draw water until the shepherds depart, and our father is a very old man.'(23)
- So he drew water for them, then turned to the shade and said, `my Lord, `I am in need of whatever good Thou mayest have sent down to me'.(24)
- Then, came one of the two (women), walking modestly to him; she said, `my father calls thee to recompense thee with the wage of thy drawing water for us. So when he came to him and related to him the story, he said, `be not afraid; thou hast escaped from the wrong-doing people'.(25)
- One of the two (women) said, `father, take him in service; surely the best man that thou shouldst take in service is the one strong and trust-worthy.'(26)
- He said, `I desire to marry one of these my two daughters to thee on condition that thou servest me for eight years; and if thou completest ten, that shall be of thy own accord; and I do not desire to press hard on thee; thou shalt find me, if God will, of the righteous.'(27)
- He said, `that stands between me and thee; whichever of the two terms I fulfil, it shall not be injustice on my part; and God is care-taker of what we say'.(28)
- So when Moses completed the term and departed with his family, he perceived a fire on the side of the Mount; he said to his family, `wait, I perceive a fire; I may bring you from there some news or a brand of fire that you may warm yourselves'.(29)
- And when he came to it, he was called from the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot, out of the tree, `O Moses, I am God, the Lord of the world.(30)
- And cast thou thy staff'. Then when he saw it moving as if it was a serpent, he turned back retreating and would not look back. `O Moses, come forward and be not afraid; thou art among the secured.(31)
- Insert thy hand in thy bosom, it will come forth white without fault; and press to thee thy arm to be out of fear; now these shall be two proofs from thy Lord for Pharaoh and his chiefs; they are surely a transgressing people.'(32)
- He said, `my Lord, I have killed a person of theirs, so I fear that they will kill me.(33)
- And my brother Aaron is more eloquent in speech than I; so send him with me as a helper to confirm me; I fear that they will give lies to me'.(34)
- He said, `We will strengthen thy arm with thy brother, and We will give you such an authority that they shall not reach you; because of Our signs you and those who follow you shall be the victors.'(35)
- So when Moses came to them with Our Clear Signs, they said, 'It is only a forged sorcery, and we never heard of this among our ancient fathers.'(36)
- Moses said, `my Lord very well knows him who comes with the guidance from Him and who shall have the end-result of the House; surely the wrongdoers do not prosper.'(37)
- And Pharaoh said, `O chiefs, I have no knowledge of any god for you other than me; so, `O Haman, kindle for me a fire on the clay and make for me a tower that I may mount up to Moses' god, for I do guess him to be of the liars.'(38)
- And he and his hosts showed arrogance in the land without right, and thought that they would not be returned to Us.(39)
- So We seized him and his hosts, and cast them in the flood; then see how was the end of the wrong-doers.(40)
- And We had made them leaders that call to the Fire; and, on the Day of Resurrection, they shall not be helped.(41)
- And We pursued them with curse in this world; and, on the Day of Resurrection, they shall be among the hated.(42)
- And We gave Moses the Book, after that We had destroyed the former generations, to serve as evidences and a guidance and a mercy for men, that they may remember.(43)
- And thou wast not on the western side when We decreed to Moses the Commandment, nor wast thou among the witnesses;(44)
- but We raised up generations and long time has passed over them. And thou wast not a dweller among the people of Midian reciting to them Our signs, but We sent the Messengers.(45)
- And thou wast not on the side of the Mount when We called; but for a mercy from thy Lord that thou mayest warn a people to whom no warner came before thee, and that they may remember.(46)
- For, otherwise, if an affliction befell them for what their hands have forwarded, they might say, `our Lord, why didst Thou not send a Messenger to us that we might have followed Thy signs and be among the Believers.'(47)
- Yet when the truth came to them from Us, they said, `why has he not been given the like of what Moses was given?' But did they not disbelieve in what Moses was given before? They said, `they are two sorceries, mutuallly supporting'; and they said, `we disbelieve in each.'(48)
- Say thou, `bring a Book from God that is a better guide than these two, if you are truthful, and I will follow it.(49)
- Then, if they do not answer thee, know that they are only following their caprices; and who is further astray than he who follows his caprice without guidance from God? Surely God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(50)
- Now We have made the Word to reach them, that they may pay heed.(51)
- Those, to whom We gave the Book before it, believe in it.(52)
- And when it is recited to them, they say, `we believe in it; it is the truth from our Lord; in fact we had surrendered even before it'.(53)
- Those shall be given their wage twice over, for they remained steadfast, and they avert evil with good, and expend of that We have provided them.(54)
- And when they hear idle nonsense, they turn aside from it, and say, `for us are our deeds and for you your deeds; peace be upon you; we do not seek the ignorant.'(55)
- Thou guidest not whom thou likest, but God guidest whom He wills, and He very well knows those that are guided.(56)
- And they say, `if we follow the guidance along with thee, we shall be snatched from our land'. But have We not established a secure sanctuary for them to which fruits of everything are drawn as a provision from Us, but most of them know not?(57)
- And how may a city, that exulted in their insolent ease, We have destroyed; now, these are their habitations that have not been inhabited after them but little; and Ourselves are the inheritors.(58)
- And thy Lord was not such as would destroy the cities until He raised a Messenger in their mother-city to recite Our signs to them; and We were not such as would destroy the cities except that their people were wrong-doers.(59)
- And whatever things you are given are goods of the present life and its adornment, and what is with God is better and more lasting; will you not understand?(60)
- Is then he to whom We have given a good promise, and he shall be receiving it, like him whom We have given the goods of the present life, but, on the Day of Resurrecion, he shall be among those, that are arraigned.(61)
- And on the day when He shall call to them, He shall say, `where are those whom you asserted to be My associates?'(62)
- Those, against whom the Word is proved true, will say, `our Lord, these are the ones whom we perverted; we perverted them, as we ourselves were perverted; we declare our innocence to Thee; us they never served'.(63)
- And it shall be said, `call on your associate-gods, and they will call on them, but they shall not answer them, and they will see the punishment; would that they had been guided!(64)
- And on the day He shall call to them, He shall say, `what answer did you give to the Envoys?'(65)
- On that day, the news will be hidden from them, so they will not ask one another.(66)
- But as for him who repents, and believes, and acts right, may be, he shall be among those who prosper.(67)
- And thy Lord creates and chooses whatever He will; it is not theirs to choose; Holy be God, and High Exalted above that they associate.(68)
- And thy Lord knows what their breasts conceal, and what they make public.(69)
- And He is God; there is no god but He; His is the praise in the First (world) and the Last, and His is the Judgement, and to Him you shall be returned.(70)
- Say, `have you considered, if God should make the night perpetual over you till the Day of Resurrection, what god other than God shall bring you illumination? Will you not then hear?'(71)
- Say, `have you considered, if God should make the day perpetual over you till the Day of Resurrection, what god other than God will bring you night to have rest in it? Will you not then see?'(72)
- And it is of His mercy that He has made for you night and day, that you take rest in it and seek after His bounty, and that you may give thanks.(73)
- And on the day He shall call to them, He shall say, `where are My associates that you asserted?'(74)
- And We shall draw out from every community a witness and We shall say, `bring your proof.' Then they will know that the truth is God's and what they forged has gone astray from them.(75)
- Korah was of the people of Moses, yet he was insolent to them; and We had given him such treasures that even their keys would weigh down a strong troop. When his people said to him, `do not exult; God does not like the exultant.(76)
- But seek the Last House in what God has given thee, and forget not thy share of the world, and do good as God has been good to thee; but do not seek after disorder in the land; God does not like those who create disorder.'(77)
- He said, `I have been given this only because of knowledge that I possess.' What, did he not know that God had destroyed before him many a generation that were stronger than he in might, and more abundant in amassing (wealth)? And the sinners are not questioned about their offences.(78)
- And he went forth before his people in his adornment. Those who desired the life of this world said, `would that we had the like of what Korah has been given; he is a man of mighty fortune.'(79)
- But those who had been given the knowledge said, `woe to you; the reward of God is better for him who believes and acts right, yet only the steadfast receive it.'(80)
- Then We made the earth to swallow him and his house, and he had no host, apart from God, that could help him, nor could he defend himself.(81)
- And those who had longed to be in his place, the day before, were saying `ah, God outspreads and straitens His provision to whom He will of His servants; if God had not been gracious to us, He would have made us to be swallowed too. Ah, the unbelievers do not prosper.'(82)
- That is the Last House, which We make for those who do not desire elation in the earth nor disorder; and the end-result is for the godfearing.(83)
- Whoso brings a good deed shall have better than it, and whoso brings an evil deed __ those who do evil deeds shall not be recompensed but for what they have been doing.(84)
- He who has ordained the Recitation (the Quran) upon thee will surely restore thee to a place of return. Say, `my Lord very well knows as to who has come with the guidance, and who is clearly astray.'(85)
- And thou didst not hope that the Book would be granted to thee, but it is a mercy from thy Lord; so be thou not a supporter of the unbelievers.(86)
- And let them not bar thee from the signs of God, after they have been sent down to thee, and call to thy Lord, and be thou not of the idolaters.(87)
- And call not upon another god with God; there is no god but He; all things are to perish except His Person; His is the Judgement, and to Him shall you be returned.(88)
The Spider
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 69 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.).(1)
- Do men reckon that they will be left to say, `we believe', and they will not be tried?(2)
- But We have indeed tried those that were before them, so God will surely know those who speak the truth, and He will surely to know the liars.(3)
- Or do those who do evil deeds reckon that they will outstrip Us? How evil they judge!(4)
- He who looks forward to meet God, God's term is surely coming; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(5)
- And he who struggles, struggles only for himself; surely God is All-sufficient, in no need of the people.(6)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall acquit them of their evils, and shall recompense them for the best of what they were doing.(7)
- And We have charged man to be good to his parents; but if they strive with thee that thou shouldst assign associates to Me, of which thou hast no knowledge, then do not obey them; to Me shall you return, and I shall tell you what you were doing.(8)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We will surely admit them among the righteous.(9)
- And some men there are who say, `we believe in God;' but when any is hurt in the cause of God, he takes the persecution of men as God's punishment; and if help comes from thy Lord, he will surely say, `we were with you'. What! Does not God very well know the thoughts in the breasts of the peoples?(10)
- And God will surely to know those who believe, and He will surely to know the hypocrites.(11)
- And the unbelievers say to the Believers, `follow our way, and let us take your faults.' But they cannot take any of their faults; they are surely liars.(12)
- However, they shall take their (own) loads, and other loads along with their loads; and, on the Day of Resurrection, they shall be questioned concerning that they were forging.(13)
- And We sent Noah to his people and he stayed among them a thousand years, save fifty; then the Flood seized them for they were wrongdoers.(14)
- Then We saved him and those in the ship, and made it a Sign for the world.(15)
- And Abraham __ when he said to his people, `serve God and fear Him; that is better for you if you knew.(16)
- You only serve idols, apart from God, and create a lie; those you serve, apart from God, have no power to provide for you, so seek the provision with God, and serve Him, and give thanks to Him; unto Him you shall be returned.(17)
- But if you cry lies, then the communities before you have also cried lies; and upon the Messenger is only to deliver the clear Message'.(18)
- Did they not see how God begins the creation, then repeats it? Surely that is easy for God.(19)
- Say, `journey in the land, then see how He began the creation, then it is God who will cause to grow the Last Growth; surely God is powerful over everything.(20)
- He punishes whom He will, and has mercy on whom He will, and to Him you shall be turned back.(21)
- And you cannot frustrate Him in the earth, nor in the heaven, and you have no protector or helper apart from God.(22)
- And those who disbelieve in God's Signs and in the meeting with Him, they despair of My mercy, and for them shall be a painful punishment.'(23)
- Yet the only answer of his people was that they said, `kill him or burn him;' but God saved him from the fire; in that are surely Signs for a people who believe.(24)
- And he said, `you have taken idols, apart from God, only for mutual love between you in the present life; but, on the Day of Resurrection, you will deny one another, and you will curse one another, and your abode will be the Fire, and you will have no helpers';(25)
- then Lot believed him. And he said, `I migrate to my Lord; He is the Mighty, the Wise.'(26)
- And We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and We placed the Prophethood and the Book in his progeny, and We gave him his wage in this world; and, in the Hereafter, he will surely be among the righteous.(27)
- And Lot, when he said to his people, `you commit such indecency that none in the whole world committed before you.(28)
- Do you approach men, and cut the way, and commit repugnant things in your assembly?' Then, the only answer of his people was that they said, `bring us the punishment of God, if thou art of the truthful.'(29)
- He said, `my Lord, help me against the people that cause disorder.'(30)
- And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said, `we will be destroying the people of this city; surely its people are wrong-doers.'(31)
- He said, `Lot is in it'. They said, `we very well know who is in it; we will save him and his family, except his wife; she is of those who stay behind.'(32)
- And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was saddened on account of them, but felt himself powerless against them; and they said, `do not fear, nor grieve; we will save thee and thy family, except thy wife __ she is of those who stay behind.(33)
- We shall be sending down on the people of this city a scourge from the heaven, for that they have been transgressing.'(34)
- And We have left thereof a Clear Sign for a people who understand.(35)
- And to Midian (We sent) their brother Shuaib, and he said, `O my people, serve God, and look for the Last Day, and do not go about in the land,(36)
- causing disorder.' But they gave lies to him, so the earthquake seized them, and they lay prostrate in their habitation.(37)
- And Ad and Thamood __ and it is clear to you from their dwelling places; and the Devil adorned their works to them and barred them from the way, though they saw clearly.(38)
- And Korah and Pharaoh and Haman; Moses came to them with Clear Signs, but they showed arrogance in the land, but they could not outstrip Us.(39)
- Everyone We seized, for his offence; on some We loosed a violent storm of gravel; and some, the Cry seized; and some We made the earth to swallow; and some We drowned; and God was not such as would wrong them, but themselves they wronged.(40)
- The likeness of those who take to them any protectors, apart from God, is as the likeness of the spider that takes to itself a house; and the frailest of houses is the house of the spider, if they but knew.(41)
- God knows whatever thing they call upon, apart from Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(42)
- And these likenesses We describe for mankind, and none understands them except the men of knowledge.(43)
- God created the heavens and the earth with the truth; in that is surely a Sign for the Believers. (44)
- Recite what has been revealed to thee of the Book, and establish the Prayer; surely the Prayer forbids indecency and repugnant things; and God's remembrance is yet greater; and God knows the things you work.(45)
- And dispute not with the People of the Book, but in a manner that is the fairest, except for those of them that do wrong; and say, `we believe in what has been sent down to us, and what has been sent down to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him we have surrendered.'(46)
- And like that We have sent down the Book to thee; now those to whom We had given the Book believe in it, and of these some believe in it; and none denies Our signs except the unbelievers.(47)
- And, before it, thou didst not recite any Book, nor didst thou write any with thy right hand; in that case, the followers of falsehood could have doubted.(48)
- No, it is Clear Signs in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge; and none denies Our Signs except the wrong-doers.(49)
- And they say, `why have the Signs not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say, `the Signs are only with God, and I am only a plain warner.'(50)
- But does it not suffice them that We have sent down on thee the Book that is recited to them? Surely in that is a mercy and a reminder for a people who believe.(51)
- Say, `God suffices as a witness between me and you; He knows what is in the heavens and the earth; and those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in God, those are the losers.'(52)
- And they ask thee to hasten the punishment; but had it not been a stated term, the punishment would have come upon them; and surely it shall come upon them suddenly, when they do not perceive.(53)
- They ask thee to hasten the punishment, but surely Hell encompasses the unbelievers.(54)
- On the day the punishment shall cover them from above them and from under their feet, and He shall say, `taste now what you have been doing.'(55)
- O My servants who have believed, My earth is vast, so Me only you serve!(56)
- Every soul shall taste of death; then to Us you shall be returned.(57)
- And those who believe and do righteous deeds, We shall lodge them in lofty chambers of Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; how excellent is the wage of the workers __(58)
- those who show patience and put their trust in their Lord.(59)
- And how many a creature there is that does not carry its provision; God provides for it and for you; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(60)
- And if thou askest them, `who created the heavens and the earth, and subjected the sun and the moon, they will surely say, `God'; how then are they perverted!(61)
- God outspreads the provision and straitens it to whomsoever of His servants He will; God has the knowledge of everything.(62)
- And if thou askest them, `who sends down water from the heaven, and revives therewith the earth after it is dead, they will surely say, `God'. Say, `praise be to God'; but most of them understand not.(63)
- And this present life is not but a diversion and a play; and surely the Final House is the Life; if they but knew.(64)
- Now when they embark in the ship, they call on God, making obedience purely His; then when He delivers them to the land, they assign associates to Him,(65)
- that they may show ingratitude for what We have given them, and that they may enjoy life; but they will soon know.(66)
- And have they not seen that We have appointed a sanctuary secure, while, all about them, men are snatched away? Will they then believe in falsehood and disbelieve in the blessing of God?(67)
- And who does greater wrong than he who forges a lie against God, or gives lies to the truth when it has come to him? Is there not in Hell a resort for the unbelievers.(68)
- And those who struggle for Our sake, We will surely guide them to Our ways; and God is surely with the good-doers.(69)
RUM (30)
The Greeks
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 60 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.).(1)
- The Greeks have been defeated,(2)
- in a neighbouring land; but they, after their defeat, shall gain victory,(3)
- in a few years; to God belongs the affair before and after; and on that day the Believers shall rejoice(4)
- in God's help; He helps whom He will; and He is the Mighty, the Merciful;(5)
- it is God's promise; God shall not fail His promise, but most men do not know.(6)
- They know what is apparent in the worldly life, but they are unaware of the End.(7)
- Have they not pondered within themselves that God has not created the heavens and the earth and what between them is but on truth and for a stated term? Yet many men disbelieve in the meeting with their Lord.(8)
- And have they not journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? They were stronger than these in might, and they ploughed the land and cultivated it more than these cultivated it, and their Messengers came to them with the Clear Signs; and God was not such as would wrong them, but themselves they wronged.(9)
- Then, the end of those who did evil was evil, for that they gave lies to the Signs of God and used to mock at them.(10)
- God begins the creation, then repeats it, then to Him you shall be returned.(11)
- And on the day the Hour comes, the sinners shall despair.(12)
- And there shall be no intercessors for them among their associate-gods, and they shall deny their associate-gods.(13)
- And on the day the Hour comes, that day they shall be divided.(14)
- Then as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, they shall rejoice in a green meadow.(15)
- And as for those who disbelieved, and gave lies to Our signs and to the meeting of the Hereafter, they shall be arraigned in the punishment.(16)
- Glory be to God, when it is your evening and when it is your morning.(17)
- And His is the praise in the heavens and the earth, and at sunset and when it is your noontime.(18)
- He brings forth the living from the dead, and brings forth the dead from the living, and revives the earth after it is dead; and like that shall you be brought forth.(19)
- And of His Signs is that He created you of dust; then, lo, you are men spreading wide.(20)
- And of His Signs is that He created for you mates, out of yourselves, that you might repose in them, and He put love and mercy between you; in that are surely Signs for a people who ponder.(21)
- And of His Signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours; in that are surely Signs for the men of knowledge.(22)
- And of His Signs is your sleeping and your seeking of His bounty by night and day; in that are surely Signs for a people who hear.(23)
- And of His Signs is that He shows you lightning for fear and hope, and sends down water from the heaven, with which He revives the earth after it is dead; in that are surely Signs for a people who understand.(24)
- And of His Signs is that the heaven and the earth stand firm by His command; then, when He gives you a call (to come) out of the earth, lo, you shall come forth.(25)
- And to Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth; all are obedient to Him.(26)
- And it is He who begins the creation, then repeats it, and it is easy for Him. And His is the loftiest example in the heavens and the earth; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(27)
- He describes for you a similitude from yourselves: do you have among those that your right hands own, any associates in that We have provided for you, so that you are equal in it, fearing for them as you fear for yourselves? Thus We explain the Signs for a people who understand.(28)
- No, but the wrong-doers follow their caprices without any knowledge; now who will guide those whom God has sent astray; and they have no helpers?(29)
- So set thy face to the Religion, all-devoted: __ God's original law on which he originated mankind; there can be no change in God's creation; that is the standing Religion __ but most men do not know __(30)
- turning to Him, fear Him, and establish the Prayer, and be not of the idolaters,(31)
- of those who have divided their religion, and have become sects; every group rejoices in what is with them.(32)
- And when some harm touches men, they call to their Lord, turning to Him; then, when He makes them taste mercy from Him, lo, a party of them assigns associates to their Lord,(33)
- that they may be ungrateful for what We have given them; `enjoy; you will soon know'.(34)
- Or have We sent down upon them any authority which speaks of the things they associate with Him?(35)
- And when We let men taste mercy, they rejoice in it; and when an evil afflicts them for that their hands have forwarded, lo, they despair.(36)
- But have they not seen that God outspreads and straitens provision for whom He will? In that are surely Signs for a people who believe.(37)
- So give the kinsman, the needy, and the traveller his right; that is better for those who desire God's attention; and it is those who shall prosper.(38)
- And what you give in usury, that it may increase upon people's wealth, does not increase with God; but what you give in alms, desiring God's attention, shall get the increase manifold.(39)
- God is He who created you, then provided for you, then He shall make you dead, then He shall give you life; is there any among your associate-gods who does anything of that? Holy be He, Exalted, above that they associate!(40)
- Disorder has prevailed over the land and sea, for what men's hands have earned, that He may make them taste some of that they have done; may be, they return.(41)
- Say, `journey in the land then behold, how was the end of those that lived before; most of them were idolators.'(42)
- So set thy face to the standing religion before there comes a day from God that will not be turned back, the day when people will be sundered apart.(43)
- Whoso disbelieves, on him shall fall his unbelief and whoso does righteousness, for themselves they make preparations,(44)
- that He may recompense those who believe and do righteous deeds out of His bounty; surely He does not like the unbelievers.(45)
- And of His Signs is that He looses the winds as bearers of good news, and that He may make you taste of His mercy, and that the ships may sail by His commandment, and that you may seek of His bounty, and, may be, that you give thanks.(46)
- And indeed We sent Messengers before thee to their people, and they came to them with the Clear Signs, then We took vengeance upon the sinners: and surely it was a duty binding upon Us to help the Believers.(47)
- God is He who looses the winds, that stir up the cloud, then He spreads it in the heaven how He will, and He breaks it up, then thou seest the rain coming out of its midst; and when He causes it to fall on whomsoever of His servants He will, they rejoice;(48)
- and surely, before it was sent down on them, they were, before that, in despair.(49)
- Now see the marks of God's mercy, how He gives life to the earth after it was dead; surely That One is the quickener of the dead, and He is powerful over everything.(50)
- But if We loose a wind, and they see it turning yellow, they will remain, thereafter, unbelievers.(51)
- So thou shalt not make the dead to hear, nor make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn back, retreating.(52)
- And thou art no guide for the blind in their straying; thou only makes him hear who believes in Our Signs, and so have surrendered.(53)
- God is He who made you of weakness, then, after weakness, He gave strength, then, after strength, He gave weakness and grey hairs; He creates what He will, and He is the Knowing, the Powerful.(54)
- And on the day when the Hour arrives, the sinners shall swear that they did not stay more than an hour; so were they perverted.(55)
- But those, who have been given knowledge and faith, shall say, `you stayed, in God's Book, till the Day of Upraising, and this is the Day of Upraising, but you never knew.(56)
- So on that day, their excuse will not profit the wrong-doers, and they will not be allowed to make amends.(57)
- And We have indeed described in this Qur'an every type of similitude for the people; yet, even if thou bringest them a Sign, the unbelievers will surely say, `you only follow falsehood.'(58)
- Thus does God seal the hearts of those who have no knowledge.(59)
- So be thou patient; God's promise is true; and let not those who have no faith make thee unsteady.(60)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 34 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.).(1)
- These are the signs of the wise Book,(2)
- for a guidance and a mercy to the good-doers,(3)
- those who establish the Prayer, pay the dueÿ__ÿalms, and who have sure faith in the Hereafter.(4)
- Those are upon guidance from their Lord, and those are the ones who shall prosper.(5)
- And among men is he who takes up a funny story to lead astray from God's way without any he knowledge, and takes it in mockery; for them there shall be a disgraceful punishment.(6)
- And when Our signs are recited to him, he turns away in arrogance, as if he did not hear them, as if there was heaviness in his ears; so give him a good news of a painful punishment.(7)
- Surely those, who believe and do righteous deeds, shall have gardens of bliss,(8)
- to dwell therein forever; it is God's promise in truth: and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(9)
- He created the heavens without pillars that you can see, and He cast firm mountains in the earth, lest it should shake with you, and He spread in it all types of creatures. And We sent down water from heaven, then caused to grow therein of every fine kind.(10)
- This is God's creation, now show me what those, that are apart from Him, have created. No, but the wrongdoers are clearly astray.(11)
- And We gave Lokman wisdom: `be grateful to God; and whoso is grateful, is grateful only for himself; and if any is ungrateful, then God is Self-sufficient, Praiseworthy.'(12)
- And when Lokman said to his son admonishing him, `O my son, do not assign associates to God; surely assigning of associates is a mighty wrong.' (13)
- And We have charged man concerning his parents __ his mother bears him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years __ `Be thankful to Me and to thy parents; to Me is the destination.'(14)
- But if they strive with thee that thou shouldst make associates with Me, of which thou hast no knowledge, then do not obey them, but keep them company desirably in this world, and follow the way of him who turns to Me; then unto Me you shall return, and I shall tell you what you were doing.'(15)
- `O my son, if it should be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and it should be in a rock or in the heavens or in the earth, God shall bring it forth; God is Subtle, Aware.(16)
- O my son, establish the Prayer, bid the desirable, forbid the disgusting, and bear patiently what befalls thee; surely that is a matter of great resolution.(17)
- And do not turn thy cheek away from men in scorn, nor walk on the earth exultantly; God does not like any proud, boastful man.(18)
- And be modest in thy walk, and keep thy voice low; surely the most repulsive of voices is the voice of the ass.'(19)
- Have you not seen that God has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and He has lavished on you His blessings, both open and hidden; yet there are men who dispute concerning God without any knowledge, or guidance, or an illuminating Book.(20)
- And when it is said to them, `follow what God has sent down', they say, `no, but we shall follow what we found our fathers on.' What! Even though the Devil was calling them to the punishment of the burning.(21)
- And whoso submits himself to God, and he is a good-doer, has laid hold of the most firm handle; and unto God is the end of all matters.(22)
- And whoso disbelieves, let not his unbelief grieve thee; to Us shall they return, then We will tell them what they did; surely God knows the thoughts in the breasts.(23)
- We shall let them enjoy a little, then compel them to a harsh punishment.(24)
- And if thou askest them, `who created the heavens and the earth,' they will surely say, `God'. Say, `praise be to God'. No, but most of them have no knowledge.(25)
- To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth; surely God __ He is the All-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.(26)
- And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven seas thereafter to replenish it (were ink), the Words of God would not be spent; surely God is Mighty, Wise.(27)
- Your creation and your upraising are not but as one soul; surely God is Hearing, Seeing.(28)
- Hast thou not seen that God makes the night to enter into the day, and makes the day to enter into the night, and has subjected the sun and the moon, all running to a stated term, and that God is aware of what you do?(29)
- That is because God is the Truth, and what they call, apart from Him, is false-hood, and that God is the High, the Great.(30)
- Hast thou not seen that the ships sail on the sea by God's blessing, that He may show you of His Signs? In that are surely Signs for every steadfast, thankful man.(31)
- And when the waves cover them like shadows, they call upon God, making obedience purely His; but when He delivers them to the land, then among them some are lukewarm. And none denies Our Signs except every treacherous, unthankful man.(32)
- O mankind, fear your Lord, and dread a day when a father shall not give satisfaction for his child, nor a child shall give satisfaction for his father in the least; God's promise is true, so let not the present life delude you, and let not the Deluder delude you concerning God.(33)
- Surely God __ with Him is the knowledge of the Hour; and He sends down the rain; and He knows what is in the wombs; and no soul knows what it shall earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it shall die; surely God is Knowing, Aware.(34)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 30 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Alif Lam Mim (A.L.M.).(1)
- The sending down of the Book, no doubt about it, is from the Lord of the world.(2)
- Or do they say, `he has forged it?' No, it is the Truth from thy Lord, that thou mayest warn a people to whom no warner came before thee, that they may be guided.(3)
- God is He who created the heavens and the earth and what between them is in six days, then took over the Throne. You have no protector apart from Him, nor a mediator; so will you not take heed?(4)
- He directs the Affair from the heaven to the earth, then it goes up to Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years of your counting.(5)
- That is the Knower of the unseen and the visible, the Mighty, the Merciful,(6)
- who made everything that He created handsome, and began the creation of man out of clay.(7)
- Then He made his progeny of an extraction of a mean water;(8)
- then He shaped him, and breathed in him of His Spirit, and made for you ears, eyes, and heart; little thanks you show.(9)
- And they say, `when we are lost in the earth, shall we be in a new creation?' No, they disbelieve in the meeting with their Lord.(10)
- Say, `the Angel of Death, who has been charged with you, will cause you to die, then you will be returned to your Lord.'(11)
- And if thou clouldst see the sinners hanging their heads before their Lord: `Our Lord, we have seen and heard; now return us that we may do righteousness, for we have sure faith.'(12)
- And if We had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but My Word has proved true that I will certainly fill up Hell with jinn and men all together.(13)
- `Now taste, for you forgot the meeting of this your day; We have also forgotten you; and taste the punishment of eternity for that you have been doing!'(14)
