English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb
English translation of holy Quran - surah 38. Sad of 114
This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.
SAD (38)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 88
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The
- Sad
(S)__ by the Qur'an, containing the Admonition;(1)
- but the unbelievers are steeped in pride
and opposition.(2)
- How many a generation We destroyed before
them and they cried, but there was no time to escape. (3)
- And they wonder that there has come to
them a warner from among them, and the unbelievers say, `this is a sorcerer
and a big liar.(4)
- Has he made all the gods One God? This
is indeed a strange thing.'(5)
- And the chiefs among them departed: `move
and adhere to your gods; this is a thing to be desired.(6)
- We never heard of this in the last creed;
this is nothing but an invention.(7)
- Has the Admonition been sent down on him
out of us?' No, they are in doubt of My Admonition. No, they have not
yet tasted My punishment.(8)
- Or do they have the treasures of the mercy
of thy Lord, the Mighty, the All-bestowing?(9)
- Or is theirs the kingdom of the heavens
and the earth and what between them is? Then let them go up the cords.(10)
- Of all the confederates, the host that
is here shall be routed.(11)
- Before them, gave lies the people of Noah,
Ad, and Pharaoh __ the holder of the pegs,(12)
- Thamood, the people of Lot, and the men
of the Wood __ those were the confederates.(13)
- Everyone gave lies to the Messengers, so
my retribution was justified.(14)
- And these are not waiting but for a single
blast which will have no break.(15)
- And they say, `our Lord, hasten to us our
share before the Day of Reckoning.'(16)
- Bear thou patiently what they say, and
mention Our servant, David, the man of might; he was a penitent.(17)
- We subjected With him, the mountains to
extoll at evening and sunrise,(18)
- and also the birds, duly mustered; everyone
was penitent to Him.(19)
- And We strengthened his kingdom, and gave
him wisdom and (power of) decisive speech.(20)
- And has the tale of the litigants come
to thee? When they scaled the guarded chamber;(21)
- when they entered upon David, and he was
frightened of them; they said, `fear not; as two litigants, one of us
has aggressed the other, so judge between us aright, and do not violate,
and guide us to the even path.(22)
- This is my brother; he has ninety nine
ewes, while I have one ewe; yet he says, `give it to my charge, and he
has dominated me in speech.'(23)
- He said, `he has wronged thee in demanding
thy ewe to be added to his ewes; and surely many of the partners aggress
one another, except those who believe and do righteous deeds __ and how
few they are!' And David thought that We had tried him, so he sought forgiveness
of his Lord, and fell down on knees, and turned to God.(24)
- So We forgave him that; and indeed he had
with Us a near place and a handsome resort. __(25)
- `O David, We have made thee a viceroy in
the earth, so judge between men aright, and do not follow caprice, lest
it lead thee astray from the way of God; surely those who go astray from
the way of God, for them shall be a terrible punishment, for that they
forgot the Day of Reckoning'.(26)
- And We have not created the heavens and
the earth and what between them is in vain; that is the thinking of the
unbelievers; so woe to the unbelievers because of the Fire!(27)
- Or shall We make those who believe and
do righteous deeds as those who cause disorder in the earth, or shall
We make the godfearing like the lawbreakers?(28)
- A Blessed Book We have sent down to thee,
that they may ponder over its signs, and that men of understanding my
pay heed.(29)
- And We bestowed on David Solomon; how excellent
a servant he was! He was a penitent.(30)
- When the swift standing steeds were presented
to him in the evening,(31)
- he said, `I have a liking for the good
things more than the remembrance of my Lord' __ till when the sun was
hidden behind the veil (he said,)(32)
- `return them to me'; and he started stroking
their shanks and necks.(33)
- And We put Solomon to trials, and We cast
a body on his throne, then he turned to God.(34)
- He said, `my Lord, forgive me and bestow
on me a kingdom that may not befall anyone after me; surely Thou art the
- So We subjected to him the wind, that softly
blew at his command wherever he would go,(36)
