English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb

English translation of holy Quran - surah 55. Al-Rahman(The All-Merciful) of 114

This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.

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AL – RAHMAN (55)

The All-Merciful

Revealed at Mecca,Verses: 78 In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-merciful
  1. The All-merciful,(1)
  2. He taught the Qur'an;(2)
  3. He created man,(3)
  4. and taught him the Explanation.(4)
  5. The sun and the moon are to a reckoning,(5)
  6. and the stars and the trees prostrate themselves.(6)
  7. And the heaven, He raised it high and set the Balance,(7)
  8. that you may not exceed the Balance.(8)
  9. And keep the weighing equitable, and do not skimp in the balance.(9)
  10. And the earth, He set it for (all) the creatures;(10)
  11. therein are fruits and palm-trees with sheaths,(11)
  12. and husked grain and fragrant herbs __(12)
  13. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (13)
  14. He created man of a clay, like earthenware,(14)
  15. and created jinn of a smokeless flame of fire __(15)
  16. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (16)
  17. Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests __ (17)
  18. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (18)
  19. He has let forth the two seas that meet together;(19)
  20. between them a barrier which they do not overpass __(20)
  21. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (21)
  22. Out of them come forth the pearl and the coral __(22)
  23. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (23)
  24. And His are the ships, that run raised up in the sea like banners __(24)
  25. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (25)
  26. Everyone on it will vanish,(26)
  27. and there will abide the Person of thy Lord, the Majestic, the Splendid __(27)
  28. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? 28)
  29. Whosoever is in the heavens and the earth beg of Him; every moment He is on some business __(29)
  30. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (30)
  31. We shall soon find time for you, O two masses! __(31)
  32. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(32)
  33. O assembly of jinn and men, if you are able to pass through the confines of the heavens and the earth, pass through; but you shall not pass through except with authority __(33)
  34. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? (34)
  35. A flame of fire and brass shall be loosed against you, and you shall not defend yourselves __(35)
  36. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(36)
  37. And when the heaven is split asunder, and turns crimson like red leather __(37)
  38. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(38)
  39. Then, on that day, none shall be questioned about his sin, neither man nor jinn __(39)
  40. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(40)
  41. The sinners shall be known by their mark, and they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet __(41)
  42. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(42)
  43. This is Hell that the sinners gave lies(43)
  44. to. They shall go round between it and between hot boiling water __(44)
  45. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(45)
  46. And for him who fears to stand before his Lord, shall be two gardens __(46)
  47. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (47)
  48. abounding in branches __(48)
  49. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (49)
  50. Therein shall be two fountains flowing __(50)
  51. so which of your Lord's bounties will your two deny? __(51)
  52. Therein shall be two kinds of every fruit __(52)
  53. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(53)
  54. reclining on couches lined with brocade; and the fruits of the two gardens will be near at hand __(54)
  55. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (55)
  56. Therein shall be maidens, restraining their glances, whom none touched before them, neither man nor jinn __(56)
  57. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(57)
  58. As if they are rubies and corals __(58)
  59. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (59)
  60. Is the recompense of goodness any but goodness? __(60)
  61. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny?(61)
  62. And besides them shall be two gardens __ (62)
  63. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(63)
  64. green, with foliage __(64)
  65. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(65)
  66. Therein shall be two fountains gushing forth __(66)
  67. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(67)
  68. Therein shall be fruits, and date-palms, and pomegranates __(68)
  69. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(69)
  70. Therein shall be maidens, good and lovely __ (70)
  71. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(71)
  72. Houries, confined in pavilions __(72)
  73. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(73)
  74. none touched them before them, neither man nor jinn __(74)
  75. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __ (75)
  76. reclining on green cushions and lovely carpets __ (76)
  77. so which of your Lord's bounties will you two deny? __(77)
  78. Blessed be the Name of thy Lord, the Majestic, the Splendid.(78)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information

Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.

Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran

File format: plain text ( web pages )

Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages

Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb

Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings

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