- Only those believe in Our Signs who, when they are reminded of them, fall down prostrate and celebrate the praise of their Lord, and they do not show arrogance.(15)
- Their sides forsake the beds, calling on their Lord in fear and hope, and they expend of that We have provided them.(16)
- And no soul knows what coolness of eyes is secretly kept for them, as a recompense for that they have been doing.(17)
- Is he who was a believer like him who was a transgressor? They are not equal.(18)
- As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them shall be gardens of eternal abode, as a hospitality for what they have been doing.(19)
- And as for those who transgressed, their abode shall be the Fire; whenever they desire to come out of it, they shall be restored into it, and it shall be said to them, `taste the punishment of the Fire which you have been giving lies to.'(20)
- And We shall surely make them taste some smaller punishment, besides the greater punishment, that they may return.(21)
- And who does greater wrong than he, who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord, then turns away from them? We will surely take vengeance upon the sinners.(22)
- And We gave Moses the Book, so be thou not in doubt of receiving it, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel;(23)
- and We appointed among them leaders to guide by Our command, when they showed patience; and they had sure faith in Our Signs.(24)
- Surely it is thy Lord who shall decide between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed.(25)
- Is it not a guidance to them, how many generations We destroyed before them in whose dwellings they walk? In that are surely Signs; so will they not hear?(26)
- And do they not see that We drive water to the barren land, and therewith bring forth crops, which their cattle and themselves eat? So will they not see?(27)
- And they say, `when shall be this Decision, if you are truthful?'(28)
- Say, `on the Day of Decision, their faith shall not profit the unbelievers, nor shall they be respited.'(29)
- So, turn thou away from them, and wait; they too are waiting.(30)
The Confederates
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 73 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Prophet, fear God and do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites; God is surely Knowing, Wise.(1)
- And follow what is revealed to thee from thy Lord; God is surely aware of what you do.(2)
- And put thy trust in God; and God suffices as a care-taker.(3)
- God has not made for any man two hearts in his body; and He has not made your wives, whom you declare to be your mothers, your mothers; and He has not made your adopted sons your sons; that is your saying, words of your mouths; but God speaks the truth, and He guides to the Way.(4)
- Call them after their fathers; it is more just in the sight of God; and if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in religion and your clients; and there is no blame on you in what you did by mistake, but only in what your hearts intended; and God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(5)
- The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their selves, and his wives are their mothers; and the blood relations are closer to one another in the Book of God than the Believers and the Emigrants, except that you should act towards your friends desirably; this is inscribed in the Book.(6)
- And when We took from the Prophets their compact and from thee and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jasus, son of Mary, and We took from them a solemn compact,(7)
- that He might question the truthful concerning their truthfulness; and He has prepared for the unbelievers a painful punishment.(8)
- O Believers, remember God's blessing on you when hosts came upon you, and We loosed against them a wind and such hosts that you did not see; and God sees what you do.(9)
- When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes swerved, and the hearts reached the throats, and you made many guesses about God.(10)
- There the Believers were tried and terribly shaken.(11)
- And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was sickness said, `God and His Messenger promised us not but delusion.'(12)
- And when a group of them said, `O people of Yathrib, it is no place for you, so return.' And a party of theirs asked leave of the Prophet, saying, `our houses are exposed'; though they were not exposed; they only desired to flee.(13)
- But if they had been invaded from its sides, and then they had been invited to turmoil, they would have surely joined it, and would have not stayed back but a little.(14)
- Yet they had made covenant with God before, that they would not turn their backs; and covenant with God shall be questioned.(15)
- Say, `flight will not profit you, if you flee from death or from being killed; and, even in that case, you will not enjoy life but little.'(16)
- Say, `who is it that shall defend you from God, if He desired evil for you, or desired mercy for you?' And they shall not find for them, apart from God, any friend or helper.(17)
- God indeed knows those of you who hinder, and those who say to their brothers, `come to us'; and they do not come to battle but little __(18)
- being reluctant to assist you; and when fear comes upon them, thou seest them looking at thee with their eyes rolling like one who faints because of death; then when the fear is gone, they attack you with sharp tongues, being covetous for the riches. Those have never believed, so God has made their works null and void; and that is easy for God.(19)
- They think the Confederates are not gone, and if the Confederates come, they would wish if they were desert-dwellers among the Bedouins, asking for the news of you; and if they were among you, they would not fight but little.(20)
- Surely you have a good model in God's Messenger, for him who looks forward to God and the Last Day and remembers God much.(21)
- And when the Believers saw the Confederates, they said, `this is what God and His Messenger promised us, and God and His Messenger spoke the truth'. And it only increased them in faith and submission.(22)
- Among the Believers are men who remained true to the covenant they had made with God; then some of them have fulfilled their vow and some of them are waiting and have not changed in the least,(23)
- that God may recompense the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites, if he will, or accept their repentance; God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(24)
- And God turned back the unbelievers in their rage, they attained no good; and God sufficed the Believers in the battle; and God is surely Strong and Mighty.(25)
- And He brought down those of the People of the Book who supported them from their fortresses, and He cast terror in their hearts, so that some you killed, and some you made captives.(26)
- And He made you to inherit their land, their houses, their wealth, and the land you did not tread; and God is surely powerful over every-thing.(27)
- O Prophet, say to thy wives, `if you desire the life of this world and its adornment, then come, and I shall give you goods and let you off gracefully.(28)
- But if you desire God and His Messenger and the Final Home, then surely God has prepared for the good-doers among you a big wage.(29)
- O wives of the Prophet, if any of you commits a flagrant indecency, the punishment shall be doubled for her; and that is easy for God.(30)
- And whoso of you is obedient to God and His Messenger and does righteousness, We shall give her, her wage twice over, and We have prepared for her a generous provision.(31)
- O wives of the Prophet, you are not like any other woman; if you are godfearing, be not soft in speech, lest he, in whose heart is sickness, develops hope, but speak desirable words.(32)
- And stay in your houses, and do not display your finery, as it was displayed in the former Days of Ignorance, and establish the Prayer, pay the Due-alms, and obey God and His Messenger; God only desires, O People of the House, to put away from you the abomination, and cleanse you thoroughly.(33)
- And remember that which is recited in your houses of the Signs of God and the Wisdom; God is surely Subtle, Aware.'(34)
- Men and women who have surrendered, men and women who have believed, men and women who are obedient, men and women who are truthful, men and women who are patient, men and women who are humble, men and women who give in charity, men and women who fast, men and women who guard their private parts, men and women who remember God much __ for them God has prepared forgiveness and a big wage.(35)
- And it is not for any Believing man or a Believing woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in the matter concerning them; and whoso disobeys God and His Messenger has openly gone astray.(36)
- And when thou wast saying to him whom God had blessed and thou hadst favoured, `keep thy wife to thyself and fear God', and thou wast concealing in thy heart what God would reveal, and thou wast fearing people, though God had a better right that thou shouldst fear Him. Then, when Zaid had accomplished formalities concerning her, We gave her in marriage to thee, so that there should be no blame on the Believers concerning the wives of their adopted sons, when they accomplish formalities concerning them; and God's command is ever done.(37)
- There is no blame on the Prophet in what God has ordained for him; it has been God's tradition with those who have passed away before: __ and God's command is a destiny decreed; __(38)
- those who delivered the Messages of God and feared Him and feared none except God; and God suffices as a reckoner.(39)
- Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets; and God has knowledge of everything.(40)
- O Believers, remember God much,(41)
- and extol Him at dawn and in the evening.(42)
- He it is who blesses you and also do His angels, to bring you forth from darkness into light; and He is Merciful to the Believers.(43)
- Their greeting, on the day they meet Him, will be `Peace'; and He has prepared for them a generous wage.(44)
- O Prophet, We have sent thee as a witness, a bearer of good news, a warner,(45)
- a summoner to God by His leave, and as an illuminating lamp.(46)
- And give thou good news to the Believers, that for them shall be a great bounty from God.(47)
- And do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and overlook hurt given by them, and trust in God; and God suffices as a care-taker.(48)
- O Believers, when you marry women, and then divorce them before you have touched them, you have no period to reckon against them; but give them some goods, and let them off gracefully.(49)
- O Prophet, We have made lawful for thee thy wives whom thou hast given their dowries; and those whom thy right hand owns out of the spoils of war that God has given thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncle, and daughters of thy paternal aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncle, and daughters of thy maternal aunts, who have emigrated with thee, and any Believing woman, if she gives herself to the Prophet, provided the Prophet also desires to take her in marriage; it is exclusive for thee, apart from the Believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and what their right hands own; it is so that there may be no blame on thee; and surely God is Forgiving, Merciful.(50)
- Thou mayest put off whom thou wilt out of them and mayest take to thee whom thou wilt; and if thou seekest any whom thou hast set aside, there is no blame on thee; thus it is likelier that their eyes will be cooled, and they will not be grieved, and all of them will be pleased with what thou givest them; and God knows what is in your hearts; and God is Knowing, Clement.(51)
- Women are not lawful to thee after this, nor that thou takest them in exchange for the wives, though their beauty may please thee, except what thy right hand owns; and God is watchful over everything.(52)
- O Believers, do not enter Prophet's houses, unless leave is given to you for a meal, without waiting for its cooking; but enter when you are invited; and when you have had the meal, disperse, not seeking to engage in talk; that hurts the Prophet, but he feels shy of you, but God feels not shy of the truth. And when you ask them (his wives) for any object, ask them from behind a curtain; that is cleaner for your hearts and their hearts; and it is not for you to hurt the Messenger of God, nor to marry his wives after him ever; that would be a grave thing in God's sight.(53)
- Whether you show a thing or hide it, surely God knows everything.(54)
- There is no blame on them (Prophet's wives) concerning their fathers, their sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, and what their right hands own; but fear God (you Prophet's wives); surely God is witness over everything.(55)
- God and His angels bless the Prophet; O Believers, bless you him, and pray him peace.(56)
- Those who hurt God and His Messenger, God has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment.(57)
- And those who hurt the Believing men and Believing women, without their having earned it, they have surely taken upon them a calumny and a manifest sin.(58)
- O Prophet, say to thy wives, thy daughters and the women of the Believers to draw their veils close to them; that is more likely that they will be known and not hurt; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(59)
- If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is sickness, and the agitators in the city do not give over, We shall urge thee against them, and then they will not remain therein as thy neighbours but little;(60)
- accursed, they shall be seized wherever they are come upon, and slaughtered all.(61)
- It was God's tradition with those who have passed away before, and thou shalt never find God's tradition changing.(62)
- They ask thee concerning the Hour. Say, `the knowledge of it is only with God;' and what shall make thee know if the Hour may be near!(63)
- God has cursed the unbelievers and has prepared for them a Blaze,(64)
- to dwell therein for ever, not finding any protector or helper.(65)
- On the day when their faces are turned about in the Fire, they shall say, `Ah, would that we had obeyed God and obeyed the Messenger.'(66)
- And they shall say, `our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs and our big ones, and they led us astray from the way.(67)
- Our Lord, give them double the punishment, and curse them with a big curse.'(68)
- O Believers, be not like those who hurt Moses, but God cleared him of what they said; and he was high-honoured with God.(69)
- O Believers, fear God, and speak the words that hit the mark,(70)
- He will set right your works and forgive you your sins; and whoso obeys God and His Messenger, has surely achieved a mighty triumph.(71)
- We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they refused to take it and feared it, but man took it; he was surely wrong-doer and utterly ignorant __(72)
- that God may punish the hypocrites, men and women, and idolaters, men and women; and God may turn to the Believers, men and women; and God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(73)
SABA (34)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 54 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Praise belongs to God, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and praise will be His in the Hereafter; and He is the Wise, the Aware.(1)
- He knows what enters into the earth and what comes forth from it, what comes down from the heaven and what goes up into it; and He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.(2)
- And the unbelievers say, `the Hour shall not come upon us'. Say, `no, by my Lord, who knows the unseen, it will surely come upon you; not the weight of an atom in the heavens or in the earth escapes from Him, and not anything smaller or greater than that is there but it is in a clear Book,(3)
- that He may recompense those who believe and do righteous deeds; theirs shall be forgiveness and a generous provision.(4)
- And those who strive to frustrate Our signs, theirs shall be punishment of a painful scourge.(5)
- And those who are given the knowledge see that what has been sent down to thee from thy Lord is the truth, and guides to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. (6)
- And the unbelievers say, `shall we point out to you a man who will tell you that when you have been utterly broken into pieces, you shall be in a new creation?(7)
- Has he forged a lie against God, or is he possessed?' Not so; those who do not believe in the Hereafter are under punishment and in far error.(8)
- But have they not considered what lies before them and what lies behind them of the heaven and earth? If We will, We would make the earth to swallow them, or drop down fragments of the heaven on them; in that is surely a Sign for every penitent servant.(9)
- And We gave David bounty from Us: `O mountains and birds, echo God's praises along with him'; and We softened iron for him: (10)
- `make thou coats of mail, and measure thou well the links, and act you right; I see what you do.'(11)
- And to Solomon, (We subjected) the wind whose morning course was of a month and evening course of a month, and We made the fount of molten brass flow for him. And of the jinn, some worked before him by the leave of his Lord. And (We said,) `whoso swerved from Our command, We would let them taste the punishment of the Blaze.'(12)
- They made for him what he would __ of the arsenals, statues, porringers like water-troughs, and anchored cooking pots: __ `work, O House of David, thankfully,' and few among My servants are thankful.(13)
- Then, when We decreed death for him, nothing pointed to them of his death but a creature of the earth that ate his staff; then when he fell down, the jinn realized that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in the humiliating punishment.(14)
- For Sheba there was a Sign in their dwelling place __ two gardens, one on the right and one on the left: `Eat of your Lord's provision, and give thanks to Him; a good land and a Forgiving Lord.'(15)
- But they turned aside, so We loosed on them devastating flood and gave them, in exchange for their two gardens, two gardens bearing bitter fruit and tamarisk, and some few lote-trees.(16)
- That We recompensed them for their ingratitude; and do We so recompense any but the ungrateful?(17)
- And We had set between them and between the cities that We had blessed visible towns, and We had determined the journey between them: `Journey through them, by night and day, in security.'(18)
- But they said, `our Lord, prolong the stages of our travel,' and they wronged themselves; so We made them as tales and broke them utterly to pieces. Surely in that are Signs for every steadfast, thankful man.(19)
- And Iblis proved true his opinion about them, and they followed him, except a section of the Believers.(20)
- Yet he had no authority over them, except that We might know him who believes in the Hereafter, from him who is in doubt of it; and thy Lord is Guardian over everything.(21)
- Say, `call on those you assert apart from God; they do not possess as the weight of an atom in the heavens or in the earth, and they have no partnership in them, and He has no supporter among them'.(22)
- And intercession does not profit with Him, except for him to whom He gives leave; till when terror is removed from their hearts, they will say, `what was it that your Lord said?' They will say, `the truth; and He is the High, the Great.'(23)
- Say, `who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?' Say, `God, and either we or you are on guidance, or in clear error.'(24)
- Say, `you shall not be questioned about the sins we commit, nor shall we be questioned as to what you do.'(25)
- Say, `our Lord will bring us together, then decide between us with truth; and He is the All-decider, the Knowing'.(26)
- Say, `show me those you have joined to Him as associates? No indeed, He is God, the Mighty, the Wise.'(27)
- And We have not sent thee, but to entire mankind, as a bearer of good news and as a warner, but most men do not know(28).
- And they say, `when shall this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?'(29)
- Say `you have the appointment of a Day that you shall neither put back, nor bring forward by an hour?'(30)
- And the unbelievers say, `we will not believe in this Qur'an, nor in what is before it.' Ah, if thou couldst only see when the wrongdoers are stationed before their Lord, casting balance on one another. The oppressed will say to the arrogant, `had it not been for you, we would have been believers.'(31)
- The arrogant will say to the oppressed, `was it we who barred you from the guidance after it had come to you? No, rather you indeed were sinners'.(32)
- And those that were oppressed will say to the arrogant, `no, but by devising night and day, you bid us to disbelieve in God and to make compeers to Him.' And they will conceal their remorse when they see the punishment; and We put fetters on the necks of the unbelievers. Shall they be recompensed except for what they have been doing? (33)
- And We did not send any warner to a city but its affluent men said, `we disbelieve in the Message you have been sent with.'(34)
- And they said, `we are more abundant in wealth and children, and we shall not be punished.'(35)
- Say, `surely my Lord outspreads and straitens the provision for whom He will, but most men do not know.'(36)
- And it is not your wealth nor your children that shall bring you in nearness to Us, but he who believes and acts right, for them shall be the double recompense for what they did, and they shall be secure in the lofty chambers.(37)
- And those who strive to frustrate Our Signs, they shall be arraigned into the punishment.(38)
- Say, `my Lord outspreads and straitens the provision for whom he will of His servants; and whatever thing you expend, He will replace it; and He is the best of the providers.'(39)
- And on the day when He shall muster them all together, then He shall say to the angels, `was it you that they were serving?'(40)
- They shall say, `Holy be Thee! Thou art our Protector, apart from them! No, but they were serving the jinn; most of them were believers in them' __ (41)
- `So to-day, you have no power to profit or hurt one another.' And We shall say to the wrongdoers, `taste the punishment of the Fire which you were giving lies to.'(42)
- And When Our clear sings are recited to them, they say, `this is naught but a man who desires to bar you from that your fathers served'; and they say, `this is only a forged lie'. And the unbelievers say of the truth, when it has come to them, `this is not but a clear sorcery.'(43)
- But We gave them no Books to study, and We did not send any warner to them before thee.(44)
- And those that were before them also cried lies, and they did not attain a tenth of what We gave them, yet they gave lies to My Messengers; then how was My denial!(45)
- Say, `I give you but one admonition, that you stand to God by twos and individually, then ponder; your companion has no madness; he is only a warner to you before a terrible punishment.'(46)
- Say, `any wage that I ask of you, that is yours; my wage is only upon God; and He is witness over everything.'(47)
- Say, `my Lord hurls the truth __ the All-knowing of the Unseen.' (48)
- Say, `the truth has come, and the falsehood neither begins nor repeats'.(49)
- Say, `if I am astray, then I am astray only against myself, and if I am guided, it is due to what my Lord reveals to me; He is Hearing and Near.'(50)
- And if thou couldst see when they are terrified, and there is no escape, and they are seized from a place, nearby;(51)
- and they say, `we believe in it'; but how can they attain from a place far away,(52)
- when they denied it before, and were guessing at the Unseen from a place, far away.(53)
- And a barrier is placed between them and what they desire, as was done with their types before; they are surely in a disquieting doubt.(54)
The Originator
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 45 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Praise be to God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, who appoints the angels, as messengers, having wings, two, three and four. He adds to creation as He will; surely God is powerful over everything.(1)
- Whatever mercy God opens to mankind, there is none to withhold it, and whatever He withholds, there is none to release it after Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(2)
- O mankind, remember God's blessing upon you. Is there any creator, other than God, who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? There is no god but He; how are you then perverted?(3)
- And if they give lies to thee, then Messengers before thee were also given lies to; and to God are all matters returned.(4)
- O mankind, God's promise is true, so let not the present life delude you, and let not the Deluder delude you regarding God.(5)
- Surely the Devil is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy; he calls his faction only, that they may be among the people of the Blaze.(6)
- Those who disbelieve, for them shall be a terrible punishment. And those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them shall be forgiveness and a big wage.(7)
- And what of him, whom the evil of his deeds is adorned so that he sees it handsome? But God sends astray whom he will, and guides whom He will; so let not thy soul pass away in regrets for them; surley God knows what they work.(8)
- And God is He who looses the winds, and they stir up a cloud, then We drive it to a dead land, and, with it, revive the earth, after it is dead __ thus is the Uprising.(9)
- If any desires glory, then glory belongs to God altogether; to Him good words go up, and He uplifts the righteous deeds. And those who devise evil deeds for them shall be a terrible punishment; and their device is a thing to perish.(10)
- And God created you of dust, then of a sperm-drop, then He made you pairs. And no female bears nor lays down, but it is in His knowledge. And none, who is given a long life, lives long, nor anything is diminished in his life, but it is in a Book; surely that is easy for God.(11)
- And the two seas are not equal; this is sweet, fresh, to pleasant drink, and that is bitter salt; yet from each, you eat fresh flesh, and bring forth ornaments that you wear; and thou seest the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek of His bounty, and perhaps you will be thankful.(12)
- He makes the night to enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running to a stated term. That is God, your Lord, to whom belongs the kingdom; and those whom you call upon, apart from Him, do not possess even the skin of a date-stone.(13)
- If you call upon them, they do not hear your call; and if they heard, they would not answer you; and, on the Day of Resurrection, they will deny your associating (them with God); and none will tell thee like the One Aware. (14)
- O mankind, you are poor before God, and God __ He is the All-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.(15)
- If He will, He will take you away and bring a new creation;(16)
- and that is no great matter for God.(17)
- And no bearer of load bears the load of another; and if one heavily burdened calls for its load to be carried, not a thing of it will be carried, though he be a near kinsman. Thou warnest only those who fear their Lord, without seeing, and establish the Prayer; and whoso purifies himself, purifies himself for his own good; and to God is the destination.(18)
- And the blind and the seeing man are not equal,(19)
- nor the darkness and the light,(20)
- nor the shade and the torrid heat;(21)
- and the living and the dead are not equal; God makes to hear whom he will; and thou shalt not make to hear those who are in the tombs.(22)
- Thou art not but a warner.(23)
- Surely We have sent thee with the truth, as a bearer of good news and as a warner; and there is no community but a warner has gone among them.(24)
- And if they give thee lies, then those before them gave lies too; their Messengers came to them with the Clear Signs, and the Psalms, and the illuminating Book.(25)
- Then I seized the unbelievers, so how was My denial!(26)
- Hast thou not seen that God sends down water from heaven, and therewith We bring forth fruits of different hues; and in the mountains are streaks, white and red, of different hues and pitch black?(27)
- And men, animals and cattle are similarly of different hues; yet among His servants only the men of knowledge fear God; surely God is Mighty, Forgiving.(28)
- Those who recite the Book of God, and establish the Prayer, and expend of that We have provided them, secretly and openly, look for a commerce that will never perish,(29)
- that He may pay them in full their wages and increase for them out of His bounty; He is Forgiving, Thankful.(30)
- And that We have revealed to thee of the Book is the truth, confirming what is before it; God is surely aware of and sees His servants.(31)
- Then, We bequeathed the Book on those of Our servants whom We chose; now among them is he who wrongs himself, and among them is the lukewarm, and among them is the outstripper in good works, by the leave of God __ that indeed is the great bounty.(32)
- They shall enter Gardens of Eternity, wherein they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold and with pearls, and their dress therein shall be of silk.(33)
- And they shall say, `praise be to God, who has taken away all grief from us; surely our Lord is Forgiving, Thankful,(34)
- who, out of His bounty, has made us to dwell in the Home of Eternity, wherein no toil touches us, nor fatigue.(35)
- And the unbelievers, theirs shall be the Fire of Hell; they shall neither be done with to die, nor its punishment shall be lightened for them; thus We recompense every ungrateful one.(36)
- And they shall cry out there, `our Lord, take us out, and we will do righteousness, other than that we have been doing' __ `What! did We not give you life, long enough to pay heed for him who would pay heed, and the warner also came to you? Now taste, and there is no helper for the wrongdoers?'(37)
- God knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth; He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(38)
- It is He who made you viceroys in the earth; then whoso disbelieves, his unbelief shall stand against him; and their unbelief increases nothing for the unbelievers but hatred with God, and their unbelief increases nothing for the unbelievers but loss.(39)
- Say, `have you seen your associate-gods, whom you call upon, apart from God? Show me what they have created in the earth, or have they any partnership in the heavens; or have We given them a Book so that they are on a Clear Sign from it?' No, but the wrong-doers promise one another nothing but delusion.(40)
- God holds the heavens and the earth, lest they move away; and if they moved, none would hold them after Him; surely He is Penitent, Forgiving.(41)
- And they swore by God their most earnest oaths that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than any one of the communities; but when a warner came to them, it increased them in aversion only __(42)
- showing arrogance in the earth and devising evil; but the evil device encompasses none except its own people. Now are they waiting only for the tradition of the ancients? And thou shalt never find any change in God's tradition, and thou shalt never find any alteration in God's tradition.(43)
- And have they not journeyed in the land and beheld how was the end of those before them, though they were stronger than them in might? And God is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth can frustrate Him; surely He is Knowing, Powerful.(44)
- And if God were to take men to task for what they have earned, He would not leave on the surface (of earth) any creature; but He is deferring them to a stated term; and when their term is come __ then surely God sees His servants.(45)
YASIN (36)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 83
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The
- Ya Sin (Y.S.).(1)
- By the Wise Qur'an,(2)
- thou art surely one of the Envoys,(3)
- on a straight path;(4)
- (it is) the sending down of the Mighty, the Merciful,(5)
- that thou mayest warn a people whose fathers were not warned, and they are unaware.(6)
- The Word has indeed proved true against most of them, so they do not believe.(7)
- We have put fetters on their necks, and they are upto the chins, so their heads are raised up.(8)
- And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, so they do not see.(9)
- And it is equal for them whether thou warn them or warn them not, they will not believe.(10)
- Thou only warnest him who follows the Remembrance and fears the All-merciful without seeing; so give him the good news of forgiveness and a generous wage.(11)
- It is We who give life to the dead and write down what they have forwarded and their marks (that they have left behind;); and everything We have numbered in a clear diary.(12)
- And strike for them a similitude of the people of the town. When Envoys came to it;(13)
- when We sent to them two, and they gave them lies; then We reinforced them with a third, and they said, `we are Envoys to you.'(14)
- They said, `you are not but mortals like us, and the All-merciful has not sent down anything; you are only speaking lies.'(15)
- They said `our Lord knows, we are surely Envoys to you.(16)
- And our duty is not but to deliver the Manifest Message.'(17) They said, `we augur ill of you; if you do not give over, we will stone you, and there shall befall upon you a painful punishment from us'.(18)
- They said, `your augury is with you. Is it because you are being reminded? No, but you are an extravagant people.'(19)
- And there came running from the furthest part of the city a man; he said, `my people, follow the Envoys;(20)
- follow those who do not ask of you any wage, and who are guided.(21)
- And why should not I serve Him who originated me and to whom you shall be returned?(22)
- Shall I take, apart from Him, gods whose intercession, if the All-merciful desires to harm me, shall not avail me in the least, nor will they rescue me?(23)
- In that case I should indeed be clearly astray.(24)
- I believe in your Lord, so hear me.'(25)
- It was said, `enter Paradise.' He said, `ah, would that my people knew,(26)
- how my Lord has forgiven me and has placed me among the honoured.'(27)
- And We did not send down upon his people, after him, any host from the heaven, and We never send down any.(28)
- It was only one Cry, and lo, they were silent and still.(29)
- Woe for the servants! Never a Messenger comes to them but they mock at him.(30)
- Have they not seen how many a generation We destroyed before them, and that they do not return to them?(31)
- And all will be arraigned before Us, altogether.(32)
- And a Sign for them is the dead land that We quickened and brought forth from it grain, whereof they eat.(33)
- And We made therein gardens of palms and vines, and therein We caused fountains to gush forth,(34)
- that they may eat of its fruit, and their hands did not make it; so will they not be thankful?(35)
- Holy be He, who created all the pairs of what the earth produces, and of themselves, and of what they do not know.(36)
- And a Sign for them is the night; We strip off the day from it, and lo, they are in darkness.(37)
- And the sun moves on its resting place, that is the ordaining of the Mighty, the Knowing.(38)
- And the moon, We have ordained for it stages, till it returns like an old palm bough.(39)
- It behoves not the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day; and all are floating in an orbit.(40)
- And a Sign for them is that We carried their offspring in the laden ship,(41)
- and We have created for them the like of it whereon they ride.(42)
- And if We will, We may drown them, then they have none to cry to, nor are they rescued,(43)
- except as a mercy from Us and enjoyment for a time.(44)
- And when it is said to them, `fear what is before you and what is behind you, that you may find mercy.'(45)
- Yet no Sign of the signs of their Lord comes to them but they turn away from it.(46)
- And when it is said to them, `expend of what God has provided you,' the unbelievers say to the Believers, `shall we feed him whom God, if the willed, would have fed? You are but clearly astray!' (47)
- And they say, `when shall this promise come to pass, if you are truthful?'(48)
- They are waiting only for one Cry which will seize them, while they will yet be disputing.(49)
- Then they will not be able to make a testament, nor will they return to their families.(50)
- And the Trumpet shall be blown, then lo, they are sliding down from the tombs to their Lord.(51)
- They say, `woe to us! Who has raised us from our sleeping place?' __ `This is what the All-merciful promised, and the Envoys spoke the truth.'(52)
- It was only one Cry, then lo, they are all arraigned before Us.(53)
- So today no soul shall be wronged in the least, and you shall not be recompensed except for what you have been doing.(54)
- Today the inhabitants of Paradise are busy in rejoicing;(55)
- they and their wives are in the shades, reclining on couches;(56)
- for them therein are fruits and whatever they call for.(57)
- `Peace' is the word from a Merciful Lord.(58)
- `And, today, get yourselves apart, O Sinners!(59)
- Did I not make covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not serve the Devil; surely he is on open enemy to you;(60)
