English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb
English translation of holy Quran - surah 36. Ya-Sin of 114
This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.
YASIN (36)
Revealed At Mecca, Verses: 83
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The
- Ya Sin (Y.S.).(1)
- By the Wise Qur'an,(2)
- thou art surely one of the Envoys,(3)
- on a straight path;(4)
- (it is) the sending down of the Mighty, the Merciful,(5)
- that thou mayest warn a people whose fathers were not warned, and they are unaware.(6)
- The Word has indeed proved true against most of them, so they do not believe.(7)
- We have put fetters on their necks, and they are upto the chins, so their heads are raised up.(8)
- And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, so they do not see.(9)
- And it is equal for them whether thou warn them or warn them not, they will not believe.(10)
- Thou only warnest him who follows the Remembrance and fears the All-merciful without seeing; so give him the good news of forgiveness
and a generous wage.(11)
- It is We who give life to the dead and write down what
they have forwarded and their marks (that they have left behind;); and
everything We have numbered in a clear diary.(12)
- And strike for them a similitude of the people of the
town. When Envoys came to it;(13)
- when We sent to them two, and they gave them lies; then
We reinforced them with a third, and they said, `we are Envoys to you.'(14)
- They said, `you are not but mortals like us, and the All-merciful
has not sent down anything; you are only speaking lies.'(15)
- They said `our Lord knows, we are surely Envoys to you.(16)
- And our duty is not but to deliver the Manifest Message.'(17)
They said, `we augur ill of you; if you do not give over,
we will stone you, and there shall befall upon you a painful punishment
from us'.(18)
- They said, `your augury is with you. Is it because you
are being reminded? No, but you are an extravagant people.'(19)
- And there came running from the furthest part of the city
a man; he said, `my people, follow the Envoys;(20)
- follow those who do not ask of you any wage, and who are
- And why should not I serve Him who originated
me and to whom you shall be returned?(22)
- Shall I take, apart from Him, gods whose
intercession, if the All-merciful desires to harm me, shall not avail
me in the least, nor will they rescue me?(23)
- In that case I should indeed be clearly
- I believe in your Lord, so hear me.'(25)
- It was said, `enter Paradise.' He said,
`ah, would that my people knew,(26)
- how my Lord has forgiven me and has placed
me among the honoured.'(27)
- And We did not send down upon his people,
after him, any host from the heaven, and We never send down any.(28)
- It was only one Cry, and lo, they were
silent and still.(29)
- Woe for the servants! Never a Messenger
comes to them but they mock at him.(30)
- Have they not seen how many a generation
We destroyed before them, and that they do not return to them?(31)
- And all will be arraigned before Us, altogether.(32)
- And a Sign for them is the dead land that
We quickened and brought forth from it grain, whereof they eat.(33)
- And We made therein gardens of palms and
vines, and therein We caused fountains to gush forth,(34)
- that they may eat of its fruit, and their
hands did not make it; so will they not be thankful?(35)
- Holy be He, who created all the pairs of
what the earth produces, and of themselves, and of what they do not know.(36)
- And a Sign for them is the night; We strip
off the day from it, and lo, they are in darkness.(37)
- And the sun moves on its resting place,
that is the ordaining of the Mighty, the Knowing.(38)
- And the moon, We have ordained for it stages,
till it returns like an old palm bough.(39)
- It behoves not the sun to overtake the
moon, nor does the night outstrip the day; and all are floating in an
- And a Sign for them is that We carried
their offspring in the laden ship,(41)
- and We have created for them the like of
it whereon they ride.(42)
- And if We will, We may drown them, then
they have none to cry to, nor are they rescued,(43)
- except as a mercy from Us and enjoyment
for a time.(44)
- And when it is said to them, `fear what
is before you and what is behind you, that you may find mercy.'(45)
- Yet no Sign of the signs of their Lord
comes to them but they turn away from it.(46)
- And when it is said to them, `expend of
what God has provided you,' the unbelievers say to the Believers, `shall
we feed him whom God, if the willed, would have fed? You are but clearly
astray!' (47)
- And they say, `when shall this promise
come to pass, if you are truthful?'(48)
- They are waiting only for one Cry which
will seize them, while they will yet be disputing.(49)
- Then they will not be able to make a testament,
nor will they return to their families.(50)
- And the Trumpet shall be blown, then lo,
they are sliding down from the tombs to their Lord.(51)
- They say, `woe to us! Who has raised us
from our sleeping place?' __ `This is what the All-merciful promised,
and the Envoys spoke the truth.'(52)
- It was only one Cry, then lo, they are
all arraigned before Us.(53)
- So today no soul shall be wronged in the
least, and you shall not be recompensed except for what you have been
- Today the inhabitants of Paradise are busy
in rejoicing;(55)
- they and their wives are in the shades,
reclining on couches;(56)
- for them therein are fruits and whatever
they call for.(57)
- `Peace' is the word from a Merciful Lord.(58)
- `And, today, get yourselves apart, O Sinners!(59)
- Did I not make covenant with you, O Children
of Adam, that you shall not serve the Devil; surely he is on open enemy
to you;(60)
- and that you shall serve Me __ this is
a straight path.(61)
- And he led astray big multitudes of you;
did you not then
- understand?(62)
- Here is Hell, that you were promised.(63)
- Enter it today, for you disbelieved.(64)
- Today We set a seal on their mouths, and
their hands speak to Us, and their feet bear witness to what they have
been earning.(65)
- And if We will, We would have obliterated
their eyes, then they would race to the path, but how would they see?(66)
- And if We will, We would have transformed
them in their place, then they would not be able to go forward, nor return.(67)
- And to whom We give long life, We reverse
him in constitution; do they not understand?(68)
- And We have not taught him poetry, and
it is not becoming of him. It is only a Remembrance and a plain Reading
- that he may warn him who is alive, and
that the Word may prove true against the unbelievers.(70)
- And did they not see that We have created
for them of that Our hands made __ cattle, and now they are their masters.(71)
- And We have subdued them to them, so that
some of them they ride, and some they eat.(72)
- And they have (other) uses in them and
also beverages; so will they not be thankful?(73)
- Yet they have taken gods, apart from God,
that they may be helped.(74)
- They are not able to help them, and they
will be their hosts that will be arraigned.(75)
- So let not their talk grieve thee; We know
what they conceal and what they make public.(76)
- And has not man seen that We created him
of a sperm-drop? Then, lo, he is an open disputant?(77)
- And he has struck for Us a similitude,
and has forgotten his creation; he says, `who will quicken the bones when
they are decayed?'(78)
- Say, `He, who originated them the first
time, will quicken them; and He knows every creation;(79)
- He who made for you, out of the green tree,
fire, then lo, from it you kindle'.(80)
- Is not He, who created the heavens and
the earth, able to create the like of them? Yes indeed; for He is the
All-creator, the Knowing.(81)
- His command, when He desires a thing, is
only to say to it, `Be', and it is. (82)
- So
Holy be He, in whose hand is the control of everything, and to whom you
shall be returned.(83)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information
Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.
Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran
File format: plain text ( web pages )
Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages
Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb
Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings
Direct links to surahs of holy Quran