English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb
English translation of holy Quran - surah 13. Al-Ra'd (The Thunder) of 114
This version of holy Quran has English translation in plain text format by Quran Web. The translation is in single color and each verse is listed by ordered numbers.
AL-RAD (13)
Revealed at Medina,Verses: 43
In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The
- Alif Lam Mim Ra (A.L.M.R.); those
are the Signs of the Book; and that which is sent down to thee from thy
Lord is the truth, but most men believe not. (1)
- God is He who raised up the heavens without
pillars that you can see, then took over the Throne, and He subjected
the sun and the moon, each running to a stated term; He directs the Affair,
distinguishing the Signs that you may have faith in the meeting with your
- And it is He who spread the earth, and
set in it firm mountains and rivers; and of every fruit He made therein
two kinds, covers the day with the night; surely in that are Signs for
a people who ponder.(3)
- And in the earth are adjoining tracts and
gardens of vines and sown fields and palm trees __ in clusters and otherwise
__ all watered with one water; __ yet We make some of them to excel others
in food; surely in that are Signs for a people who understand. (4)
- And if thou wouldst wonder, then wonderful
is their saying: `what, when we have become dust, shall we be in a new
creation?' Those are they who disbelieve in their Lord, and those __ on
their necks are fetters; and those are the people of the Fire, wherein
they shall dwell forever.(5)
- And they ask thee to hasten the evil before
the good, yet examples have passed away before them; and thy Lord is surely
forgiving to men despite their wrong-doing, and thy Lord is surely terrible
in retribution.(6)
- And the unbelievers say, `why has not a
Sign been sent down on him from his Lord?' Thou art only a warner; and
for every people there is a guide!(7)
- God knows what every female bears, and
shrinking and swelling of the wombs and everything with Him has its measure.(8)
- The knower of the unseen and the visible,
the Great, the Exalted.(9)
- Alike among you is he who conceals the
saying and he who talks it aloud, and he who hides himself in the night
and he who walks about during day.(10)
- He has attendant angels, before him and
behind him, that watch over him by God's command; surely God does not
change the state of a people, unless they change their selves; and when
God desires evil for a people, there is no turning back of it, and they
have no protector, apart from Him.(11)
- It is He who shows you the lightning for
fear and hope, and produces the heavy clouds.(12)
- And the thunder and the angels proclaim
His praise in awe of Him; and He looses the thunderbolts, then afflicts
with them whom He will, while they are disputing about God; and He is
mighty in power.(13)
- To Him is due the true calling; and those
upon whom they call, apart from Him, do not answer them a thing, except
that it is like a man who stretches out his palms to water that it may
reach his mouth, but it does not reach it; and the call of the unbelievers
goes only astray.(14)
- And to God prostrates whosoever is in the
heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and also their shadows
in the mornings and the evenings.(15)
- Say, `who is the Lord of the heavens and
the earth?' Say, `God'. Say, `have you then taken protectors apart from
Him, those who have no power to profit or hurt even themselves?' Say,
`are the blind and the seeing man equal, or are the darkness and the light
equal?' Or have they assigned to God associates, who have created the
like of His creation, and the creation looks alike to them?' Say, `God
is the creator of everything, and He is the One, the Omnipotent'.(16)
- He sends down water from the heaven, so
that the valleys flow in their measure, and the torrent carries a swelling
scum. And out of that over which they kindle fire, seeking ornament or
ware, arises a similar scum. Thus God describes the true and the false.