- and that you shall serve Me __ this is a straight path.(61)
- And he led astray big multitudes of you; did you not then
- understand?(62)
- Here is Hell, that you were promised.(63)
- Enter it today, for you disbelieved.(64)
- Today We set a seal on their mouths, and their hands speak to Us, and their feet bear witness to what they have been earning.(65)
- And if We will, We would have obliterated their eyes, then they would race to the path, but how would they see?(66)
- And if We will, We would have transformed them in their place, then they would not be able to go forward, nor return.(67)
- And to whom We give long life, We reverse him in constitution; do they not understand?(68)
- And We have not taught him poetry, and it is not becoming of him. It is only a Remembrance and a plain Reading (Qur'an),(69)
- that he may warn him who is alive, and that the Word may prove true against the unbelievers.(70)
- And did they not see that We have created for them of that Our hands made __ cattle, and now they are their masters.(71)
- And We have subdued them to them, so that some of them they ride, and some they eat.(72)
- And they have (other) uses in them and also beverages; so will they not be thankful?(73)
- Yet they have taken gods, apart from God, that they may be helped.(74)
- They are not able to help them, and they will be their hosts that will be arraigned.(75)
- So let not their talk grieve thee; We know what they conceal and what they make public.(76)
- And has not man seen that We created him of a sperm-drop? Then, lo, he is an open disputant?(77)
- And he has struck for Us a similitude, and has forgotten his creation; he says, `who will quicken the bones when they are decayed?'(78)
- Say, `He, who originated them the first time, will quicken them; and He knows every creation;(79)
- He who made for you, out of the green tree, fire, then lo, from it you kindle'.(80)
- Is not He, who created the heavens and the earth, able to create the like of them? Yes indeed; for He is the All-creator, the Knowing.(81)
- His command, when He desires a thing, is only to say to it, `Be', and it is. (82)
- So Holy be He, in whose hand is the control of everything, and to whom you shall be returned.(83)
The Rangers
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 182 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By those that range in ranks,(1)
- then scare to terrify,(2)
- then recite the Remembrance,(3)
- your God is surely One;(4)
- the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what between them is, and the Lord of the Easts.(5)
- We have adorned the nearer heaven with the adornment of the planets,(6)
- and to guard against every rebel devil;(7)
- they cannot listen to the High Council, for they are pelted from every side,(8)
- to be repelled, and for them is a perpetual punishment,(9)
- but any who snatches away a point, a shining flame follows him.(10)
- Now ask them to pronounce: `are they stronger in constitution or (others) that We have created? We created them from a sticky clay.(11)
- No, but thou wonderest, and they scoff;(12)
- and when reminded, do not pay heed;(13)
- and when they see a Sign, would scoff;(14)
- and they say, `this is not but clear sorcery.(15)
- What! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up?(16)
- What! and our ancient fathers?'(17)
- Say, `yes, and in all lowliness.'(18)
- For it shall be only a single scare, then lo, they are watching.(19)
- And they say, `woe to us; this is the Day of Recompense.'__ (20)
- `This is the Day of Decision, that you were giving lies to.'(21)
- `Muster the wrong-doers, and their wives, and what they were serving,(22)
- apart from God, and guide them to the path of Hell.(23)
- But halt them, for they are to be questioned: (24)
- `What ails you, that you do not help one another?'(25)
- No, today, they have resigned themselves in submission.(26)
- And of them some advance on others, asking questions.(27)
- They say, `you used to come to us from the right side.'(28)
- Those say, `no, but you yourselves were not believers,(29)
- and we had no authority over you; no, you were a transgressing people.(30)
- Now our Lord's Word is realized against us, we have to taste it.(31)
- We did pervert you, for we ourselves were perverts.'(32)
- So, on that day, they all will be sharers in the punishment.(33)
- Thus We deal with the sinners.(34)
- When it was said to them `there is no god but God', they used to show arrogance,(35)
- and said `shall we forsake our gods for a mad poet?'(36)
- `No, he brought the truth and confirmed the Envoys.(37)
- Now you shall be tasting the painful punishment;(38)
- and you shall not be recompensed except accordign to what you were doing'.(39)
- But God's exclusive servants; __ (40)
- for them shall be a known provision __(41)
- fruits; and they shall be high-honoured,(42)
- in the gardens of bliss,(43)
- sitting upon couches, face to face.(44)
- A cup from a fountain, being passed round to them,(45)
- white, delicious to the drinkers,(46)
- no dizziness in it, nor will they be intoxicated by it.(47)
- And with them shall be wide-eyed maidens restraining their glances,(48)
- as if they were covered eggs.(49)
- Then some of them will advance upon others asking questions.(50)
- A speaker out of them will say, `I had a comrade,(51)
- who would say, `art thou really among the conformers?(52)
- What! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we be recompensed?'(53)
- He will say, `will you be looking down?'(54)
- And he looks and sees him in the midst of Hell.(55)
- He says, `by God, thou had almost destroyed me!(56)
- And if it were not my Lord's blessing, I would have been among the arraigned.(57)
- Is it that we shall not be dying,(58)
- except our first death, and we shall not be punished.(59)
- Surely this is the mighty triumph.(60)
- For the like of this, then, let the workers work.'(61)
- Is that better as a hospitality or the tree of cactus?(62)
- We have made it a trial for the wrong-doers.(63)
- It is a tree that comes forth in the root of Hell;(64)
- its spathes are as the heads of the devils.(65)
- They shall surely be eating of it, and of it filling the bellies.(66)
- Then, on top of it, they will be having a brew of hot water.(67)
- Then their return shall be to Hell.(68)
- They found their fathers astray,(69)
- and they are running on their footsteps.(70)
- And, indeed, before them, most of the ancients went astray.(71)
- And We had sent among them warners.(72)
- Then, behold, how was the end of those that were warned,(73)
- except for God's exclusive servants.(74)
- And Noah called to Us; then how excellent were the Answerers!(75)
- And We delivered him and his family from the great distress,(76)
- and We made his offspring the survivors,(77)
- and left for him among the later folk:(78)
- `Peace be on Noah among all the people!'(79)
- Thus We recompense the good-doers.(80)
- He was among Our Believing servants.(81)
- Then We drowned the others.(82)
- And of his party was Abraham.(83)
- When he came to his Lord with a pure heart.(84)
- When he said to his father and his people, `what do you serve?(85)
- Is it a calumny __ gods apart from God __ that you desire?(86)
- What guess you then about the Lord of the world?'(87)
- And he cast a glance at the stars,(88)
- and said, `I am sick.'(89)
- Then they turned away from him, turning their backs.(90)
- And he quietly went to their gods, and said, `will you not eat?(91)
- What ails you, that you do not speak?'(92)
- And he turned upon them, striking with the right hand.(93)
- Then people advanced to him in all haste.(94)
- He said, `do you serve what you hew,(95)
- while God created you, and what you make?'(96)
- They said, `build a building for him and cast him in the furnace.'(97)
- So they desired a guile against him, but We made them the lowest.(98)
- And he said, `I am going to my Lord; He will guide me.' __(99)
- `My Lord, bestow on me one of the righteous.'(100)
- And We gave him good news of a clement boy.(101)
- Then, when he reached the age of running with him, he said, `my son, I see a dream that I sacrifice thee; consider what thou thinkest?' He said, `my father, do as thou art bidden; thou shalt, God willing, find me one of the patient.'(102)
- So when they had surrendered, and he flung him upon his brow,(103)
- We called to him, `Abraham,(104)
- thou hast confirmed the vision; thus We recompense the good-doers.(105)
- Surely this was the manifest trial.'(106)
- And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.(107)
- And We left for him among the later folk: (108)
- `Peace be upon Abraham.'(109)
- So We recompense be good-doers.(110)
- He was among Our Believing servants.(111)
- And We gave him good news of Isaac, a Prophet, one of the righteous.(112)
- And We blessed him and Isaac. Now among their offspring are (both) good-doers and clear self-wrongers.(113)
- And We favoured Moses and Aaron;(114)
- and We delivered them and their people from the great distress;(115)
- and We helped them, so that they were the victors.(116)
- And We gave them the Enlightening Book;(117)
- and We guided them to the Straight Path.(118)
- And We left for them among the later folk:(119)
- `Peace be upon Moses and Aaron!'(120)
- Thus We recompense the good-doers.(121)
- They were among our Believing servants.(122)
- And Elias was among the Envoys.(123)
- When he said to his people, `will you not be godfearing?(124)
- Do you call on Baal, and forsake the Best of the creators __(125)
- God, your Lord, and the Lord of your ancient fathers?'(126)
- But they gave lies to him, so they will surely be arraigned, __(127)
- except for God's exclusive servants.(128)
- And We left for him among the later folk: (129)
- `Peace be upon Elias!'(130)
- Thus We recompense the good-doers.(131)
- He was among Our Believing servants.(132)
- And Lot was among the Envoys.(133)
- When We delivered him and his family altogether,(134)
- except an old woman among those who stayed behind.(135)
- Then We utterly destroyed the others.(136)
- And you indeed pass by them in the morning,(137)
- and in the night; will you not understand?(138)
- And Jonah was among the Envoys.(139)
- When he fled to the laden ship,(140)
- and he cast lots and was among the rebutted.(141)
- Then the whale swallowed him, and he was to blame.(142)
- And had he not been of those that celebrate God,(143)
- he would have remained in its belly, till the day they shall be raised.(144)
- And We cast him on the wilderness, and he was sick;(145)
- and we caused to grow over him a plant of gourd.(146)
- And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more,(147)
- and they believed; so We gave them enjoyment for a time.(148)
- Now ask them for a pronouncement: Has thy Lord daughters and they sons?(149)
- Or did We create the angels females, and they were witnesses?(150)
- Behold, it is out of their calumny that they say,(151)
- `God has begotten'; and they are surely liars.(152)
- Has He chosen daughters above sons?(153)
- What ails you, how do you judge?(154)
- Will you not take heed?(155)
- Or have you a clear authority?(156)
- Then bring your Book, if you are truthful!(157
- And they have set up a kinship between Him and the jinn, while the jinn know that they shall be arraigned __(158)
- Holy be God, above that they describe;(159)
- except for God's exclusive servants.(160)
- Now, you and what you serve,(161)
- you cannot tempt any against Him,(162)
- except him who shall enter the Blaze.(163)
- `And there is none among us but he has a known station;(164)
- and surely we are the rangers;(165)
- and surely we are those that celebrate Him'.(166)
- And they indeed used to say,(167)
- `if only we had a Reminder from the ancients,(168)
- we would have been God's exclusive servants.'(169)
- So they have disbelieved in it, but they will soon know.(170)
- And Our Word has already gone forth to Our servants, the Envoys:(171)
- `Surely they, only they, shall be helped;(172)
- and surely only Our host shall be the victors.'(173)
- So turn away from them for a while,(174)
- and see them, they shall soon see!(175)
- Do they seek to hasten Our punishment?(176)
- But when it lands in their courtyard, how evil will be the morning of those that are warned!(177)
- And turn thou away from them for a while,(178)
- and see; they shall soon see!(179)
- Holy be thy Lord, the Lord of Glory, above that they describe;(180)
- and peace be upon the Envoys;(181)
- and praise be to God, the Lord of the world.(182)
SAD (38)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 88 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Sad (S)__ by the Qur'an, containing the Admonition;(1)
- but the unbelievers are steeped in pride and opposition.(2)
- How many a generation We destroyed before them and they cried, but there was no time to escape. (3)
- And they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among them, and the unbelievers say, `this is a sorcerer and a big liar.(4)
- Has he made all the gods One God? This is indeed a strange thing.'(5)
- And the chiefs among them departed: `move and adhere to your gods; this is a thing to be desired.(6)
- We never heard of this in the last creed; this is nothing but an invention.(7)
- Has the Admonition been sent down on him out of us?' No, they are in doubt of My Admonition. No, they have not yet tasted My punishment.(8)
- Or do they have the treasures of the mercy of thy Lord, the Mighty, the All-bestowing?(9)
- Or is theirs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what between them is? Then let them go up the cords.(10)
- Of all the confederates, the host that is here shall be routed.(11)
- Before them, gave lies the people of Noah, Ad, and Pharaoh __ the holder of the pegs,(12)
- Thamood, the people of Lot, and the men of the Wood __ those were the confederates.(13)
- Everyone gave lies to the Messengers, so my retribution was justified.(14)
- And these are not waiting but for a single blast which will have no break.(15)
- And they say, `our Lord, hasten to us our share before the Day of Reckoning.'(16)
- Bear thou patiently what they say, and mention Our servant, David, the man of might; he was a penitent.(17)
- We subjected With him, the mountains to extoll at evening and sunrise,(18)
- and also the birds, duly mustered; everyone was penitent to Him.(19)
- And We strengthened his kingdom, and gave him wisdom and (power of) decisive speech.(20)
- And has the tale of the litigants come to thee? When they scaled the guarded chamber;(21)
- when they entered upon David, and he was frightened of them; they said, `fear not; as two litigants, one of us has aggressed the other, so judge between us aright, and do not violate, and guide us to the even path.(22)
- This is my brother; he has ninety nine ewes, while I have one ewe; yet he says, `give it to my charge, and he has dominated me in speech.'(23)
- He said, `he has wronged thee in demanding thy ewe to be added to his ewes; and surely many of the partners aggress one another, except those who believe and do righteous deeds __ and how few they are!' And David thought that We had tried him, so he sought forgiveness of his Lord, and fell down on knees, and turned to God.(24)
- So We forgave him that; and indeed he had with Us a near place and a handsome resort. __(25)
- `O David, We have made thee a viceroy in the earth, so judge between men aright, and do not follow caprice, lest it lead thee astray from the way of God; surely those who go astray from the way of God, for them shall be a terrible punishment, for that they forgot the Day of Reckoning'.(26)
- And We have not created the heavens and the earth and what between them is in vain; that is the thinking of the unbelievers; so woe to the unbelievers because of the Fire!(27)
- Or shall We make those who believe and do righteous deeds as those who cause disorder in the earth, or shall We make the godfearing like the lawbreakers?(28)
- A Blessed Book We have sent down to thee, that they may ponder over its signs, and that men of understanding my pay heed.(29)
- And We bestowed on David Solomon; how excellent a servant he was! He was a penitent.(30)
- When the swift standing steeds were presented to him in the evening,(31)
- he said, `I have a liking for the good things more than the remembrance of my Lord' __ till when the sun was hidden behind the veil (he said,)(32)
- `return them to me'; and he started stroking their shanks and necks.(33)
- And We put Solomon to trials, and We cast a body on his throne, then he turned to God.(34)
- He said, `my Lord, forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom that may not befall anyone after me; surely Thou art the All-bestower.'(35)
- So We subjected to him the wind, that softly blew at his command wherever he would go,(36)
- and also the devils, everyone a builder and a diver,(37)
- and others bound in chains.(38)
- `This is Our gift so bestow or withhold without reckoning.'(39)
- And surely he has a near place with Us and a handsome resort.(40)
- And mention Our servant Job; when he called to his Lord, `the Devil has afflicted me with weariness and punishment' __ (41)
- `Stamp thy foot; here is a cool washing place and a drink?'(42)
- And We gave to him his family, and the like of them with them, as a mercy from Us, and a Reminder for men of understanding.(43)
- `And take in thy hand a bundle of bushes and strike with it, and do not break thy oath.' We found him patient; how excellent a servant he was! he was a penitent.(44)
- And mention Our servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob __ men of might and vision.(45)
- We purified them exclusively for the Remembrance of the House.(46)
- And surely in Our sight they are among the chosen and the excellent.(47)
- And mention Ishmael, Elisha and Dhulkifl; for everyone was among the excellent.(48)
- This is an admonition; and surely for the godfearing shall be a handsome resort __(49)
- gardens of eternity, the gates whereof will be opened to them;(50)
- reclining there they will call therein for abundant fruits and drink;(51)
- and with them will be maidens of equal age. who keep their glances restrained __(52)
- `This is what you were promised for the Day of Reckoning.(53)
- This is Our provision to which there will be no end'.(54)
- This for them. And for the insolent, there shall be an evil resort __(55)
- Hell, which they shall enter; how evil the cradle!(56)
- This, so let them taste it __ boiling water and pus;(57)
- and other things, many kinds of its type.(58)
- `This is a troop rushing in with you; there is no welcome for them; they shall enter the Fire.'(59)
- They will say, `no, it is you for whom there is no welcome; you forwarded it for us; and how evil is the resting place!'(60)
- They will say, `our Lord, whoso forwarded this for us, give him a double punishment in the Fire.'(61)
- And they will say, `how is it with us, that we do not see men whom we counted among the wicked.(62)
- Is it that we took them for a laughing stock, or have the eyes swerved away from them?'(63)
- That surely is the truth __ the wrangling of the inhabitants of the Fire.(64)
- Say, `I am only a warner, and there is no god but God, the One, the Omnipotent,(65)
- the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what between them is, the Mighty, the All-forgiving'.(66)
- Say, `it is a big news,(67)
- from which you are turning away.(68)
- I have no knowledge of the Most High Chiefs, when they dispute.(69)
- This only is revealed to me that I am only a clear warner'.(70)
- When thy Lord said to the angels, `I am creating a mortal of clay.(71)
- And when I have shaped him and breathed in him of My spirit, fall you down to him in prostration'.(72)
- So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them, altogether,(73)
- except Iblis; he showed arrogance, and was among the unbelievers.(74)
- God said, `O Ibis, what prevented thee from prostrating thyself before that I created with My hands? Did you show arrogance or art thou of the high ones?'(75)
- He said, `I am better than he; Thou createdst me of fire and createdst him of clay'.(76)
- God said, `now get thou out from here, for thou art accursed.(77)
- And upon thee shall rest My curse till the Day of Recompense'.(78)
- He said, `my Lord, respite me till the Day they shall be raised'.(79)
- God said, `thou art among the respited,(80)
- until the Day of the Known Time'.(81)
- He said, `by Thy glory, I shall pervert them all together,(82)
- except Thy exclusive servants out of them.'(83)
- God said, `the truth is, and the truth I speak,(84)
- I shall certainly fill Hell with thee and with those who among them follow thee, all together.'(85)
- Say, `I do not ask of you any wage for it, and I am no pretender.(86)
- It is not but a Reminder for all people.(87)
- And you shall surely know its news after a while.'(88)
The Companies
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 75 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The sending down of the Book is from God, the Mighty, the Wise.(1)
- We have sent down to thee the Book with the truth, so serve God, making obedience sincerely His.(2)
- Behold, to God is due sincere obedience but those who take protectors apart from Him, (say) `We only serve them that they may bring us in nearness to God.' God shall judge between them concerning that wherein they differ; surely God does not guide any thankless liar.(3)
- Had God desired to take to Him a son,He would have chosen, out of what He creates, whatever He willed __ Holy is He. He is God, the One, the Omnipotent.(4)
- He created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He wraps the night about the day, and wraps the day about the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon; everyone runs for a stated term. Behold, He is the Mighty, the All-forgiving.(5)
- He created you of one soul, then, from it, He made its mate, and He sent down for you eight kinds of cattle. He creates you in your mothers' wombs, creation after creation, in three sets of darkness. That is God your Lord, to whom belongs the kingdom. There is no god but He; how are you then turned about?(6)
- If you are ungrateful, God is All-sufficient, in no need of you, yet He is not pleased with ingratitude in His servants. And if you are grateful He likes it in you. And no laden soul bears the load of another. Then to your Lord shall you return, and He will tell you what you have been doing; He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(7)
- And when an affliction touches man, he calls on his Lord turning to Him; then when He confers on him a blessing from Him, he forgets that he was calling to before, and assigns compeers to God to lead astray from His way. Say, `enjoy life with thy unbelief a little; thou art surely of the inhabitants of the Fire.'(8)
- Or is he who shows obedience in the watches of the night, prostrating himself and standing, and is afraid of the Hereafter and hopes for the mercy of his Lord? Say, `are those who know and those who do not know equal?' Yet only men of understanding pay heed.(9)
- Say, `O My servants who believe, fear your Lord; for those who do good shall be good in this world; and God's earth is vast; the steadfast will surely be paid their wages in full without reckoning.'(10)
- Say, `I have been commanded to serve God, making obedience sincerely His;(11)
- and I have been commanded to be the first of those who surrender.'(12)
- Say, `I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a mighty day.'(13)
- Say, `it is God whom I serve, making obedience sincerely His;(14)
- and let you serve what you will, apart from Him.' Say, `surely the losers are they who give loss to themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Behold, that is the manifest loss'.(15)
- For them shall be shadows of the Fire above them, and shadows underneath them; that it is wherewith God frightens His servants __ `O My servants, fear Me!'(16)
- And those who avoid serving the idols and turn to God, for them is a good news; so give thou good news to My servants,(17)
- those who listen to the Word, then follow the fairest of it. Those are the ones whom God has guided, and those are the men of understanding.(18)
- And he against whom the word of punishment has been realized, shalt thou deliver him who is in the Fire?(19)
- But those who fear their Lord, for them shall be lofty chambers, with lofty chambers built above them, rivers flowing underneath them; it is God's promise; God shall not fail the appointment.(20)
- Hast thou not seen that God has sent down from heaven water, and has threaded it as springs in the earth, then He brings forth therewith crops of diverse hues, then they wither, and thou seest them turning yellow, then He makes them broken straw? In that is surely an admonition for men of understanding.(21)
- Is then he whose breast God has expanded for Surrender (Islam), and he is under a light from his Lord? Woe then to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God; those are clearly astray.(22)
- God has sent down the fairest discourse, a Book with verses resembling and oft-repeated, at which the skins of those who fear their Lord shiver; then their skins and their hearts soften to the remembrance of God. That is God's guidance whereby He guides whom He will; but he whom God sends astray, no guide has he.(23)
- Is then he who guards himself with his face against the evil punishment on the Day of Resurrection __ and it is said to the wrong-doers, `taste what you have been earning'.(24)
- Those that were before them gave lies, then the punishment came upon them from whence they did not apprehend.(25)
- Then God let them taste humiliation in the present life, and the punishment of the Hereafter shall be greater, if they but knew.(26)
- And We have described for mankind, in this Qur'an (Reading), every type of similitude, that they may pay heed;(27)
- it is an Arabic Reading, not having any crookedness in it, that they may be godfearing.(28)
- God describes a similitude: a man in whom disagreeing partners share, and a man wholly belonging to one man; are the two equal in likeness? Praise be to God. No, but most of them have no knowledge.(29)
- Thou shalt die and they shall die;(30)
- then, on the Day of Resurrection, you shall dispute before your Lord.(31)
- Who then, does greater wrong than he who lied against God, and gave lies to the truth when it came to him? Is not in Hell the lodging of the unbelievers?(32)
- And he who brought the truth and confirmed it __ those are the godfearing.(33)
- They shall have with their Lord whatever they will; that is the recompense of the good-doers,(34)
- that God may acquit them of the worst of what they did, and recompense them with their wage for the best of what they have been doing.(35)
- Is not God sufficient for His Servant? And they frighten thee with those apart from Him; but he whom God sends astray, there is no guide for him;(36)
- and he whom God guides, there is none that shall send him astray; is not God Mighty, Vengeful?(37)
- And if thou askest them, `who created the heavens and the earth', they will surely say, `God'. Say, `have you then considered that those whom you call, apart from God __ if God desires any harm for me, shall they remove harm given by Him? Or if He desires to show mercy to me, shall they withhold His mercy?' Say, `God is enough for me; in Him trust those who trust'.(38)
- Say, `O my people, act in your place, I am acting too, and you will soon know(39)
- as to whom comes a punishment that will disgrace him, and upon whom alights a lasting punishment'.(40)
- We have sent down upon thee the Book for mankind with the truth; so whoso follows guidance, it is for himself, and whoso goes astray, he goes astray only against himself; and thou art no caretaker for them.(41)
- God closes the souls at the time of their death, and that which has not died, in its sleep; then He withholds that for which He has decreed death, and sends the other till a stated term; in that are surely signs for a people who ponder.(42)
- Or have they taken intercessors apart from God? Say, `even though they have no power on anything, and no understanding?'(43)
- Say, `God's is the intercession altogether; His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; then to Him you shall be returned'.(44)
- And when God is mentioned alone, the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are seized with aversion; but when those apart from Him are mentioned, they rejoice.(45)
- Say, `O God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the Knower of the unseen and the visible, Thou alone shalt judge between thy servants in that they differ'.(46)
- And if the wrong-doers had all that is in the earth, and the like of it with it, they would offer it to ransom themselves from the evil punishment on the Day of Resurrection; but there would appear to them from God what they never thought of.(47)
- And there would appear to them the evils of what they earned, and that which they mocked at would overtake them. (48)
- Now when harm touches man, he calls unto Us; then, when We confer on him a blessing from Us, he says `I have been given it only because of knowledge'. No, it was a trial, but most of them do not know.(49)
- Those before them have also said so, but what they had earned did not avail them.(50)
- And the evils of what they earned afflicted them; and those who do wrong from among these men, the evils of what they earn shall afflict them too, and they cannot frustrate it.(51)
- And do they not know that God outspreads and straitens the provision for whom He will? In that are surely Signs for a people who believe.(52)
- Say, `O My servants, who have been prodigal against themselves, do not despair of God's mercy; God forgives the sins altogether; surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.(53)
- And turn to your Lord and surrender to Him, before the punishment comes upon you, for then you will not be helped.(54)
- And follow the fairest of that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, before the punishment comes upon you suddenly, when you do not perceive;(55)
- lest a soul should say, `alas for me, in that I neglected duty to God, and I was surely among the scoffers';(56)
- or lest it should say, `if God had guided me, I would have been among the godfearing';(57)
- or lest it should say, when it sees the punishment, `if I had another turn, I would be among the good-doers'.(58)
- `No, My Signs did come to thee, but thou gavest lies to them and showdest arrogance, and wast among the unbelievers'.(59)
- And, on the Day of Resurrection, thou shalt see those, who lied against God, their faces blackened __ `Is not in Hell the lodging of the arrogant?'(60)
- And God shall save the godfearing with their achievement; evil shall not touch them, nor shall they grieve.(61)
- God is the Creator of everything, and He is Caretaker of everything.(62)
- With Him are the keys of the heavens and the earth; and those who disbelieve in the Signs of God, those shall be the losers.(63)
- Say, `is it other than God, then, that you bid me to serve, O you ignorant ones?'(64)
- And it has been revealed to thee, and also to those before thee, `if thou associatest (other gods with God) thy work shall surely fail and thou shalt be among the losers'.(65)
- No, but God do thou serve; and be among the thankful.(66)
- And they have not estimated God in His true estimation; and the earth, on the Day of Resurrection, shall be in His grip altogether, and the heavens shall be rolled up in His right hand; Holy be He, and High exalted, above that they associate.(67)
- And the Trumpet shall be blown and whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth shall swoon, except whom God will. Then it shall be blown again, and lo, they shall stand beholding.(68)
- And the earth shall shine with the light of its Lord, and the Book shall be laid, and the Prophets and the Witnesses shall be brought in, and it shall be decided between them on truth, and they shall not be wronged.(69)
- And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did, for He very well knows what they do.(70)
- And the unbelievers shall be driven to Hell in companies; till when they have come there, its gates will be opened, and its Keepers will say to them, `did not Messengers from among yourselves come to you, reciting to you the signs of your Lord, and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours?' They will say, `yes, but the Word of punishment has ben realised against the unbelievers'.(71)
- It will be said, `enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein forever; how evil is the lodging of the arrogant|!(72)
- And those that feared their Lord shall be driven to Paradise in companies; until when they have come there, and its gates are opened, and its Keepers say to them, `Peace be upon you; you have fared well; enter to dwell therein forever'.(73)
- And they will say, `praise be to God who is true to His promise to us, and has bequeathed on us the earth, to make our dwelling in Paradise wherever we will; So how excellent is the wage of the workers.(74)
- And thou shalt see the angels going about the Throne, celebrating the praise of their Lord; and it will be decided between them on truth, and it will be said, `praise be to God, the Lord of the world.'(75)
AL-MU'MIN (40)
The Believer
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 85 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.).(1)
- The sending down of the Book is from God the Mighty, the Knowing,(2)
- the Forgiver of sins, the Accepter of repentance Terrible in retribution, the Bountiful; there is no god but He; unto Him is the destination.(3)
- None disputes concerning the signs of God except the unbelievers, but let not their going to and fro in the land delude thee.(4)
- Before them, the people of Noah, and many factions after them, gave lies; and every community purposed to seize their Messenger, and they disputed by means of falsehood to rebut the truth thereby, then I seized them __ so how was My retribution!(5)
- And thus the Word of thy Lord was realized against the unbelievers that they are the people of the Fire.(6)
- Those who bear the throne and those round about it, celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him, and they ask forgiveness for the Believers: `our Lord, Thou embracest everything in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repented and followed Thy way, and save them from the punishment of Hell.(7)
- And our Lord, admit them to the gardens of eternity that thou hast promised them, and also those of their fathers, their wives and their offspring who acted right; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise;(8)
- and save them from evils; and whomsoever Thou savest from evils on that day, Thou hast had mercy on him; and that is the mighty triumph.'(9)
- To the unbelievers it shall be pronounced, `God's abhorrence was greater than your own abhorrence of yourselves, when you were called to belief and you disbelieved'.(10)
- They shall say, `Our Lord, Thou hast made us to die twice, and thou hast made us to live twice; now we confess our sins; is there any way to go forth?' __ (11)
- `This is because when God alone was called upon, you disbelieved, but if He was associated with others, you believed; now Judgement belongs to God, the High, the great.'(12)
- It is He who shows you His Signs, and sends down from heaven provision for you; yet none pays heed except him who turns to Him.(13)
- So call to God, making obedience sincerely His, though the unbelievers be averse.(14)
- Exalter of ranks, Lord of the Throne, He casts the Spirit of His Command upon whomsoever of His servants He will, that he may warn (people) of the Day of Meeting,(15)
- the day they will come forth; nothing of theirs shall be hidden from God. `Whose is the kingdom today?' __ ``God's, the One, the Omnipotent.(16)
- Today, every soul shall be recompensed for what it earned; no wrong today; surely God is swift at the reckoning'.(17)
- And warn them of the Approaching Day, when the hearts, choking with anguish, shall be at the throats; and there will be no bosom friend for the wrong-doers, nor any intercessor to be obeyed.(18)
- He knows the treachery of the eyes and what the breasts conceal.(19)
- And God shall decide on truth; and those they call upon, apart from Him, shall not decide anything; surely God is the Hearing, the Seeing.(20)
- And have they not journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? They were stronger than themselves, in might and in leaving traces in the earth, yet God seized them for their sins; and they had none to save them from God.(21)
- That was because their Messengers came to them with the clear signs, but they disbelieved, so God seized them; surely He is Strong and Terrible in Retribution.(22)
- And We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority(23)
- to Pharaoh, Haman and Korah, but they said, `a sorcerer, a big liar'.(24)
- And when he came to them with the truth from Us, they said, `kill the sons of those who have believed along with him, and let their women live'. But the guile of the unbelievers always goes astray.(25)
- And Pharaoh said, `leave me to kill Moses, and let him call to his Lord; I fear that he may not change your religion, or he may not cause disorder to prevail in the land'.(26)
- And Moses said, `I take refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant man, who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning'.(27)
