English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb
English translation of holy Quran - surah 15. Al-Hijr of 114
This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.
AL-HIJR (15)
Revealed at Mecca, Verses: 99
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The
- Alif Lam Ra (A.L.R.) __ these are
the Signs of the Book and of a Clear Reading (Qur'an).(1)
- The unbelievers will sometime wish that
they had surrendered.(2)
- Leave them to eat and enjoy and let their
hopes delude them, for they will soon know!(3)
- And whatever city We destroyed, there was
a known decree for it.(4)
- No community precedes its term, nor does
it put it back.(5)
- And they say, `thou, on whom the Admonition
is sent down, thou art surely mad.(6)
- Why dost thou not bring us the angels,
if thou art of the truthful?'(7)
- We send not down the angels but with truth,
and then they are not respited.(8)
- It is We who have sent down the Admonition,
and We are surely its guardians.(9)
- And indeed We sent Messengers before thee
among the ancient sects.(10)
- And no Messenger came to them but they
mocked at him.(11)
- Even so We cause it to enter into the hearts
of the sinners __ (12)
- they do not believe in it, and the tradition
of the ancients is already gone.(13)
- And even if We opened to them a gate in
the heaven, and they kept ascending through it,(14)
- they would surely say, `only our eyes have
been dazzled; no, we are a bewitched people'.(15)
- And We have set constellations in the heaven
and adorned them for the beholders,(16)
- and We have guarded it from every outcast
- except him who listens by stealth then
a visible flame follows him.(18)
- And the earth, We have spread it out, and
cast therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein everything duly
- And We have made therein livelihood for
you and for those you provide not.(20)
- There is not a thing but We have its treasures,
yet We send it down only in a known measure.(21)
- And We loose fertilising winds, then send
down water from heaven, then give it to you to drink; and you are no treasurers
of it.(22)
- And it is We who give life and make to
die, and We are the inheritors.(23)
- And We know those of you who have gone
before, and We know those who lag behind.(24)
- And it is thy Lord who shall muster them;
surely He is Wise, Knowing.(25)
- And surely We created man from dried clay
of moulded mud;(26)
- and the jinn, we created before, of flaming
- And when thy Lord said to the angels, `I
am making a mortal from dried clay of moulded mud,(28)
- so when I have shaped him and breathed
in him of My Spirit, fall you down to him prostrating.'(29)
- And the angels prostrated themselves, all
of them, all together,(30)
- except Iblis; he refused to be with those
- God said, `O Iblis, what ails thee that
thou art not among those prostrating?'(32)
- He said, `I would never prostrate myself
before a mortal whom Thou hast created from dried clay of moulded mud.'(33)
- God said, `get thou out from here; thou
art an outcast,(34)
- and upon thee shall rest the curse till
the Day of Recompense'.(35)
- He said, `my Lord, respite me till the
Day they will be raised.'(36)
- God said, `thou art among those that are
- till the Day of the Known Time!'(38)
- He said, `my Lord, as Thou hast perverted
me, I will make for them adornments in the earth, and will pervert them
all together,(39)
- excepting Thy sincere servants among them.'(40)
- God said, `this is a straight path leading
to me.(41)
- Over My servants, thou shalt have no authority,
excepting such perverts as follow thee.(42)
- And Hell is the promised land of all of
them. (43)
- It has seven gates; for every gate shall
be a set portion of them.'(44)
- Surely the godfearing shall be amidst gardens
and fountains: (45)
- `enter them in peace and security'.(46)
- And We shall draw out whatever rancour
is there in their breasts; as brothers they will be sitting face to face
on couches.(47)
- Fatigue shall not touch them there, nor
shall they be expelled from there.(48)
- Tell My servants that I am the Forgiving,
the Merciful,(49)
- and that My punishment is the painful punishment.(50)
- And tell them of the guests of Abraham.(51)
- When they entered to him, they said, `Peace'.
He said, `we are afraid of you.'(52)
- They said, `be not afraid; we give thee
good news of a boy possessing knowledge!'(53)
- He said, `do you give me good news when
old age has come upon me? Of what do you give me good news?' (54)
- They said, `We give thee good news with
truth, so be not among those that despair'.(55)
- He said, `and who despairs of his Lord's
mercy excepting the astray?'(56)
- He said, `and what is your business, O
- They said, `we have been sent to a people
of sinners,(58)
- except the people of Lot. We shall deliver
them all,(59)
- except his wife; we have estimated that
she shall be among those who stay behind'. (60)
- So when the Envoys came to the people of
- he said, `you are a people unknown.'(62)
- They said, `no, we have brought thee what
they were doubting;(63)
- and we have come to thee with the truth,
and we are surely truthful.(64)
- So set thou forth with thy family during
a part of the night, and follow in their rear, and let none of you turn
round, and proceed wither you are commanded'.(65)
- And We informed him of that task __ that
the root of these people shall be cut off by morning.(66)
- And the people of the city came rejoicing.(67)
- He said, `these are my guests, so do not
put me to shame,(68)
- and fear God, and do not disgrace me'.(69)
- They said, `did we not forbid thee of people?'(70)
- He said, `here are my daughters, if you
must do'.(71)
- By thy life, they wandered blindly in their
- And the Cry seized them by sunrise,(73)
- and We turned it (the town) upside down,
and rained on them stones of baked clay.(74)
- Surely in that are Signs for the observant.(75)
- And surely it lies on an existing way.(76)
- In that is surely a Sign for the Believers.(77)
- And surely the people of the Wood were
- so We took vengeance upon them; and the
two (towns) are on an open road.(79)
- And the people of Al-Hijr gave lies to
the Envoys;(80)
- and We brought them Our Signs, but they
turned away from them.(81)
- And they used to hew out houses from the
mountains, dwelling there, in security.(82)
- Then the Cry seized them by morning,(83)
- and what they had earned did not avail
- And We created not the heavens and the
earth and what is between them but with truth; and the Hour is sure to
come; so overlook thou with grace.(85)
- Surely thy Lord, He is the All-creator,
the Knowing.(86)
- And We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated
Verses and the Grand Qur'an.(87)
- Stretch not thy eyes to that We have given
to some groups of theirs to enjoy, and grieve not for them; and keep thy
wing low to the Believers.(88)
- And say, `surely I am the clear warner.'(89)
- As We have sent down to those who have
- those who have broken the Qur'an into segments.(91)
- So, by thy Lord, We will surely question
them all,(92)
- concerning that they were doing.(93)
- So declare openly what thou art commanded,
and turn thou away from the idolaters.(94)
- We shall suffice thee against the mockers,(95)
- those who set up with God another god;
they will soon know'.(96)
- And We know indeed that thy breast is straitened
by what they say;(97)
- but celebrate thy Lord's praise, and be
among those who prostrate;(98)
- and serve thy Lord, until the Certain comes
to thee.(99)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information
Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.
Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran
File format: plain text ( web pages )
Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages
Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb
Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings
Direct links to surahs of holy Quran