English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb

English translation of holy Quran - surah 85. Al-Buruj (The Constellations) of 114

This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.

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The Constellations

Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 22 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful
  1. By the heaven of the constellations,(1)
  2. by the Promised Day,(2)
  3. by the witness and the witnessed.(3)
  4. Perish the Men of the Pit (4)
  5. of the Fire, fed with fuel;(5)
  6. when they sat by it,(6)
  7. and they were witnesses of what they were doing with the Believers.(7)
  8. And they took revenge on them only because they believed in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy,(8)
  9. to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and God is witness ever everything.(9)
  10. Surely those who persecute the Believing men and women, then do not repent, for them shall be the punishment of Hell, and for them shall be the punishment of the burning.(10)
  11. Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them shall be gardens underneath which rivers flow; that is the great triumph.(11)
  12. Surely thy Lord's assault is terrible.(12)
  13. He it is who originates and repeats,(13)
  14. and He is the Forgiving, the Loving,(14)
  15. Lord of the Throne, the Glorious,(15)
  16. Performer of what He desires.(16)
  17. Has there come to thee the story of the hosts,(17)
  18. of Pharaoh and Thamood?(18)
  19. No, but the unbelievers persist in crying lies,(19)
  20. and God is behind them encompassing.(20)
  21. No, it is a Glorious Reading (Qur'an),(21)
  22. in a Guarded Tablet.(22)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information

Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.

Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran

File format: plain text ( web pages )

Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages

Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb

Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings

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