- And a man, a Believer from Pharaoh's folk, who was hiding his belief, said, `will you kill a man because he says, `my Lord is God', and he has brought you the Clear Signs from your Lord? And if he is a liar, his lie shall go against him; and if he is truthful, then some of what he threatens you with, shall befall you; God does not guide him who is extravagant and a liar.(28)
- O my people, today yours is the kingdom, you being dominant in the land, but who will help us against the might of God, if it comes upon us?' Pharaoh said, `I show you only what I see, and I guide you only to the way of rectitude'.(29)
- And he who believed said, `O my people, I fear for you the like of the day of the factions,(30)
- the like of the case of Noah's people, Ad, Thamood, and those after them; and God does not desire wrong for His servants.(31)
- O my people, I fear for you the Day of Calling-out,(32)
- the day when you will turn back, retreating, there being no defender for you against God; and whomso God send astray, there is no guide for him.(33)
- And, of course, Joseph brought you the Clear Signs before, but you did not cease doubting what he brought you; until when he died, you said, `God shall not raise any Messenger after him.' Thus does God sends astray him who is extravagant and a doubter,(34)
- those who dispute concerning the Signs of God without any authority having come to them; very hateful is this in the sight of God and in the sight of the Believers; thus God sets a seal on the heart of every arrogant tyrant'.(35)
- And Pharaoh said, `O Haman, build for me a tower that I may reach the cords,(36)
- the cords of the heavens, and look upon Moses' God, for I think him a liar'. And thus the evil of his deed was adorned for Pharaoh, and he was barred from the way; but Pharaoh's guile was only to perish.(37)
- And he who believed said, `O my people, follow me, and I shall guide you to the way of rectitude.(38)
- O my people, this present life is only an enjoyment, and surely the Hereafter is the House of stability.(39)
- Whoso does an evil deed, he is not recompensed but with the like of it; and whoso, male or female, does a righteous deed, and he is a believer, those shall enter Paradise, wherein they shall be provided without reckoning.(40)
- And O my people, how is it with me, that I call you to salvation, and you call me to the Fire?(41)
- You call me to disbelieve in God, and to associate with Him that of which I have no knowledge, while I call you to the Mighty, the All-forgiving.(42)
- No doubt that what you call me to has no title to be called, in this world or in the Hereafter, and that our return is to God, and that the extravagant are the people of the Fire.(43)
- You will remember what I say to you, and I confide my affair to God; surely God sees His servants'.(44)
- Then God saved him from the evils of their devising, and there fell on Pharaoh's folk the evil punishment _(45)
- the Fire, to which they are presented morning and evening; and on the day the Hour comes: __ `Admit Pharaoh's folk into the most terrible punishment'.(46)
- And when they will dispute with one another in the Fire, the weak will say to those who showed arrogance, `we were your followers; will you now avail us against a part of the Fire?'(47)
- Those who showed arrogance will say, `we are all in it; God has passed judgement between (His) servants'.(48)
- And those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell, `call on your Lord to lessen for us a day of the punishment.'(49)
- They will say, `but did not your Messengers bring you the Clear Signs?' They will say, `yes indeed'. They will say, `then call on; but the call of the unbelievers only goes astray'.(50)
- We shall surely help Our Messengers and the Believers in the present life, and on the day when the witnesses stand forth,(51)
- the day when their excuse shall not profit the wrong-doers, and they shall be cursed and shall have the evil home.(52)
- And We gave Moses the Guidance, and We made the Children of Israel heirs to the Book,(53)
- for a guidance and an admonition for men of understanding.(54)
- So be thou patient, surely God's promise is true; and ask forgiveness for thy mistake, and celebrate the praise of thy Lord at evening and dawn.(55)
- As for those who dispute concerning the Signs of God without any authority come to them, in their breasts is only feeling of greatness which they shall never attain; so seek thou refuge in God; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.(56)
- The creation of the heavens and the earth is greater (a feat) than the creation of mankind, but most men do not know.(57)
- And the blind and the seeing man are not equal, nor are the believers, who do righteous deeds, and the evil-doers; yet little heed you pay.(58)
- The Hour is surely coming, no doubt in it, though most men do not believe.(59)
- And your Lord says, `call upon Me, I will answer you; surely those who show arrogance against serving Me shall enter Hell in all lowliness'.(60)
- God is He who made for you the night that you may have rest in it, and the day to see; surely God is bountiful to mankind, though most men are not thankful.(61)
- That is God, your Lord, the Creator of everything; there is no god but He; how then are you perverted?(62)
- Thus are perverted those who deny the Signs of God.(63)
- God is He who made the earth a resting place for you and the heaven for an edifice, and He shaped you and made your shapes handsome, and provided you with good things. That is God, your Lord: so blessed be God, the Lord of the world.(64)
- He is the Living, there is no god but He, so call upon Him, making obedience sincerely His; praise be to God, the Lord of the world.(65)
- Say, `I am forbidden to serve those you call on, apart from God, since the clear Signs from my Lord have come to me; and I am commanded to surrender to the Lord of the world.(66)
- It is He who created you of dust, then of a sperm-drop, then of a blood-clot, then He brings you forth as a child, that you may then attain your full strength, then that you may become old men __ though some of you die before __ and that you may reach a stated term, haply you will understand.(67)
- It is He who gives life and makes to die; and when He decrees a thing, He only says to it, `Be', and it is.(68)
- Hast thou not seen those who dispute concerning the signs of God; how are they turned about?(69)
- Those who give lies to the Book and to that wherewith We sent Our Messengers; but they will soon know; __ (70)
- when the fetters and chains will be about their necks; they will be dragged(71)
- into the boiling water, and then, in the Fire they will be poured;(72)
- then it will be said to them, `where are those you took as associate-gods,(73)
- apart from God?' They will say, `they are lost to us; no, but we never called on anything before'.(74)
- Thus does God send astray the unbelievers. `That is because you rejoiced in the earth without right, and because you were exultant.(75)
- Enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein forever; and how evil is the resort of the arrogant!'(76)
- So, be thou patient; surely God's promise is true; whether We show thee a part of that We promise them, or We call thee to Us, to Us they shall be returned.(77)
- And We sent Messengers before thee, some of them We have related to thee, and some of them We have not related to thee. And it was not for a Messenger to bring a Sign, except by God's leave; and when God's command comes, it is decided on truth, and there the vain-doers are the losers.(78)
- God is He who made for you the cattle, so that you ride some of them and eat some;(79)
- and you have in them other uses, and through them you attain a need that is in your breasts, and upon them and upon the ships you are carried.(80)
- And He shows you His Signs; then which of God's Signs will you deny?(81)
- Have they not journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? They were more numerous and stronger in might and in leaving traces in the earth than these people, but what they earned did not avail them.(82)
- So when their Messengers came to them with the Clear Signs, they rejoiced in what knowledge they had, and what they mocked at encompassed upon them.(83)
- Then, when they saw Our might, they said, `we believe in God alone, and we disbelieve in that we were associating with Him.'(84)
- But their belief, when they saw Our might, could not profit them; it is God's tradition that has passed before among His servants; and there the unbelievers were losers.(85)
H.M. Prostration
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 54 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.);(1)
- a sending down from the Merciful,(2)
- the All merciful; a Book, whose signs are well-explained, as an Arabic Reading for a people who have knowledge,(3)
- a bearer of good news and a warner; yet most of them have turned aside, and do not give ear.(4)
- And they say, `our hearts are under coverings against that thou callest us to, and in our ears is heaviness, and between us and thee is a veil; so act, we are also acting!'(5)
- Say, `I am only a mortal like you, and to me is revealed that your god is only One God; so remain firm by Him, and ask for His forgiveness. And woe to the idolaters,(6)
- who do not pay the Due _ alms, and who disbelieve in the Hereafter'.(7)
- Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds shall have an unfailing wage.(8)
- Say, `do you disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days, and do you set up compeers to Him? That is the Lord of the world.(9)
- And He set therein firm mountains over it, and placed blessings in it, and determined in it its sustenance in four days; equal to all those who ask.(10)
- Then He turned to the heaven, and it was smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, `come willingly or unwillingly!'(11)
- They said, `we come willingly'. So He determined them as seven heavens in two days, and inspired in every heaven its mandate;' and We adorned the nearer heaven with lamps, and for a guard; that is the ordaining of the Mighty, the Knowing.(12)
- Now if they turn away, then say, `I have warned you of a thunderbolt, like the thunderbolt of Ad and Thamood.'(13)
- When the Messengers came to them from before them and from behind them, saying `Serve not but God', they said, `if our Lord had willed, He would have sent down angels, so we disbelieve in that you have been sent with'.(14)
- Then, as for Ad, they showed arrogance in the land without right, and said, `who is stronger than we in power?' What; did they not see that God who created them was stronger than they in power; but they denied Our signs.(15)
- So We loosed upon them a clamorous wind in days of ill fortune, that We let them taste the punishment of humiliation in the present life; and the punishment of the Hereafter shall be more humiliating, and they shall not find any help.(16)
- And as for Thamood, We guided them, but they preferred blindness to guidance; so the thunderbolt of the punishment of humiliation seized them for that they have been earning.(17)
- And We saved those who believed and were godfearing.(18)
- And on the day, when the enemies of God are mustered to the Fire, and they are duly disposed.(19)
- Till, when they come to it, their ears, their eyes and their skins shall bear witness against them, concerning what they have been doing.(20)
- And they will say to their skins, `why did you bear witness against us?' They will say, `God has given us speech, as He has given speech to everything; and it is He who created you the first time, and to Him you have been returned.(21)
- And you did not cover yourselves that your ears, your eyes and your skins should not bear witness against you, but you thought that God did not know much of what you were doing.(22)
- And that thought of yours, that you had about your Lord, ruined you, and so you have become of the losers?'(23)
- Now if they endure, the Fire shall be their resort; and if they ask for favour, they are not of those whom favour is shown.(24)
- And We had assigned to them comrades who adorned for them what was before them and what was behind them, so the Word against them has been realized as it was for the communities of men and the jinn that passed away before them; surely they were the losers.(25)
- And the unbelievers say, `do not listen to this Reading (Qur'an), but talk non-sense during it, that you may win'.(26)
- So We shall make the unbelievers taste terrible punishment, and shall recompense them for the worst that they were doing.(27)
- That is the recompense of God's enemies __ the Fire; for them therein will be the eternal home; a recompense for that they denied Our Signs.(28)
- And the unbelievers shall say, `our Lord, show us the jinn and the men that led us astray, and we shall trample them under our feet that they may be among the lowest'.(29)
- Those who say, `our Lord is God', then they stand firm on it, the angels descend on them, (saying), `do not fear, nor grieve, and have good news of Paradise that has been promised to you.(30)
- We are your friends in the present life and in the Hereafter; and for you therein shall be whatever your souls desire, and for you therein shall be whatever you call for __(31)
- a hospitality from One Forgiving, Merciful.'(32)
- And who speaks fairer than he who calls to God and does righteousness, and says,' I am of those that surrender?'(33)
- And the good and the evil are not equal; repel with that which is the fairest, and the one between whom and thee is enmity shall be as if he were a bosom friend.(34)
- But none is given it except those who are patient, and none is given it except one having big fortune.(35)
- And if a provocation from the Devil provokes thee, seek refuge in God; He is the Hearing, the Knowing.(36)
- And of His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; do not prostrate yourselves to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate yourselves to God who created them, if Him you serve.(37)
- And if they show arrogance, then those who are with thy Lord extol Him day and night, and do not grow weary.(38)
- And of His Signs is that thou seest the earth humble; then when We send down water upon it, it quivers and swells; surely He who quickens it shall quicken the dead; He is powerful over everything.(39)
- Those who blaspheme Our signs are not hidden from Us. Is then he who shall be cast into the Fire better or he who shall come secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do what you will, He sees what you do.(40)
- Those who disbelieve in the Remembrance, when it has come to them __ and it is surely a Mighty Book,(41)
- to which falsehood does not come from before it nor from behind it; it is a sending down from One Wise, Praiseworthy.(42)
- Nothing is being said to thee, except what has been said to the Messengers before thee; surely thy Lord is the One who forgives and who gives painful retribution.(43)
- And had We made it a Reading (Qur'an) in a foreign language, they would have surely said, `why are not its signs explained? What! a foreign language and an Arab?' Say, `it is a guidance and a healing to the Believers; but those who do not believe, in their ears is heaviness, and to them it is a blindness; those are called from a distant place.(44)
- And We gave Moses the Book, but differences were created in it; and if a Word from thy Lord had not gone forth, it would have been decided between them; and they are surely in a disquieting doubt about it.(45)
- Whoso does righteousness, it is for himself, and whoso does evil, it is against him; and thy Lord is no tyrant to (His) servants.(46)
- To Him is referred the knowledge of the Hour. And no fruit comes forth from its sheaths, and no female bears or delivers, but it is in His knowledge. And on the day when He shall call to them, `where are My associates,' they shall say, `we declare to Thee, there is no witness among us.'(47)
- And those whom they called upon before shall be lost to them, and they will think they have no place of escape. (48)
- Man is not tired of praying for good, and if evil touches him, he is despaired, desperate.(49)
- And if We let him taste mercy from Us after hardship has touched him, he will surely say, `this is for me and I do not think the Hour will be coming, and even if I am returned to my Lord, I will surely have the best reward with Him.' But We will surely tell the unbelievers what they did, and We will let them taste a harsh punishment.(50)
- And when We bless man, he turns away and withdraws aside; and when evil touches him, lo, he is full of long prayers.(51)
- Say, `have you considered, if it is from God, then you disbelieve in it, who is more astray than he who is in far opposition?'(52)
- We shall show them Our Signs in the horizons and in themselves, till it is clear to them that it is the truth; but does it not suffice regarding thy Lord, that He is witness over everything?(53)
- Behold, they are in doubt regarding the meeting with their Lord. Behold, He encompasses everything.(54)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 53 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim; Ain Sin Qaf (H.M.A.S.Q.)(1-2).
- So reveals to thee, and to those before thee,(3)
- God, the Mighty, the Wise. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and He is the High, the Mighty.(4)
- The heavens would almost be rent above them, but the angels celebrate the praise of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on earth. Behold! God __ He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.(5)
- And those who have taken to them protectors apart from Him, God is guard over them, and thou art no caretaker for them.(6)
- And so We have revealed to thee an Arabic Reading (Qur'an), that thou mayest warn the Mother-City and those (living) about it, and thou mayest warn of the Day of Gathering, wherein is no doubt; a party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blaze.(7)
- And if God had willed, He would have made them one community, but He admits to His mercy whom He will; and the wrongdoers, they have no protector, nor a helper.(8)
- Or have they taken protectors apart from Him? But God __ He is the Protector, and He quickens the dead, and He is powerful over every-thing.(9)
- And in whatever you differ, its judgement belongs to God. That is God, my Lord, in whom I put my trust, and to whom I turn.(10)
- The Originator of the heavens and the earth, He has made for you out of yourselves pairs, and out of the cattle pairs, whereby He multiples you. Nothing is like Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.(11)
- To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth; He outspreads and straitens the provision for whom He will; surely He knows every-thing.(12)
- He has laid down for you of the religion, as He charged Noah with, and that We have revealed to thee, and that We charged Abraham, Moses and Jesus with: `Establish the Religion and be not divided in it'. Hard upon the idolaters is to which thou callest them; God chooses to Himself whom He will, and He guides to Himself who turns to him.(13)
- And they divided not but after the knowledge had come to them, being insolent to one another; and if a Word had not gone forth from thy Lord until a stated term, it would have been decided between them; those who were made to inherit the Book after them are surely in a disquieting doubt about it.(14)
- So, to this thou call, and stand firm, as thou art commanded; and do not follow their caprices; and say, `I believe in what God has sent down of the Book, and I have been commanded to do justice between you; God is our Lord and your Lord; for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds; there is no argument between us and you; God will bring us together; and to Him is the destination.'(15)
- And those who argue concerning God after His call has been answered, their argument is null and void in the sight of their Lord, and they are under wrath, and for them shall be a terrible punishment.(16)
- God is He who has sent down the Book and the Balance, with the truth; and what shall make thee know if the Hour is nearby!(17)
- Those who do not believe in it, seek to hasten it, but those who believe are fearful of it, for they know that it is the truth. Behold, those who doubt the Hour, they are astray far away.(18)
- God is courteous to His servants, provides to whom He will; and He is the Strong, the Mighty.(19)
- Whoso desires the tillage of the Hereafter, We shall give him increase in his tillage, and whoso desires the tillage of this world, We shall give him some of it, but he will have no share in the Hereafter.(20)
- Or do they have associate-gods who have laid down for them some religion which God has not permitted? But for the Word of Decision, it would have been decided between them; and for the wrong-doers, there shall be a painful punishment.(21)
- Thou shalt see the wrong-doers fearful because of what they have earned, but it shall fall on them. And those who believe and do righteous deeds shall be in meadows of the gardens; they shall have, whatever they will, with their Lord; that is the great bounty.(22)
- That indeed is the good news that God gives to His servants, who believe and do righteous deeds. Say, `I do not ask of you a wage for this, except love of the kinship'. And Whoso earns a good deed We shall give them increase in goodness; surely God is Forgiving, Thankful.(23)
- Or do they say, `he has forged a lie against God'? But if God will, He may set a seal on thy heart; and God blots out the falsehood, and verifies the truth by His Words; surely He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(24)
- And it is He who accepts repentance from His servants, and pardons the evils; and He knows what you do;(25)
- and He answers those who believe and do righteous deeds, and gives them increase of His bounty; and the unbelievers, for them shall be a terrible punishment.(26)
- And if God had expanded the provision for His servants, they would have rebelled in the earth; but He sends down in measure what He will; He is aware of and sees His servants.(27)
- And it is He who sends down the rain, after they have despaired, and spreads out His mercy; and He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.(28)
- And of His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and such creatures that He has scattered abroad in them; and He is powerful to gather them when He will.(29)
- And whatever affliction befalls you, it is due to what your hands have earned, and He pardons much.(30)
- And you cannot frustrate (Him) in the earth; and you have, apart from God, no protector or helper.(31)
- And of His Signs are the ships like banners on the sea.(32)
- If He will, He would still the wind and they would be motionless on its back; in that are surely Signs for every steadfast, thankful man;(33)
- or He would wreck them for what they have earned, but He pardons much;(34)
- and He knows those who dispute regarding Our signs; they have no place of escape.(35)
- So whatever thing you are given is the comfort of the present life, but what is with God is better and more lasting for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord;(36)
- and those who avoid major sins and indecencies, and when they are angry, forgive;(37)
- and those who answer their Lord, and establish the Prayer; and their affair is by counsel between them;(38)
- and they expend of that We have provided them; and those who, when aggression is made against them, avenge themselves.(39)
- And the recompense of an evil is a like evil, yet whoso pardons and makes amends, his wage is upon God; surely He does not love the wrong-doers.(40)
- And whoso avenges himself after he has been wronged, those__ there is no way open against them.(41)
- The way is open only against those who do wrong to the people, and transgress in the earth without right; those, for them shall be a painful punishment.(42)
- And whoso shows patience and forgives, that is surely an act of resolution in the affairs.(43)
- And whomso God sends astray he has no protector after Him; and thou shalt see the wrong-doers, when they see the punishment, saying, `is there any way to return?'(44)
- And thou shalt see them brought before it, humbled due to abasement, looking with a stealthy glance. And the Believers shall say, `the losers are those who gave loss to themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.' Behold, the wrong-doers are in a lasting punishment.(45)
- And they have no protectors, apart from God, to help them; and whomso God sends astray, no way has he.(46)
- Answer your Lord, before there
- comes from God a day that shall not be turned back; there shall be, on that day, no shelter for you, and no denial by you.(47)
- But if they turn away, then We have not sent thee as a guard over them; thine is only to deliver the Message. And when We let man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices in it; and if some evil befalls them because of what their hands have forwarded, then surely man is unthankful.(48)
- To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He creates what He will; He gives to whom He will females, and He gives to whom He will males;(49)
- or He couples them both males and females; and He makes whom He will barren; He is Knowing, Powerful.(50)
- And it is not for a mortal that God should speak to him, except by revelation, or from behind a veil, or should send a messenger, and he reveals by His leave, what He will; surely He is High, Wise.(51)
- And like that, We have revealed to thee a Spirit of Our Command. Thou knewest not what the Book was, nor the Belief; but We have made it a light whereby We guide whom We will of Our servants; and surely thou guidest to a straight path,(52)
- the path of God, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Behold, to God are destined all affairs.(53)
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 89 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.).(1)
- By the clear Book,(2)
- We have made it an Arabic Reading (Qur'an) that you may understand;(3)
- and it is in the Mother-Book with Us, exalted(4)
- indeed and wise. But shall We take away the Remembrance from you, because you are an extravagant people?(5)
- And how many a Prophet did We send among the ancients!(6)
- And no Prophet came to them, but that they mocked at him.(7)
- Then We destroyed the strongest in valour among them, and the example of the ancients has already passed.(8)
- And if thou askest them, `who created the heavens and the earth,' `they will surely say, `the Mighty, the Knowing created them';(9)
- He who made the earth a cradle for you, and made in it paths for you, that you may find the way;(10)
- and who sent down from heaven water in measure; then We revived thereby a dead land; thus shall you be brought forth.(11)
- And who created all kinds of things, and made for you such ships and cattle on which you ride,(12)
- that you may be seated on their backs, then, when you are seated on them, remember your Lord's blessing, and say, `Holy be He, who has subjected this to us, for we were not equal to it;(13)
- and surely we should be returning to our Lord.'(14)
- Yet they have made some of His servants a part of Him; surely man in clearly unthankful.(15)
- Or has He taken, from what He has created, daughters for Himself, and chosen for you sons?(16)
- But when any of them is given the good news of what he has likened to the All-merciful, his face gets darkened, and he is choked.(17)
- What! one who is brought up amid ornaments, and who in altercation is not clear?(18)
- And they have made the angels, who are the servants of the All-merciful, females. Did they witness their creation? Their witness shall be written down, and they shall be questioned.(19)
- And they say, `had the All-merciful willed, we would not have served them.' They have no knowledge of that; they only conjecture.(20)
- Or did We give them a Book before this, and they are holding fast to it?(21)
- No, but they say, `we found our fathers on a system, and we are guided on their foot-prints.'(22)
- And similarly, We did not send before thee any warner to a city but its affluent men said, `we found our fathers on a system, and we are following on their foot-prints.'(23)
- He said, `even if I should bring you a better guidance than you found your fathers on?' They said, `we disbelieve in what you have been sent with.'(24)
- Then We took vengeance upon them, and see how was the end of those who cried lies.(25)
- And when Abraham said to his father and his people, `I am quit of that you serve,(26)
- except Him who originated me, and He will guide me.'(27)
- And he made it a word to last in his posterity, that they might return.(28)
- No, but I gave these and their fathers comforts, until there came to them the truth and a manifest Messenger.(29)
- But when the truth came to them, they said, `this is sorcery, and we disbelieve in it.'(30)
- And they said, `why have this Qur'an not been sent down on some great man of the two cities!'(31)
- Is it they who divide the mercy of thy Lord? It is We who have divided between them their livelihood in the present life, and have raised some of them above others in rank, so that some of them may take others in service; and the mercy of thy Lord is better than what they amass.(32)
- And were it not that mankind would become one community, We would have made for those who disbelieve in the All-merciful, the roofs of their houses, and the stairs whereon they mount,(33)
- and doors of their houses and the couches whereon they recline,(34)
- of silver and ornamental; and but all that is only the comfort of the present life; and the Hereafter with thy Lord is for the godfearing.(35)
- And he who blinds himself to the Remembrance of the All-merciful, We assign to him a devil and he becomes his comrade.(36)
- And they bar them from the way, yet they think that they are guided.(37)
- Until, when he comes to Us, he will say (to the comrade), `would that there had been between me and thee the distance of the two Easts!' How evil is the comrade!(38)
- `But since you committed wrong, it shall not profit you today; you are partners in the punishment.'(39)
- Wilt thou then make the deaf to hear, or guide the blind and him who is clearly astray?(40)
- Whether We take thee away, We shall take vengeance upon them;(41)
- or We shall show thee what We have promised them, for We have power over them.(42)
- So hold thou fast to that revealed to thee; surely thou art on a straight path.(43)
- And it is surely a Reminder to thee and to thy people; and you shall soon be questioned.(44)
- And ask those of Our Messengers that We sent before thee, `have We appointed, apart from the All-merciful, any gods to be served?'(45)
- And We sent Moses with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs and he said, `I am a Messenger of the Lord of the world.'(46)
- Then, when he brought them Our Signs, they laughed at them.(47)
- And whatever Sign We showed them it was greater than its sister Sign; and We seized them with punishment, that they might return.(48)
- But they said, `O sorcerer, pray to thy Lord for us by the covenant He has made with thee, and we shall surely follow guidance.'(49)
- But when We removed from them the punishment, they broke the pledge.(50)
- And Pharaoh announced to his people, `my people, is not the kingdom of Egypt and these rivers flowing beneath me, mine? Do you not see?(51)
- Or am I not better than this one, who is contemptible and can hardly express clearly?(52)
- And why have the bracelets of gold not been given to him, or angels come with him conjoined?'(53)
- Thus he made his people unsteady, and they obeyed him; surely they were a people of trangressors.(54)
- So, when they displeased Us, We took vengeance on them, and drowned them all together;(55)
- and We made them a thing of the past, and an example for the later people.(56)
- And when the son of Mary is mentioned as an example, thy people cry out against him.(57)
- And they say, `are our gods better or he?' They cite him to thee only for a dispute; no, they are a quarrelsome people.(58)
- He was only a servant whom We blessed and made him an example for the Children of Israel.(59)
- And if We will, We would surely make some of you as angels to be successors in the earth.(60)
- But indeed it is a knowledge of the Hour, so do not have doubt concerning it, and follow me; this is a straight path.(61)
- And let not the Devil bar you; he is a clear enemy to you.(62)
- And when Jesus came with the clear Signs, he said, `I have brought you Wisdom, and that I may make clear to you some of that in which you differ; so fear God and obey me.(63)
- Surely God, He is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him; this is a straight path.'(64)
- But the factions among them differed; so woe to the wrongdoers because of punishment of a painful day.(65)
- Are they looking only for the Hour, that it should come upon them suddenly, when they do not perceive?(66)
- The friends on that day shall be enemies to one another, except the godfearing.(67
- `O My servants, today there is no fear on you nor will you grieve __(68)
- you who believed in Our signs and surrendered __(69)
- Enter Paradise you and your wives, joyfully.'(70)
- There shall be passed around them plates and cups made of gold and therein shall be all that the souls desire and the eyes delight. `And you shall dwell therein forever;(71)
- and this is the Paradise that you have been given in inheritance for that you were doing.(72)
- Here you have fruits in plenty whereof you will eat.'(73)
- As for the sinners, they shall dwell in the punishment of Hell forever;(74)
- it shall not be relaxed for them, and they shall despair there.(75)
- And We wronged them not, instead they themselves were the wrongdoers.(76)
- And they shall call, `O malik (master), let thy Lord make an end of us'; he shall say, `you shall be staying.'(77)
- We have brought you the truth but most of you are averse to the truth.(78)
- Or have they settled some affair? Then we are also settling?(79)
- Or do they think that We do not hear their secret and their conspiracy? No, Our messengers with them are writing it down.(80)
- Say, `if the All-merciful had a son, I would be the first to serve.(81)
- Holy be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne, above that they describe.(82)
- So leave them to chat and play, till they meet their day which they are promised.(83)
- And it is He who is God in the heaven and God in the earth; and He is the Wise, the Knowing.(84)
- And blessed be He, to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them; and with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Him you shall be returned.(85)
- And those whom they call upon, apart from Him, have no power of intercession, except him who testifies to the truth and that knowingly.(86)
- And if thou askest them as to who created them, they will surely say, `God'; then how are they perverted!(87)
- And his saying is, `my Lord, these are a people who will not believe'. __(88)
- But overlook them, and say, `peace'; they will soon know.(89)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 59 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.);(1)
- By the Manifest Book,(2)
- We have sent it down in a blessed night __ we were surely warning.(3)
- Therein are determined all matters of wisdom,(4)
- as a bidding from Us __ We were surely sending it,(5)
- as a mercy from thy Lord; He is the Hearing, the Knowing,(6)
- the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what between them is __ if you would have faith.(7)
- There is no god but He; He gives life and death; your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers.(8)
- No, but they are playing in doubt.(9)
- So watch for the day when the heaven shall bring a manifest smoke,(10)
- covering the people; __ this is a painful punishment.(11)
- `Our Lord, remove the punishment from us, we are Believers.'(12)
- How can they have the admonition when a clear Messenger has come to them,(13)
- yet they have turned away from him, and said, `a man tutored, possessed.'(14)
- `We are removing the punishment a little, but you will revert.'(15)
- On the day when We shall assault most violently, We shall be taking the vengeance.(16)
- And We tried the people of Pharaoh before them, and a noble Messenger came to them __(17)
- `Deliver to me the servants of God, I am to you a trusted Messenger;(18)
- and do not rise against God, I have come to you with a clear authority;(19)
- and I take refuge in my Lord and your Lord, lest you should stone me;(20)
- and if you do not believe me, go apart from me.(21)
- ' Then he called to his Lord, `these are a sinful people!' __(22)
- `Set thou forth with My servants by night, you shall be followed;(23)
- and leave the sea becalmed; they are a host to be drowned.'(24)
- How many gardens and fountains they left,(25)
- and sown fields and a noble(26)
- station, and comforts in which they rejoiced!(27)
- Thus it was; and We made another people to inherit them.(28)
- And the heaven and the earth did not weep for them, nor were they respited.(29)
- And We delivered the Children of Israel from the humiliating punishment,(30)
- from Pharaoh; he was a high one, among the extravagant.(31)
- And We chose them above all people on knowledge,(32)
- and We gave them Signs wherein was a clear trial.(33)
- Now these people indeed say,(34)
- `it is only our first death, and we shall not be raised.(35)
- Bring us our fathers, if you are truthful.'(36)
- Are they better or the people of Tubba and those before them? We destroyed them; they were surely sinners.(37)
- And We have not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in play.(38)