Then as for the scum, it disappears like froth; and as for that which
profits men, it stays in the earth; so God describes the similitudes.(17)
- For those who answer their Lord is a reward
most fair; and those who do not answer Him, if they had all that is in
the earth, and also the like of it with it; they would surely offer it
for their ransom; those __ theirs shall be the evil reckoning, and their
abode shall be Hell; an evil cradling.(18)
- Is then he who knows what is sent down
to thee from thy Lord is the truth, like him who is blind? But only men
of understanding pay heed,(19)
- those who fulfil God's covenant, and do
not break the compact,(20)
- and those who join what God has commanded
should be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread the evil reckoning.(21)
- And those who are patient in seeking their
Lords' attention, and establish the Prayer, and expend of that We have
provided them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good, theirs shall
be the Ultimate Home __ (22)
- Gardens of Eternity which they shall enter,
and those of their fathers, their wives, and their offspring who acted
right; and the angels shall enter to them from every gate: (23)
- `Peace be upon you, for that you were patient';
so how excellent is the Ultimate Home!'(24)
- And those who break the covenant of God
after ratifying it, and cut what God has commanded should be joined, and
create disorder in the earth, on them shall rest the curse and for them
shall be the Evil Home.(25)
- God outspreads and straitens the provision
for whom He will; and they rejoice in the present life; but the present
life is nothing against the Hereafter but some enjoyment.(26)
- And the unbelievers say, `why has a Sign
not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say, `God sends astray whom
He will, and guides to Himself those who turn to Him,(27)
- those who believe, and their hearts find
contentment in the remembrance of God. Behold, in God's remembrance do
the hearts find contentment.(28)
- Those who believe and do righteous deeds,
for them is blessedness and a handsome resort!(29)
- Thus We have sent thee in a community,
before which (many) communities have passed away, that thou mayest recite
to them what We have revealed to thee, while they disbelieve in the All-merciful.
Say, `He is my Lord, there is no god but He; in Him I put my trust, and
to Him I turn'.(30)
- And If there were a Reading (Qur'an) whereby
the mountains were moved, or the earth were torn asunder, or the dead
were spoken to, but to God belongs the Affair altogether. Have not the
Believers yet known that if God willed, He would have guided men all together?
But unbelievers -- the shattering disaster shall not cease to afflict
them or alight near their homes, for what they have worked, until God's
promise comes; surely God fails not the appointed time.(31)
- And indeed the Messengers were mocked at
before thee, and I respited the unbelievers, then I seized them __ so
how was My retribution!(32)
- Is then He who stands over every soul for
what it has earnsed__but they have assigned associates to God. Say,
`name them, or do you tell Him what He does not know in the earth, or
in apparent words?' No, but to the unbelievers, their devising seems fair
and they are barred from the way; and whomso God sends astray, no guide
has he.(33)
- For them shall be punishment in the present
life, and the punishment of the Hereafter shall be more crushing; and
there shall be none to defend them from God.(34)
- The likeness of Paradise promised to the
godfearing: rivers flow underneath it; its food and its shade are everlasting;
that is the end-reward of the godfearing, while the end-reward of the
unbelievers is the Fire.(35)
- And those to whom We have given the Book
rejoice in what is sent down to thee, and among the factions are those
who deny some of it. Say, `I have been commanded to serve God only and
not to associate any with Him; to Him I call, and to HIm is my resort'.(36)
- And even so We have sent it down as a Judgement
in Arabic. And if thou followest their caprices after the knowledge that
has come to thee, thou shalt have no protector and no defender against
- And We indeed sent Messengers before thee,
and assigned wives and offspring to them; and it was not for any Messenger
to bring a Sign but by God's leave. Every term has a Book.(38)
- God blots out and establishes what He will,
and with Him is the Mother-Book.(39)
- And whether we show thee some of that We
promise them or call thee to Us, thine is only to deliver the Message,
and Ours the reckoning.(40)
- And have they not seen that We are diminishig
the land from its sides? And God judges; there is none to repel His judgement;
and He is swift at the reckoning.(41)
- And those that were before them also devised,
but God's is the devising altogether; He knows what every soul earns;
and the unbelievers shall know for whom shall be the Final Abode.(42)
- And the unbelievers say, `thou art not
an Envoy'. Say, `God suffices as a witness between me and you, and he
who has the knowledge of the Book'.(43)
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English translation of holy Quran by QuranWeb - more information
Introduction: English translation in plain text format generously provided by QuranWeb. For details about this translation please check the website of QuranWeb.
Other contributions: Urdu translation of holy Quran
File format: plain text ( web pages )
Contents: total 114 surah in 114 pages
Full Quran: Full Quran on single web page by QuranWeb
Type: the translation is idiomatic and only has English text with no Arabic transcript. The text is in black color and an easy to read font which can also be stylized by using your browser stylesheet / accessibility settings
Direct links to surahs of holy Quran