- and also the devils, everyone a builder
and a diver,(37)
- and others bound in chains.(38)
- `This is Our gift so bestow or withhold
without reckoning.'(39)
- And surely he has a near place with Us
and a handsome resort.(40)
- And mention Our servant Job; when he called
to his Lord, `the Devil has afflicted me with weariness and punishment'
__ (41)
- `Stamp thy foot; here is a cool washing
place and a drink?'(42)
- And We gave to him his family, and the
like of them with them, as a mercy from Us, and a Reminder for men of
- `And take in thy hand a bundle of bushes
and strike with it, and do not break thy oath.' We found him patient;
how excellent a servant he was! he was a penitent.(44)
- And mention Our servants Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob __ men of might and vision.(45)
- We purified them exclusively for the Remembrance
of the House.(46)
- And surely in Our sight they are among
the chosen and the excellent.(47)
- And mention Ishmael, Elisha and Dhulkifl;
for everyone was among the excellent.(48)
- This is an admonition; and surely for the
godfearing shall be a handsome resort __(49)
- gardens of eternity, the gates whereof
will be opened to them;(50)
- reclining there they will call therein
for abundant fruits and drink;(51)
- and with them will be maidens of equal
age. who keep their glances restrained __(52)
- `This is what you were promised for the
Day of Reckoning.(53)
- This is Our provision to which there will
be no end'.(54)
- This for them. And for the insolent, there
shall be an evil resort __(55)
- Hell, which they shall enter; how evil
the cradle!(56)
- This, so let them taste it __ boiling water
and pus;(57)
- and other things, many kinds of its type.(58)
- `This is a troop rushing in with you; there
is no welcome for them; they shall enter the Fire.'(59)
- They will say, `no, it is you for whom
there is no welcome; you forwarded it for us; and how evil is the resting
- They will say, `our Lord, whoso forwarded this for us, give him a double
punishment in the Fire.'(61)
- And they will say, `how is it with us,
that we do not see men whom we counted among the wicked.(62)
- Is it that we took them for a laughing
stock, or have the eyes swerved away from them?'(63)
- That surely is the truth __ the wrangling
of the inhabitants of the Fire.(64)
- Say, `I am only a warner, and there is
no god but God, the One, the Omnipotent,(65)
- the Lord of the heavens and the earth and
what between them is, the Mighty, the All-forgiving'.(66)
- Say, `it is a big news,(67)
- from which you are turning away.(68)
- I have no knowledge of the Most High Chiefs,
when they dispute.(69)
- This only is revealed to me that I am only
a clear warner'.(70)
- When thy Lord said to the angels, `I am
creating a mortal of clay.(71)
- And when I have shaped him and breathed
in him of My spirit, fall you down to him in prostration'.(72)
- So the angels prostrated themselves, all
of them, altogether,(73)
- except Iblis; he showed arrogance, and
was among the unbelievers.(74)
- God said, `O Ibis, what prevented thee
from prostrating thyself before that I created with My hands? Did you
show arrogance or art thou of the high ones?'(75)
- He said, `I am better than he; Thou createdst
me of fire and createdst him of clay'.(76)
- God said, `now get thou out from here,
for thou art accursed.(77)
- And upon thee shall rest My curse till
the Day of Recompense'.(78)
- He said, `my Lord, respite me till the
Day they shall be raised'.(79)
- God said, `thou art among the respited,(80)
- until the Day of the Known Time'.(81)
- He said, `by Thy glory, I shall pervert
them all together,(82)
- except Thy exclusive servants out of them.'(83)
- God said, `the truth is, and the truth
I speak,(84)
- I shall certainly fill Hell with thee and
with those who among them follow thee, all together.'(85)
- Say, `I do not ask of you any wage for
it, and I am no pretender.(86)
- It is not but a Reminder for all people.(87)
- And you shall surely know its news after
a while.'(88)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information
Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.
Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran
File format: plain text ( web pages )
Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages
Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb
Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings
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