- We have not created them but with truth, but most of them do not know.(39)
- Surely the Day of Decision is their appointed time, all together,(40)
- the day when a friend shall not avail a friend in the least, nor shall they be helped,(41)
- except him on whom God has mercy; surely He is the Mighty, the Merciful.(42)
- The tree of cactus(43)
- is the food of the sinner;(44)
- like molten copper it shall bubble in the bellies,(45)
- as the bubbling of the boiling water.(46)
- `Take him and thrust him into the midst of Hell;(47)
- then pour over his head punishment of boiling water!'(48)
- `Taste, surely thou art the mighty, the noble.(49)
- This is that which you were doubting.'(50)
- The godfearing shall be in a secure station,(51)
- amidst gardens and fountains,(52)
- wearing silk and brocade, sitting face to face;(53)
- so it will be; and We shall wed them to wide-eyed damsels.(54)
- They, in security, shall call therein for every fruit;(55)
- they shall not taste therein death, except the first death; and He shall save them from the punishment of Hell,(56)
- as a bounty from thy Lord; that indeed is the mighty triumph.(57)
- Now We have surely made it easy in thy language, that they may pay heed.(58)
- So wait; they are waiting too.(59)
Revealed at Mecca Verses: 37 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.). (1)
- The sending down of the Book is from God, the Mighty, the Wise.(2)
- Surely in the heavens and the earth there are Signs for the Believers.(3)
- And in your creation and the creatures that He scatters, there are Signs for a people who have faith.(4)
- And in the alternation of night and day, and the provision that God sends down from the heaven wherewith He revives the earth after it is dead and the turning about of winds, there are Signs for a people who understand.(5)
- Those are the Signs of God that We recite to thee with truth; in what discourse, after God and His Signs, will they believe?(6)
- Woe to every impostor, sinner,(7)
- who hears the Signs of God recited to him, yet persists in arrogance, as if he has not heard them; so give him good news of a painful punishment.(8)
- And when he learns anything of Our Signs, he takes them in mockery; those shall have a humiliating punishment.(9)
- Beyond them is Hell; and what they earned shall not avail them in the least, nor those whom they took as protectors apart from God; and for them shall be a big punishment.(10)
- This is a guidance; and those who disbelieve in the Signs of their Lord, shall have a painful punishment of scourge.(11)
- God is He who has subjected to you the sea, that the ships may sail on it by His command, and that you may seek His bounty, and you might be thankful.(12)
- And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, all from Him; in that are surely Signs for a people who ponder.(13)
- Say to the Believers to forgive those who do not look for the days of God, that He may recompense a people for what they were earning.(14)
- Whoso does righteousness, it is for himself, and whoso does evil, it is against him; then to your Lord you will be returned.(15)
- And We gave the Children of Israel the Book, the Judgement, and the Prophethood, and We provided them with good things, and We exalted them over all people.(16)
- And We gave them Clear Signs of the Affair and they differed not, but after the knowledge had come to them, aggressing against one another; surely thy Lord shall decide between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed.(17)
- Then We put thee on an open way of the Affair, so follow it, and follow not the caprices of those who have no knowledge.(18)
- They shall not avail thee against God in the least; and surely the wrong-doers are the friends of one another; and God is the friend of the godfearing.(19)
- These are clear evidences for men, and a guidance and a mercy for a people who have firm faith.(20)
- Or do those who commit evil deeds think that We shall make them as those who believe and do righteous deeds __ their living and their dying equal? How ill they judge!(21)
- And God has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and that every soul may be recompensed for what it earned, and they are not wronged.(22)
- Hast thou seen him who has taken his caprice to be his god, and God has led him astray, in spite of knowledge, and has set a seal upon his ears and his heart, and has laid a covering on his eyes? Now who shall guide him after God? Will you not then pay heed?(23)
- And they say, `it is only our present life that we die and live, and nothing but Time destroys us; but they have no knowledge of that; they only conjecture.(24)
- And when Our Clear Signs are recited to them, their only argument is that they say, `bring our fathers, if you are truthful.'(25)
- Say, `God gives you life, then makes you to die, then He shall gather you to the Day of Resurrection, whereof is no doubt, but most men do not know.'(26)
- And to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and on the day when the Hour comes, that day the vain-doers shall lose.(27)
- And thou shalt see every community on the knees, every community shall be called to its Book. -Today you shall be recompensed for what you were doing.(28)
- This is Our Book that speaks against you with truth; and We have been recording what you were doing.'(29)
- Now as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord shall admit them to His mercy; that is the clear triumph.(30)
- And as for those who disbelieved; __ `were not My Signs recited to you, but you showed arrogance and you were a sinful people?'(31)
- And when it was said, `God's promise is true, and there is no doubt in the Hour', you said, `we do not know what the Hour is; we think it only a surmise, and we are not at all certain.'(32)
- And the evils of what they did shall appear to them, and what they used to mock at shall encompass them.(33)
- And it shall be said, `today We forget you as you forgot the meeting of this day of yours, and your resort is the Fire, and you have no helpers.(34)
- That is because you took God's Signs in mockery, and the worldly life deluded you'. So to-day they shall not be brought out of it, nor shall they be permitted to make amends.(35)
- So to God belongs the praise, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the whole world.(36)
- And His is the domination in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(37)
The Sand-Dunes
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 35 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Ha Mim (H.M.). (1)
- The sending down of the Book is from God, the Mighty, the Wise.(2)
- We have not created the heavens and the earth and what between them is but with the truth, and for a stated term; but the unbelievers are turning away from what they are warned of.(3)
- Say, `have you considered those you call upon, apart from God? Show me what they have created of the earth, or have they any association in the heavens? Bring me a Book (sent) before this, or any trace of knowledge, if you are truthful?(4)
- And who is further astray than he who calls, apart from God, upon him who shall not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, and they are unaware of their calling.(5)
- And when mankind are mustered, they shall be enemies to them, and shall deny their service.(6)
- And when Our clear signs are recited to them, the unbelievers say of the truth, when it has come to them, `this is a clear sorcery.'(7)
- Or do they say, `he has forged it?' Say, `if I have forged it, you do not have any power to help me against God; He very well knows what you are pressing on; He suffices as a witness between me and you; and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'(8)
- Say, `I am not an innovation among the Messengers, and I do not know what shall be done with me or with you; I only follow what is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner.'(9)
- Say, `have you considered, if it be from God, and you disbelieve in it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel bears witness to its like and believes in it, and you show arrogance? Surely God does not guide a wrong-doing people.' (10)
- And the unbelievers say of the Believers, `if it had been good, they would not have preceded us to it.' And since they are not guided by it, they will say, `this is an old lie.'(11)
- And before it was the Book of Moses for a guide and a mercy; and this is a Book confirming, in Arabic language, that it may warn the wrong-doers, and be a good news for the good-doers.(12)
- Those who say, `our Lord is God,' and then stand firm by it, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve.(13)
- Those are the people of Paradise, dwelling therein forever, as a recompense for that they have been doing.(14)
- And We have charged man to be good to his parents; his mother bears him with pain, and gives birth to him with pain; and his bearing and his weaning is for thirty moths; until, when he reaches his full strength, and reaches forty years, he says, `my Lord, dispose me that I may be thankful for Thy blessing with which Thou hast blessed me and my parents, and that I may do righteousness that pleases thee, and make for me my offspring righteous; I turn to thee and I am of those who have surrendered.'(15)
- Those are they from whom We shall accept the best of what they did and pass over their evil deeds; they are among the people of Paradise; it is the promise of the truth, which they are given.(16)
- But he who says to his parents, `fie upon you; do you threaten me that I shall be brought forth when many generations have passed away before me?' And they call upon God for help __ `woe to thee! believe; God's promise is surely true.' But he says, `these are only the fables of the ancients.'(17)
- Those are the ones against whom the Word has proved true in the communities of the jinn and the men that have passed away before them; they were surely losers.(18)
- And all shall have degrees according to what they did, and so that He may pay them in full for their deeds, and they are not wronged.(19)
- And on the day the unbelievers are presented before the Fire: `you took your good things in your worldly life and drew benefit from them; and today you shall be recompensed with the humiliating punishment, because you showed arrogance in the earth without right, and because you transgressed.'(20)
- And mention the brother of Ad; when he warned his people beside the sand-dunes __ and warners had passed away before him and after him __ (saying) `serve none but God; I fear for you punishment of a mighty day.'(21)
- They said, `hast thou come to pervert us from our gods? So bring us what thou threatens us, if thou art of the truthful.'(22)
- He said, `the knowledge is only with God, and I deliver to you the Message with which I have been sent, but I see you a people that show ignorance.'(23)
- Then, when they saw it as a cloud advancing to their valleys, they said, `this is a cloud that shall give us rain.' __ `No, it is what you sought to hasten, a wind wherein is a painful punishment,(24)
- that will destroy everything by the command of its Lord.' Then there remained nothing to be seen except their dwelling-places; thus do We recompense the sinful people.(25)
- And We had established them in the way We have not established you, and We had assigned to them the ears, the eyes and the hearts, yet their ears, their eyes and their hearts did not avail them in the least, when they denied the signs of God, and that at which they mocked encompassed them.(26)
- And We destroyed the cities about you, and We turned about the Signs that they may return.(27)
- Then why did those whom they had taken as gods, apart from God, not help them to bring them near Him? No, they were lost to them; and that was their calumny and what they had been forging.(28)
- And when We turned to thee a band of jinn giving ear to the Qur'an; and when they were in its presence, they said, `be silent'; and when it was finished, they went back to their people as warners.(29)
- They said, `O our people, we have heard a Book, sent down after Moses, confirming what was before it, and guiding to the truth and to a straight path.(30)
- O our people, answer God's Summoner and believe in Him; He will forgive you some of you sins, and protect you from a painful punishment.(31)
- And whoso does not answer God's Summoner, he cannot frustrate (God) in the earth, and he has no protectors, apart from Him; they are clearly astray.'(32)
- And have they not considered that God, who created the heavens and the earth, and is not wearied by their creation, is powerful enough to give life to the dead? Yes indeed; He is powerful over everything.(33)
- And on the day when the unbelievers are presented before the Fire: `is not this the truth?' They shall say, `yes, by our Lord.' He shall say, `so taste the punishment, for you disbelieved'.(34)
- So have thou patience, as the Messengers of resolute determi-nation showed patience, and do not seek to hasten it for them. On the day they see what they are promised, it shall be as if they had not stayed but an hour of the day. Message is delivered. Shall any be destroyed except the transgressing people?'(35)
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 38 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Those who disbelieved and barred from God's way, God has sent their works astray.(1)
- And those who believed and did righteous deeds, and believed in what is sent down to Muhammad __ and it is the truth form their Lord __ He has acquitted them of their evils and put right their condition.(2)
- That is because those who disbelieved followed falsehood, and those who believed followed the truth from their Lord. Thus does God describe their similitudes for Mankind.(3)
- Now when you meet the unbelievers, strike at their necks. Until, when you have slaughtered them sufficiently, tie fast the bonds; then afterwards (set them free) either by grace or by ransom, till the war lays down its loads __ so it shall be. And if God had willed, He could have avenged Himself upon them, but it was so that He may try some of you by others. And those who are killed in the way of God, He will never send their works astray.(4)
- He will guide them and put right their condition;(5)
- and He will admit them to Paradise, which He has made known to them.(6)
- O Believers, if you help God, He will help you, and will make firm your feet.(7)
- But the unbelievers __ their fate is to perish, for He has sent their deeds astray.(8)
- That is because they are averse to what God has sent down, so He has made their works to go waste.(9)
- Have they not journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? God destroyed them, and the unbelievers shall have the like of it.(10)
- That is because God is the Protector of the Believers, and the unbelievers, there is no protector for them.(11)
- God shall admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens, underneath which rivers flow. And the unbelievers, they enjoy and eat as the cattle eat, and the Fire is their resort.(12)
- And how many a city there was that was stronger than thy city which has expelled thee! We destroyed them, and there was no helper for them.(13)
- Is then he who is upon a Clear Sign from his Lord like him for whom his evil deed is adorned, and they followed their caprices?(14)
- The similitude of Paradise promised to the godfearing (is this): In it are rivers of unstaling water, and rivers of milk of unchanging taste, and rivers of wine, a delight to the drinkers, and rivers of purified honey; and there they shall have every fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord. (Are they) like him who dwells in the Fire forever, and who are given to drink boiling water that tears their bowels asunder?(15)
- And some of them give ear to thee, till, when they go forth from thee, they say to those who have been given knowledge, `what has he said just now?' Those are the ones whose hearts God has sealed and have followed their caprices.(16)
- But those who are on guidance, He increases them in guidance, and gives them their piety.(17)
- Are they only looking for the Hour that should come upon them suddenly? But its tokens have already come; and when it comes upon them, how shall they have their admonition.(18)
- Know that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness of thy shortcomings, and for the Believing men and women; and God knows your moving about and your resort.(19)
- And the Believers say, `why is not a Sura sent down?' But when a well-defined Sura is sent down, and fighting is mentioned therein, thou seest those in whose hearts is sickness, looking at thee with the look of one who faints at death; but preferable for them(20)
- was obedience and a desirable word. Then, when the matter is resolved, it would be better for them if they were true to God. (21)
- And if you turned away, you are likely to cause disorder in the land, and cut off your bonds of blood?(22)
- Those are the ones whom God has cursed, then made them deaf, and blinded their eyes.(23)
- Do they not ponder over the Qur'an, or is it that there are locks on their hearts?(24)
- Those who have turned on their backs, after the guidance has become clear to them, the Devil tempted them and gave them hopes.(25)
- That is because they said to those who are averse to what God has sent down, `we will obey you in some of the affair;' and God knows their secrets.(26)
- But how shall it be, when the angels take them, beating their faces and backs?(27)
- That is because they have followed what angered God, and were averse to His pleasure; so He has made their deeds to go waste.(28)
- Or did those in whose hearts is sickness think that God would not bring to light their malice?(29)
- But if We will, We would show them to thee, then thou wouldst recognise them by their mark; and thou wouldst surely recognise them by the twist of their speech; and God knows your works.(30)
- And We shall surely test you, till We know those of you who struggle and are steadfast and We shall try the news about you.(31)
- Those who disbelieved and barred from God's way, and opposed the Messenger after the guidance had become clear to them, they will not hurt God in the least; and He will make their works to go waste. (32)
- O Believers, obey God and obey the Messenger, and do not make your works to go vain.(33)
- Those who disbelieved and barred from God's way, then died as unbelievers, God will never forgive them.(34)
- So be not slack and do not call for peace; and you shall be the most high, for God is with you, and He will not deprive you of your works.(35)
- The present life is only a sport and a diversion; and if you believe and be godfearing, He will give you your wages, and will not ask of you your wealth.(36)
- If He asks you for it, and presses you, you would be niggardly, and He will bring forth your malice.(37)
- Ha, you are those who are called upon to expend in the way of God, then some of you are niggardly. Whoso is niggardly, he is niggardly only to himself; and God is the All-sufficient and you are the poor. And if you turn away, He will substitute another people, in place of you, then they will not be like you.(38)
AL-FATH (48)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 29 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- We have given thee a clear victory,(1)
- that God may forgive thy shortcomings, both former and later, and complete His blessing upon thee, and guide thee to a straight path,(2)
- and God may help thee with a mighty help.(3)
- It is He who sent down tranquility in the hearts of the Believers that they may add faith to their faith __ and to God belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth; and God is Knowing, Wise __(4)
- that He may admit the Believers, men and women, to gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever, and remove their evils from them __ and that is, in God's sight, a mighty triumph __(5)
- and that He may punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the idolaters, men and women, who think evil thoughts about God. Against them shall be the evil turn of fortune, for God is angry with them, and has cursed them, and has prepared for them Hell, and it is an evil destination!(6)
- And to God belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth; and God is Mighty, Wise.(7)
- We have sent thee as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner,(8)
- that you may believe in God and His Messenger, and assist him, and revere him; and that you may extol God at the dawn and in the evening.(9)
- Those who swear allegiance to thee, they swear allegiance indeed to God; God's hand is over their hands; then whoso breaks his oath breaks it against himself; and whoso fulfils his covenant made with God, He will give him a big wage.(10)
- The Bedouins who lagged behind shall say to thee, `our properties and our families kept us occupied, so pray forgiveness for us.' They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, `who will avail you against God, in the least, if He desires hurt for you or desires profit for you? No, God is aware of what you do.(11)
- No, but you thought that the Messenger and the Believers would never return to their families, and that seemed fair in your hearts, and you thought evil thoughts, and you became a people doomed to perish.'(12)
- And whoso does not believe in God and His Messenger, for such unbelievers We have prepared a Blaze.(13)
- And to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He forgives whom He will, and punishes whom He will; and God is surely Forgiving, Merciful.(14)
- Those who lagged behind will say __ when you set forth after spoils, to take them __ `let us follow you'; they desire to change God's Word. Say, `you shall not follow us; so God said before'. Then they will say, `no, but you are jealous of us'. No, they have not understood except a little.(15)
- Say to the Bedouins who lagged behind, `you shall be called against a people of great might, and you will fight them or they will surrender; then if you obey, God will give you a good wage; and if you turn back as you turned back before, He will give you a painful punishment.'(16)
- There is no blame on the blind, and there is no blame on the lame, and there is no blame on the sick; and whoso obeys God and His Messenger, He will admit him to gardens underneath which rivers flow; and if any turns back, He will give him a painful punishment.(17)
- God was pleased with the Believers, when they were swearing allegiance to thee under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility upon them, and rewarded them with a near victory(18)
- and many spoils, that they will take; and God is Mighty, Wise.(19)
- God promised you many spoils which you will take, so He hastened this to you and restrained the hands of men from you, and that it may be a Sign for the Believers, and He may guide you to a straight path.(20)
- And the other over which you had no power, but God had encompassed it; and God is surely powerful over everything.(21)
- And if the unbelievers had fought you, they would have turned their backs, and then would not find any protector or helper.(22)
- It is God's tradition that has passed before, and thou shalt not find any change in God's tradition.(23)
- And it is He who restrained their hands from you, and your hands from them, in the valley of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them; and surely God sees the things you do.(24)
- They are those who disbelieved and barred you from the Sacred Mosque and detained the Offering, so as not to reach its place of sacrifice. And if it had not been for Believers, men and women, whom you did not know, lest you should trample them and guilt may unwittingly befall you on their account __ that God may admit to His mercy whom He will __ if they had been separated clearly, We would have punished the unbelievers among them with a painful punishment.(25)
- When the unbelievers set up in their hearts fierceness, the fierceness of Days of Ignorance, then God sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and the Believers, and made them adhere firmly to the word of piety, for they had a better right to it and were worthy of it; and God knows everything.(26)
- Surely God has fulfilled His Messenger's vision with truth; you shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if God will, in security, without fear, your heads shaved and hair cut short. He knew what you did not know, so He assigned, apart from that, a near victory.(27)
- It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions; and God suffices as a witness.(28)
- Muhammad is a Messenger of God; and those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers and merciful among themselves; thou seest them bowing, prostrating, seeking bounty and pleasure of God; their mark is on their faces, being the trace of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel; as a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, then it becomes stout, then it rises straight on its stalk, pleasing the sowers that, through them, He may enrage the unbelievers; God promises those, who believe and who, out of them, do righteous deeds, forgiveness and a big wage.(29)
The Apartments
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 18 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Believers, do not advance before God and His Messenger, and fear God; God is Hearing, Knowing.(1)
- O Believers, do not raise your voices above the Prophet's voice, nor be loud in your speech to him, as you are loud to one another, lest your works go waste and you do not perceive.(2)
- Those who keep their voices low in the presence of God's Messenger, those are the ones whose hearts God has tested for godfearing; for them shall be forgiveness and a big wage.(3)
- Those who call to thee from behind the apartments, most of them do not understand.(4)
- And if they had shown patience, till thou comes out to them, it would have been better for them; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(5)
- O Believers, if a transgressor comes to you with a news, make clear, lest you afflict a people in ignorance, and then repent on what you have done.(6)
- And know that among you is the Messenger of God; if he obeys you in much of the affair, you would fall in trouble; but God has endeared to you belief and has adorned it in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you unbelief, transgression and disobedience; those are the right-minded people,(7)
- by God's favour and blessing; God is Knowing, Wise.(8)
- And if two groups of the Believers fight together, put things right between them; then if one of the two aggresses against the other, fight the one that aggresses till it reverts to God's command; then if it reverts, put things right between the two equitably and be just; surely God loves the just.(9)
- The Believes are but brothers; so put things right between your two brothers, and fear God that you may find mercy.(10)
- O Believers, let not a people scoff at another people, it may be they are better than they, nor let women (scoff) at other women, it may be they are better than they. And do not find fault with one another, nor call by nicknames. Giving bad names is transgression after belief, and those who do not repent, they are the wrong-doers.(11)
- O Believers, avoid much of suspicion; some suspicion is a sin; and do not spy, nor backbite one another; does any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother; you would hate it; and fear God; God is All-returning, Merciful.(12)
- O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you races and tribes, that you may know one another; the noblest among you, in the sight of God, is the one most godfearing of you; God is Knowing, Aware.(13)
- The Bedouins say, `we believe.' Say `you do not believe; rather say, `we surrender, for belief has yet not entered your hearts; but if you obey God and His Messenger, He will not diminish you anything of your works; God is Forgiving, Merciful'.(14)
- The Believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger, then doubt not, and struggle with their possessions and their selves in the way of God; those are the truthful ones.(15)
- Say, `would you teach God about your religion; and God knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and God has knowledge of everything?'(16)
- They count it as a favour to thee that they have surrendered. Say, `do not count your surrender as a favour to me; no, but God confers favour upon you, that He has guided you to Belief, if you are truthful.'(17)
- God knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth; and God sees what you do.(18)
Q A F (50)
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 45 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Qaf __ by the Glorious Qur'an; but they wonder that a warner(1)
- has come to them from among themselves, and the unbelievers say, `this is a wonderful thing!(2)
- What! when we are dead and become dust __ that is a far returning!'(3)
- We know what the earth diminishes of them, and with Us is a guarding Book.(4)
- No, they gave lies to the truth when it came to them, and are now in a state of confusion.(5)
- But have they not observed the heaven above them, how We built it, and adorned it, and it has no fissures?(6)
- And the earth, We have spread it out, and cast firm mountains in it, and made to grow in it all kinds of lovely things(7)
- for an insight and an admonition to every penitent servant.(8)
- And We sent down from the heaven blessed water, then made to grow thereby gardens and grain of harvest,(9)
- and tall palm-trees with compact spathes,(10)
- for a provision for the servants; and We revived thereby a dead land __ thus shall is the coming forth.(11)
- Cried lies before them, people of Noah, and the men of Rass, and Thamood,(12)
- and Ad, and Pharaoh, and the brothers of Lot,(13)
- and the men of the Wood, and the people of Tubba; all Cried lies to the Messengers, so My threat was realised.(14)
- Were We wearied by the first creation? NO, but they are in doubt regarding a new creation.(15)
- And surely, We created man and We know what his soul whispers to him, and We are nearer to him than the jugular vein.(16)
- When the two receivers sitting on the right and on the left, receive.(17)
- Not a word he utters, but by him is a ready observer.(18)
- And the stupor of death will comes in truth; this is what thou wast shunning!(19)
- And the Trumpet is blown __ this is the Day of Threat.(20)
- And every soul comes with a driver and a witness;(21)
- `Thou wast heedless of this; now We have removed thy covering from thee, so thy sight today is sharp.(22)
- ' And his comrade says `this is what is ready with me.' __(23)
- `Cast into Hell, (you two) every ungrateful froward,(24)
- hinderer of good, transgressor, doubter,(25)
- who set up with God another god; cast him into the terrible punishment.'(26)
- His comrade says, `our Lord, I did not make him to rebel, but he himself was far astray.'(27)
- God will say, `do not dispute before Me, for I sent you the threat before hand.(28)
- The Word is not changed with Me, and I am no tyrant over My servants.'(29)
- On that day We shall say to Hell `art thou filled up?' And it shall say, `are there any more?'(30)
- And Paradise shall be brought forward to the godfearing, not far off:(31)
- `This is what was promised to you, for every mindful penitent,(32)
- who feared the All-merciful in the unseen, and came with a penitent heart __(33)
- `Enter it in peace! This is the Day of Eternity.'(34)
- For them therein shall be what they will, and with Us shall be yet more.(35)
- And how many a generation We destroyed before them, that was stronger in valour than they, then they searched about in the land: `Is there a place to escape?'(36)
- Surely in this is an admonition for him who has a heart, or gives ear and is observant.(37)
- And We created the heavens and the earth and what between them is in six days, and no weariness touched Us.(38)
- So be thou patient on what they say, and celebrate the praise of thy Lord before the rising of the sun, and before the setting;(39)
- and extol Him during night and at the ends of the prostrations.(40)
- And listen for the day when the caller will call from a nearby place,(41)
- on the day they hear the Cry in truth; this is the Day of Coming Forth.(42)
- It is We who give life and make to die, and to Us is the destination.(43)
- On the day when the earth is split asunder from about them, hastily; that mustering is easy for Us.(44)
- We very well know what they say, and thou art no compeller over them; so remind, by the Qur'an, him who fears My threat.(45)
The Scatterers
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 60 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the forces that scatter wide apart,(1)
- then carry the burden,(2)
- then run with ease,(3)
- then apportion the thing ordained,(4)
- surely that you are promised is true,(5)
- and the Recompense must come to pass.(6)
- By the heaven of the tracks,(7)
- you are at variance in speech,(8)
- and perverted from it is the one perverted.(9)
- Perish the conjecturers,(10)
- who in confusion are forgetful __(11)
- they ask, `when shall be the Day of Recompense?'(12)
- `On the day when they shall be tried at the Fire: (13)
- `Taste your trial! This is what you have been seeking to hasten'.(14)
- The godfearing shall be amidst gardens and fountains,(15)
- taking what their Lord would give them; they were surely good-doers before that.(16)
- Little of the night would they sleep;(17)
- and at dawns they would pray for forgiveness.(18)
- And in their wealth was a right for the beggar and the destitute.(19)
- And in the earth are Signs for those who have faith(20)
- and also in your selves; will you not see?(21)
- And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised.(22)
- So by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, it is as surely true as that you speak.(23)
- Hast the story of the honoured guests of Abraham come to thee?(24)
- When they entered to him, they said, `peace'; he said, `peace; a people unknown!'(25)
- Then he turned to his household and brought a fattened calf,(26)
- and laid it before them, saying, `will you not eat?'(27)
- Then he conceived fear of them. They said, `fear not'. And they gave him good news of a learned boy.(28)
- Then came forward his wife clamouring, and she struck her face, and said, `a barren old woman!'(29)
- They said, `so has thy Lord said; surely He is the Wise, the Knowing.'(30)
- He said, `what is your business, O envoys?(31)
- They said, `We have been sent to a people of sinners(32)
- that We may loose upon them stones of clay,(33)
- marked with thy Lord for the extravagant'.(34)
- Then We brought forth whoso was a Believer in it,(35)
- and We did not find in it another house of those that had surrendered.(36)
- And We left in it a Sign for those who fear the painful punishment.(37)
- And also in Moses, when We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear authority.(38)
- But he, together with his court, turned back, and said, `a sorcerer or a mad man'.(39)
- Then We seized him and his hosts, and cast them into the sea, and he was to blame.(40)
- And also in Ad, when We loosed upon them a devastating wind,(41)
- which left nothing it came upon, but made it as stuff decayed.(42)
- And also in Thamood, when it was said to them, `enjoy for a while!'(43)
- But they turned in disdain from the commandment of their Lord. So the thunderbolt took them,(44)
- while they looked on. Then they could not stand up, nor could defend themselves.(45)
- And the people of Noah before; they were a people of trangressors. (46)
- And the heaven, We built it with might, and We will surely be extending it.(47)
- And the earth, We spread it forth, and how excellent are the smoothers!(48)
- And of everything We created two kinds that you may heed.(49)
- So flee to God; I am from Him a clear warner to you.(50)
- And do not set up with God another god; I am from Him a clear warner to you.(51)
- Even so no Messenger came to those before them but they said, `a sorcerer or a mad man!'(52)
- Have they bequeathed it on? No, they are an insolent people.(53)
- So turn thou away from them, for thou art not to blame.(54)
- And remind, for the Reminder profits the Believers.(55)
- And I have not created jinn and men except that they should serve Me.(56)
- I do not desire of them any provision, and I do not desire that they should feed Me.(57)
- Surely God is the All-provider, the Strong, the Firm.(58)
- The wrong-doers shall have the portion like the portion of their fellows, so let them not seek to hasten Me!(59)
- And woe to the unbelievers, for that day of theirs that they are promised.(60)
AL-TUR (52)
The Mount
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 49 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the Mount,(1)
- and a Book inscribed,(2)
- in a parchment unfolded,(3)
- and the House inhabited,(4)
- and the Roof raised up,(5)
- and the Sea poured forth,(6)
- thy Lord's punishment is sure to fall;(7)
- there is none to avert it.(8)
- On the day when the heaven shakes violently,(9)
- and the mountains move on;(10)
- woe that day to those who cry lies,(11)
- who play in vain talk,(12)
- the day when they shall be thrust into the Fire of Hell: (13)
- `this is the Fire that you were giving lies to;(14)
- is this sorcery, or is it you that did not see? (15)
- Enter it, then have patience or have no patience, it is equal to you; you are being recompensed only for that you were doing.'(16)
- The godfearing will be in gardens and bliss,(17)
- rejoicing in what their Lord has given them; and their Lord shall save them from the punishment of Hell:(18)
- `Eat and drink with wholesome appetite for that you were doing;(19)
- reclining on couches placed in rows;' and We shall couple them with wide-eyed maidens.(20)
- And those who believed, and their offspring followed them in belief, We will join their offspring with them, and We will diminish not for them anything from their work; every man is pledged for what he earned.(21)
- And We will aid them with fruits and flesh, such as their hearts desire.(22)
- They will pass therein a cup to one another, no non-sense talk there, no cause of sin.(23)
- And there will go round them youths, meant for them, as if they were hidden pearls.(24)
- And they will advance to each other, asking questions.(25)
- They will say, `we were before this among our families in fear.(26)
- Then God was gracious to us, and has saved us from the punishment of the burning wind.(27)
- We used to call upon Him before; surely He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.(28)
- Therefore remind. and by thy Lord's blessing, thou art not a soothsayer nor a madman.(29)
- Or do they say, `he is a poet, for whom we await uncertainty of time?'(30)
- Say, `wait, I too am waiting with you'.(31)
- Or does their reasoning bid them to this, or are they a people of rebels.(32)
- Or do they say, `he has invented it?' No, but they do not believe.(33)
- Then let them bring a discourse like this, if they are truthful.(34)
- Or were they created out of nothing, or are they the creators?(35)
- Or did they create the heavens and the earth?(36)
- No, but they have no faith. Or are with them thy Lord's treasures or are they the controllers?(37)
- Or have they a ladder to listen through? Then let their listener bring a clear authority.(38)
- Or has He daughters, and you sons?(39)
- Or dost thou ask them for a wage, and they are weighed down with debt?(40)
- Or is the unseen with them, and they are writing it down?(41)
- Or do they desire to lay a guile?(42)
- But the unbelievers themselves are caught in the guile. Or have they a god other than God? Holy be God, above that they associate!(43)
- And if they see a fragment falling from the heaven, they would say `a cloud piled up!'(44)
- So leave them, till they meet their day, wherein they shall be thunderstruck;(45)
- the day when their guile shall not avail them in the least, nor shall they be helped.(46)
- And surely, for the wrong-doers there shall be a punishment besides that, but most of them do not know.(47)
- And be thou patient for thy Lord's judgement, for thou art before Our eyes; and celebrate the praise of thy Lord when thou risest;(48)
- and extol Him during night, and at the declining of the stars.(49)
AL-NAJM (53)
The Star
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 62 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the star when it plunges,(1)
- your companion is not astray, nor perverted;(2)
- nor does he speak out of caprice.(3)
- It is naught but a revelation revealed,(4)
- which One mighty in power,(5)
- very strong, taught him. He stood poised,(6)
- and he was on the highest horizon;(7)
- then he drew near and was close by,(8)
- and he was two bows' length away, or nearer,(9)
- then He revealed to His Servant what He revealed.(10)
- The heart did not lie in what he saw.(11)
- Will you then dispute with him on what he sees?(12)
- And he saw it another time;(13)
- by the Lote-tree of the extreme end.(14)
- Near it is the Garden of the abode.(15)
- When there covers the Lote-tree(16)
- that which covers, the eye did not swerve, nor transgressed.(17)
- Indeed he saw some of the greatest Signs of his Lord.(18)
- Have you then considered Lat and Uzza,(19)
- and Manat the third, the other?(20)
- Are males for you, and for Him females?(21)
- That then is an unfair division.(22)
- They are not but names that you have given, you and your fathers, for which God has not sent down any authority. They follow only surmise and what the souls desire, while there has come to them guidance from their Lord.(23)
- Or shall man have what he longs for?(24)
- But to God belongs the Last and the First.(25)
- And how many an angel there is in the heavens, whose intercession does not avail in the least, but after God gives leave to whom He will and is pleased.(26)
- Those who do not believe in the Hereafter give the angels female names.(27)
- But they have no knowledge thereof; they only follow surmise; and surmise does not avail against the truth in the least.(28)
- So turn thou from him who turns away from Our Remembrance, and desires only the life of this world.(29)
- That is their ultimate reach in knowledge. Surely Thy Lord very well knows him who has gone astray from His way, and He very well knows him who is guided.(30)
- And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, that He may recompense those who do evil for what they have done and recompense those who do good with the best reward.(31)
- Those who avoid major sins and indecencies, except minor faults; surely thy Lord is All-embracing in forgiveness. He very well know you, when He produced you from the earth, and when you were embryos in your mothers' wombs; so do not ascribe purity to yourselves; He very well knows him who is godfearing.(32)
- Now, hast thou seen him who turned away;(33)
- and he gave a little, then withheld?(34)
- Has he the knowledge of the unseen and so he sees?(35)
- Or has he not been told of what is in the Scrolls of Moses,(36)
- and of Abraham who fulfilled __ (37)
- that no laden soul bears the load of another,(38)
- that there shall be nothing for man except as he laboured, (39)
- and that his labouring shall soon be seen,(40)
- then he shall be recompensed for it with the fullest recompense,(41)
- and that to thy Lord is the final end;(42)
- and that it is He who makes to laugh and makes to weep,(43)
- and it is He who makes to die and makes to live,(44)
- and it is He who creates two kinds, male and female,(45)
- of a sperm-drop when it is spilled,(46)
- and that upon Him rests the second growth,(47)
- and that it is He who gives riches and contentment,(48)
- and that it is He who is the Lord of the Sirius,(49)
- and that it is He who destroyed Ad, the ancient,(50)
- and Thamood, and spared not,(51)
- and Noah's people before; surely they were the biggest wrong-doers and most rebellious.(52)
- And the Subverted City, He struck down;(53)
- then there covered it that which covered.(54)
- Now which of thy Lord's bounties shalt thou dispute?(55)
- This is a warner of the warners of old.(56)
- The Imminent has drawn near;(57)
- there is none, apart from God, to disclose it.(58)
- Do you then wonder at this discourse,(59)
- and laugh, and weep not,(60)
- and you make merry?(61)
- But prostrate yourselves to God and serve Him.(62)
AL-QMAR (54)
The Moon
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 55 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The Hour has drawn near, and the moon is split.(1)
- Yet if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, `a sorcery continuous!'(2)
- And they have cried lies and followed their caprices, but every matter is settled.(3)
- And there have come to them such news that contain a deterrent __(4)
- a Wisdom far-reaching, yet warnings do not avail;(5)
- so turn thou away from them. On the day when the Caller calls to a horrible thing,(6)
- their eyes cast down, they shall come forth from the tombs as if they were scattered locusts,(7)
- rushing to the Caller, with necks outstretched; the unbelievers shall say, `this is a hard day'.(8)
- The people of Noah gave lies before them, and they gave lies to Our Servant, and said, `a mad man', and he was rebuked.(9)
- Then he called to his Lord, `I am overcome, so take vengeance'.(10)
- So We opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring down in torrents,(11)
- and made the earth to burst with springs; and then the waters met for a matter decreed.(12)
- And We carried him on that which was made of planks and nails,(13)
- running before Our eyes; it was a recompense for him who was denied,(14)
- And We have left it as a Sign; now is there any that will pay heed?(15)
- How then were My punishment and My warnings?(16)
- And We have made the Qur'an easy for remembrance; so is there any that will pay heed?(17)
- Ad cried lies. How then were My punishment and my warnings?(18)
- We sent against them a clamorous wind in a day of continuous ill-fortune,(19)
- which plucked up men as if they were stumps of uprooted palm-trees.(20)
- How then were My punishment and My warnings?(21)
- And We have made the Qur'an easy for Remembrance; so is there any that will pay heed?(22)
- Thamood gave lies to the warnings.(23)
- They said, `shall we follow a single mortal, out of us? Then We should be astray and insane.(24)
- Has the Remembrance been cast upon him among us? No, but he is an impudent liar.(25)
- '`Tomorrow they shall know who is the impudent liar.'(26)
- `We are sending the She-camel as a trial for them, so watch thou them and keep patience.(27)
- And tell them that the water is to be divided between them, each drink for each in turn'.(28)
- Then they called their comrade, and he took in hand and hamstrung her.(29)
- How then were My punishment and My warnings?(30)
- We loosed against them a single Cry, and they were like the wattles of a pen-builder.(31)
- And We have made the Qur'an easy for Remembrance; so is there any that will pay heed?(32)
- The people of Lot gave lies to the warnings.(33)
- We loosed a storm of gravel against them except the family of Lot. We saved them at dawn,(34)
- as a blessing from Us; thus We recompense him who is thankful.(35)
- And he had warned them of Our assault, but they doubted the warnings.(36)
- And they solicited of him his guests, but We obliterated their eyes: `Taste now My punishment and My warnings'.(37)
- And by early morning there came upon them a settled punishment:(38)
- `Taste My punishment and My warnings'.(39)
- And We have made the Qur'an easy for Remembrance; so is there any that will pay heed?(40)
- And the warnings came to Pharaoh's folk.(41)
- They gave lies to Our Sign, all of them, so We seized them with the seizing of One mighty, omnipotent.(42)
- Are your unbelievers better than those, or is there an immunity for you in the Scrolls?(43)
- Or do they say, `We are a vengeful host?'(44)
- The hosts shall be routed, and turn their backs.(45)
- No, but the Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour is most calamitous and most bitter.(46)
- Surely the sinners are astray and insane.(47)
- The day when they shall be dragged on their faces into the Fire: `Taste the touch of Hell.'(48)
- Everything We have created in measure.(49)
- And Our command is not but one word, like the twinkling of an eye.(50)
- And We have destroyed fellows like you; now is there any that will pay heed?(51)
- Everything that they have done is in Scrolls,(52)
- And everything, small and big, is recorded.(53)
- The godfearing shall be amidst gardens and rivers,(54)
- on a seat of truth, in the presence of an Omnipotent King.(55)
The All-Merciful
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 78 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The All-merciful,(1)
- He taught the Qur'an;(2)
- He created man,(3)
- and taught him the Explanation.(4)
- The sun and the moon are to a reckoning,(5)
- and the stars and the trees prostrate themselves.(6)
- And the heaven, He raised it high and set the Balance,(7)
- that you may not exceed the Balance.(8)
- And keep the weighing equitable, and do not skimp in the balance.(9)
- And the earth, He set it for (all) the creatures;(10)
- therein are fruits and palm-trees with sheaths,(11)
- and husked grain and fragrant herbs __(12)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (13)
- He created man of a clay, like earthenware,(14)
- and created jinn of a smokeless flame of fire __(15)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (16)
- Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests __ (17)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (18)
- He has let forth the two seas that meet together;(19)
- between them a barrier which they do not overpass __(20)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (21)
- Out of them come forth the pearl and the coral __(22)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (23)
- And His are the ships, that run raised up in the sea like banners __(24)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (25)
- Everyone on it will vanish,(26)
- and there will abide the Person of thy Lord, the Majestic, the Splendid __(27)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? 28)
- Whosoever is in the heavens and the earth beg of Him; every moment He is on some business __(29)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (30)
- We shall soon find time for you, O two masses! __(31)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(32)
- O assembly of jinn and men, if you are able to pass through the confines of the heavens and the earth, pass through; but you shall not pass through except with authority __(33)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (34)
- A flame of fire and brass shall be loosed against you, and you shall not defend yourselves __(35)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(36)
- And when the heaven is split asunder, and turns crimson like red leather __(37)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(38)
- Then, on that day, none shall be questioned about his sin, neither man nor jinn __(39)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(40)
- The sinners shall be known by their mark, and they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet __(41)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(42)
- This is Hell that the sinners gave lies(43)
- to. They shall go round between it and between hot boiling water __(44)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(45)
- And for him who fears to stand before his Lord, shall be two gardens __(46)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (47)
- abounding in branches __(48)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (49)
- Therein shall be two fountains flowing __(50)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will your two deny? __(51)
- Therein shall be two kinds of every fruit __(52)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(53)
- reclining on couches lined with brocade; and the fruits of the two gardens will be near at hand __(54)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (55)
- Therein shall be maidens, restraining their glances, whom none touched before them, neither man nor jinn __(56)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(57)
- As if they are rubies and corals __(58)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (59)
- Is the recompense of goodness any but goodness? __(60)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(61)
- And besides them shall be two gardens __ (62)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(63)
- green, with foliage __(64)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(65)
- Therein shall be two fountains gushing forth __(66)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(67)
- Therein shall be fruits, and date-palms, and pomegranates __(68)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(69)
- Therein shall be maidens, good and lovely __ (70)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(71)
- Houries, confined in pavilions __(72)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(73)
- none touched them before them, neither man nor jinn __(74)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (75)
- reclining on green cushions and lovely carpets __ (76)
- so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(77)
- Blessed be the Name of thy Lord, the Majestic, the Splendid.(78)
The Event
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 96 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the Event befalls __(1)
- none denying that it shall befall __(2)
- abasing, exalting;(3)
- when the earth shall be rocked,(4)
- and the mountains crumbled,(5)
- and become scattered dust,(6)
- and you will be three kinds.(7)
- So Those on the Right, what of Those on the right!(8)
- And Those on the Left, what of Those on the Left!(9)
- And the Outstrippers, yes, the Outstrippers __(10)
- those shall be the near-stationed,(11)
- in the gardens of bliss.(12)
- A multitude among the former,(13)
- a few among the later.(14)
- On jewelled couches,(15)
- reclining on them, facing each other.(16)
- Ever-abiding youths shall be going round them(17)
- with goblets and ewers and a cup from a spring __(18)
- no headache they get by it, nor intoxication __(19)
- and such fruits as they choose,(20)
- and such flesh of fowls as their hearts desire;(21)
- and wide-eyed maidens,(22)
- as the likeness of covered pearls __(23)
- a recompense for that they have been doing.(24)
- Therein they shall not hear any non-sense nor any cause of sin,(25)
- but the words, `Peace, Peace.'(26)
- And Those on the Right, what of Those on the Right __(27)
- they shall be amidst thornless lote-trees,(28)
- and clustered banana-trees,(29)
- spreading shade,(30)
- and gushing water,(31)
- and plentiful fruits __(32)
- neither failing nor forbidden __(33)
- and raised couches.(34)
- We have formed them perfect,(35)
- and made them virgins,(36)
- loving, of like age,(37)
- for Those on the Right __(38)
- a multitude among the former,(39)
- a multitude among the later.(40)
- And Those on the Left, what of Those on the Left;(41)
- they shall be amidst scorching winds and scalding waters,(42)
- and the shadow of black smoke __(43)
- neither cool nor refreshing.(44)
- Before that, they lived at ease,(45)
- and persisted in the Great Sin.(46)
- And they used to say, `is it that when we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up,(47)
- and our ancient fathers?'(48)
- Say, `surely the former and the later folk(49)
- shall be gathered to the appointed time of a known day.(50)
- Then, O you that have gone astray and cried lies!(51)
- you shall eat of a tree of cactus,(52)
- and fill your bellies with it;(53)
- and, on top of that, you shall drink boiling water,(54)
- and drink as drinks the thirsty camel.(55)
- This shall be their hospitality on the Day of Recompense.(56)
- We have created you, then why do you not confirm?(57)
- Have you considered that which you spill?(58)
- Do you create it, or are We the Creators?(59)
- We have decreed death between you, and We cannot be outstripped,(60)
- in that We change your likes, and make you to grow in a form you do not know.(61)
- And you have known the first form, then why do you not pay heed?(62)
- Have you considered that which you sow?(63)
- Do you cause it to grow, or are We the Growers?(64)
- If We will, We would make it broken bits, and you would remain bitterly jesting:(65)
- `We are debt-loaded;(66)
- no, we have been deprived!'(67)
- Have you considered the water you drink?(68)
- Did you send it down from the clouds, or are We the Senders?(69)
- If We will, We would make it bitter; then why do you not give thanks?(70)
- Have you considered the fire that you kindle?(71)
- Did you make its tree to grow, or are We the Growers?(72)
- We Ourselves have made it a reminder and a comfort for the desert-dwellers.(73)
- So extol the Name of thy Mighty Lord.(74)
- But no, I swear by the sites of the stars __(75)
- and that is indeed a mighty oath if you but knew__ (76)
- it is surely a Noble Reading (Qur'an),(77)
- in a Hidden Book,(78)
- which none but purified touch;(79)
- a sending down from the Lord of the world.(80)
- So will you hold such a discourse in disdain,(81)
- and make it your living to give lies to it?(82)
- But why, when the soul reaches the throat,(83)
- and you, at that time, are watching,(84)
- and We are nearer to him than you, though you do not see.(85)
- But why, if you are not in bondage,(86)
- you do not bring it back, if you are truthful?(87)
- Then, if he be of those that are Near-stationed,(88)
- there shall be comfort and fragrance and a garden of bliss.(89)
- And if he be of Those on the Right __(90)
- `peace be upon thee, O one of Those on the Right!'(91)
- And if he be of those that cried lies, and were astray,(92)
- there shall be a hospitality of boiling water(93)
- and the burning in Hell.(94)
- Surely this is the Truth of Certainty.(95)
- So extol the Name of thy Mighty Lord.(96)
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 29 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- All that is in the heavens and the earth extols God; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(1)
- His is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and makes to die; and He is powerful over everything.(2)
- He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of everything.(3)
- It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then took over the Throne; He knows what enters into the earth and what comes out of it; what comes down from heaven and what goes up into it; He is with you wherever you may be; and God sees what you do.(4)
- His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and to Him all matters are returned.(5)
- He makes the night to enter into the day, and makes the day to enter into the night; and He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(6)
- Have faith in God and His Messenger, and expend of that to which He has made you heirs. And those of you who have faith and expend shall have a mighty wage.(7)
- And how is it with you, that you do not have faith in God, when the Messenger calls you to have faith in your Lord, and He has indeed taken compact with you, if you are Believers?(8)
- It is He who sends down upon His Servant clear signs that he may take you out of darkness into the light; and God is surely Kind and Merciful to you.(9)
- And how is it with you, that you do not expend in the way of God, when to God belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth? Not equal are those among you who expended and fought before the victory; those are greater in rank than those who expended and fought afterwards. And to all God has promised the best reward; and God is aware of what you do.(10)
- Who is he that will lend to God a good loan, then He will multiply it for him, and for him shall be a generous wage.(11)
- On the day when thou seest the Believers, men and women, their light running before them and on their right: `Good news for you today __ gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; that is the mighty triumph'.(12)
- On the day when the hypocrites, men and women, shall say to the Believers, `wait for us that we may borrow from you some light;' it will be said, `return to your rear and seek for a light.' And there shall be set up between them a wall having a door; on its inside shall be mercy, and along its outer side punishment.(13)
- They shall call on them, `were we not with you?' They shall say, `yes, but you tempted yourselves, and waited, and doubted, and fancies deluded you, and the Deluder deluded you about God, until God's command came.(14)
- So today, no ransom shall be taken from you, nor from the unbelievers; your abode is the Fire; that is your comrade; and it is an evil destination!'(15)
- Has not the time for the Believers come that their hearts should be humbled to the Remembrance of God and to the Truth that He has sent down, and that they should not be like those who were given the Book before, then the term became long over them, so their hearts became hard; and many of them are transgressors?(16)
- Know that it is God who revives the earth after it is dead. We have explained the Signs for you that you might understand.(17)
- Those men and women who make offerings and lend God a good loan, it shall be multiplied for them, and they shall have a generous wage.(18)
- And those who have faith in God and His Messenger, they are the Truthful and the Witnesses in the sight of their Lord; they shall have their wage and their light. But those who disbelieve and give lies to Our Signs, they are the people of Hell.(19)
- Know that the present life is only a sport and a diversion, and an adornment and a cause for boasting among you, and a rivalry in wealth and children. It is like rain whose vegetation pleases the husbandmen; then it withers and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becomes broken bits. And in the Hereafter, there shall be a terrible punishment, and also forgiveness and pleasure from God; and the present life is not but the stuff of delusion.(20)
- Race to forgiveness of your Lord and a Garden whose breadth is as the breadth of the heaven and the earth, and is prepared for those who believe in God and His Messengers; that is the bounty of God; He gives it to whomsoever He will; and God is Highly Bounteous.(21)
- No affliction befalls in the earth or in yourselves, but it is in a Book before We create it; surely that is easy for God.(22)
- This is so that you may not grieve for what escaped you, nor rejoice in what He has given you; and God does not love any proud, boastful man,(23)
- those who are niggardly and bid men to be niggardly. And if any turns away, then surely God is the All-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.(24)
- We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance, that men should stand by justice; and We sent down iron wherein is terrible might and other uses for mankind, and that God may know him who helps Him and His Messengers in the unseen; surely God is Strong and Mighty.(25)
- And We sent Noah and Abraham, and We kept the Prophethood and the Book in their offspring; now some of them are on right lines, but most of them are transgressors.(26)
- Then, following in their footsteps, We sent Our Messengers, and following them, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel, and We placed in the hearts of his followers tenderness and mercy; but monasticism they invented themselves __ We did not prescribe it for them, except the seeking of God's good pleasure; then they did not observe it as it should be observed; so We gave the Believers among them their wage; but many of them are transgressors.(27)
- O Believers, fear God, and believe in His Messenger, and He will give you a twofold portion of His mercy, and He will appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk, and He will forgive you; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(28)
- It is so that the People of the Book may know that they do not have power over anything of God's bounty, that the bounty is in the hand of God, and He gives it to whom He will; and God is Highly Bounteous.(29)
The Disputing Women
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 22 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- God has heard the talk of her who was disputing with thee concerning her husband, and was complaining to God; and God was hearing your conversation; surely God is Hearing, Seeing.(1)
- Those of you who declare their wives as their mothers, they are not their mothers; their mothers are only those who gave them birth; they surely utter disgusting words and falsehood; yet surely God is Pardoning, Forgiving.(2)
- And those who declare their wives as their mothers, then retract from what they said, they shall set free a slave before they touch each other; by that you are admonished; and God is Aware of what you do.(3)
- But he who does not find it, he shall fast for two successive months, before they touch each other; and he who is not able to do so, let him feed sixty needy persons; this is so that you have faith in God and His Messenger; and these are God's bounds; and for the unbelievers shall be a painful punishment.(4)
- Those who oppose God and His Messenger shall be frustrated as those before them were frustrated, and indeed We have sent down Clear Signs; and for the unbelievers shall be a disgraceful punishment;(5)
- on the day when God shall raise them up all together, He will tell them what they did; God has numbered it, and they have forgotten it; and God is witness over everything.(6)
- Hast thou not seen that God knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth? There is no secret counsel of three but He is the fourth of them, nor of five but He is the sixth of them, nor of fewer than that nor of more but He is with them wherever they may be; then, on the Day of Resurrection, He shall tell them what they did; God knows everything.(7)
- Hast thou not seen those who were forbidden to hold secret counsels; yet they return to that they were forbidden, and they confer secretly in sin, enmity and disobedience to the Messenger. And when they come to thee, they greet thee as God has not greeted thee, and say within themselves, `why does God not punish us for what we say?' Sufficient for them shall be Hell, which they shall enter; how evil is the destination!(8)
- O Believers, when you confer secretly, do not confer in sin, enmity and disobedience to the Messenger, but confer in virtue and godfearing; and fear God to whom you shall be mustered.(9)
- Secret counsel is only of the Devil, that the Believers may be grieved, though he is none to hurt them in the least, except by God's leave; and in God let the Believers put their trust.(10)
- O Believers, when it is said to you, `make room in the assemblies', then make room, and God will make room for you. And when it is said, `rise up', then rise up, and God will raise high in rank those among you who have faith and those who have been given knowledge; and God is aware of what you do.(11)
- O Believers, when you confer secretly with the Messenger, advance an offering before your conferring; that is better and purer for you; however, if you find it not, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(12)
- Are you afraid to advance offerings before your conferring? Now that you have not done so, and God has also turned to you, establish the Prayer and pay the Due-alms, and obey God and His Messenger; and God is aware of what you do.(13)
- Hast thou not seen those who have taken for friends a people upon whom God has been wrathful? They neither belong to you nor to them, and they swear on falsehood and that knowingly.(14)
- God has prepared for them a terrible punishment; how evil things they have been doing.(15)
- They have taken their oaths as a covering, and have so barred from the way of God, so for them shall be a disgraceful punishment.(16)
- Their wealth shall not avail them, nor their children, against God in the least; they are people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.(17)
- On the day when God shall raise them up all together, they will swear to Him as they swear to you and think that they are on something. Behold, they are the liars.(18)
- The Devil has gained mastery over them, and has made them to forget the remembrance of God; they are the Devil's group. Behold, the Devil's group are the losers.(19)
- Those who oppose God and His Messenger, they shall be among the most abject.(20)
- God has written, `I and My Messengers shall be the victors;' surely God is Strong and Mighty.(21)
- Thou shalt not find a people who believe in God and the Last Day, loving those who oppose God and His Messenger, even thought they were their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their clan. Those __ He has written faith on their hearts, and He has strengthened them with a Spirit from Him; and He shall admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow to dwell therein forever; God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him; those are God's group. Behold, God's group are the ones successful.(22)
The Mustering
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 24 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth extols God; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(1)
- He it is who expelled the unbelievers of the People of the Book from their homes at the first mustering; you did not think that they would go forth, and they thought that their fortresses would defend them against God; but God came upon them whence they had not reckoned, and He cast into their hearts such terror that they destroyed their houses with their own hands, and the hands of the Believers; so learn a lesson, O you who have eyes!(2)
- And if God had not prescribed exile for them, He would have punished them in this life. And in the Hereafter they shall have punishment of the Fire.(3)
- That is because they apposed God and His Messenger; and if any apposes God, then God is terrible in retribution.(4)
- Whatever palm-trees you cut down, or left standing on their roots, it was by God's leave, and that He may humiliate the transgressors.(5)
- And whatever spoils God has passed from them to His Messenger, you did not spur any horse or camel against them; but God gives authority to His Messengers over whomsoever He will; and God is powerful over everything.(6)
- Whatever spoils God has passed from the people of the townships to His Messenger, it is for God, for the Messenger and for the near kinsman, orphans, the needy and the traveller, so that it may not go in circuits among your rich; and whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, give over, and fear God; God is terrible in retribution.(7)
- It is for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their possessions, seeking bounty and good pleasure from God, and helping God and His Messenger; they are the truthful ones.(8)
- And those who were settled in the city and in Faith before them, love those who emigrated towards them, and they do not find any need in their breasts for what has been given to them, and prefer them above themselves, though poverty be their lot; and whoso is saved from the greed of his soul __ those are the ones who will prosper.(9)
- And for those who came after them, they say, `Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in Belief, and do not put in our hearts any rancour for the Believers; our Lord, Thou art Kind, Merciful.'(10)
- Hast thou not seen the hypocrites, saying to their brothers __ the unbelievers of the People of the Book __ `if you are expelled, we will go forth with you, and we will never obey anyone in your case; and if you are fought against, we will surely help you'. But God bears witness that they are liars.(11)
- If they are expelled, they will not go forth with them, and if they are fought against, they will not help them; and even if they helped them, they would surely turn their backs, then they would not be helped.(12)
- In fact you arouse greater awe in their hearts than God; it is because they are a people who do not understand.(13)
- They will not fight against you all together, except in fortified towns or from behind the walls; their fighting among themselves is great; thou thinkest them together, but their hearts are scattered; that is because they are a people who have no sense.(14)
- Like those who, shortly before them, tasted the penalty of their affair; and for them was a painful punishment.(15)
- Like the Devil, when he said to Man, `disbelieve'; and when he disbelieved, he said, `I am quit of thee; I fear God, the Lord of the world'.(16)
- So the end of the two was that they are in the Fire, to dwell therein forever; and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers.(17)
- O Believers, fear God, and let a person look to what it has forwarded for the morrow, and fear God; surely God is aware of the things you do.(18)
- And be not as those who forgot God, then He made them to forget themselves; those are the transgressors.(19)
- The inhabitants of the Fire and the inhabitants of Paradise are not equal; the inhabitants of Paradise are the triumphant.(20)
- Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, thou wouldst have seen it humbled and split asunder out of the fear of God; and these similitudes We describe for mankind that they may ponder.(21)
- He is God, except whom there is no god; the Knower of the unseen and the visible; He is the Merciful, the All-merciful!(22)
- He is God, except whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Peaceable, the Securer, the Preserver, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Majestic; Holy be God, above that they associate (with Him)!(23)
- He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper, His are the Names most beautiful; all that is in the heavens and the earth extols Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(24)
The Tested Women
Revealed at Madina,Verses: 13 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Believers, do not take My enemies and your enemies for friends, by offering them love, while they have disbelieved in the truth that has come to you, expelling the Messenger and you, because you believe in God, your Lord. If you go forth to struggle in My way and seek My pleasure, secretly sending them love, and I know what you conceal and what you announce; and whosoever of you does it has indeed gone astray from the even way.(1)
- If they come on you, they will be enemies to you, and will stretch their hands and their tongues against you to do you evil, and they wish if you would disbelieve.(2)
- Your blood relations shall not profit you, nor your children, on the Day of Resurrection, when He will decide between you; and God sees what you do.(3)
- Surely you have a good example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, `we are quit of you and what you serve apart from God; we disagree with you, and enmity and hatred have shown between us and you forever, until you believe in God alone' __ except Abraham's word to his father, `I shall certainly ask forgiveness for thee, though I have no power to do anything for thee against God' __ `Our Lord, in Thee we put our trust, and to Thee we turn, and to Thee is the destination.(4)
- Our Lord, do not make us a temptation to the unbelievers and forgive us, our Lord; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.'(5)
- There was indeed a good example for you in them __ for him who looks to God and the Last Day. And any who turns away, then God is the All-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.(6)
- It may be that God will bring about love between you and those of them with whom you are at enmity; and God is Powerful; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(7)
- God does not forbid you regarding those who have not fought you on account of the Religion, and have not expelled you from your homes, that you should be virtuous to them and be equitable with them; surely God loves the equitable.(8)
- God forbids you only regarding those who have fought you on account of Religion, and have expelled you from your homes, and have given support in your expulsion, that you should take them for friends; and whoso takes them for friends, those are the wrong-doers.(9)
- O Believers, when Believing women come to you, as emigrants, test them; God very well knows their Belief; then if you know them to be Believers, do not return them to the unbelievers; they are not lawful to them, nor are they (the unbelievers) lawful to them; and give them what they have expended. And there is no blame on you if you marry them, when you have given them their dowries. And do not hold to the ties of the unbelieving women, and ask for what you expended; and let them also ask what they expended; that is God's decision; He decides between you; and God is Knowing, Wise.(10)
- And if any of your wives has slipped away from you to the unbelievers, and then you retaliate, give those whose wives have gone away, the like of what they expended; and fear God in whom you believe.(11)
- O Prophet, when Believing women come to thee and take oath of allegiance to thee __ that they will not associate anything with God, nor steal, nor commit fornication, nor kill their children, nor bring a calumny, forging it between their hands and their feet, nor disobey thee in desirable things __ take their oath of allegiance and pray God for their forgiveness; surely God is Forgiving, Merciful.(12)
- O Believers, do not take for friends a people with whom God is wrathful; they have despaired of the Hereafter, as the unbelievers despair of the people in the tombs.(13)
AL-SAFF (61)
The Ranks
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 14 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth extols God; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(1)
- O Believers, why do you say what you do not do?(2)
- Very hateful is it to God that you say what you do not do.(3)
- Surely God loves those who fight in His way in ranks, as if they were a compact building.(4)
- And when Moses said to his people, `O my people, why do you hurt me, when you know that I am God's Messenger to you?' So when they swerved, God made their hearts to swerve; and God does not guide the transgressing people.(5)
- And when Jesus, son of Mary, said, `O Children of Israel, I am God's Messenger to you, confirming what is before me of the Torah, and giving good news of a Messenger who shall come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad'; but when he brought them the Clear Signs, they said, `this is a manifest sorcery.'(6)
- But who does greater wrong then he who forges falsehood against God, while he is called to surrender (Islam)? But God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(7)
- They desire to extinguish the Light of God with their mouths, but God will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers be averse.(8)
- It is He who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may make it to prevail over all religions, though the idolaters be averse.(9)
- O Believers, shall I point out to you a commerce that shall save you from a painful punishment?(10)
- You shall believe in God and His Messenger, and struggle in the way of God with your wealth and your selves; that is better for you if you knew;(11)
- He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to gardens underneath which rivers flow, and to fine residences in the gardens of eternity; that is the mighty triumph;(12)
- and the other thing that you love __ help from God and a near victory; and give thou good news to the Believers.(13)
- O Believers, be God's helpers, as Jesus, son of Mary, said to the disciples, `who will be my helpers towards God?' The disciples said, `we are the helpers of God'; then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved; then We aided the believers against their enemies, and they prevailed.(14)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 11 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth extols God, the King, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise.(1)
- It is He who has raised among the unlettered people a Messenger from among them, to recite to them His signs, to purify them, and to teach them the Book and the Wisdom; __ and before that, they were clearly astray; __(2)
- and to others of them who have not yet joined them; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.(3)
- That is the bounty of God, which He gives it to whom He will; and God is Highly Bounteous.(4)
- The likeness of those who were given to carry the Torah, then they did not carry it, is as the likeness of an ass that carries books. Evil is the likeness of the people who gave lies to the signs of God; and God does not guide the wrong-doing people.(5)
- Say, `O you Jews, if you assert that you are the friends of God, apart from other men, then long for death, if you are truthful.' (6)
- But they will never long for it because of what their hands have forwarded; and God knows the wrong-doers.(7)
- Say, `the death from which you flee shall be meeting you, then you shall be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the visible, then He will tell you what you have been doing.'(8)
- O Believers, when the Call to the Prayer of the Day of Congregation is made, hasten to the remembrance of God and leave trafficking; that is better for you, if you knew.(9)
- Then, when the Prayer is finished, disperse in the land, and seek God's bounty, and remember God much that you may prosper.(10)
- But when they see some merchandise or diversion, they scatter off to it and leave thee standing. Say, `that which is with God is better than diversion and merchandise; and God is the best of providers.'(11)
The Hypocrites
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 11 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the hypocrites come to thee, they say, `we bear witness that thou art God's Messenger', and God knows that thou art indeed His Messenger; but God bears witness that the hypocrites are surely liars.(1)
- They have taken their oaths as a covering, and so bar from the way of God; surely evil is that they do.(2)
- That is because they believed, then disbelieved, then a seal was set on their hearts, so they do not understand.(3)
- And when thou seest them, their bodies please thee; and if they speak, thou listenest to their speech; they are like propped-up timber; they think every Cry is against them; they are the enemy, so beware of them; God perish them; how perverted they are!(4)
- And when it is said to them, `come, God's Messenger will pray for your forgiveness', they twist their heads, and thou seest them holding back in arrogance.(5)
- It is all alike for them whether thou prayest for their forgiveness or dost not pray for their forgiveness; God will never forgive them; surely God does not guide the transgressing people.(6)
- They are those who say, `do not expend on those who are with God's Messenger, till they scatter off;' yet to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand.(7)
- They say, `if we return to the City, the mightier will expel from there the more abased; yet the might belongs to God and to His Messenger and to the Believers, but the hypocrites do not know.(8)
- O Believers, let not your wealth or your children divert you from Cod's remembrance; and whoso does that, they are the losers.(9)
- And expend of that We have provided you, before death comes upon any of you, and he says, `my Lord, if only Thou wouldst defer me to a near term, I would make offerings and be among the righteous.'(10)
- But God will not defer a soul, when its term comes; and God is aware of what you do?(11)
Mutual Loss and Gain
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 18 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- All that is in the heavens, and all that is in the earth oxtols God; His is the kingdom and His is the praise; and He is powerful over everything.(1)
- It is He who created you, then one of you is an unbeliever and one of you is a believer; and God sees what you do.(2)
- He created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and He shaped you, then made your shapes handsome, and to Him is the destination.(3)
- He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you make public; and God knows the thoughts in the breasts.(4)
- Has there not come to you the news of those who disbelieved before, then tasted the penalty of their affair, and for them shall be a painful punishment.(5)
- That is because their Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but they said, `shall mortals guide us?' So they disbelieved, and turned away, but God did not care; and God is All-sufficient, Praiseworthy.(6)
- The unbelievers assert that they will never be raised up. Say, `yes indeed, by my Lord, you shall surely be raised up, then you shall be told what you did; and that is easy for God.'(7)
- So believe in God, and His Messenger, and the Light that We have sent down; and God is aware of what you do.(8)
- On the day when He shall gather you for the Day of Gathering, that shall be the Day of Mutual Loss and Gain; and whoso believes in God and does righteousness, He shall acquit him of his evils, and admit him to gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever and ever; that is the mighty triumph.(9)
- And those who disbelieved and gave lies to Our signs, they shall be the inhabitants of the Fire, to dwell therein forever; and it is an evil destination.(10)
- No affliction befalls but it is by the leave of God; and whoso believes in God, He guides his heart; and God knows everything.(11)
- And obey God and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away, then Our Messenger's (duty) is only to deliver the Clear Message.(12)
- God, there is no god but He; and in God let the Believers put their trust.(13)
- O Believers, among your wives and your children, some are enemies to you, so beware of them; yet if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.(14)
- Your wealth and your children are only a trial; and with God is a mighty wage.(15)
- So fear God as much as you can, and listen and obey and expend, it will be good for yourselves; and whoso is saved from the avarice of his soul, those shall be prosperers.(16)
- If you lend God a good loan, He shall multiply it for you, and forgive you; and God is Thankful, Clement,(17)
- the Knower of the unseen and the visible, the Mighty, the Wise.(18)
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 12 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Prophet, when you people divorce women, divorce them for their period and count the period; and fear God, your Lord; do not expel them from their homes, nor should they go forth, except when they commit flagrant indecency. And those are God's bounds; and he who transgresses God's bounds, has done wrong to himself; thou dost not know that God after that may bring something new to the matter.(1)
- Then, when they have reached their term, retain them desirably or part with them desirably, and call in to witness two just men out of you, and perform the witnessing to God; thus is admonished he who believes in God and the Last Day. And whoso fears God, He will make for him a way out,(2)
- and He will provide him whence he does not imagine; and whoso puts his trust in God, He shall suffice him; God does attain His purpose; God has indeed appointed a measure for everything.(3)
- And those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, and those who have not yet menstruated, their period, if you are in doubt, shall be three months; and for the pregnant women their term shall be that they lay down their burden; and whoso fears God, He will make his affair easy for him.(4)
- That is God's command that He has sent down to you; and whoso fears God, He will acquit him of His evils, and add to his wage.(5)
- Lodge them where you lodge yourself according to your means, and do not press them so as to straiten their life. And if they are pregnant, expend upon them till they lay down their burden; and if they suckle for you, give them their wages, and decide together desirably; and if you have mutual difficulties, then another woman may suckle for him.(6)
- Let the man of plenty expend of his plenty; and he whose provision is straitend to him, let him expend of what God has given him; God does not charge a soul, except for what He has given him; God will make things easy after hardship.(7)
- And how many a city turned in disdain from the commandment of its Lord and His Messengers, then We made a terrible reckoning with it, and We gave it a horrible punishment.(8)
- So it tasted the penalty of its affair, and the end of its affair was loss.(9)
- God prepared for them a terrible punishment, so fear God, O men of understanding __ those who have believed; God has sent down to you a Reminder;(10)
- a Messenger recites to you God's Clarifying Signs that He may bring forth those who believe and do righteous deeds from darkness to light; and whoso believes in God and does righteous deeds, He will admit him to gardens underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever and ever. God has indeed made for him a handsome provision.(11)
- God is He who created seven heavens, and of the earth their like; the command comes down between them that you may know that God is powerful over everything, and that God has encompassed everything in knowledge.(12)
The Forbidding
Revealed at Medina, Verses: 12 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O Prophet, why dost thou forbid what God has made lawful to thee; thou seekest the good pleasure of thy wives; and God is Forgiving, Merciful.(1)
- God has indeed ordained for you the absolution of your oaths; and God is your Protector; and He is the Knowing, the Wise.(2)
- And when the Prophet confided to one of his wives a certain matter; then, when she told of it, and God informed him about it, he made known part of it and turned aside from a part; so when he told her of it, she said, `who told thee of this'; he said, `the One Knowing, the Aware has told me'.(3)
- If you (two) turn to God, for your hearts had inclined; but if you support each other against him, then God is his Protector, and also Gabriel and the righteous among the Believers; and, thereafter, the angels are his supporters.(4)
- It may be that if he divorces you, his Lord may give him in exchange wives better than you __ surrendering, believing, obedient, penitent, serving, journeying, previously married and virgins.(5)
- O Believers, save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel are men and stones, and over which are set harsh, terrible angels, who do not disobey God in what He commands them, and they do what they are commanded.(6)
- `O unbelievers, do not make excuses for yourselves today; you are only being recompensed for what you have been doing.'(7)
- O Believers, turn to God in sincere repentance; it may be that your Lord will acquit you of your evils, and admit you to gardens underneath which rivers flow, on a day when God will not humiliate the Prophet and those who have believed with him; their light shall run before them and on their right; they shall say, `our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us; surely Thou art powerful over everything.'(8)
- O Prophet, struggle against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard with them; and their resort is Hell; and how evil is the destination!(9)
- God gives an example for the unbelievers __ the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot; they were under two of Our righteous servants, but they betrayed them, so they availed them nothing against God, and it was said, `enter the Fire with those who enter.'(10)
- And God gives an example for the Believers __ the wife of Pharaoh; when she said, `my Lord, build for me a house in Thy presence in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his work, and save me from the wrong-doing people.'(11)
- And Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her virginity, so We breathed into it of Our Spirit; and she confirmed the Words of her Lord and His Books, and she was one of the obedient.(12)
AL-MULK (67)
The Kingdom
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 30 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Blessed be He in whose hand is the kingdom, and He is powerful over everything;(1)
- who created death and life, that He may try you which of you is fairest in works; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving,(2)
- who created seven heavens in regions; thou dost not see any disparity in the creation of the All-merciful; return thy gaze; dost thou see any fissure?(3)
- Return thy gaze second time; and thy gaze shall come back to thee, repelled and aweary.(4)
- And We have adorned the nearer heaven with lamps, and made them means to stone the devils, and We have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.(5)
- And for those who disbelieve in their Lord will be the punishment of Hell; and how evil is the destination!(6)
- When they are cast into it, they will hear it roaring, while it boils,(7)
- as if it would burst with fury. Whenever a troop is cast into it, its keepers ask them, `did not a warner come to you?'(8)
- They say, `yes indeed, a warner did come to us, but we cried lies, and said, `God has not sent down anything; you are only gravely astray.'(9)
- And they say, `if we had only listened or had understood, we would not have been among the inhabitants of the Blaze.'(10)
- So they confess their sins; cursed be the inhabitants of the Blaze!(11)
- Surely those who fear their Lord in the unseen, for them shall be forgiveness and a big wage.(12)
- And be you secret in your speech or talk it aloud, He knows the thoughts in the breasts.(13)
- Shall He who created not know? And He is the Subtle, the Aware.(14)
- It is He who made the earth subdued to you, so walk about in its tracts, and eat of His provision; and to Him is the Uprising.(15)
- Do you feel secure that He who is in the heaven will not cause the earth to sink with you, while it shakes?(16)
- Do you feel secure that He who is in the heaven will not loose a storm of gravel against you,? Then you will know how My warning was?(17)
- And indeed those before them also cried lies, then how was My denial?(18)
- And have they not seen the birds above them spreading and closing their wings? Naght holds them except the All-merciful? Surely He sees everything.(19)
- Or who is this that shall be your host, apart from the All-merciful, to help you? The unbelievers are only in delusion.(20)
- Or who is this that shall provide for you, if He withholds His provision? No, but they persist in disdain and aversion.(21)
- Is he who walks prone on his face better guided or he who walks upright on a straight path?(22)
- Say, `it is He who produced you, and made for you ears, eyes and hearts; little thanks you show.'(23)
- Say, `it is He who spread you abroad in the earth and to Him you shall be mustered'.(24)
- And they say, `when shall this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?'(25)
- Say, `the knowledge is only with God, and I am only a clear warner.'(26)
- But when they see it near at hand, the faces of the unbelievers will be in distress, and it will be said, `this is what you have been calling to.'(27)
- Say, `have you considered, if God destroys me and those that are with me, or has mercy on us, who will protect the unbelievers from a painful punishment?'(28)
- Say, `He is the All-merciful; in Him we believe, and in Him we put our trust; and you shall soon know as to who is clearly astray?'(29)
- Say, `have you considered, if your water sinks into the earth, then who would bring you gushing spring water?'(30)
The Pen
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 52 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Nun (N), by the pen and what they write,(1)
- thou art not, by the blessing of thy Lord, a man possessed;(2)
- and for thee is surely an unfailing wage;(3)
- and thou art surely of a magnificent character.(4)
- Now thou shalt see and they shall see,(5)
- which of you is the demented.(6)
- It is thy Lord who very well knows as to who has gone astray from His way, and it is He who very well knows those who are guided.(7)
- So obey thou not those who cry lies.(8)
- They wish that thou shouldst compromise, then they would compromise.(9)
- And do not obey every mean swearer,(10)
- back-biter, one going about with slander,(11)
- hinderer of good, transgressor, sinner,(12)
- rough, thereafter of doubtful birth,(13)
- because he has wealth and sons.(14)
- When Our signs are recited to him, he says, `fables of the ancients'.(15)
- We shall brand him upon the snout!(16)
- We have tried them, as We tried the owners of the garden; when they swore that they would pluck by morning,(17)
- and they made no exception.(18)
- Then a visitant from thy Lord visited it while they were asleep,(19)
- and it was like a garden plucked.(20)
- Now they called to one another in the morning,(21)
- `move early to your tillage, if you would pluck'.(22)
- So they departed, whispering to one another,(23)
- `no needy man should enter it today against your will;'(24)
- and they proceeded early, determined on the purpose.(25)
- Then when they saw it, they said, `we are surely lost;(26)
- no, we have been deprived!'(27)
- The moderate among them said, `did I not say to you, why do you not extol God?'(28)
- They said, `Holy be our Lord; we were wrong-doers'.(29)
- Then they turned, some against others, blaming each other.(30)
- They said, `woe to us, we were surely transgressors.(31)
- May be our Lord will give us better in exchange than it; to our Lord We humbly turn.'(32)
- Such is the punishment; and the punishment of the Hereafter is greater; would that they knew.(33)
- Surely for the godfearing shall be gardens of bliss with their Lord.(34)
- What! shall We make those who surrender like the sinners?(35)
- What ails you, how you judge?(36)
- Or have you a Book in which you study,(37)
- that you shall have therein what you choose?(38)
- Or have you oaths binding on Us, till the Day of Resurrection, that you shall have what you judge?(39)
- Ask them, which of them will guarantee that!(40)
- Or do they have associate-gods? Then let them bring their associate-gods, if they are truthful!(41)
- On the day when the leg shall be bared, and they shall be called to prostrate themselves, and they will not be able;(42)
- humbled their eyes, abasement shall over-spread them; and indeed they were called to prostrate themselves when they were all well.(43)
- So leave Me and him who gives lies to this discourse; We will draw them on, step by step, whence they do not know;(44)
- but I respite them; my guile is sure.(45)
- Or dost thou ask them for a wage, and they are weighed down with debt?(46)
- Or is the unseen with them, and they are writing it down?(47)
- So be thou patient for the judgment of thy Lord, and be not like the Man of the Fish; when he cried, and he was all-choked.(48)
- Had a blessing from his Lord not reached him, he would have been cast upon the wilderness, being blamed.(49)
- But his Lord chose him, and placed him among the righteous.(50)
- And the unbelievers almost strike thee down with their glances, when they hear the Reminder, and they say, `he is surely a man possessed.'(51)
- But it is not but a Reminder for the whole world.(52)
The Inevitable
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 52 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The Inevitable; (1)
- what is the Inevitable; (2)
- and what will teach thee what is the Inevitable!(3)
- Thamood and Ad gave lies to the Clatterer!(4)
- Then as for Thamood, they were destroyed by the Screamer.(5)
- And as for Ad, they were destroyed by a violent clamorous wind,(6)
- which He imposed on them for seven nights and eight days uninterrup-tedly, so that thou wouldst see the people lying prostrate in it, as if they were stumps of fallen down palm-trees.(7)
- Now dost thou see any remnant of them?(8)
- And Pharaoh, and those before him, and the subverted cities, committed wrong things.(9)
- They disobeyed the Messenger of their Lord, so He seized them with a surpassing grip.(10)
- When the waters rose high, We carried you in the running ship,(11)
- that We make it a reminder for you, and that retaining ears may retain it.(12)
- So, when the Trumpet is blown with a single blast,(13)
- and the earth and the mountains are lifted up and crushed with a single crash,(14)
- that day the Event shall befall,(15)
- and that day the heaven shall be split, and it shall be frail,(16)
- and the angels shall be on its borders; and that day, eight shall carry above them the Throne of thy Lord.(17)
- That day you shall be presented, no secret of yours hidden.(18)
- Then, as for him who is given his Book in his right hand, he will say, `here, take and read my Book;(19)
- I thought that I should meet my reckoning'.(20)
- So he shall be in a pleasing life,(21)
- in a lofty garden,(22)
- its clusters at hand: (23)
- `Eat and drink with wholesome appetite for what you did long ago, in days gone-by'.(24)
- And as for him who is given his Book in his left hand, he shall say, `would that I had not been given my Book;(25)
- and I had not learnt my reckoning!(26)
- Would that it had been the end!(27)
- My wealth has not availed me;(28)
- my authority is gone from me'__(29)
- `Take him, and fetter him,(30)
- then cast him in Hell,(31)
- then in a chain of seventy cubits' length insert him.(32)
- Surely he never believed in God, the Mighty,(33)
- and he never urged the feeding of the needy;(34)
- so today, there is no loyal friend for him,(35)
- nor any food except foul pus,(36)
- which none except the guilty eat.'(37)
- No, I swear by what you see,(38)
- and by what you do not see,(39)
- it is surely the Word of a Noble Messenger,(40)
- and it is not the word of a poet; little do you believe;(41)
- nor the word of a soothsayer; little do you heed.(42)
- It is a sending down from the Lord of the world.(43)
- Had he invented any sayings against us,(44)
- We would have seized him by the right hand,(45)
- then We would have cut his life-artery;(46)
- then none of you could have defended him.(47)
- And surely it is a Reminder for the godfearing.(48)
- And We surely know that some of you give lies.(49)
- And it is surely a (cause of) sorrow to the unbelievers.(50)
- And it is surely the Truth of Certainty.(51)
- So extol the Name of thy Mighty Lord.(52)
The Stairways
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 44 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- A questioner asked of a punishment about to befall(1)
- the unbelievers, which none will avert,(2)
- from God, the Lord of the Stairways.(3)
- The angels and the Spirit go up to Him in a day whose measure is fifty thousand years;(4)
- so be thou patient with a sweet patience.(5)
- They see it far off,(6)
- but We see it nearby. (7)
- On the day when the heaven shall be as molten copper,(8)
- and the mountains shall be as wool,(9)
- and no bosom friend shall question a bosom friend,(10)
- shown by them. The sinner will wish if he would ransom himself from the punishment of that day by his sons,(11)
- and his companion wife, and his brother,(12)
- and his kin that shelters him,(13)
- and whosoever is on the earth all together, so that then it might save him.(14)
- No indeed, it is a flaming Fire,(15)
- that strips off the scalp,(16)
- calls him who retreated and turned away,(17)
- and who gathered, then hoarded.(18)
- Surely Man is created impatient;(19)
- when evil visits him, fretful;(20)
- when good visits him, niggardly;(21)
- except those that pray,(22)
- those who are regular at their Prayer;(23)
- and those in whose wealth is a known right,(24)
- for the beggar and the destitute;(25)
- and those who confirm the Day of Recompense;(26)
- and those who are fearful of the punishment of their Lord;(27)
- surely none is secure from their Lord's punishment; and those(28)
- who guard their private parts,(29)
- except from their wives and what their right hands own, for then, they are not to be blamed,(30)
- but whoso seeks beyond that, those are the transgressors;(31)
- and those who are watchful of their trusts and their covenant,(32)
- and those who stand by their testimonies,(33)
- and those who guard their Prayer __(34)
- those shall be in the gardens, highly honoured.(35)
- What ails the unbelievers, running towards thee with outstretched necks,(36)
- from the right and from the left, in groups?(37)
- Is everyone of them eager to be admitted to a garden of bliss?(38)
- NO indeed; We created them of what they know.(39)
- NO, I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests, that We have the power(40)
- to substitute a better one than they, and We cannot be outstripped.(41)
- So leave them to talk vain and play, till they meet their day that they are promised;(42)
- the day they shall come forth from tombs hastily as if they were hurrying to a target,(43)
- their eyes humbled, humiliation covering them. That is the Day which they are promised.(44)
NUH (71)
Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 28 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- We sent Noah to his people: `warn thy people before there comes on them a painful punishment'.(1)
- He said, `O my people, I am a clear warner to you, (to say)(2)
- `serve God and fear Him and obey me;(3)
- He will forgive you your sins and defer you to a stated term. Surely God's term, when it comes, cannot be deferred, if you but knew'.(4)
- He said, `my Lord, I called my people by night and by day,(5)
- but my calling has only increased them in flight.(6)
- And whenever I called them that Thou mightest forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, wrapped them in their garments, became stubborn, and showed great arrogance.(7)
- Then I called them openly,(8)
- then I spoke to them in public, and also made secret talks with them;(9)
- and I said, `ask forgiveness of your Lord; He is surely All-forgiving,(10)
- He will loose heaven upon you in torrents,(11)
- and He will aid you with wealth and sons, and appoint for you gardens, and appoint for you rivers.(12)
- What ails you, that you do not look for dignity with God,(13)
- and He has created you in different states?(14)
- Have you not seen how God created seven heavens in regions,(15)
- and set the moon therein for a light, and set the sun for a lamp?(16)
- And God caused you to grow out of the earth,(17)
- then He will return you into it, and will bring you forth.(18)
- And God made for you the earth as a wide expanse,(19)
- that you may traverse in its wide paths'.(20)
- Noah said, `my Lord, they have disobeyed me, and have followed him whose wealth and children have added only to his loss;(21)
- and they have devised a mighty device.(22)
- And they have said, `do not leave your gods and do not leave Wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghuth, Ya`uq and Nasr'.(23)
- And they have indeed led many astray, and added not to the wrong-doers but straying'.(24)
- Because of their sins, they were drowned and admitted into the Fire, then they did not find for them any helpers, apart from God.(25)
- And Noah said, `my Lord, do not leave any of the unbelievers to dwell on the land.(26)
- If Thou leavest them, they will lead Thy servants astray, and they will not beget any but ungrateful law-breakers.(27)
- My Lord, forgive me, and my parents, and whoso enters my house as a believer, and the believing men and women; and do not increase the wrong-doers except in ruin'.(28)
AL JINN (72)
The Jinn
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 28 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Say: it has been revealed to me that a section of the jinn gave ear, and they said, `we have heard a wonderful Reading (Qur'an),(1)
- that guides to rectitude, so we have believed in it; and we will not associate with our Lord anyone;(2)
- and that exalted be our Lord's Majesty, who has not taken to Himself any consort or son;(3)
- and that the fool among us spoke outrage against God;(4)
- and that we had thought that men and jinn will never speak against God a lie;(5)
- but that some men of mankind would take refuge with some men of the jinn, and they increased them in vileness,(6)
- and that they thought, as you also thought, that God will not raise up anyone;(7)
- and that we touched the heaven, and found it filled with terrible guards and meteors;(8)
- and that we used to sit on its listening posts; __ but any who listens now shall find a meteor in wait for him __(9)
- and that we do not know whether harm is desired for those on the earth, or their Lord desires the rectitude for them;(10)
- and that some of us are the righteous, and some of us are otherwise __ we are on different ways __(11)
- and that we thought that we should never frustrate God in the earth, nor frustrate Him by flight;(12)
- and that when we heard the Guidance, we believed in it; and whosoever believes in his Lord, shall not fear any loss nor vileness,(13)
- and that some of us have surrendered to God, and some of us ascribe equals (to Him); now whoso has surrendered, those have aimed at the right way;(14)
- and as for those who ascribe equals, they are the fire-wood for Hell.'(15)
- And (it has been revealed to me) that if they go straight on the way, We would give them plenty of water to drink,(16)
- that We may thereby try them; and whoso turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will drive him into severe punishment;(17)
- and that the places of worship belong to God, so do not call upon anyone along with God;(18)
- and that when God's Servant stood to call on Him, they almost came upon him in swarms.(19)
- Say, `I call only on my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with Him'.(20)
- Say, `I possess no power over you for hurt or rectitude.'(21)
- Say, `none shall protect me from God, and I shall not find, apart from Him,(22)
- any refuge, excepting a Deliverance from God and His Messages; and whoso disobeys God and His Messenger, for him shall be the Fire of Hell, wherein they shall dwell forever and ever.(23)
- Until when they see that which they are promised, they will know who is weaker in helpers and fewer in numbers'.(24)
- Say, `I do not know whether that which you are promised is near, or my Lord is keeping it at a distance.(25)
- The Knower of the unseen, He does not disclose His unseen to anyone,(26)
- except to a Messenger with whom He is pleased; and then He puts observers before him and behind him,(27)
- that He may know that they have delivered the Messages of their Lord; and He encompasses all that is with them, and has counted everything in numbers'.(28)
The Enwrapped
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 20 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O thou enwarpped in robes!(1)
- rise at night but a little,(2)
- a half of it, or diminish thereof a little,(3)
- or add to it, and chant the Qur'an distinctly.(4)
- We shall soon cast upon thee a weighty Word.(5)
- Surely rising by night is very heavy in treading the soul and very effective in speech.(6)
- Surely Thou hast a lengthy occupation during day.(7)
- And remember the Name of thy Lord, and devote thyself to Him devoutly.(8)
- Lord of the East and the West, there is no god but He; so take Him for a Care-taker.(9)
- And bear patiently what they say, and forsake them with grace.(10)
- And leave Me and holders of comforts, those who cry lies, and respite them a little.(11)
- Surely with Us are fetters, and a furnace,(12)
- and food that chokes, and a painful punishment, __(13)
- on the day when the earth and the mountains shall quake, and the mountains shall be a slipping heap of sand.(14)
- Surely We have sent to you a Messenger, as a witness over you, as We sent to Pharaoh a Messenger;(15)
- but Pharaoh disobeyed the Messenger, so We seized him with a terrible seizing.(16)
- Now, if you disbelieve, how will you fear the day that shall make the children grey-headed,(17)
- and whereby the heaven shall be split? His promise is sure to be fulfilled.(18)
- Surely this is a Reminder; so whoso will, let him take his way to his Lord.(19)
- Thy Lord knows that thou risest for nearly two thirds of the night, and a half of it, and a third of it, and so also do a group of those with thee; but God determines the night and the day; He knows that you cannot keep it up; He has therefor turned towards you, therefore read so much of the Qur'an as is easy. He knows that some of you will fall sick, and others will journey in the land seeking God's bounty, and others will fight in the way of God; so, read so much of it as is easy, and establish the Prayer, and pay the Due-alms, and lend to God a goodly loan; and whatever good you advance for yourselves, you shall find it with God as better and mightier a reward; and ask God's forgiveness; surely God is Forgiving, Merciful. (20)
The Cloaked
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 56 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- O thou cloaked!(1)
- arise and warn,(2)
- and magnify thy Lord,(3)
- and clean thy clothes,(4)
- and shun abomination,(5)
- and do not favour to seek more,(6)
- and be patient for the sake of thy Lord.(7)
- For when the Trumpet is sounded,(8)
- that day will be a hard day,(9)
- not easy for the unbelievers.(10)
- Leave Me and him whom I created alone,(11)
- and gave him ample wealth(12)
- and ever-present sons,(13)
- and made all things smooth for him;(14)
- yet he is eager that I should give more.(15)
- No indeed; he is froward to Our signs.(16)
- I shall constrain him to a hard climb.(17)
- He pondered and determined;(18)
- perish he, how he determined;(19)
- again, perish he, how he determined;(20)
- then he looked,(21)
- then he frowned and scowled,(22)
- then he turned back and showed arrogance;(23)
- and he said, `this is not but a sorcery handed down;(24)
- this is not but the speech of man'.(25)
- I shall cast him in Saqar;(26)
- and what will teach thee what Saqar is?(27)
- It spares nothing, nor leaves any;(28)
- it scorches the mortal;(29)
- over it are Nineteen.(30)
- And We have appointed only angels to be the masters of the Fire, and We have appointed their number only to be as a trial for the unbelievers, and that those who were given the Book may become sure, and that the Believers may increase in belief, and that those who were given the Book and the Believers may not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is sickness and the unbelievers may say, `what does God desire by this similitude?' Thus God sends astray whom He will, and guides whom He will. And none knows the hosts of thy Lord but He. And it is not but a Reminder for the mortals.(31)
- No indeed; by the moon,(32)
- and by the night when it retreats,(33)
- and by the dawn when it shines,(34)
- it is surely one of the gravest things,(35)
- a warning for mortals,(36)
- for him among you who wills to advance or lag behind.(37)
- Every soul is pledged to what it has earned,(38)
- except the Companions of the Right.(39)
- In the gardens, they shall question(40)
- concerning the sinners: (41)
- `what put you in the Saqar?'(42)
- They shall say, `we were not of those who prayed,(43)
- and we were not such as feed the needy,(44)
- and we used to indulge in vain talk with those who indulged in it,(45)
- and we gave lies to the Day of Recompense,(46)
- till the Certain came to us.'(47)
- Now the intercession of the intercessors shall not profit them.(48)
- But what ails them, that they turn away from the Reminder,(49)
- as if they are startled asses,(50)
- fleeing from a lion.(51)
- No, but every man of them desires that he should be given Scrolls spread open, __(52)
- no indeed. But they do not fear the Hereafter.(53)
- No indeed; it is a Reminder;(54)
- so whoso wills may remember it.(55)
- But they shall not remember, except what God wills; He alone is worthy to be feared and worthy to forgive.(56)
The Resurrection
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 40 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- No! I swear by the Day of Resurrection!(1)
- No! I swear by the self-reproaching soul!(2)
- Does man think that We shall not assemble his bones?(3)
- Yes indeed; We have the power to shape his finger-tips.(4)
- No, but man desires to continue on as a libertine.(5)
- He asks, `when shall be the Day of Resurrection?'(6)
- So when the eyes are dazzled,(7)
- and the moon is eclipsed,(8)
- and the sun and the moon are put together;(9)
- that day, man shall say, `where to flee?'(10)
- No indeed; there is no refuge!(11)
- That day, to thy Lord shall be the sojourn.(12)
- That day, man shall be told what he forwarded and left behimd.(13)
- No, but man is an evidence against himself,(14)
- though he may put forward his excuses.(15)
- Do not move thy tongue with it to hasten it;(16)
- upon Us is its assembling, and its reading out.(17)
- So, when We have read it out, follow its reading;(18)
- then upon Us is its explanation.(19)
- No indeed; you love the hasty world,(20)
- and leave the Final End.(21)
- Some faces, on that day, shall be radiant,(22)
- looking towards their Lord.(23)
- And some faces, on that day, shall be dismal,(24)
- thinking that disaster is about to fall on them.(25)
- No indeed; when it reaches the collar bones,(26)
- and it is said, `who is the wizard;'(27)
- and he thinks that it is the parting;(28)
- and leg is interlaced with leg;(29)
- that day, to thy Lord shall be the driving.(30)
- But he did not confirm, nor prayed;(31)
- instead he cried lies and turned away;(32)
- then he went to his home strutting arrogantly.(33)
- Nearer to thee and nearer,(34)
- then nearer to thee and nearer!(35)
- Does man think that he shall be left to roam unchecked?(36)
- Was he not a drop of semen, spilled.(37)
- Then he was a blood-clot, then He made (him) and shaped;(38)
- and He made of him two kinds, male and female.(39)
- Is That not able to quicken the dead?(40)
DAHR (76)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 31 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Has there come on Man a while of time when he was not a thing to be remembered?(1)
- We created Man from a mingled drop, then trying him, We made him hearing, seeing.(2)
- Surely We guided him to the Way, whether he be thankful or unthankful.(3)
- Surely We have prepared for the unbelievers chains and fetters and a Blaze.(4)
- Surely the virtuous shall drink of a cup tampered with camphor;(5)
- at a fountain, where the servants of God shall drink, making it to gush forth in plenty.(6)
- They fulfil their vows, and fear a Day whose evil is wide-spread.(7)
- And they give food, for the love of Him, to the needy, the orphan and the captive:-(8)
- `we feed you only to have God's attention, not desiring from you any recompense, nor thanks.(9)
- We fear from our Lord a frowning calamitous day'.(10)
- So God guarded them from the evil of that day, and granted them radiancy and gladness;(11)
- and recompensed them, for their patience, with garden and silk;(12)
- reclining therein on couches, they shall not see sun therein, nor bitter cold;(13)
- and near them shall be its shades, and its clusters shall be meekly hanging.(14)
- And there shall be passed around them vessels of silver, and goblets of crystal __(15)
- crystal of silver that they have measured accurately.(16)
- And therein, they shall be given to drink a cup tampered with ginger,(17)
- therein a spring, named Salsabil.(18)
- And there shall go about them ever-abiding youths; when thou seest them, thou thinkest them scattered pearls.(19)
- And when thou seest, thou seest bliss and a great kingdom.(20)
- Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and brocade, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver; and their Lord shall give them to drink a pure drink: (21)
- `Surely this is your recompense, and your effort is thanked.'(22)
- Surely it is We who have sent down the Qur'an on thee;(23)
- so be thou patient for the judgement of thy Lord, and do not obey any sinner or unthankful man out of them.(24)
- And mention the Name of thy Lord at dawn and in the evening,(25)
- and prostrate thyself to Him by night, and extol Him through the long night.(26)
- Surely these men love the hasty world and forsake a heavy day before them.(27)
- We have created them and strengthened their joints; and when We will, We shall exchange their likes.(28)
- Surely this is a Reminder, so whoso will, may take a way to his Lord.(29)
- But you do not will, except what God wills; surely God is Knowing, Wise;(30)
- He admits to His mercy whom He will; and the wrong-doers for them, He has prepared a painful punishment.(31)
The Sent Ones
Revealed at Mecca Verses: 50 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By those that are sent normally,(1)
- then raise storm violently;(2)
- and those that scatter far and wide,(3)
- then divide discriminately,(4)
- then convey a reminder,(5)
- as an excuse or as a warning;(6)
- surely that which you are promised must fall. (7)
- So when the stars are extinguished,(8)
- and when the heaven is rent asunder,(9)
- and when the mountains are blown away,(10)
- and when the Messengers are brought in time;(11)
- to what day are they deferred?(12)
- To the Day of Decision;(13)
- and what shall teach thee what the Day of Decision is?(14)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies!(15)
- Did We not destroy the ancients,(16)
- then follow them with the later folk?(17)
- Thus We deal with the sinners.(18)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies!(19)
- Did We not create you of a mean water,(20)
- then We laid it in a firm lodging,(21)
- till a known term decreed?(22)
- So We determined, and how excellent determiners are We!(23)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies!(24)
- Did We not make the earth a receptacle,(25)
- for the living and the dead,(26)
- and set therein high mountains, and give you sweet water to drink?(27)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies!(28)
- Depart to that to which you gave lies!(29)
- Depart to a three-pronged shadow,(30)
- that neither provides shade nor avails against the flame.(31)
- It throws up sparks like dry faggots,(32)
- as if they were golden camels.(33)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies!(34)
- This is the day when they shall not speak,(35)
- nor shall they be given leave to offer excuses.(36)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies.(37)
- `This is the Day of Decision; We have gathered you and the ancients.(38)
- Now if you have a guile, try it against Me.(39)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies.(40)
- The godfearing shall be amidst shades and springs,(41)
- and fruits, as their hearts desire: (42)
- `Eat and drink with wholesome appetite for that you were working'.(43)
- Thus do We recompense the good-doers.(44)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies.(45)
- `Eat and enjoy a little; you are sinners'.(46)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies.(47)
- And When it is said to them, `bow down,' they bow not down.(48)
- Woe that day to those who give it lies.(49)
- In what discourse after this, will they believe?(50)
AL-NABA (78)
The News
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 40 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Of what do they question one another __(1)
- of the mighty news,(2)
- on which they differ?(3)
- No indeed; they shall soon know!(4)
- Again, no indeed; they shall soon know!(5)
- Have We not made the earth as a cradle,(6)
- and the mountains as pegs,(7)
- and created you in pairs,(8)
- and made your sleep for rest,(9)
- and made the night for a garment,(10)
- and made the day for a livelihood,(11)
- and built above you seven strong ones,(12)
- and set a dazzling lamp,(13)
- and sent down from the pressing rain-clouds water, pouring forth(14)
- abundantly, that We may thereby bring forth grain and plants,(15)
- and gardens luxuriant?(16)
- Surely the Day of Decision is an appointed time,(17)
- the Day when the Trumpet is blown, and you shall come in companies,(18)
- and the heaven is opened, and becomes gates,(19)
- and the mountains are set in motion, and become a mirage.(20)
- Surely Hell is an ambush,(21)
- for the rebellious a resort,(22)
- to stay therein for ages,(23)
- tasting therein neither coolness nor drink,(24)
- except hot water and a filthy fluid,(25)
- for a recompense befitting.(26)
- Surely they never hoped for a reckoning,(27)
- and gave lies to our signs vehemently.(28)
- But everything We have accounted for in a Book,(29)
- `so taste, and We shall not increase you but in punishment'.(30)
- Surely the godfearing shall achieve success,(31)
- gardens and vineyards,(32)
- and damsels of like age,(33)
- and a cup full to the brim.(34)
- Therein they shall not hear any non-sense nor lies __(35)
- for a recompense from thy Lord, a gift by reckoning,(36)
- Lord of the heavens and the earth and what between them is, the All-merciful, to whom they will not have power to address.(37)
- On the day when the angels and the Spirit will stand in ranks, none speaking except him whom the All-merciful gives leave, and who speaks aright.(38)
- That is the True Day; so whoso wills may take resort to his Lord.(39)
- We have warned you of a nearby punishment, on the day when a man shall see what his hands have forwarded, and the unbeliever shall say, `would that I were dust!'(40)
The Pluckers
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 46 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By those that pluck out forcibly,(1)
- by those that draw out smoothly,(2)
- by those that swim speedily,(3)
- then outstrip quickly,(4)
- then direct an affair!(5)
- On the day when the first blast shivers,(6)
- and the following follows it,(7)
- on that day hearts shall be throbbing,(8)
- their eyes humbled.(9)
- They say, `shall we be restored to the first state?(10)
- Is it, when we are bones decayed?'(11)
- They say, `this then would be a losing return'.(12)
- Yes, it shall only be one scare,(13)
- then, lo, they are awakened.(14)
- Hast there come to thee the story of Moses?(15)
- When his Lord called to him in the holy valley of Towa,(16)
- `go to Pharaoh, he has rebelled;(17)
- then say, `hast thou the will to purify thyself,(18)
- and that I should guide thee to thy Lord, that thou mayest fear?'(19)
- Then he showed him the great Sign;(20)
- but he gave lies to it, and disobeyed;(21)
- then he turned back hastily,(22)
- then he mustered and pro-claimed;(23)
- and he said, `I am your lord, the most high';(24)
- so God seized him with the punishment of the Last World(25)
- and the First. Surely in that is a lesson for him who fears.(26)
- Are you harder to be made or the heaven? He built it;(27)
- He raised high its vault, then levelled it;(28)
- He darkened its night and brought forth its brightness;(29)
- and the earth, He, thereafter, spread out;(30)
- He brought forth, out of it, its water and its pasture;(31)
- and the mountains, He firmly fixed;(32)
- all a provision for you and your cattle.(33)
- Then, when the Great Catastrophe comes;(34)
- on that day, man shall remember what he strived;(35)
- and Hell shall be brought forward for him who sees.(36)
- Then, as for him, who rebelled,(37)
- and preferred the worldly life,(38)
- surely Hell shall be the refuge.(39)
- And, as for him, who feared the Station of his Lord, and forbade the soul from caprice,(40)
- surely Paradise shall be the refuge.(41)
- They question thee of the Hour, when it shall come.(42)
- How art thou concerned to mention it?(43)
- Unto thy Lord is its final end.(44)
- Thou art only a warner to him who fears it.(45)
- On the day they see it, it shall be as if they stayed only for an evening, or its forenoon.(46)
ABAS (80)
The Frowned
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 42 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- He frowned and turned aside,(1)
- that the blind man came to him.(2)
- But what should teach thee that he would purify him,(3)
- or take heed and the Admonition profit him.(4)
- As for him who shows indifference,(5)
- to him thou attendest;(6)
- though it is not binding on thee, if he does not purify him.(7)
- And as for him who comes to thee running,(8)
- and he fears,(9)
- from him thou divertest.(10)
- No indeed; it is a Reminder __(11)
- and whoso wills, shall remember it __ (12)
- in Scrolls, honoured,(13)
- uplifted, purified,(14)
- by the hands of scribes,(15)
- noble and virtuous.(16)
- Perish Man! How ungrateful he is!(17)
- Of what thing did He create him?(18)
- Of a sperm-drop! He created him, then determined him,(19)
- then eased the way for him,(20)
- then made him to die, and buried him,(21)
- then, when He will, He shall raise him.(22)
- No indeed; he has not accomplished what God commanded him.(23)
- Now let Man look at his food __(24)
- We poured out water abundantly,(25)
- then split the earth asunder,(26)
- and made to grow in it grain,(27)
- and vines and vegetables,(28)
- and olives and palms,(29)
- and gardens, dense and lofty,(30)
- and fruits and pastures __(31)
- a provision for you and the cattle.(32)
- Then, when the deafening noise sounds,(33)
- on the day when a man shall flee from his brother,(34)
- his mother and his father,(35)
- his consort and his sons.(36)
- Every man of them, that day, shall have a business to suffice him.(37)
- Some faces on that day shall be shining,(38)
- laughing and joyous,(39)
- and some faces on that day shall have dust upon them,(40)
- darkness covering them.(41)
- Those are the unbelievers, the law-breakers.(42)
The Folding Up
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 29 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the sun is folded up,(1)
- when the stars are dimmed,(2)
- when the mountains are set in motion,(3)
- when the pregnant she-camels are abandoned,(4)
- when the savage beasts are mustered,(5)
- when the seas overflow,(6)
- when the souls are coupled,(7)
- when the buried girl is asked,(8)
- for what sin she was killed,(9)
- when the Scrolls are spread open,(10)
- when the heaven is stripped bare,(11)
- when Hell is set blazing,(12)
- when Paradise is brought near __(13)
- then shall a soul know what it has produced.(14)
- No, I swear by those that recede,(15)
- move and disappear,(16)
- and by the night when it deepens,(17)
- and by the dawn when it breaths,(18)
- surely it is a Word of a Noble Messenger,(19)
- powerful, stationed with the Lord of the Throne,(20)
- obeyed, moreover trusted.(21)
- And your companion is no mad,(22)
- and he surely saw it on the clear horizon;(23)
- and he is not niggardly of the unseen.(24)
- And it is not the word of an accursed devil;(25)
- where then are you going?(26)
- It is naught but a reminder for all people,(27)
- for him who among you wills to go straight.(28)
- But you have no will, except as God, the Lord of the world, wills.(29)
The Cleaving
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 19 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the heaven is cleft asunder,(1)
- when the stars are scattered,(2)
- when the seas overflow,(3)
- when the tombs are overturned,(4)
- a soul shall know what it forwarded, and what it left behind;(5)
- O Man, what has deceived thee concerning thy Gracious Lord,(6)
- who created thee, then shaped thee, then balanced thee;(7)
- in whatever form He willed composed thee.(8)
- No indeed; but you give lies to the Recompense;(9)
- but surely there are guards over you,(10)
- noble writers,(11)
- who know what you do.(12)
- Surely, the virtuous shall be in Bliss,(13)
- and surely the law - breakers shall be in Hell,(14)
- entering therein on the Day of Recompense.(15)
- And they were never hidden from it.(16)
- And what teaches thee what the Day of Recompense is?(17)
- Again, what teaches thee what the Day of Recompense is?(18)
- The day when no soul shall have power to help another soul at all. and the whole affair, that day, shall belong to God.(19)
The Stinters
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 36 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Woe to the stinters,(1)
- who, when they measure against the people, take full,(2)
- but, when they measure or weigh for them, give less.(3)
- Do those not think that they shall be raised up,(4)
- unto a mighty day,(5)
- the day when mankind shall stand before the Lord of the world.(6)
- No indeed; the Book of the law-breakers is in Sijjin;(7)
- and what teaches thee what Sijjin is?(8)
- A book recorded.(9)
- Woe that day to those who give lies(10)
- to the Day of Recompense.(11)
- And none gives lies to it except every transgressor, sinner,(12)
- who, when Our signs are recited to him, says, `fables of the ancients.'(13)
- No indeed; but that they were earning has rusted upon their hearts.(14)
- No indeed; they shall be veiled on that day, from their Lord.(15)
- Then they will surely enter Hell.(16)
- Then it shall be said, `this is what you were giving lies to'.(17)
- No indeed; the Book of the virtuous is in Illiyin;(18)
- and what teaches thee what Illiyin is?(19)
- A book recorded,(20)
- which the near-stationed shall testify.(21)
- Surely the virtuous shall be in Bliss,(22)
- upon couches gazing;(23)
- thou shalt recognise on their faces radiancy of Bliss;(24)
- they shall be given to drink of a wine(25)
- sealed, whose seal is of musk __ (26)
- and for that let the aspirers aspire; and it is tampered with Tasnim,(27)
- a fountain at which the near-stationed shall drink.(28)
- The sinners used to laugh at the Believers,(29)
- and when they passed by them, they winked at one another;(30)
- and when they returned to their people, they returned jesting;(31)
- and when they saw them they said, `these are surely astray;'(32)
- but they were not sent as guards over them.(33)
- So today the Believers laugh at the unbelievers,(34)
- upon couches, gazing.(35)
- Have the unbelievers been rewarded for what they were doing?(36)
The Rending
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 25 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the heaven is rent asunder,(1)
- and it gives ear to its Lord, and it is so disposed.(2)
- And when the earth is stretched out,(3)
- and it casts forth what is in it and gets empty,(4)
- and it gives ear to its Lord, and it is so disposed.(5)
- O Man, thou art labouring to thy Lord laboriously, and then shalt meet Him.(6)
- Then, as for him who is given his Book in his right hand(7)
- he shall be reckoned an easy reckoning,(8)
- and he shall return to his family joyfully.(9)
- And as for him who is given his Book behind his back,(10)
- he shall call for destruction,(11)
- and he shall enter the Blaze.(12)
- He was surely joyful in his family;(13)
- he thought that he would never revert.(14)
- No, his Lord was surely seeing him.(15)
- But no, I swear by the glow of sunset,(16)
- and the night and what it envelops,(17)
- and the moon when it is at the full,(18)
- you shall surely ride stage after stage.(19)
- But what ails them, that they do not believe,(20)
- and when the Qur'an is read to them, they do not fall in prostration?(21)
- No, the unbelievers give lies;(22)
- and God very well knows what they keep secret;(23)
- so give them good news of a painful punishment,(24)
- except those who believe and do righteous deeds; for them shall be a wage unfailing.(25)
The Constellations
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 22 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the heaven of the constellations,(1)
- by the Promised Day,(2)
- by the witness and the witnessed.(3)
- Perish the Men of the Pit (4)
- of the Fire, fed with fuel;(5)
- when they sat by it,(6)
- and they were witnesses of what they were doing with the Believers.(7)
- And they took revenge on them only because they believed in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy,(8)
- to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and God is witness ever everything.(9)
- Surely those who persecute the Believing men and women, then do not repent, for them shall be the punishment of Hell, and for them shall be the punishment of the burning.(10)
- Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them shall be gardens underneath which rivers flow; that is the great triumph.(11)
- Surely thy Lord's assault is terrible.(12)
- He it is who originates and repeats,(13)
- and He is the Forgiving, the Loving,(14)
- Lord of the Throne, the Glorious,(15)
- Performer of what He desires.(16)
- Has there come to thee the story of the hosts,(17)
- of Pharaoh and Thamood?(18)
- No, but the unbelievers persist in crying lies,(19)
- and God is behind them encompassing.(20)
- No, it is a Glorious Reading (Qur'an),(21)
- in a Guarded Tablet.(22)
The Night-Star
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 17 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the heaven, and the night star __(1)
- and what teaches thee what is the night star,(2)
- the piercing star?(3)
- There is not a soul but it has a guard over it.(4)
- So let Man observe from what he is created.(5)
- He is created of a gushing water,(6)
- that comes forth between the loins and the breast-bones. (7)
- Surely God is able to bring him back.(8)
- On the Day when the secrets are tried,(9)
- and he shall have no strength, no helper.(10)
- By the heaven that returns,(11)
- and the earth that splits,(12)
- it is surely a Decisive Word,(13)
- and it is no jesting.(14)
- Surely they are devising a device,(15)
- and I am devising a device;(16)
- so respite the unbelievers, respite them for a while.(17)
AL-ALA (87)
The Most-High
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 19 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Extol the Name of thy Lord, the Most High,(1)
- who created, then shaped,(2)
- who determined, then guided,(3)
- who brought forth the pasturage,(4)
- then made it black stubble.(5)
- We shall make thee read, and thou shalt not forget,(6)
- except what God wills; He knows what is spoken aloud and what is hidden.(7)
- And We shall ease thee to easiness.(8)
- So admonish, if the admonition profits.(9)
- He who fears shall heed,(10)
- but the most wretched shall turn aside from it,(11)
- he who shall enter the Great Fire;(12)
- then he shall not die therein, nor live.(13)
- Surely he prospers, who purifies himself,(14)
- and remembers the Name of his Lord, and prays.(15)
- No, but you prefer the psesent life,(16)
- and the Hereafter is better and more lasting.(17)
- Surely this is in the former Scrolls,(18)
- the Scrolls of Abraham and Moses.(19)
The Enveloper
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 26 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Has there come to thee the news of the Enveloper?(1)
- Some faces, on that day, shall be downcast,(2)
- toiling, and weary;(3)
- they shall enter a blazing Fire,(4)
- given to drink from a boiling spring.(5)
- There will be no food for them except bitter thorny fruit,(6)
- that neither fattens, nor appeases hunger.(7)
- Some faces, on that day, shall be joyful,(8)
- pleased with their striving,(9)
- in a lofty garden,(10)
- not hearing therein any non-sense.(11)
- Therein shall be a running spring.(12)
- There-in shall be raised couches,(13)
- and goblets well-set,(14)
- and cushions arranged,(15)
- and carpets spread-out.(16)
- Do they not look at the camel, how it is created;(17)
- and at the heaven, how it is raised up;(18)
- and at the mountains, how they are fixed;(19)
- and at the earth, how it is spread out?(20)
- So admonish, thou art only an admonisher.(21)
- Thou art not an overseer over them.(22)
- But whoso turns away and disbelieves,(23)
- God will give him the greatest punishment.(24)
- Surely unto Us is their return;(25)
- then surely upon Us is their reckoning.(26)
AL-FAJR (89)
The Dawn
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 30 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the dawn(1)
- and ten nights,(2)
- by the even and the odd,(3)
- by the night when it departs.(4)
- Is there in this an oath for the mindful?(5)
- Hast thou not seen how thy Lord did with Ad,(6)
- Iram of the pillars,(7)
- the like of which was not created in the land;(8)
- and with Thamood who hewed out the rocks in the valley;(9)
- and with Pharaoh of the tent-peges,(10)
- those who transgressed in the land(11)
- and worked much disorder in it?(12)
- Then thy Lord unloosed on them a scourge of punishment;(13)
- surely thy Lord is at the ambush.(14)
- But as for man, when his Lord tries him, then honours him and blesses him, he says, `my Lord has honoured me'.(15)
- However, when He tries him, then straitens for him his provision, he says, `my Lord has despised me'.(16)
- No indeed; but you honour not the orphan,(17)
- and you urge not the feeding of the needy,(18)
- and you devour the inheritance greedily,(19)
- and you love the riches ardently.(20)
- No indeed; when the earth is ground to powder;(21)
- and there thy Lord comes, and the angels, rank on rank;(22)
- and Hell that day is brought out; that day Man will pay heed, but what for shall the heeding be for him?(23)
- He shall say,` O would that I had forwarded for my life!'(24)
- And on that day none shall punish as He punishes,(25)
- and none shall bind as He binds.(26)
- O soul at peace,(27)
- return to thy Lord, pleased and pleasing,(28)
- and enter among My servants,(29)
- and enter My Paradise!(30)
The City
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 20 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- No! I swear by this city __(1)
- and thou art a lodger of this city __(2)
- and by the father and that he produces,(3)
- We have created Man in toil and difficulties.(4)
- Does he think that none shall overpower him?(5)
- He says, `I have spent out abundant wealth'.(6)
- Does he think that none has seen him?(7)
- Have We not made for him two eyes,(8)
- and a tongue, and two lips,(9)
- and showed him two highways?(10)
- Yet he would not assault the steep;(11)
- and what teaches thee what the steep is?(12)
- It is the freeing of a neck,(13)
- or feeding, on a day of hunger,(14)
- an orphan near of kin,(15)
- or a destitute living in dust.(16)
- Then he would become of those who believe, and exhort each other to be patient, and exhort each other to be merciful.(17)
- Those are the people of the right hand.(18)
- And those who disbelieve in Our signs, they are the people of the left hand;(19)
- over them shall be a Fire, covered down. (20)
The Sun
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 15 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the sun and its brightness,(1)
- by the moon when she follows him,(2)
- by the day when it displays him,(3)
- by the night when it envelops him,(4)
- by the heaven and that which He built,(5)
- by the earth and that which He spread,(6)
- by the soul and that which He levelled,(7)
- then inspired it with its wickedness and its piety;(8)
- he who purifies it prospers,(9)
- and he who corrupts it is ruined.(10)
- Thamood cried lies in their transgression,(11)
- when the most wretched of them uprose;(12)
- then God's Messenger told them concerning the She-camel of God and her drink.(13)
- But they gave lies to him and hamstrung her; so their Lord overwhelmed them for their sin, and levelled them;(14)
- and He fears not the end-result thereof.(15)
AL-LAIL (92)
The Night
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 21 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the night when it envelops,(1)
- by the day when it brightens,(2)
- by the male and the female that He has created,(3)
- your striving is surely diverse.(4)
- Then, as for him who gives and is godfearing,(5)
- and confirms the good work,(6)
- We shall ease him to easiness.(7)
- And, as for him who is niggardly and carefree,(8)
- and gives lies to the good work,(9)
- We shall ease him to hardship;(10)
- and his wealth shall not avail him, when he falls down.(11)
- Surely Ours is to guide,(12)
- and to Us belong the Last and the First.(13)
- Now I have warned you of a Fire that flames,(14)
- none shall enter it except the most wretched,(15)
- he who cried lies and turned away.(16)
- And the most godfearing shall be kept away from it,(17)
- he who gives his wealth to purify himself;(18)
- and he owes not a favour to anyone that is to be recompensed,(19)
- except seeking of the attention of his Lord, the most High;(20)
- and he shall soon be pleased.(21)
AL-DUHA (93)
The Forenoon
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 11 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the shining forenoon,(1)
- and by the night when it broods,(2)
- thy Lord has not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased with thee;(3)
- and surely the Last shall be better for thee than the First;(4)
- and thy Lord shall soon give thee, and thou shalt be pleased.(5)
- Has He not found thee an orphan, and sheltered thee;(6)
- and found thee wondering, and guided thee;(7)
- and found thee poor, and enriched thee?(8)
- So as for the orphan, oppress him not,(9)
- and as for the beggar, scold him not,(10)
- and as for thy Lord's blessing, declare it.(11)
The Expanding
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 8 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Have We not opened thy breast for thee,(1)
- and relieved from thee thy burden,(2)
- that had weighed down thy back,(3)
- and raised high thy name?(4)
- So surely with hardship comes ease;(5)
- surely with hardship comes ease.(6)
- So when thou art relieved, take up the task,(7)
- and seek thy Lord with fervour.(8)
AL-TIN (95)
The Fig
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 8 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the Fig and the Olive,(1)
- by the Mount Sinai,(2)
- and by this Secured City,(3)
- We created Man in the fairest make;(4)
- then We returned him to the lowest of the low,(5)
- except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and for them shall be a wage unfailing.(6)
- Then what can give lies to thee after this regarding the Recompense?(7)
- Is not God the justest of all judges?(8)
AL-ALAQ (96)
The Blood-Clot
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 19 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- Read in the Name of thy Lord who created,(1)
- created Man from a blood-clot.(2)
- Read, and thy Lord is the Most Generous,(3)
- who taught by the pen,(4)
- taught man that he knew not.(5)
- No indeed; man surely transgresses,(6)
- when he sees himself self-sufficient.(7)
- Surely, unto thy Lord is the Returning.(8)
- Hast thou seen him who forbids(9)
- a Servant when he prays?(10)
- Hast thou seen, if he were on guidance,(11)
- or enjoined godfearing?(12)
- Hast thou seen if he gave lies and turned away __ (13)
- did he not know that God sees.(14)
- No indeed; if he does not give over, We shall seize him by the forelock,(15)
- a lying erring forelock.(16)
- Then let him call on his help-mates,(17)
- We shall call on the guards too.(18)
- No indeed; do not obey him, but prostrate thyself, and draw near.(19)
AL-QADR (97)
The Decree
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 5 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- We have sent it down on the Night of Decree;(1)
- and what teaches thee what the Night of Decree is?(2)
- Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.(3)
- The angels and the Spirit come down in it, by the leave of their Lord, (bringing) for every affair Peace;(4)
- it is till the rising of dawn.(5)
The Clear Evidence
Revealed At Medina, Verses: 8 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The unbelievers of the People of the Book and the idolaters would not leave off, till the Clear Evidence came to them __ (1)
- a Messenger from God reciting pure Scrolls,(2)
- wherein are standing decrees.(3)
- And the People of the Book divided not but after the Clear Evidence had come to them.(4)
- And they were not commanded but to serve God, making obedience purely His, being all-devoted, and to establish the Prayer, and to pay the Due-alms __ and that is the standing religion.(5)
- Surely the unbelievers of the People of the Book and idolaters shall be in the Fire of Hell to dwell therein forever; those are the worst of creatures.(6)
- Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds, those are the best of creatures.(7)
- Their recompense with their Lord are gardens of eternity, underneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein for ever and ever; God is pleased with them, and, they are pleased with Him; that is for him who fears his Lord.(8)
The Earthquake
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 8 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- When the earth is shaken violently,(1)
- and the earth brings forth her burden,(2)
- and Man says, `what ails her?'(3)
- That day she will relate her news,(4)
- for that thy Lord will have inspired her.(5)
- That day mankind shall come forth in scattered groups, that they may be shown their works.(6)
- Now whoso does an atom's weight of good shall see it.(7)
- And whoso does an atom's weight of evil shall see it.(8)
The Chargers
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 11 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- By the snorting chargers,(1)
- the strikers of fire,(2)
- the raiders at dawn,(3)
- thereby raising dust,(4)
- penetrating a host,(5)
- surely Man is ungrateful to his Lord,(6)
- and surely he is a witness to that;(7)
- and surely he is passionate in his love for good things.(8)
- Does he not know that when that which is in the tombs is overthrown,(9)
- and that which is in the breasts is laid open,(10)
- surely on that day their Lord shall be aware of them.(11)
AL-QARI'AH (101)
The Clatterer
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 11 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful- The Clatterer __(1)
- what is the Clatterer?(2)
- And what teaches thee what the Clatterer is?(3)
- The day that men shall be like scattered moths,(4)
- and the mountains shall be like carded wool.(5)
- Then as for him whose scales are heavy,(6)
- he shall be in a pleasing life.(7)
- And as for him whose scales are light,(8)
- his abode shall be the Abyss.(9)
- And what teaches thee what it is? __(10)
- A blazing Fire.(11)